#jollamobile log for Friday, 2015-10-09

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Bysmyyrtablet in local courier!07:29
Bysmyyrcoming soon07:29
entilmine cleared customs just over an hour ago!07:31
entilthis is so exciting, I might actually frigging receive mine today07:31
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lainwir3dmy tablet is at only 40km from my home :-o07:44
lainwir3dI may have to tomorrow07:44
lainwir3dhave it*07:44
Stskeepstweet about it :)07:44
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tadzikwow, crazy :)07:44
entillainwir3d: where do you live?07:45
lainwir3dentil: France07:46
lainwir3dnear Paris07:46
lainwir3dIt departed from the CDG airport 1hour and a half ago07:47
lainwir3dalright, I tweeted about it07:47
entilsounds like you should have it today :>07:47
lainwir3dWill I be the second one to receive it on twitter ? :P07:47
lainwir3dmaybe yeah, but knowing french postal services...07:48
lainwir3dI may have it in one week too :'(07:48
lainwir3dWell, the probability of that is low, but it happens07:48
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Tofelainwir3d: naah, usually the delivery is ok; what could happen, though, is that it fakes trying to deliver it home, and then you'll have to wait another day to fetch it from post station, but it will be saturday, and closed early, so you'll have it on monday. Or, you can get it today.07:53
lainwir3dYeah, that's what mostly happens in my neighborhood07:53
lainwir3dThey fake the delivery07:54
lainwir3dBut if the packing is big I won't get it today 'cause nobody's home07:54
entilI have to sign off on dhl07:55
lainwir3dBut maybe I can negociate at the post station in the evening, usually you can only get it the following day07:55
lainwir3dOh, true. It's DHL07:55
entillike they won't deliver it without a sign-off, but dhl.fi usually arranges later deliveries and sometimes I've redirected parcels to work07:55
Tofelainwir3d: oh. Sorry about that.07:55
lainwir3dIt's alright, I can wait until monday. I'll be a little disappointed but well, 2 more days is not big :P07:56
TofeYes, for DHL I always redirect them to work, otherwise there's just no matching delivery hour within the week...07:56
lainwir3dOr. I can leave work right now and get back home haha07:56
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lainwir3dWell, it's still written as "SCHEDULED: 12 OCT"07:57
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lainwir3dalright, they are delivering it right now >_> I should have checked directly on the website07:58
entillast I still see on the tracking page is that it cleared customs07:58
lainwir3di'd have stayed home07:58
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entilstupid crap, I ordered the sms updates and received none07:59
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Tofeentil: on the other hand, as you check the website every 5min, you don't really need an additional sms, do you ;)07:59
entilfor the time being, yes08:00
lainwir3dAwww crap I feel so stupid. I should have checked on the DHL website instead of the "http://track.aftership.com/" crap.08:01
lainwir3dIt is outdated, they are currently delivering it at home08:01
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TofeThat must feel pretty frustrating.08:02
entilif by afternoon I haven't heard anything I can call dhl and ask wheretf my parcel is ;D08:02
lainwir3dI'm hesitating to try to get back home before the delivery guy08:02
entilohshit! "Toimitus käynnissä", it's being delivered!08:04
entildhl.fi does not update in real time, that's timestamped 15 minutes ago and I've been refreshing like some kind of maniac08:04
lainwir3dholy crap noooo you'll get it before me08:04
lainwir3dI'm calling dhl right now08:05
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entilsacre bleu, mon tablette de jolla!08:05
pp_heh, they'll probably have 2.0.1.x by the time I get mine :D08:05
Tofelainwir3d: "Look, it's nearly snowing in Finland, but the package is still delivered faster than in Paris with beautiful weather! unacceptable!"08:05
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lainwir3daaaaaaaw DHL is not answering. Fucking robot08:11
entilif I called DHL I could use the pretense that I'm worried about delivery schedules, that I wouldn't want them to try me at home before I'm there08:12
lainwir3dtrue, but the answering robot has no options to ask to talk to a real person08:13
entildhl.fi has :o08:13
lainwir3dIt's like a terminator movie08:13
lainwir3dhaha, I feel cheated08:13
entilbut dubben in french!08:13
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lainwir3di'm renting a car and getting back home08:15
lainwir3dlet's hope i'll not be too late08:15
entilI got put on hold08:16
entiland I have a business lunch to be at soon08:16
lainwir3d"The Jolla Tablet delivery wars"08:16
lainwir3dwould make a good movie08:16
Tofe"Jolla Tablet: The Impossibe Delivery"08:16
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entilsweet, even though the smss got screwed, it's scheduled for evening delivery between 17:00-20:0008:19
entilnow I got to run to lunch ->08:20
lainwir3dhow do you know ?08:20
lainwir3dby calling them ?08:20
entil(dhl.fi chick told me)08:20
lainwir3dI should try to have them on phone08:20
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Tofelainwir3d: maybe you could call the finnish number?08:21
TofeYou already know how to say "delivery in progress", then you learn numbers 0 to 9, that should do it :p08:21
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lainwir3dok got someone08:27
lainwir3dhe couldn't tell me when it's going to be delivered08:27
lainwir3d"sometime during the day08:27
lainwir3dso i'm going there right now08:27
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TofeLooks your concentration at work wasn't top-notch anyway08:28
TofeLooks like*08:28
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kimmolijust Jolla things: waiting that someones F5 key dies09:16
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lainwir3dI'm back09:44
lainwir3dwent home smoothly as to not miss my tablet09:44
Armadillodo you get it today?09:44
lainwir3dnothing in the mailbox, so it seems i did not miss it09:44
lainwir3dapparently DHL is delivering it today09:44
lainwir3d"between 10am and 18pm"09:45
Armadillokeep us up-to-date ;)09:45
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lainwir3dI'm already quite happy that I did not seem to miss the guy.09:46
lainwir3dOr maybe I did but he did not leave any notice09:46
ggabrielcheck tracking info and you'll find out09:47
Armadilloas long as he didn't leave it in front of your door as the dhl guy did with my new notebook...09:47
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PaulePanterHi. How do I disable vibrations to make it really silent?09:54
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TofeThat's in the settings iirc09:54
Tofe"Sounds and actions" -> first item09:55
ggabrielyou can't do that on an ambience basis tho09:55
ggabrielbut yeah, that's where it is, like Tofe says09:55
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PaulePanterThank you!09:57
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BysmyyrI got mine!10:49
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Lieke_congrats :)10:50
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StskeepsBysmyyr: \o/10:51
Stskeepstweet about it!10:51
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lainwir3dDamn, I'm not the second one10:57
entilthat's.. so cool10:57
entilyou're like some kind of sailor10:57
lainwir3dThey should put remote tracking devices on the delivery guys10:57
