#jollamobile log for Friday, 2019-02-01

Sm4soooo, XA2 android support says that it doesn't support google services. does this mean that you can't install gapps or it doesn't come with it out of the box?07:24
FireFlyI would guess the latter07:26
FireFlyalso hm07:26
FireFlydid we get any new info wrt XA2 and Android..07:28
abransonFireFly: yes it launched yesterday afternoon07:51
FireFlyI should look at that this weekend then, probably07:54
Teguwhich android version is it?07:55
kid8.1 i believ it should be.07:56
Teguwow, really?07:57
Teguwhere is the announcement? I checked jolla.com and TJC briefly but didn't find08:00
coderusTegu: https://together.jolla.com/question/198359/super-new-aliendalvik-8-for-xa2-released-buy-now-for-just-999-euros/08:12
Tegucoderus: thanks, I must have missed it08:12
Tegualso, nice url :D08:14
*** Renault_ is now known as Renault08:48
Smarfwiw, I tried to install google services, but it didn’t work out of the box09:02
SmarI didn’t look too hard though09:02
coderusSmar: what are you talking about?09:43
Smardid you get them working?09:45
coderusSmar: what???09:46
Smaroh, Sm4 asked about google services09:46
coderusare you talking about??09:46
Smarfew lines up in the log09:47
coderusyou should mention what you asking for :D09:47
Nicd-09:24:05 <Sm4> soooo, XA2 android support says that it doesn't support google services. does this mean that you can't install gapps or it doesn't come with it out of the box?09:47
Smarwell that oughta be enouh clean09:47
Nicd-that ?09:47
coderusxa2 ad packed inside squashfs and run inside lxc, so you need to repack squashfs if you want to try add google services in it09:47
*** Renault_ is now known as Renault13:15
merlin1991I'm moving from my Jolla-C to a Sony XA2, did anybody try transfering android settings, so that ie. whatsapp and friends don't need a new registration?14:27
malthe information is probably somewhere in /home/.android/data/ and it might be possible to copy the relevant data14:32
SQUelcherI guess they're tied to a certain IMEI14:35
malthat could be14:40
M4rtinKwas actually someone successfully with installation of google play services ?15:28
M4rtinKlooks like due to the Android emulation layer now running in a container (a good idea IMHO :) ) it needs to be installed in a different way15:29
tadzikI wonder if this contanerization will open a way to actually isolating the apps, disallowing access to certain APIs etc15:52
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M4rtinKtadzik: I would really hope it also makes it possible to distribute native apps as Flatpaks17:28
M4rtinKtadzik: there has been a lot of progress on this front recently and it fixes most of the issues native apps have currently17:28
M4rtinKtadzik: not just sandboxing, but even more importantly API stability17:29
M4rtinKtadzik: you could decouple the app runtime from the system one and possibly even maintain more than one runtime so that old apps continue working17:29
M4rtinKso you could for example do a Qt 5.12 runtime without worrying the Qt upgrade borks all the system apps and frameworks based on Qt17:30
mornfallwell, that, and a whole lot of nasty security implications :\ there are no silver bullets17:35
M4rtinKmornfall: I'm not sure if it can be worse than what we have now security wise :)17:36
M4rtinKmornfall: you can only submit binaries to both Jolla Store and Open Repos at the moment anyway17:37
mornfallwhat i mean is that now you have 15 outdated versions of Qt17:37
mornfallat least as things are now, jolla pushes out *some* updates17:38
M4rtinKyou have as many Qt version as you want to support runtimes17:38
mornfallapps in the harbour are pretty much all abandoned17:39
M4rtinKI'm not saying people should bundle Qt with their apps17:39
mornfallif each carried its own Qt, that'd be a bloody disaster17:39
M4rtinKhow this is done on desktop is you have a Qt/GTK runtime build on top of freedesktop runtime, which has all security sensitive encryption libs17:40
mornfallwhich closes the circle and now the app developer is stuck with a platform-provided version of Qt17:40
M4rtinKFlatpaks are built against a runtime and contain just application code and depndencies not in runtime17:41
mornfall(which is where we started, wasn't it)17:41
M4rtinKthe idea is runtime has maintainers, who fix bugs and CVEs, fixing all apps using the runtime via runtime updates17:42
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*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest9868520:36
attahAliendalvik keeps crashing on me all the time... anywhere i can get more logs than journal? it doesn't really seem to contain much of value20:54
