#sfdroid log for Friday, 2017-01-06

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saidinesh5bah some of my sources werent fully downloaded..01:53
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*** Tofe <Tofe!~Tofe@nor75-20-82-247-155-176.fbx.proxad.net> has joined #sfdroid10:41
TofeHas someone around here already tried starting sfdroid from within a lxc container ?10:44
malnot sure if anyone has tried but there was talk about that here yesterday10:50
nh1402saidinesh5: has been attempting it10:51
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TofeWell, I'll be trying it in a couple of days too, so we'll see11:52
TofeIf I understand well how sfdroid works, to test it I just have to compile sfdroid-renderer and start it alongside the other android runtime. It should then start the launcher. right?12:16
saidinesh5Tofe: interesting timing! i actually saw your comments on Lune OS just yesterday!12:28
saidinesh5Tofe: that's right. make Sfdroid renderer start your lxc container with the patched android12:29
Tofesaidinesh5: yes, we just finished migrating to a CM12.1-based libhybris, and we now re-use the /system partition that is present on the device, much like sailfishos ports do.12:32
TofeSo it *should* be pretty straightforward, except I guess it will need a bit of lxc tweaking to let sfdroid communicate with wayland.12:33
saidinesh5i basically compiled sfdroid for my device but it was too messy to debug when it was loading a 100 different services from my installed apps from my /data, and putting in LD_PRELOAD, LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Sailfish's droid-init's init.rc was messing with my system12:34
saidinesh5hence trying to move to LXC, but since yesterday compiiling android12:34
saidinesh5Tofe: the plan for the communication is to share the /tmp12:34
saidinesh5sfdroid-renderer communicates with the patched libhardware modules via. a Unix domain socket12:35
Tofeah, yes, would be quite a simple solution12:35
saidinesh5plus need to figure out how to share dbus12:35
Tofeit needs dbus?12:35
saidinesh5that's what SFdroid is using to deal with activating/deactivating some services afaik12:36
Tofeah ok, I'll need to have a look at that12:37
saidinesh5<nh1402> mobile data and WiFi work via dbus, and everything else is via the socket iirc12:37
saidinesh5Tofe: you got any stripped down manifest.xml i can use?12:37
Tofesure ;)12:38
saidinesh5yesterday after like 6 hours i had to find out that my build was worthless because i didnt have unzip in my chrooot and it was leading to all kinds of errors12:38
Tofesaidinesh5: something like that https://gist.github.com/Tofee/c57009c5eca19130a412c7cfaf66d26c12:38
Tofebut keep in mind that I'm just building the hybris HAL bit12:39
Tofenot the whole CM12:39
saidinesh5oh i meant the whole CM12:39
saidinesh5i am trying to compile it for lxc right?12:39
saidinesh5so i need a manifest.xml as minimal CM as i could get away with12:40
Tofebut you still want to apply the hybris patch, right?12:41
Tofealso I would advise you to build the embedded android target instead of the whole aosp stuff12:42
saidinesh5why would i need hybris patch?12:43
saidinesh5oh i wrote a custom sfdroid.mk with to build core_minimal12:43
saidinesh5we do need some AOSP stuff for sfdroid..12:45
saidinesh5frameworks etc..12:45
Tofeah it's true that in this case, you don't mix bionic and glibc stacks, so it might not be needed. I'm a bit lost sometimes :)12:46
saidinesh5embedded looked like it would build only the native part of frameworks all the things that go into bin/ etc..12:46
saidinesh5but even core minimal - the bit that failed to compile after 6 hours ate like 30 GB of hard disk and compiled every useless thing12:47
saidinesh5half of which is chromium12:47
TofeI'm not very surprised, it's very hard to untangle the whole thing12:47
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saidinesh5nh1402: do you have a manifest for a stripped down android/cyanogenmod?14:24
nh1402saidinesh5, i dont believe so14:26
Tofesaidinesh5: you do know that mer-project's manifest is already a bit stripped down, right?14:28
saidinesh5Tofe: i cant start with mer project's manifest. because i have no clue what i need to add on top of it for android stuff we need.14:29
saidinesh5that's why stripping down a cyanogenmod's manifest manually14:29
TofeOk. Well, then, good luck :)14:30
saidinesh5heh each edit means at least 10-15 minutes of make that tells me something is missing14:30
Tofesaidinesh5: that version of my local_manifest did build, in my case, iirc: https://gist.github.com/Tofee/c57009c5eca19130a412c7cfaf66d26c/759e7e2a422928c2df818eff0aafa90dd18d506214:33
TofeBut it was made to be compiled with hybris, so maybe it'll just make you lose time instead14:34
Tofe(though it was a full minimal build)14:34
saidinesh5why the:  <project path="prebuilts/qemu-kernel" name="platform/prebuilts/qemu-kernel" groups="pdk" clone-depth="1" remote="aosp" /> ?14:34
TofeThat was required by the build at some point14:35
TofeI agree it looks weird14:35
* saidinesh5 adds it back to his manifest14:35
saidinesh5Tofe: is chromium really needed for the CM build?14:40
saidinesh5i remember with 5.1 android moved it's webview/html viewer to use that14:40
saidinesh5they eat up like half the build time14:41
TofeI don't really know14:44
TofeBut yes it's a pretty big piece...14:44
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nh1402saidinesh5, what you could try and do is, modify the arm emulator image to work with sfdroid, and put that into an lxc containter, that should could run on numerous devices, although I'm not sure about performance.15:40
saidinesh5nh1402: how is audio handled?15:44
nh1402saidinesh5, I have absolutely no idea16:16
nh1402i want to go out on a limb and say audio worked straight away on the nexus 5, but other devices needed some modifications, but I really don't know for sure.16:18
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saidinesh5art/runtime/gc/space/malloc_space.h:23:10: fatal error: 'valgrind.h' file not found17:13
saidinesh5art needs valgrind now?17:14
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saidinesh5nh1402__: btw. i think we are reading input directly from /dev/input/...22:50
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