lainwir3dSo that we can know exactly where the package is, and drive towards it10:58
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StskeepsBysmyyr: i dearly hope that's the tutorial :)11:01
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entilI do not approve of the temperature being warmer in tampere11:02
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BysmyyrStskeeps: yes11:07
Bysmyyrtablet is nice but lastucase is grap11:09
ggabrielcrap how?11:10
dirkvlthe foldable one?11:10
tigeliBysmyyr: http://tomboythatwearsmakeup.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/IMG_5381.jpg11:11
Bysmyyrggabriel: it do not keep closed properly, and I have now idea how to use it like a stand11:12
Bysmyyrdirkvl: maybe, the first what they offered11:13
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Bysmyyrand plasticks looks dirty11:14
ggabrielBysmyyr: ta11:14
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ggabrielit's an expensive accessory, maybe contact lastucase? your copy may be wrong...11:14
dirkvlyeah the plastics are some sort of natural fiber with resis11:14
Bysmyyrah, one magnet is missing, thats the reason why it do not keep closed11:18
coderuscontact jolla care11:19
Bysmyyrlastu care is maybe better11:19
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Bysmyyrthey specially say that do not contact jolla about that11:19
pp_they're a local company, if mine fails I can always go to their office to complain :P11:21
ggabrielshipping cost in that case would be a bit of a bummer...11:22
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dirkvlcoderus: yeah resin11:34
dirkvlall natural and degradeable etc11:34
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Milo-Anyone else have issues with media player's "add to queue" feature? for me queued items are not getting played (at least when shuffle mode is enabled)11:49
lainwir3dShuffle acts a bit weird sometimes11:50
lainwir3dShuffle + repeat has a less random behaviour11:50
Milo-same issue11:50
Milo-shuffle + add to queue used to work, but not sure when11:51
Bysmyyrshuffle works weird more often that fine11:51
Bysmyyrin different programs I mean11:51
Milo-and items cannot be added to queue from playlists11:54
Milo-that's kind of weird as well11:54
lainwir3dand you can't queue whole albums11:56
lainwir3dor artists11:56
lainwir3dfor the moment if you want to do "quick playlist" it's kind of unusable11:56
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Milo-I have a funny feeling it worked "before" with songs.. even when shuffle mode was enabled.11:57
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* lainwir3d looks by the window and... does not see the postman :-(12:08
* lainwir3d looks again12:08
PeperJohnnyget a chair by your mailbox and some coffee :D12:09
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giucamif you keep looking at the window he'll never come12:09
PeperJohnnyOr you gotta do something that summons him the minute you start, like taking a shower :D12:10
Milo-hmm. the postman hunting season has started. :p12:10
Milo-I heard small ships are travelling with postmen12:10
lainwir3dThat's me right now12:11
Milo-Hopefully the next batch will reach all the way up to number 820-890 :c12:12
lainwir3dgiucam: yeah, actually I was thinking it might be a bad idea to wait for him like this :P12:12
Milo-lainwir3d you know, Pete the Postman doesn't work during fridays. :p12:13
Milo-I only say that, because there are 600 more impatient tableteers before me12:16
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PeperJohnnyI ordered on 3.3.15, guess my impatience :D12:18
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ggabrielworry not, the tablet is coming12:20
ggabrielor there's a big conspiracy out there12:20
ggabrielor both12:20
lainwir3da postman conspiracy12:20
Milo-oh.. it's possible that Pete has kept all of them for himself.12:21
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Stskeepspostman pat and the jolla tablets12:25
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Milo-spoiler alert!12:31
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pp_Best tablet, now 6/10 :-)12:32
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ggabrieldo you think this is a preproduction copy though?12:33
ggabrielalso, review written by a cat: "but it's has a more mid-range Android..."12:33
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ggabrielok, final copy after seeing the pics :)12:35
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shaddy Hi, with whom i can speak for the chance to have a device to bring applications for silfish?12:38
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coderusshaddy: developer devices shipping choosed by jolla itself12:41
coderusnobody to ask12:41
coderususe emulators in sdsk12:42
coderusor install  sailfish to some of android devices12:42
lainwir3dHmmm... I remember buying a 32GB SD card a few months ago and I lost it in my room... Time to go look for it12:42
PeperJohnnylainwir3d: life needs a search feature :D12:43
Hellelainwir3d: microSD cards are terrible for it12:46
HelleI want back to the original Sony Memorystick, which is a "gumstick" sized12:46
lainwir3dyeah :-(12:46
Hellea size you don't lose12:47
lainwir3dsounds like a good slogan12:48
lainwir3d"Sony Memorystick : a size you don't lose"12:48
Milo-I wonder if I can install sailfish OS to hp slate 1012:48
taaemMilo-: #sailfishos-porters12:49
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narchiejolla vat email12:50
chem|stPeperJohnny: find / -gender w -type 10 -size k -P -perm -777 -name *12:50
narchienothing but apologies12:51
narchiewhere's my tablet12:51
mornfallI'm starting to be confused about the tablet shipping.12:51
mornfallOr not shipping.12:51
mornfallOr whatever?12:51
PeperJohnnychem|st: :D12:51
chem|stmornfall: ? pretty clear timeline?!12:52
narchiemornfall: shipping may 201512:52
chem|stnarchie: really?12:52
mornfallchem|st: wasn't the first batch supposed to be shipped by now? even with the previously-latest schedule?12:52
chem|stnarchie: it is a damn crowdfunding campaign12:52
HartziUuh I got mine :>12:52
chem|stmornfall: the first batch is shipped12:52
narchiecan i pay vat12:53
chem|stnarchie: you demand to pay fat will be served the next couple of days... but anyway, faic Jolla could charger you after shipping...12:53
chem|stnarchie: so what you are doing is keeping up the noise, stop moaning and be a good boy and eat your veggies12:54
narchiewhere's my refund12:54
chem|sttoo much mkfs today12:55
mornfallchem|st: so the first batch was smaller than the 'first sailors' perk limit?12:55
mornfallwasn't it like 100 or 200 devices?12:55
narchieis tablet available at DNA store next week12:55
narchielike the phone12:55
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mornfallthe indiegogo page has erased most of the info12:55
mornfallso can't really tell for sure12:55
chem|stnarchie: what refund, igg campaigns explicitly state no refunds... if Jolla makes one available be grateful!12:55
Milo-Hartzi you received your tablet already? :o12:56
chem|stmornfall: from mosen's gDocs I read that the first 200-250 are shipping now, so some sort of test batch before they actually order the bulk 15k devices12:57
Helleheh, messing with an Android application that has some UI clues from Sailfish12:57
mornfallbut you don't remember how big was the first sailors perk?12:57
chem|stmaybe that display disaster gave them no more production time than just a couple of hundred devices12:57
narchiedelete evidence12:57
Hellebuand unintuitive in the way they implemented itt it's just painful12:57
narchiefinnish business model12:57
