#sfdroid log for Thursday, 2017-01-05

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saidinesh5compiling a minimal sfdroid/CM build .. so i will try running it in lxc, with a shared tmp partition..12:56
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saidinesh5yeah right now everytime i start sfdroid, even though it isnt booting, it is messing up my data/cache so everytime i boot into android, it is "optimizing" my 200 applications15:43
saidinesh5phone overheating and all that15:43
nh1402saidinesh5: I would suggest Nougat but haven't done any sfdroid modifications for that yet, and isn't even supported with libhybris yet either. Unless you want to go backwards and try KitKat15:45
saidinesh5nh1402: oh i am doing the CM12.1 itself.. still building slowly....15:46
saidinesh5interesting: https://github.com/webOS-ports/meta-smartphone/blob/webOS-ports/master/meta-android/recipes-core/android-system/android-system/lxc-config16:04
saidinesh5should have unchecked the webkit parts.. damn. stlll building webkit16:21
nh1402saidinesh5: the "opitimising" thing is because the runtime is ART, in Kitkat the default is dalvik, and in Nougat it's still dalvik but it's a hybrid system, so it doesn't have the annoying optimising rubbish16:26
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saidinesh5I see... well if this works out, i can then move up to Android N and see that16:35
saidinesh5for N i have to get new blobs and all that again.. so that's why not touching it16:35
saidinesh5plus  I dont know how selinux being disabled is going to mess with all the security stuff introduced in android 616:36
saidinesh5there were even a lot of kernel patches in between CM12.1(my sfos base) and CM14.1 .. so its kind of scary to deviate from the current versions16:38
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nh1402__saidinesh5: Nougat is still ART* but it's a hybrid system.18:08
nh1402__yh I wouldn't advice switching to nougat, at least not yet.18:09
saidinesh5yeah there have been a lot of device/ kernel/ changes in between CM12.1 and CM14.1 .. so i dont want to try N yet18:09
saidinesh5compiling CM is such a pain..18:10
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nh1402_saidinesh5: so is this going to be a chroot kind of deal then?18:46
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saidinesh5nh1402_: yep.18:46
saidinesh5apparently chrome os does the same too18:46
nh1402I thought there's was a bit more like sfdroid, it renders into a wayland window, and uses some system to pass input18:47
nh1402their system*18:48
saidinesh5from the bits of code i read, SFDroid has a sharebuffer module which allocates some gpu memory and renders Android surfaces to it18:48
saidinesh5and passes around the id of that memory to SFdroid renderer via. unix socket18:48
saidinesh5was a bit lazy reading the code, so i maybe wrong18:48
nh1402that is how it works currently, yes.18:49
saidinesh5So what i want to do is run SFDroid's init in a container.... and keep the remaining same18:50
saidinesh5well mostly.. also make sure that everything sfdroid needs is there in the container itself..18:51
saidinesh5right now i am just putting the patched libraries in /usr/libexec/sfdroid.. and it was loading some unpatched stuff from /system, /vendor...18:52
saidinesh5And having to LD_PRELOAD / LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Sailfish's init actually messed things up a little in my first attempt18:52
nh1402well krnlyng experimented running it through glibc via some patching, and got it rendering without the buffer.18:53
nh1402so things like surfaceflinger ran through glibc instead of bionic, if I understood that correctly.18:53
saidinesh5but we still have no control what vendor binaries/services do right?18:54
nh1402which in theory means all the input could be fiddled to work, including bluetooth and gps, again in theory.18:54
nh1402yes, can't do anything about that.18:54
saidinesh5how are we taking care of input right now btw?18:55
nh1402and due to the modifications that Google did from Marshmallow onwards the glibc way that he did wouldn't work, and would need a lot more patching.18:55
saidinesh5I see18:55
nh1402either via the socket or via dbus18:56
nh1402is how input works currently.18:56
nh1402mobile data and WiFi work via dbus, and everything else is via the socket iirc18:56
saidinesh5via socket as in SFDroid renderer sends it?18:57
saidinesh5So getting the container to work means we can actually use the same container on other devices too..?18:59
nh1402depends on if the devices do it the same way or not. Might need some tweaking.19:00
nh1402Google didn't roll out ARC++ to all the chromebooks, they've been rolling it out slowly one by one, so it sounds like it isn't all that portable.19:01
nh1402sfdroid would be no different.19:01
saidinesh5I see..19:02
nh1402Although I have been wondering what kind of relationship libinput has with wayland, and if we could exploit that relationship to get input working via lipstick19:03
saidinesh5Ah.. you mean a libinput based libhardware module?19:03
saidinesh5(not sure which part handles the input in android)19:03
nh1402krnlyng, mal, locusf etc. would know more about the details of sfdroid and what can and can't be done.19:04
malnh1402: what kind of things do you mean19:05
nh1402mal: if putting CM in an lxc container would mean it would be more portable to run on numerous devices without modifications, if input works via socket and dbus currently, if anything can be done about vendor libs, if input can be routed through wayland somehow via libinput19:07
nh1402mal, basically if anything I said over the past hour is accurate19:09
nh1402half hour19:13
saidinesh5bah., having to rebuild cm because i didnt have unzip in the chroot and now my java dependencies are broken19:14
nh1402saidinesh5: http://newandroidbook.com/Book/Input.html?r19:15
saidinesh5I see19:17
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saidinesh5what the...21:53
saidinesh5/android/system/out/target/common/obj/PACKAGING/system-api.txt:18255: error 3: Added class Helpers to package android.net21:54
saidinesh5errors from api.txt files? O_O21:54
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saidinesh5should have ripped off the documentation repo when cloning this22:17
nh1402never heard of that before22:20
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