attahIt seems to take the display with it, or be connected to display shutting off... not entirely sure20:57
Smarthere’s a bug in aliendalvik that its shutdown makes that display bug21:00
Smarbut it’s crashing for me too... so I guess it’s a bigger problem :)21:01
Smartoo tired to debug it now though21:01
attahOkay, good to know..21:01
attahYeah.. i was thinking reflash tomorrow.. but not sure i want that21:01
attahPerhaps it's something that i accumulated over the past couple of months that Aliendalvik doesn't approve of21:02
Smarmy install is new, so I guess it’s some deeper problem21:02
attahPerhaps... but i assume it is working for *someone*21:03
Smarit did, until it stopped working :P21:04
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attahHow are bz2 and git still single threaded in 2019?21:17
malattah: what does "lxc-attach -n aliendalvik -- /system/bin/logcat" show, also check journalctl for anything about apkd21:21
malSmar: what apps did you install before it stopped working?21:22
attahF-Droid and tried with Yalp store..21:22
attahhad it installed at some point, but cleaned up and reinstalled21:23
Smarmal: I think it was google keep21:23
Smarnot too sure21:23
malSmar: wouldn't that probably need google services, or does it?21:23
SmarI don’t know21:24
SmarI was going to test it (it just instantly crashed)21:24
attahhttps://pastebin.com/zhYWetK6  That's the first oddity in the log21:25
malattah: do not try to guess what is wrong, show the whole log21:27
attahwell, there is alot of exceptions... trying to find something close to a reboot21:27
attahHmmm, OOM?21:31
malattah: out of memory error21:31
attahBut i had nothing running :/21:31
Smaris there a separate memory limit for the container? it seems to be memory capped21:32
attahBut surely not 256MB for the whole thing... must be some specific part21:33
Smarhttp://paste.dy.fi/8CB I took a log too21:40
malhmm, you also have low memory killer activating21:50
mallowmemorykiller: ActivityManager disconnected21:50
Smaryeah it sure looks like so21:51
Smarlxc-top is saying much of the memory is getting eaten, but I don’t know know how to debug this properly21:51
Smarguess I need to think something out after sleeping21:52
malvery odd problem, oom killer shouldn't be that active21:53
SmarI’m wildly guessing some of the APKs I’ve installed is going in some infinite loop somehow21:54
malone possibility21:54
malit's possible to do an ugly reset for alien by removing the whole /home/.android/ folder and reinstalling all currently installed apkd* packages21:55
attahi did that yesterday...21:56
Smarreinstall with pkcon?21:56
malattah: do you have any apps installed now in alien?21:56
malSmar: yes, with switch --allow-reinstall21:57
malso it can reinstall those if version is the same21:58
Smarhmm I’ll test it21:58
malalso it's possible to check crash logs in /home/.android/data/tombstones22:01
attahYes, F-Droid22:02
malf-droid should work though, afaik22:05
attahIt felt like a safe thing to start with22:05
Smarit seems to die to oom even after nuking .android...22:05
malSmar: did you reinstall apkd packages after that? and made sure alien was not running22:06
SmarI didn’t install any packages22:06
SmarI stopped aliendalvik before removing, started after it22:07
malreinstall those first22:07
Smarahh sorry, I misread22:07
SmarI did reinstall apkd packages22:08
Smarbefore starting aliendalvik22:08
Smartombstones dir is empty22:10
SmarI booted my XA2, now this is saying ”Finalizing Android update”... maybe I’ll wait and retry this later :)22:14
attahMy "finalization" always hangs at like 20%22:15
attahhaven't even seen it in another place than that22:15
Smarlooks like mine was some leftover too22:16
SmarI’ll be off to sleep ->22:21
malnot sure why the finalizing android update happends, it shouldn't matter though22:32
malattah: are you still around?22:41
malattah: a random question, does the device have a lot of pictured or videos?22:42
attahnot really22:42
attahThere are som.. but fewer than most people i think22:42
maljust looking at the log from Smar and the oom happens quite soon after media extractor being run22:43
attahOr actually.. 622 Photos does count as somewhat respectable22:43
malsame for you, the oom related messages start after media extractor, would you be interested in testing that move the images and videos out of the folders where they are indexed and see if that helps22:45
attahCould be worth a shot22:45
attahAlthough i'd also liek to figure out how i could give it 512MB instead of 25622:46
malsince both of your devices seem to have similar behavior that is reasonable guess22:46
malsure, there are probably things that can be improved22:46

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