HartziMilo-: yup. looks and feels pretty good12:58
the_mgtthe first perks were 100 devices each, iirc12:58
Lieke_btw, do those 200 test shipments count as the "first wave" or is that still going to happen this month?12:58
the_mgtuntil price reached 219$ or so, then it were 1000 per perk12:58
Stskeeps(why are people calling it test shipments?)12:58
the_mgtStskeeps: because it was established that the first were for testing the whole delivery process?12:58
Lieke_because jolla said they were testing the procedure with a small batch12:59
Stskeepshm, where?12:59
Stskeepsbecause i thought that was the dev programme tablets that were tests12:59
narchiedifficulties in putting tablet in package and send12:59
merbotlainwir3d: Error: "!!!" is not a valid command.12:59
lainwir3dtablet incoming12:59
lainwir3ddelivery guy in the elevator13:00
mornfallthe_mgt: dunno, I was in the $209 lot13:00
Lieke_https://blog.jolla.com/jolla-tablet-operations/ "We start with a small group to ensure that everything works as it should."13:00
lainwir3dlive delivery13:00
Stskeepslainwir3d: ah ok13:00
Stskeepser, Lieke_13:00
the_mgtStskeeps: Today we’ve sent out the first order completion invitations to a group of early Indiegogo contributors. We start with a small group to ensure that everything works as it should.13:00
narchiethe_mgt: delete this13:00
the_mgtlainwir3d: start live streaming please13:00
chem|stthe_mgt: you do not have access to his cameras yet?13:02
Aciidwhich comes first. Jolla Tablet or Santaclaus?13:02
lainwir3dNow, should I go back to work ?13:02
lainwir3dthanks :D13:02
* the_mgt throws confetti13:02
Stskeepstweet about receiving it :)13:02
lainwir3dwith pictures13:03
narchiei will tweet when II get to pay VAT13:03
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narchie"rip 24%"13:04
Aciidgodspeed narchi13:05
mornfalloh wait13:05
mornfallI was in the $189 lot (plus shipping)13:05
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mornfallfunnily enough, some of the $199 folks have already ordered13:06
mornfallI wish they woludn't have stressed „we will stick to the order of contributions this time“ thing so much13:07
narchieretail buyers get first13:07
narchiepre-orders get last13:08
narchiefirst pledgers get sometime 201713:08
lainwir3dprotective plastic is really hard to open...13:08
mornfalldont' break the tablet in half :P13:09
lainwir3ddon't say that13:09
mornfallI mean you do get to keep both pieces13:09
lainwir3dYou'll bring bad luck on me13:09
Milo-the_mgt the first perks were 1000 each. after 2000 the next perk was 200013:10
Milo-mornfall some first contributors picked the second perk (199) instead of the first one (189). therefore they can still be within the first 20013:12
mornfallsome people are too nice for their own good ;D13:12
Smaralso, would this be good time to start demand bigger tablet/new phone/something? ;)13:12
mornfallSmar: new phone, certainly ;)13:13
narchiejolla tv13:13
narchieshipping may 201413:13
Smaroh, negative time13:13
SmarI like this13:13
the_mgtMilo-: makes more sense, yes13:13
mornfallactually I find the emails about the tablet do more harm than good (for me, anyway)13:13
mornfallit's not like I care when the tablet ships13:13
lainwir3dhere we go : https://twitter.com/lainwir3d/status/65247040402871500813:14
mornfallbut the periodic reminders that it's slipping and slipping behind are annoying13:14
Smartoo boxy for me :(13:14
lainwir3doops wrong tweet13:14
lainwir3dok time to go back to work13:14
lainwir3dfull unboxing there13:14
ggabrielnice lainwir3d13:15
narchiemornfall: its finnish business leadership13:15
narchieonly apologies13:15
Tofelainwir3d: good!13:15
mornfallanyway, gotta go shopping, bye :)13:15
Smarit’s hard to do nothing when you’ve missed your first deadline by something like half a year :P13:15
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Smarso I guess it should’ve just handled differently from the start13:16
ggabrielwould that different handling have changed anything?13:16
Smarof how fast you’d get the product? no13:16
ggabriel(in terms of delivery)13:16
ggabrielok, then don't care :P13:16
Smaryes, but customers do13:16
ggabriel<- customer13:16
Smaror it’s more like, they don’t, they just act according the information13:17
ggabrielthere's nothing to be done13:17
Smarso yes, that apologetic line is really painful to watch at13:17
ggabriela delay is a delay13:17
ggabrielapology or not, the delay is there13:17
lainwir3dsee you later13:18
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ggabrielit isnt' like people can cast opinions and suddenly jolla will say "oh, I didn't think of that! let's bring the deadline forward by 2 months"13:18
ggabrieland when a team is delayed at something, unless you know what you're talking about, just let them be13:18
narchieit's also not like they can delay it forever and just apologise it away without angering customers13:18
Smarggabriel: programmers think about these things quite a bit differently than something who knows nothing about the product :)13:19
ggabrielnarchie: customers will be angry until they get the tablet, it's a simple equation13:19
ggabrielSmar: the same philosophy applies for software and hardware IMO13:20
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Smarggabriel: yes; my point was that customer’s don’t immediately see what programmers see, when they look at some kind of delay13:20
Smarand the reasons behind them13:20
ggabrielyeah, of course13:21
ggabrieland it's impossible to explain the complexit13:21
Smarwe do know, that things actually need time to get done, they just want the product, and don’t want to wait for christmas for a month just to see it getting postponed by a month13:21
ggabrielwithout causing even more delays in doing so13:21
Smaragain and again13:21
ggabrieland i say this to my customers, and they keep paying/hiring me13:21
Smarapogolising just makes jolla look bad in that13:22
ggabrielyou need to deliver eventually though :P13:22
Smaryeah, exactly13:22
ggabrielnah, i didn't perceive the apology as a negative13:22
Smarit’s not negative13:22
Smarit just looks bad13:22
ggabrielthat's what i meant13:22
Smarrandom customer doesn’t exactly care of 6 month’s radio silence, if they have nothing real to expect to get during that time13:23
ggabrielif anything, i perceived steve jobs's attitude to the antenna problem like something very bad in comparison13:23
Smardunno anything about that13:23
ggabrieliphone 4 had a design flaw, steve jobs came out on stage saying that everybody had the same flaw13:23
ggabrielinstead of owning it up13:24
Smarhehe, yes, programmers will hate something like that13:24
PeperJohnnyggabriel: well users are too stupid to hold their phone right ;)13:24
Smarrandom customer’s don’t see the difference13:24
Smarthey don’t know what it’s about13:24
entildidn't he say you need to hold it differently13:24
Smarso to them, it’s just positive comment :P13:24
entilmove your hand out of the way, and the ult sheeple did13:25
ggabrieli think the common customer who is eagerly waiting/impatient will be very happy when the tablet arrives13:25
ggabrieland will forget about everything13:25
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ggabrielsimilar to the phone13:25
Smarggabriel: yes, but in process being constantly reminded that everything went wrong and sorry sorry sorry we don’t do our job properly makes it harder to forget :P13:26
Smarjust PR stuff :)13:26
entilthat review raised an interesting point about the performance of emulating android13:26
ggabrielentil: i commented: you can't test performance with an emulated program13:26
ggabriellike, ever13:26
ggabrielcomputers 10113:26
Smarwhat point?13:26
