#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2019-01-31

*** Renault_ is now known as Renault12:37
attahHas anyone had any luck on getting the Android 8.1 runtime on one of those new years "special store bug release" licenses?17:08
r0kk3rzspecial store bug release?17:09
attahwhen the new year rolled in you could buy licenxes for XA2 for some hours17:09
attahso i did17:09
r0kk3rzas in, you paid for something?17:09
attahyes, and got predictive text input17:10
r0kk3rztalk to pketo to check whether your account is whitelisted, it probably is17:10
pketoattah: you need to update to
attahchecked thrice and rebooted in-between17:14
attah(and I'm in EA)17:14
pketoattah: try now again17:14
pketoyeah, there was slight configuration issue affecting EA people17:15
attahthanks pketo17:15
attahthis is one of the many things i absolutely love about Jolla/SFOS17:15
Smaryes :)17:22
attahHmmm, now if i could just figure out how to install/launch apps :P17:37
attahapkd-install ends with "boolean true"17:38
attahHmm, okay, so installs sorta worked i guess.. but out of 3 apps i got 0 icons :/18:31
r0kk3rzpublic beta ;)18:32
attahpublic beta, secret apps :P18:32
attahfired up the Xperia X to look at how its done there... but seemingly it's different, no APKs in ../.android/data/app/18:39
r0kk3rzyeah probably quite different18:40
r0kk3rzid expect this new one to be almost a complete re-engineering effort18:40
attahsure sounded like it18:40
r0kk3rzit'd be really cool if they let krnlying make some blog posts about it18:41
r0kk3rzalthough whatever their agreement is with myriad probably stops that18:41
attahhead dev?18:42
attahwowsa... all that is in /opt/alien/ is a system.img18:44
r0kk3rzafaiu hes the brains behind the voodoo18:44
attahi have done some quite swampy stuff, but nothing on that scale18:54
attahOh, and i just found a notification thingy about finalizing the update... which seems to have gotten stuck at 30%18:54
svuorelaoh. android support on xa phones ? what/where/how?19:29
Smarbeta version but yes19:30
svuorelahow do I get those ?19:33
attahBuy the license, update, install.19:36
svuorelaI haven't seen that they have been for sale yet ? did I miss an announcement?19:38
attahApparently... that happened today as part of beta release.19:38
attahIf you don't count the few hours on 1 Jan when i snagged mine19:38
attahYou get the lower price though... not that i care19:39
abransonattah: have you updated sfos as well as installed alien? There was a little update to go with it.19:39
attahReinstalled aliendalvik and rebooted19:40
attahand now i guess i wait19:40
svuorelaoh. there was an announcement today.19:41
abransonhmm. Journal might tell you something. When apps are installed you get a directory in /home/.android/data/apps19:41
abransonNot just the apk anymore19:41
attahI think i managed to install stuff, but that dir was entirely empty19:41
abransonWould mean nothing's installed19:42
attahand the finalizing notification progress bar, when i found it some hours late, was quite stuck at 30% or so19:42
attahJan 31 20:37:59 Sailfish apkd[2798]: Aliendalvik not running. Saving /data/app//incoming/com.aptoide.partners.apk for later19:45
attahJan 31 20:38:11 Sailfish [5376]: Alien Dalvik is activating (start)19:45
abransonIs apkd running?19:45
abransonsystemctl status apkd19:45
attahyes it is :)19:46
abransonIs another partition mounted on your /opt?19:46
abransonAnd if no, is your home full?19:46
attahls /opt/alien/19:47
attah12.3 GB free for "user"19:48
abransonSorry, meant root19:48
attahSyestem graph thingy in settings->storage is 926 MB free19:49
attahnow i got an "android" notification to configure physical keyboard..19:49
attahtapping that made it disappear, but nothing launched19:50
abransonah, maybe you really did need to wait for that finalizing thing to finish19:50
abransondid those installs run at that point, or if you restarted apkd in the meantime you'll need to launch them again19:51
attahProbably.. but i totally missed it was running19:53
attahLooking at journal when installing apk...19:56
abransonis the service activated now?19:57
attahit appears to crash19:57
svuorelacan I upgrade from the before-christmas release to the paid version, or do I_need to reflash?19:57
attah..and reboot19:58
attah@svuorela: i have been able to upgrade19:58
attahit is19:58
abransonno reflash needed, but you need to be on the latest sfos19:58
abransonthere's a little update19:58
attahbooyah! got notification on successful install19:59
attah(on retry)19:59
abransonwell, glad that's working. that finalizing update thing is very new.20:00
abransonnot seen it before.20:00
abransonhope you enjoy it!20:00
attahThere is an icon....but it crashed on launch i think20:00
attahand aliendalvik rebooted, and app can be launched20:03
abransonattah. this is really odd. something's not happy with your alien20:06
attahnow apkd-install is unresponsive on dbus apparently (trying to install another app)20:07
attahand aliendalvik reboot...20:08
attahand now it responded immediately, app showed up20:08
abransoni wonder if your system.img is truncated or something20:09
attahbut similar to the first one.. it launches and then just hangs20:09
attahls -lh /opt/alien/system.img20:09
attah-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 278M Jan 29 09:35 /opt/alien/system.img20:09
attahmd5sum /opt/alien/system.img20:09
attahc109deb3c9fec8a5b220494256fb3c6f  /opt/alien/system.img20:09
abransonmount | grep opt20:11
attah /dev/mmcblk0p71 on /opt type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)20:12
abransonok that's ok20:12
abransonjust checking the md520:12
abransonbtw, what's the app?20:13
attahF-Droid and Yalp Store20:13
abransonthey should be fine20:13
attahAt least F-Droid should be as fine as it gets20:14
abransonmaybe try stopping, removing /home/.android, then restarting it20:14
abransonmd5's fine20:16
attahSo now it claimed aliendalvik wasn't running... after some minutes i got the aliendalvik crash+bootup in journal, and failed queued install20:22
attahremoved .android and uninstalled aliendalvik, rebooting... third time is the charm?20:26
abransonattah: you've attained levels of breakage far in excess of any tester. jolla should employ you as one :D20:28
attahusually my stuff behaves :/20:33
malforce reinstall apkd packages after removing .android20:35
attahannd how would i go about doing that?20:36
attahoh, that's actually an rpm package20:37
malpkcon has some --allow-reinstall switch or something20:37
attahwell well well, two "finishing updates" notifications stuck at 20%20:39
attahweird how aliendalvik doesn't depend on apkd20:42
attahbrb, then i'll try tearing out all apkd stuff and aliendavik together... and reinstall20:44
attahah, dependency is the other way around20:50
abransonYeah, apkd is what starts/stops alien20:55
attahinstall appeared to have gone smoothly, so i threw fdroid at it, not much ahppened20:58
attahi'm such an idiot... at some point i prepended apkd-install with devel-su20:59
malwhy do you apkd-install and not just install from settings->storage?21:01
malby selecting the apk file from the file browser in storage settings21:01
attahmaybe i've been converted by the physical keyboard mafia21:03
attahalso; is there a file browser in storage in settings? O.o21:04
attahthis damn finalizing thing  </321:05
malyes, if you copy the files to for example Downloads folder21:05
attahokay... 5th try.. all gui all the way21:08
attah_mobileaaaand there went my internet connection21:16

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