#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2017-01-04

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saidinesh5ouch.. whole sailfish broke when trying out sfdroid08:48
saidinesh5journalctl is filled with  Failed to create cgroup /system.slice/ofono.service: No such file or directory08:49
saidinesh5messages like this08:49
entilI'm fscked with sfdroid :( zero clue into what's happening and apparently I'm the only one on the planet with a fairphone and an interest in sfdroid08:51
saidinesh5oh i feel ya08:53
saidinesh5i am beginning to wish i had a secondary phone to experiment this stuff on08:53
kimmoliis it easier to port your favorite app to sfos, that sfdroid ??08:53
saidinesh5not that i know of08:54
* kimmoli has 2 onyxes08:54
saidinesh5that explains your fearlessness!08:54
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saidinesh5kimmoli: other than minimedia and minisf do i have to disable anything else in mer init.rc?10:52
saidinesh5btw. i created a spec file for packaging sfdroid dependencies: https://paste.kde.org/pw1amyl1t (straight from the tarball) is there anything i am missing in here?10:57
entiloh yeah, I was meaning to expand my build script to build the actual RPM10:58
entilkimmoli: whatsapp cannot be ported10:58
saidinesh5whatsapp + my bank apps...10:59
entiloh yeah, my other bank's trying to push their apps real hard11:00
saidinesh5So this way, moving the git parts to a local_manifest and packaging parts to this spec file means11:01
saidinesh5build script can simply focus on building11:01
saidinesh5touche. all that's missing is how he has no facebook acccount11:03
entilhehe, I'm not on facebook and I got my gf to use my owncloud setup instead of google for our calendars and files11:03
entilbut that's a far cry from that image11:03
saidinesh52017  is supposed to be my year of moving away from google services...11:03
entilyoutube's kinda hard to get rid of11:04
saidinesh5oh i mean just the services which i need to log in to11:04
entiland my employer uses google for some things, but I've used ddg more or less solely throughout 2016, though I had to find that image using google cuz ddg didn't cut it11:04
entilah, I log into youtube, their recommendation engine is mainly good and I don't have to remember to check in my favorite channels11:05
entilbut ymmv as always, I would prefer not having to do this, but my channel subscriptions and some others are a very minor privacy threat11:05
saidinesh5i was on ddg in 2016.. but i used to go back to !g a lot of the time during normal searches. interestingly for most code related stuff, i started going from google to ddg11:05
entilif I wanted to watch bomb construction tutorials I'd probably not use my logged-in account for it anyway11:05
saidinesh5yeah .. most of my youtube browsing - except for things i want in my recommendations is done in the other browser...11:06
entilI'd fall back on !g if I didn't get good results and often enough the results were the same(!)11:06
saidinesh5for code search ddg is actually nicer at a lot of times11:06
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entilprobably yeah, but it's the regular joes who matter11:07
saidinesh5so which part of sfdroid did you get stuck at entil?11:09
entilI do the killalls, then I get a black-ish (dark gray) screen, and it might be the audio thing11:09
saidinesh5Ahh.. that's further than me11:10
saidinesh5so which parts of sf init services did you have to disable?11:10
entil12/14/#sfdroid.log:20:18 <@krnlyng> entil: it also seems that the permissions error only occur AFTER the second audio_flinger service gets registered and since this needs to be fixed anyways it would be my starting point11:10
entilI have nfi (pardon my .fr) how to approach that11:10
entiland I'm not sure which services I _have_ to disable, I've tried jiggling some11:11
entilI think it's just miniaf11:12
saidinesh5minisf = minisurface flinger right?11:12
saidinesh5and we also use minimedia ...11:12
entilthis is miniaf11:13
entilhrmph, service surfaceflinger is disabled11:13
saidinesh5without surfaceflinger how did you get sfdroid to render?11:13
entilit shows only a blackish screen, it does not render11:14
entiland I did not disable surfaceflinger, it has the comment "# Disabled in Mer - used only during porting atm"11:14