entilyou were right, didn't ath you saying it13:27
entildamned c key13:27
Smaralso, does the tablet really do emulation instead of providing Android support like with the phone?13:27
entilustomers don't know about emulation13:27
SmarAFAIK the phone just has android runtime13:27
ggabrielwell, it's tricky13:27
ggabrielbecause you have aliendalvik13:27
ggabrielbut it's also a different arch13:27
ggabrielso i don't know how aliendalvik runs things compiled for arm onto intel13:27
ggabrielso, in theory it's all java13:28
Smarwell, native code aside, java is crossplatform13:28
ggabrielbut then google had this other great idea of doing native13:28
Smarnative code, of course, won’t work on wrong arch13:28
ggabrielso how do they deal with native code? qemu?13:28
Smarsame goes to native android devices13:28
entilunless you emulate the cpu13:28
Smarthere is x86 android devices too, you know13:28
ggabrielyes, but not all zillions of applications are optimised for both archs13:28
Smardoesn’t android kind of enforce hardfloats nowadays?13:29
entilI dunno how sailfish does it but my knee-jerk reaction was it relates to emulation13:29
Smarthat should solve the main problem with performance13:29
entillike how exactly13:29
Smarbut anyway, same arguments applies to native x86 android devices13:29
Smarthan to jolla tablet’s android support13:29
entiland also complaining about no google play is an eye-opening point for me who's ashamed of having hacked it in13:30
Smarofficial support would be really useful for getting the devices more widely used, yeah...13:31
coderuswhat are you talking about? aliendalvik is not an emulator13:31
entilcpu architecture and aliendalvik overhead13:32
ggabrielSmar: i don't think you can get google play/services officially due to licensing restrictions13:32
tbrdidn't intel come up with some hack to run arm native binaries?13:32
chem|stcoderus: thanks!13:32
Smarggabriel: it’d just be so useful, I just don’t really think google wants to allow it13:32
coderuschem|st: ?13:32
chem|stcoderus: for pointing it out13:33
tbrggabriel: the hardware needs to be certified by google and for that it needs to pass the android test suite13:33
entilopt-in spyware is what gplay is13:33
entilcompletely not the sailfish privacy way13:33
Smarno-one’s forcing you to install it :P13:34
ggabrieltbr: is that all? i would have thought there were other restrictions...13:34
tbrggabriel: the test suite checks for compliance of hw too13:35
entilyeah, hence the shame, but would it ause a stir if some faq stated it so13:35
entiloff the bus&13:35
tbre.g. if it has required sensors etc13:36
tbras AD doesn't have BT and some other things, it's a total non-starter. Even if you ignore the whole thing of the UI being completely different ;)13:36
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ggabrielmaybe we can plug this into that test? https://github.com/hmlb/phpunit-vw13:38
ggabrielon a more serious note, maybe the reviewer should have mentioned that there are guides out there to install gplay if you really have to13:40
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ggabrielput up by the community at your own risk and so on13:40
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Smarit’s not easy enough, and nothing you can advertize officially13:41
Smar(easy enough == you install it)13:41
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tbrthere is no "market installer" yet? that used to be the first thing that came out for non compliant android devices...13:57
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entiltbr: what's that? a frontend for google play?14:14
tbrentil: people would hack up a one-stop-shop app that would take care of installing all necessary bits and guiding the user through it14:16
entilah, so a google play installer, essentially14:18
coderusjsut get kitkat googleplay apks and copy it14:19
coderusthere shouldn't be any problems14:19
entilif I got it right, getting the apks is the hard part for the common consumer14:20
coderusso what?14:20
ggabrielthere are sources14:20
ggabrielproblem is trust14:20
coderusinstall yandex store from jolla store14:20
entilcoderus: what ggabriel said14:20
coderusor download amazon undergrownd apk from browser14:20
entiland also awareness of the sources14:20
ggabrielcoderus: i guess the whole discussion started because of the "trusted" review mentioning that there's no google play (baby crying sound to accompany that sentence)14:21
entilpeople are like "ooh, phone! gonna install me some appz from google play!" and when you tell them about downloader sites, untrusted ones at that, their eyes glaze over and they buy samsung14:21
coderuslinks for tablet should appear soon i hope14:22
entilI hope the lack of google play is not a big issue, because using tjc and such to get it installed is overestimating the average phone consumer - remember that the average phone consumer doesn't know facebook is on the internet14:23
tbrconsumers want easy. not a twenty page tjc item with a brezillion of contradicting comments. An app with a big friendly button "Get Google Play NAO!" is about as much as they can bear.14:23
entilwhich is why some mobile providers have special mobile plans for facebook-only access[citation needed, I know it's a documented thing in asia]14:24
ggabrieli'll be happy if the tablet comes with a terminal14:24
coderuseveryone know there is no google play support out-the-box14:24
coderuswhat are you discussing?14:24
entilcoderus: the review that made a negative point about it not being there14:25
ggabrielthe reviewer didn't know14:25
coderusentil: so?14:25
entilcoderus: it's not something we can do anything about, obviously :D14:25
coderuswhat YOU discussing?14:25
entilthat I hope it's not a big issue in the end for consumers14:25
entilbecause if it is, the reality of the situation will hurt jolla, and I don't wish that to happen14:26
coderusjolla phone 2 y.o. now, no play store, everybody know how to install it14:26
* Stskeeps has a play store less phone by now14:26
coderusi do not understand what you discussing14:26
Stskeepsbut i'm not a regular consumer14:26
entilinstead I wish jolla's sales skyrocket and then it'll reach people who want sprint's $12/month plan for using facebook (but not the internet) and those people will be weirded out14:26
Nokius_worktbr: there was once a one click solution on openrepos iirrc14:26
entiland then it might un-skyrocket14:26
coderusif you want play store you can google: "install play store on jolla phone/tablet"14:26
entilI can14:27
entilanyway, this is meaningless, I made my point already, about hoping those who care can do that and those who don't care still buy a jolla :)14:27
coderusNokius_work: never trust Schturman packages14:27
coderusor install it to second device in case it explode after installing rpm14:27
Nokius_workcoderus: :D14:27
entilwho or what is schturman?14:28
Nokius_workhttps://openrepos.net/content/schturman/google-play-installer-removed cc entil14:28
Nokius_worktbr ^14:28
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coderusentil: the guy packageing random rpms on phone with stupid scripts making your phone unusable because he have no idea how sailfishos/linux works14:28
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coderushe only know copy and paste from internetz to script file :D14:29
entilhis tmo "homepage" looks awful14:29
* Nokius_work he is not here so no hate 14:30
entilanyway, I might have installed something he made if I wasn't on irc, and that makes it somewhat "dangerous" for complete noob users to google, find openrepos and warehouse, and install things, and then go boohoo - despite any warnings that this will probably fuck you up14:30
