#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2016-12-14

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entilkrnlyng: zygote runs as root, system_server as system09:07
entilnot sure when bootanimation will show up, maybe if I get a dark screen09:08
entilif this "/system/bin/dex2oat --image=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.art [...]" is what you mean, it runs as root09:09
entilE/AndroidRuntime( 5616): java.lang.RuntimeException: Error receiving broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_SWITCHED flg=0x50000010 (has extras) } in com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$2@d7253909:10
entilthat's where system_server dies - is that a weird way of saying permission error?09:10
entilso okay, now I may have some kind of grasp on this; surfaceflinger says it can't access surfaceflinger pid=xxxx09:17
entilfor example currently it's pid=12396, which pops up as F/WindowAnimator(12396) and D/OpenGLRenderer(12396) so I'm not sure how to read this09:18
entilE/ConsumerIrService(12396): Can't open consumer IR HW Module, error: sfdroid disabled09:18
entilthis might be relevant, yes?09:18
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krnlyngentil: consumerirservice has been disabled on  purpose18:13
krnlyngentil: the permissions error i already detected that zygote or system_server and bootanimation try to access surfaceflinger on your system18:14
entilkrnlyng: through which mechanism? where would I affect any change?18:17
entil(not really at the keyboard currently, just have to ask)18:17
krnlyngentil: binder18:17
krnlyngentil: it also seems that the permissions error only occur AFTER the second audio_flinger service gets registered and since this needs to be fixed anyways it would be my starting point18:18
krnlyngi thought disabling miniafservice should fix this18:18
entilkrnlyng: oh yeah, I forgot to re-disable miniafservice18:57
entilkrnlyng: I added the `disabled` keyword to `service miniaf` and:19:04
entilE/ServiceManager( 5243): add_service('media.audio_flinger',6) uid=1013 - ALREADY REGISTERED, OVERRIDE19:04
entilI/ServiceManager( 5243): service 'media.audio_flinger' died19:04
entilkrnlyng: how do I affect binder? actually, what is binder?19:04
entilhttp://mjt.nysv.org/scratch/sailfish/logcat-2016-12-14.01.txt that's anyway with miniaf disabled19:13
krnlyngmal: do you know where the other audioflinger comes from?19:23
krnlyngmal: entil i think audioflinger glue has a audioflinger service19:25
krnlyngwhich process does load audioflingerglue?19:25
malkrnlyng: miniafservice in /init.rc22:21

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