#sfdroid log for Monday, 2016-12-12

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entilkrnlyng: how would I discern what's needed by sfos and what not :/ I was thinking just removing cache would be somewhat easy04:51
entilbe that as it may, I pushed the synced multimedia repo04:53
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malentil: all of sailfish is in data/.stowaways06:51
entilmal: so I can delete all but that?06:56
malthat should hav a sub folder .sailfishos06:58
*** rinigus <rinigus!~rinigus@kybi.ioc.ee> has joined #sfdroid07:49
*** nh1402 <nh1402!~nh1402@host81-133-137-69.in-addr.btopenworld.com> has joined #sfdroid08:05
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*** manjaroDeepin_ <manjaroDeepin_!~Manjaro-D@91-113-86-250.adsl.highway.telekom.at> has joined #sfdroid20:28
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*** piggz <piggz!~piggz@> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)21:44
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