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PeperJohnnyhow is it?14:39
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Tofeentil: who wouldn't want to push that big red button ? :)14:46
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lainwir3dPeperJohnny: Opening it right now14:48
lainwir3dusb poirt on charger is badly misplaced :-/14:49
lainwir3dor bent14:49
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entilTofe: anyone going "oh, there's some kind of disclaimer for me getting apps, whatever, I never even read EULAs"14:49
Stskeepslainwir3d: contact care with any product issues?14:49
entilTofe: anyone not going14:49
lainwir3dStskeeps: Well, if it works I'm fine with it14:49
lainwir3dit's not bad bad14:50
entillainwir3d: oh you got yours already?14:50
lainwir3dentil: yeah14:50
ggabriellainwir3d: surely it shouldn't be bent14:50
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entilI'm almost an hour into my delivery window.. I got an SMS asking for confirmation that I'm home, which I promptly acted upon, but didn't get an ACK on that14:50
ggabrielentil: big mistake14:51
ggabrielyou should have responded in 1 hour or so14:51
lainwir3dggabriel: probably, but it's just the charger, I have tons of it and i'll have more14:51
ggabrielthey make a list of those who respond the quickest and deliver last to them14:51
entilggabriel: I got it iirc ~16:30 and it said I have to reply before 16:4514:51
ggabriellainwir3d: oh, i thought you meant the female bit14:51
lainwir3dno :-)14:51
lainwir3dOr I'd be crying right now14:51
ggabrielentil: you should have waited till 16.44 then14:52
Nicd-the charger only has a female usb port, doesn't it..?14:52
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ggabrieli'll rephrase: I thought it was the microusb port on the tablet14:52
ggabriela dodgy usb cable nobody cares about really14:52
ggabrielactually, some people may do14:52
ggabrielread tmo otherwise :P14:52
lainwir3dIt's the mural part14:53
lainwir3dBut I don't really care either. It seems to work14:53
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lainwir3dggabriel: http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=2670614:57
lainwir3dit got a bit better after plugin a usb cable14:58
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lainwir3dBut well, as I said it works well, so I don't care14:58
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ggabriellainwir3d: a bit out of focus :P14:59
ggabrielis a 2A charger really required? won't any of my 1A ones work just the same?15:00
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Nicd-I guess 1A could do if you are not using it15:01
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TemeVIf you're not in a horry charging it, 1A charger should do fine.15:04
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entilc'est uncroyable, I left a call request to the courier to know if I can make _any_ plans for tonight re: delivery - and he called me and told me he's here within 10 minutes :DD15:10
coderuswith 1A charger tablet might discharge while you playing some heavy game15:10
Coolgeekentil: uncroyable => incroyable15:11
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lainwir3dggabriel: I guess 1A is enough, but i liked having 2x1A charging port15:16
lainwir3dfor Jolla smartphone and tablet :P15:16
entilit's been over a decade since j'etudie francais and the ortography was even more brutal when I had to know it for class :D15:16
entilbut now time for some unboxing &15:17
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Aciidwhich comes first. Jolla Tablet or Santaclaus?15:18
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lainwir3dlove the latsucase15:19
Nicd-lainwir3d: does it have alignment issues? some of them have apparently15:19
lainwir3dalignment ?15:20
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narchielove this VAT bill15:21
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Nicd-lainwir3d: like, one of the pieces being with wrong angle15:21
lainwir3ddoesn't seems like it15:21
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narchiefinnish craftmanship15:22
lainwir3dI'll take pictures15:23
Azogi contributed at Nov 19. is there an estimation, when my tablet will arrive?15:23
Aciidthe vinyl really completes it15:23
narchieAzog: may 201515:24
coderusblog.jolla.com please15:24
coderuslast post15:24
Azognarchie: that's what the mail says *g*15:24
Aciidyou can have birch vinyl and wood vinyl and other types of wood vinyl15:24
narchienothing in the blog15:24
narchiejust "i apologize"15:24
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Azogand "first batch" in chronological order15:26
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narchiehow is jolla15:27
narchieis marcdillon still #peoplePowered15:28
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Aciidmarch went to power other #paypalpowered companies15:29
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attahIt's here!!111oneoneeleven15:33
mornfallow, c'mon15:33
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lainwir3dpictures incoming15:35
attahyeah.. i'll see if they turned out ok15:35
attahwas changing the hostname of the tablet so i can scp them over from the phone more easily15:36
Nicd-hehe, modern technology is amazing. I'm sitting in a bus in the middle of rural Finland, I'm talking to people thousands of kilometers away and can instantly see pictures of their new mini computers that can do more calculations per second than I can do in a lifetime15:37
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mornfallthat's only because your wetware is not quite digital15:37
lainwir3dwith lastucase15:39
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lainwir3dHigher resolution pictures of mine : http://profge2.iut-cachan.u-psud.fr/owncloud/index.php/s/vwLgm0i7Smx2FVJ15:41
lainwir3danyone wants a particular point of view of the tablet ? Before I leave and get home15:42
Sailor12328Nicd: dont underestimate your brain :-)15:42
Nicd-Sailor12328: well, it's different. it's not doing arithmetic per se15:43
lainwir3dHmmm... when standing with the lastucase the power and volumes buttons are on the bottom :-(15:43
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lainwir3dBut the usb port for charging is on the top, I guess it's more important15:43
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Armadilloyou can manage power and volume with the ui15:44
Nicd-Sailor12328: I mean I can easily estimate if I can jump the distance between two rocks for example, but it's not based on calculations. if I had to calculate it, it would be very slow15:44
entilgot a weird "com.foo.blah not installed" installing aptoide, maybe because I was installing yandex at the same time15:44
Armadillokeep the triple finger loudness change in mind ;)15:44
entilnot sure if Stskeeps or anyone knows that's an issue or if it even is an issue for everyone15:45
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entiland lulz, aptoide wants to update yandex.store15:45
entildidn't know there was some kind of crossing between them15:47
entilafaict yandex might be too much in russian anyway15:47
Sailor12328entil: got that too (yandex)15:48
entilinstalling os update now anyway15:48
eugeniowhich version was the tablet shipped with?15:49
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eugenioand congrats to everyone, waiting patiently to get mine in December (hopefully) :D15:49
Nicd-entil: there is no connection, aptoide just checks all apk versions15:49
Nicd-it will offer updates to apks installed from jolla store15:50