saidinesh5Ah i think you need surfaceflinger with sharebuffer11:14
saidinesh5Ahh you mean your init.rc11:14
entilinit.rc yes11:14
entilwhat were you thinking I meant?11:15
saidinesh5i thought you meant both11:15
entildoes this audio_flinger duplicate service thingie pop up with other platforms than fp2?11:18
saidinesh5i use miniaf inside sailfish for phonecalls etc.. afai11:18
saidinesh5[init.svc.miniaf]: [running]11:19
saidinesh5[init.svc.minisf]: [running]11:19
saidinesh5[init.svc.minimedia]: [running]11:19
entilhow'd you get that output?11:19
saidinesh5getprop | grep mini11:19
saidinesh5and then there is:11:19
saidinesh5# ps aux | grep mini11:19
saidinesh5media      713  0.1  0.7  75788 14012 ?        Sl   16:46   0:00 /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/bin/minimediaservice11:19
saidinesh5system     714  0.0  0.0  17600  1728 ?        Sl   16:46   0:00 /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/bin/minisfservice11:19
saidinesh5system     715  0.0  0.1  21644  3304 ?        Sl   16:46   0:00 /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/bin/miniafservice11:19
entilI have the same three11:20
entilfrom getprop11:20
saidinesh5yeah that's from sailfishos's init afaik11:20
saidinesh5you sure your sfdroid's audioflinger, surfaceflinger, mediaservice aren't conflicting with them?11:20
entilI have the same droid-hybris processes btw as well11:21
* saidinesh5 nods11:22
entiland I have no idea if they're conflicting, but disabling miniaf did not help11:22
entilproblem is that the debug rounds are quite long here, especially with the "invalid unlock" bug11:22
saidinesh5individual  unlock bug?11:22
saidinesh5and yeah building sources is a pain. takes like 15 minutes on my machine11:23
entilinvalid, it's when I reboot the phone and try to unlock it and it complains my code is invalid, which is certainly isn't, and I may require multiple reboots to get it open11:23
entilmaybe placebo but if I power off, there's a higher chance of unlocking11:23
entilanyway, all that crap takes a long tedious time11:23
saidinesh5 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/libexec/sfdroid/system/lib:/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/lib-dev-alog:/vendor/lib:/system/lib11:25
saidinesh5this bit was causing boot into recovery for me yesterday11:25
saidinesh5in the init script..11:26
entilsaidinesh5: but do you know if you're experiencing the same problem I am?11:26
saidinesh5entil: unlikely. i am still trying to get sfdroid up and running11:27
entilsaidinesh5: do you get the dark gray screen after multiple rounds of killall?11:27
entilhttps://mjt.nysv.org/scratch/sailfish/ I have some logs there11:27
saidinesh5i didnt get to killall yet... i just got a corrupted sailfishos build so far, and messed up android cache11:27
saidinesh5E/NetlinkListener(  689): recvmsg failed (I/O error)11:28
saidinesh5that doesn't look good11:28
saidinesh5half your qcom blobs and even android services use a netlink socket to receive uevents from kernel11:28
entilin order for me to be productive here, I'd have to brush up on my java (eg. read up on java 8), learn android, learn sailfish and then understand the architecture of sfdroid11:29
saidinesh5so far from what i have seen, libhardware is used to load all the hardware libraries.. in (libpath)/hw11:30
saidinesh5where libpath can be /system/lib , /usr/libexec/sfdroid/system/lib/11:30
saidinesh5so having a patched libhardware and your sfdroid services using that is important11:31
entilafaiu I have those sorted, that the branches I build against match the underlying android11:31
saidinesh5while debugging a pulse issue on sailfish, what i found weirrd was the same pulseaudio was using libhardware from both /system/lib/ and /usr/lib/libhardware..11:32
saidinesh5see if such things are causing any issues11:33
saidinesh5E/WindowManager( 5395): Exception creating Dim surface11:33
saidinesh5E/WindowManager( 5395): android.view.Surface$OutOfResourcesException11:33
entilagain, no idea how to approach any of that11:34
entilI see exceptions in the log, I worry, but as I have no way of tackling them, I post the logs here and don't sorry11:34
entilall my friends have forgotten I'm alive by now, been off whatsapp for so many months11:35
