#sfdroid log for Tuesday, 2016-12-13

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entilso just to be sure, it's 1) take a backup of /data/.stowaways/ 2) rm -rf /data/* 3) restore backup?17:28
krnlyngentil: i wouldn't do it this way17:40
krnlyngi would just delete everything except .stoaways17:40
krnlyngentil: lets rephrase i wouldn't do it this way unless the system is not booted17:41
krnlyngentil: because .stoaways contains your rootfs17:41
entilkrnlyng: the mount is weird17:42
entiltar: /data/.stowaways/sailfishos/data.stowaways.tar: file is the archive; not dumped17:43
entilyet according to mount it's the same partition on different _top-level_ mounts17:43
entilthis is why I'm getting kinda paranoid17:43
entilgonna copy the stowaways tarball off the phone first to make room, then instead of rm -rf I'll move the subdirectories (except .stowaways/) out of /data17:45
entillrwxrwxrwx  1 root   root        16 Jan 10  1970 tombstones -> /data/tombstones17:57
entilkrnlyng: is this a safe move?17:57
entil.stowaways/sailfishos/tombstones: broken symbolic link to `/data/tombstones'17:57
krnlyngtombstones is only from android and should be safe to delete17:58
krnlyngtombstones are afaik only created if debuggerd is connected to the process you're running and for libhybris this is not the case17:58
krnlyngdon't touch .stoaways17:59
entilI'm not!17:59
entilit's that it contains symlinks that are now broken17:59
entilthe others point to ../something which is probably fine17:59
entilbut I think I need to reboot, cuz I'm way overdue for cooking dinner18:00
entila couple of killalls later I have a dark screen18:04
entilF/WindowAnimator( 5616): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.view.SurfaceControl.setLayer(int)' on a null object reference18:05
entilkrnlyng: I don't know what to look for but I gotta uncomment /init.sfdroid.rc and get to cooking sorry18:08
krnlyngentil: there is still the permission denial error18:09
krnlyngentil: so it's not because of data  probably18:09
krnlyngentil: try figuring out which user/group the zygote and system_server and bootanimation process have18:10
krnlyngentil: and try to figure out why audio_flinger is still registered twice18:11
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