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attah1.1.9.28 is available15:50
entilNicd-: nice15:50
attahwut.. why no split keyboard on the tablet? i have big hands.. but not that big :S15:50
eugeniothere should be one in landscape15:51
Hartziattah: there is15:51
attahHartzi: need to turn it on?15:51
Hartziin landscape15:51
Nicd-there is a setting for it15:51
Hartziattah: yes15:51
attahfound it! thanks15:51
attahmuch better15:52
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chem|stattah: settings15:52
eugeniothoughts on the screen?15:52
Hartzieugenio: the screen is nice15:52
chem|steugenio: almost feels 3D15:53
attahfeels a bit (too) yellowish to me, but it is really nice indeed15:54
eugeniobuild quality?15:54
eugenioof the device as a whole, I mean15:55
attahit's good, like the aluminum backside15:55
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Nicd-it's aluminum?15:55
lainwir3dnot plastic15:56
Nicd-I thought trustedreviews said it was all plastic15:56
lainwir3dlike the review mentioned15:56
lainwir3dtoo cold to be plastic15:56
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Hartzilainwir3d: are you sure? It feels like plastic15:56
lainwir3dwell, it seems trustedreview are not to be trusted15:56
eugenioyep, that's why I'm asking15:56
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lainwir3dwhich is quite a statement15:56
attahno.. feel it with your lips or something, alu(alloy?) for sure15:56
lainwir3dI'm sure of it15:56
lainwir3ddoesn't feel like plastic at all15:56
Hartzibut it's not metal either15:57
attahi think it is painted15:57
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lainwir3dhonestly the backcover looks and feel metallic to me15:57
attahas opposed to that electroplating thingy15:57
lainwir3dbut i'm not an expert15:57
newcupattah: you already kissed it?15:58
Hartziit feels much more syntetic material15:58
attahnewcup: yes?15:58
Hartzicomposite or something15:58
newcup"my precioussss"15:58
attahthe lastu is a littel too handmade for my taste15:59
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entilone of the magnets had come loose, or maybe that was the point, but I had to reattach it16:00
entilI was a bit wtf about why I'd want a gluey sticky magnet on the topside of my jolla16:00
entiland why there's an empty hole on the back16:00
attahentil: same here, and the back leaher is not straight and has a bad wipe job of glue spillage16:01
Nicd-seems quite many have issues with the lastucase16:01
Nicd-shame, my tohkbd lastucase is really good :/16:01
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lainwir3dmine seems fine16:03
lainwir3dI'll look better at it later16:03
lainwir3dI have to go for now16:03
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lainwir3dsee ya16:03
attahanyone have youtube working on the tablet?16:03
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lainwir3dwill check later :P Time to go drink and show my tablet to all my friends16:04
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attahmaybe he tried an irc app for the tablet? :P16:05
Mikaeladoes tablet have wider selection that Communi Sailfish?16:05
Nicd-guess I should recompile my apps for the tablet16:05
HtheBtrying again:16:06
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Nicd-HtheB: don't test that :P16:06
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Mikaelaflood limits exist for a reason, hope that you won't get automatically klined or something too16:06
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HtheBdoesnt even work on pm16:07
Mikaelaflood limits exist for a reason, hope that you won't get automatically klined or something too16:07
Mikaelafor higher limits, op or voice yourself16:07
Mikaelawhat are you trying?16:07
HtheBjust sharing something awesome :P16:07
HtheBat least, trying to16:07
Mikaelayou might be looking for a pastebin16:07
HtheBwrong link16:07
HtheB^ correct one :P16:08
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Nicd-don't paste that into a channel16:08
Nicd-even if it looks cool16:08
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entilso under which imgur category would pictures go?16:10
entilimgur has the option of posting pics under a topic16:11
Stskeepsentil: if it's a android runtime issue, file a tjc bug, new android runtime version16:11
entilmaybe I'll leave that empty16:11
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Nicd-entil: you don't have to do that if you don't publish them into the imgur gallery16:12
entilStskeeps: I can't confirm it, already installed.. unless I can reproduce later, but I think it might be gone16:12
Nicd-you can still share them freely16:12
entilNicd-: oh I want to make this public :D16:12
entilsee what kind of reaction follows16:12
chem|stattah: tablet and phone are the same OS why should it be different by recompiling something for x86?16:12
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attahchem|st: if re the irc stuff it was a (bad) joke16:13
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Stskeepsattah: enable it in input settings16:13
Stskeeps(split keyboard)16:13
attahStskeeps: got that advice previously.. works great16:14
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attahcan also confirm upping to .28 solved youtube16:14
chem|stHartzi: it is anodized aluminum16:14
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entilStskeeps: weird weird things16:26
entilStskeeps: I uninstalled the android appstores to try to reproduce16:26
entilStskeeps: now it asks me about installing updates to existing apps, yandex has org.onepf.openiab.permission.BILLING listed there16:27
entilStskeeps: and finally yandex.store says app no installed and offers me only the done button16:27
Stskeepsentil: file issues at together.*16:27
entilStskeeps: hehe16:27
entilStskeeps: maybe that's what caused the initial problem as well16:27
Stskeepsany early things noticed the better16:27
entilif together.* means store files hosting16:28
entilthat it's just about bandwidth or something in the servers16:28
Stskeepswell, any problems you might encounter..16:28
entilnow jolla store says I have yandex installed - it's not visible in the apps list16:28
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entilnot sure how I'd formulate this on tjc - can I help on irc somehow?16:29
Stskeepsnah, let's get it tracked properly there16:29
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entilcan you give me just a couple of minutes to prepare for a debugfest?16:29
entilgot to take a piss etc :D16:29
* Stskeeps ponders wine and movie16:30
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r0kk3rzStskeeps: sounds like a grand idea16:31
electroluxStskeeps: sounds good! Though live debugging with entil could turn out to be entertaining too :p16:31
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Hartzichem|st: ok16:33
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Stskeepselectrolux: while drinking wine!16:34
chem|stStskeeps: should I get popcorn?16:35
chem|sthaven't opened the wine yet16:36
eugeniowhich kernel does the tablet have?16:36
entilStskeeps: back, what can I do for you?16:36
chem|stentil: do you have a bottle opener?16:36
eugeniochem|st, that's bleeding edge!16:36
Stskeepsentil: oh a bottle of wine would be good... :P16:36
chem|steugenio: dripping16:36
Stskeepsentil: 3.1016:36
entilchem|st: I also popped a brew here16:36
entilStskeeps: but if there's anything re: debugging the android stores, I'm here now16:37
Stskeepsentil: not really much to do, report what you saw, what version(s)16:37
eugeniomh nice. At least there isn't btrfs :D16:37
Stskeepsentil: yeah, is lvm and ext416:38