saidinesh5heh i have been fastboot boot cm-boot.img once  a day the past month11:36
saidinesh5that bug seems to be happening here: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/0a5d2c469108ee8d45d55c10ad5ce5f746afaa1f/services/java/com/android/server/WindowManagerService.java#912011:36
saidinesh5now lets look into the implementation of Surface's constructor11:37
entilit might be a subtly different place because my android base is fairphone's open android11:37
entil"my", it's the base of sfdroid-on-fairphone :P11:38
saidinesh5sure, but where does that error happen in your source?11:38
entil(which is a good base, screw google)11:38
saidinesh5mine is CM-12.1 (RIP)11:39
entil(RIP CM)11:39
entil(but doesn't CM live on under another name as a community effort now?)11:39
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saidinesh5yeah lineage OS.. we are good for now.. i think11:41
saidinesh5E/SurfaceFlinger(  690): Permission Denial: can't access SurfaceFlinger pid=5395, uid=100011:41
saidinesh5E/SurfaceFlinger(  690): Permission Denial: can't access SurfaceFlinger pid=5395, uid=100011:41
saidinesh5D/AndroidRuntime( 5395): Shutting down VM11:41
entilI guess that's where krnlyng said "permissions error only occur AFTER the second audio_flinger"11:41
saidinesh5I see11:42
entiland something called binder which is apparently some form of IPC might be the culprit of that, maybe11:43
saidinesh5also: D/SELinuxMMAC( 5395): Using policy file /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml11:44
saidinesh5we disable SELinux right?11:44
saidinesh5which process is pid 5395?11:44
saidinesh5in your logcat11:46
entilare you looking at one of the log files? those are dated, wouldn't have the same pids today I guess11:47
saidinesh5Ah.. right. but if there is some log entry like that in your logcat do make sure your selinux is turned off11:48
entil12/03/#sfdroid.log:18:11 <@krnlyng> entil: selinux is disabled11:49
entil16:46 < entil> E/SELinuxMMAC( 1373): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /seapp_contexts: open failed: EN11:49
entilOENT (No such file or directory)11:49
entilthat's more context11:49
entil16:46 < entil> I don't even know what's relevant here :(11:50
entil18:11 <@krnlyng> entil: selinux is disabled11:50
entil18:11 <@krnlyng> entil: thats fine11:50
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saidinesh5mal: kimmoli so do i have to disable miniaf/minisf/minimedia for sfdroid.. so they wont conflict with the it's services?17:20
kimmolino rememberings17:20
saidinesh5okay disabling them just in case17:22
saidinesh5lets see how far this reboot takes me17:22
malsaidinesh5: I didn't disable any of those17:23
saidinesh5logcat is having  a field day... apparently17:28
saidinesh5W/InputMethodManagerService( 2968): Couldn't create dir.: /data/system/inputmethod17:30
saidinesh5I/SystemServer( 2968): Accessibility Manager17:30
saidinesh5W/SystemServer( 2968): ***********************************************17:30
saidinesh5F/SystemServer( 2968): BOOT FAILURE making display ready17:30
saidinesh5these look like the netlink socket read failed messages i had with qcom binaries: )17:30
saidinesh5E/NetlinkListener(  773): recvmsg failed (I/O error)17:30
saidinesh5E/NetlinkListener( 3219): recvmsg failed (I/O error)17:30
saidinesh5$ sg graphics /usr/bin/sfdroid17:31
saidinesh5Error type 217:31
saidinesh5android.util.AndroidException: Can't connect to activity manager; is the system running?17:31
saidinesh5so these are the only 2 sfdroid services which are still alive:17:33
saidinesh5media     5168  1.9  0.8  81300 16072 ?        Sl   23:02   0:00 /usr/libexec/sfdroid/system/bin/mediaserver17:33
saidinesh5root      5169  0.0  0.0  21780  1024 ?        Sl   23:02   0:00 /usr/libexec/sfdroid/system/bin/netd17:33
saidinesh5or not17:34
saidinesh5now putting the export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/libexec/sfdroid/system/lib:/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/lib-dev-alog:/vendor/lib:/system/lib17:47
saidinesh5back into on init17:47
saidinesh5hmm.. need to figure out why the window manager is craashing but all my android apps from the other partition are flooding the logs...18:26
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