entilStskeeps: the original issue came during initial installation, I selected the two appstores16:38
Stskeepser, eugenio16:38
Stskeepsentil: ok16:38
entilStskeeps: and then I tried reproducing it _after_ the os update16:38
entilwhen yandex said something about an update and that it's not installed after all - not sure but I'd guess the android files or whatever under aliendalvik got confused16:38
entiland they must be confused now that the store says yandex is installed but I have no icon for it16:39
entilcan I clean this up completely? like uninstall android support altogether and reinstall it?16:39
Stskeepsthat's one way i gues16:39
entilok, lemme do that16:39
eugenioone last question Stskeeps: I guess it's pretty easy to dual boot another linux distribution on the thing, is the bootloader locked? (also, does the tablet use an EFI firmware?)16:40
Stskeepseugenio: it's not locked but you need a usb otg and keyboard to get there16:40
entilStskeeps: ok, uninstalling android support did not clean out aptoide and yandex still thinks it's installed - though trying to launch aptoide tells me to install android support :S16:41
Stskeepsentil: that's not good :)16:41
eugeniothanks :)16:41
Stskeepseugenio: got one?16:41
eugenioStskeeps, should wait until december :(16:41
YanielStskeeps: so basically... it's not too difficult?16:42
chem|stYaniel: not difficult16:42
StskeepsYaniel: i tried installing windows at some point when i was really pissed off16:42
Stskeepsi didn't succeed16:42
entilStskeeps: yeah, I'd expect removing android support to remove all traces of android on my device... is that a possible future feature? or a current bug?16:42
Stskeepsentil: smells like bug16:42
StskeepsYaniel: i'll let you guys figure out how to deal with it :)16:42
entilwell, reinstalling android support seems to take a while, *sips beer*16:42
Stskeepschances are better on linux distros16:43
Stskeepswhich reminds me i need to do a gpl dump of the thing..16:43
chem|stentil: iirc you need to reboot to clean up android stuff16:43
YanielI think I'll pass for now, still haven't figured the rust thing16:43
entilchem|st: after uninstalling android support?16:43
Yaniel...and I should probably learn rust properly before bothering with cross-compilation anyawy16:43
entilafter this is installed, I can uninstall and reboot, no problem16:43
chem|stentil: even android apps, but to assure you, that is the same on android itself faiK16:44
entilI'm not surprised android leaves traces behind it like it's the windows registry but I wouldn't mind sailfish being clean about it :D16:44
entilso umm I'll uninstall and reboot now, if that's the best chance to have a clean slate16:44
chem|stStskeeps: maybe post a pic of ubuntu booting^^16:44
Stskeepschem|st: over my dead body :)16:45
chem|stStskeeps: we can arrange that16:45
entil(as a side note, got to say I love using this with the lastucase.. never got into tablets before, so maybe this is old to everyone, but there's something magical about it :D)16:46
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entilwtf, now I see both stores though jolla store shows the green not-installed icon16:47
entiland I have no android support installed16:47
entilsorry Stskeeps but I think there's something here to look into16:47
Stskeepsentil: so do i, i'm just not going to debug it, let's see if others can reproduce :)16:47
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entilnow I can't even uninstall the things..16:47
entilyeah, this is not urgent or anything, but like I said, I don't know how to formulate this on tjc16:48
entildo you have someone at jolla, or maybe a working day, to try to reproduce based on this irc log?16:48
Stskeepswell, if you are really bored you can factory reset and try to replicate, help other users..16:48
chem|stentil: take screenshots and brag on together about it!16:48
Stskeeps"first tablet bug!"16:48
entilyeah, why not, all I did was install smpc16:48
r0kk3rzyeah firstworldproblems entil, "waaaaaah i got the tablet and it doesnt work"16:49
entilit works but I want to help just a little bit if there's a problem :P16:49
chem|stentil: go for it16:49
chem|stD0 IT!16:50
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entilalready did.. it's clearing..16:50
* chem|st grabs popcorn16:50
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entilthis might be a silly question, but did it power itself down or should I just wait? :D16:52
entilwill I fuck it up if I hit the power button now? :D16:52
entilchem|st: pass me some of that popcorn16:52
* chem|st throws popcorn at entil 16:53
eugeniolast time I did a factory reset, the phone shut down and I needed to start it manually16:53
chem|steugenio: iirc that is a good thing?16:53
eugeniobut I guess the factory reset operation is pretty different on the tablet16:53
eugeniowell I expected it to reboot, at least :D16:53
entilI powered it on manually and just realized there's no clear led or anything for it being on, or maybe it's coverd by the lastucase16:54
Stskeepsentil: there's no LED16:54
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chem|steugenio: as factory resetting should only be necessary when selling the phone... it is a desired thing to not boot16:54
entilStskeeps: maybe in the next tablet, then ;)16:54
eugeniothat's also true16:54
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chem|stand to be honest, apart of forceful resets I did not reset ever16:55
chem|stforceful as in, had to send it to care16:55
entilStskeeps: now shit gets real, I got the two stores selected and gonna swipe next16:55
chem|stwell if I do not count the 5 resets in 2013 :)16:55
chem|stand the 3 after I got it back from care16:56
entilalso a feature to skip the tutorial would be nice...16:56
chem|stentil: tap corners clockwise16:56
chem|ststarting top left16:56
r0kk3rzentil: whilst one legged16:56
eugenioI have reset two times IIRC, but just to have a faster way to clean-up the device16:56
r0kk3rzentil: and saying the alphabet backwards16:56
chem|str0kk3rz: while doing pushups16:57
entilwhat if I just d*ckslap it with a rubber d*ck?16:57
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chem|stentil: nothing will happen16:57
Yanielthat's not how rubber duck debugging works16:58
chem|stbut tapping corners works just fine even with a dildo as long as it has a conductive tip16:58
entilI tried the corners but it didn't close anything, thought it was a troll16:59
entilanyway, yandex.store asks for permissions16:59
chem|stentil: nope that was no trolling, that is how it works, I just do not remember which corner first16:59
entilStskeeps: !!! com.aptoide.partners X App not installed.16:59
entilso it did break after a factory reset17:00
chem|stentil: post to tjc17:00
Yanieltop left is the first corner iirc17:00
entiland jolla store says aptoide is installed17:01
eugenioare you still on
entilchem|st: unless stskeeps got notes of this and can handle it internally - but if he asks me to I'll collate a post somehow17:01
Yanielyup, on the phone it is top left17:01
entilbut the problem is that I will not want to reproduce this with factory resets after today17:01
ggabrielanybody tethered tablet with jolla phone yet?17:03
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chem|stentil: he asked you twice already17:04
chem|stggabriel: in which way?17:04
ggabrielto get internet17:05
ggabrieli'm curious as to whether you can ssh to/from the jolla phone17:05
ggabrielin addition to internet tethering17:05
entilchem|st: I saw one line about it, and if it's an android runtime issue, which I don't know it is17:05
chem|stwhy shouldn't you?17:05
ggabrielyou should17:05
entilbut ok, seems like it's android-related enough to be a runtime thing17:05
chem|stentil: me neither so report it!17:05
r0kk3rzggabriel: jolla has wifi hotspot, ive sshed over wifi hotspor before i think17:05
YanielI certainly have17:06
r0kk3rznothing tablet specific there17:06
ggabrielexcellent, thanks17:06
ggabrielnow the tablet can rsync stuff with the phone :P17:06
r0kk3rzStskeeps: did you ever connect a jphone in developer mode to the tablet using otg?17:09
r0kk3rzcurious to know how it will handle the rndis17:09
chem|str0kk3rz: fails, all microsoft BS fails17:09
chem|stkbd works :)17:10
locusfso whats up?17:10
r0kk3rzchem|st: im sure we can compile a few things to make it work17:10
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chem|stlocusf: drinking wine watching this game ;)17:11
chem|str0kk3rz: the phone gets in limbo17:11
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chem|str0kk3rz: samsung-exfat?17:14
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chem|stgot a 64gb pendrive to test ;)17:14
chem|stwell no exfat on that anymore...17:14
r0kk3rzchem|st: that sounds useful actually17:15
chem|stnot for me yet, I have zero devices with exfat17:19
chem|stfirst thing I do with exfat SDs pendrives etc is to mkfs.$something-I-can-use17:20
r0kk3rzyes, and it would be nice to not have to do that17:22
chem|str0kk3rz: I cannot use exfat in other devices so why should I want to preserve it anyway?17:23
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r0kk3rznaturally, you can choose whatever filesystem best suits your need17:24
chem|str0kk3rz: I'd love to have SDs shipped with something useful17:24
chem|stand have the standard be something open17:24
chem|stjust like rndis became the thing as it is the only thing microsoft properly supports as it is their own BS17:25
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r0kk3rzsure that would also be nice17:27
r0kk3rzbut we live in a world where microsoft exists, and abuses their nigh-on-monopoly of desktop computers17:28
entilStskeeps, chem|st https://together.jolla.com/question/114619/android-stores-on-tablet/ hth17:29
Stskeepsentil: ta17:31
eugenioentil, IIRC the android applications in the store are still packages as rpms17:33
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eugeniohave you tried removing it from the command line?17:33
entileugenio: I actually decided that now that the issue is posted on tjc, I'll do one last factory reset and not install any android stores until I crave silly little games :P17:34
entilinstead configure the native apps and settings I want17:34
entilput the icons in proper folders, that kind of thing17:34
entilthe thing is, I like some android apps like uber on my phone, and I imagine people play games on their tablets, but I think I'll let this dog lie for a while17:35
eugenioyup, probably17:37
eugenioI don't have aliendalvik on my phone anymore, but I will probably keep it on the tablet17:37
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intei have no idea how to track my tablet17:38
inteim located in germany17:38
entileugenio: I never got into playing those android games, so I'm not really missing out.. the reason I chose both app stores to begin with was so I could look around, but meh17:38
intei received a tracking number17:38
intemy service should be tnt/dpd nl (?)17:39
inteneither of these Services exists when i follow the link jolla provided17:39
entilbeats me, bob; I got an sms from dhl.fi with the tracking code17:40
intei googled and checked tnt, dpd and also dhl with the number jolla provided but no success, number doesnt exist in neither service17:41
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r0kk3rzinte: how long ago did you get the tracking number?17:41
inteanybody from germany here who received a tracking code?17:41
eugenioentil, the same. But it also helped the fact that my previous phone OS wasn't as apps-packed as android is17:41
intei guess yesterday17:41
eugeniointe, I heard that you need to add a 0 at the end17:41
eugenioto make it work17:41
eugenioor at the end or at the beginning17:42
inteat which service?17:42
chem|stinte: add a leading 0 (zero)17:42
attahinte: it says which courier at the bottom of the email17:42
chem|steugenio: leading not tailing17:42
intetnt OR dpd?17:42
chem|stinte: dpd germany should work17:42
inteyes it says tnt/dpd nl17:42
eugenioyup, you're right17:42
inteok will try17:42
chem|stinte: take your tracking number something 51xxxx17:43
chem|stadd a 0 so it is 051xxxx17:43
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attah.. as long as it's not in scientific notation :D17:43
chem|sthit that at the dpd.de websites tracking17:43
intenice guess, that worked!!17:45
intemy tablet is in amsterdam today17:46
intehope it wont be to stoned until it arrives here :)17:46
intecould make until tomorrow17:47
intethat would be a nice weekend!!17:47
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HtheBI missed dpd today...17:51
inteUh, sorry17:51
intedont they have shops to grep it at night?17:51
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Yanielmaybe in unix-town17:53
inteUsually these shops dont close befor 8pm17:54
inteor even later if they are located in e.g. a filling station17:55
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intei guess here they close at 10pm, but its a rural area17:55
inteand in a filling station17:55
inteim hamburg the close at 8pm i guesd17:56
inteor maybe also 1017:56
intebtw who figured out the 0-trick?17:57
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intethe leading 0 needed to check the trackng number17:58
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cptGhrm. has anyone ever accessed the calender from C++? I just tried with mkcal-qt5 and it denies access to /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Calendar/mkcal so I guess this is not the route to go...17:59
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HtheBWould it be possible to get the "Open With..." part of Android when opening something?18:11
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HtheBFor example, on Android, if you open a link, it will directly show you which app you want to use to open up the link18:12
HtheBOr a video file, it will show what app you want to use to open the file18:12
HtheBIt would be great to have some "forwarder" :)18:12
HtheBthis means that (for example) you can pick whatever browser you want, instead of Setting 1 'static' browser18:14
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coderusHtheB: override is not possible18:15
coderusit only possible to make a tool which developers would use18:15
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coderusHtheB: did you develop anything, which opening links for example?18:16
HtheBonly PulleyMyFinger :P18:17
HtheByes, it has a link on it which opens up the browser18:17
coderusso, Qt.openUrlExternally call?18:17
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cptGHtheB: tremendous props to you for PulleyMyFinger. Most important tool on my Jolla ;)18:20
chem|stinte: looking up what dpd tracking numbers look like... 051xxx was the result18:21
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coderusHtheB: so you can't do anything, except opening application for this urischeme18:21
cptGHtheB: I've been thinking about some kind of forwarder as well. My non-tested theory is (I have NO idea really) to just register an app for any urischeme imaginable and then forward the url to some configured app18:22
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intechem ok nice thx!18:22
HtheBsome android apps are opening urls in jolla browser18:23
HtheBwhich I do not want18:23
coderusHtheB: open question on tjc please18:23
coderusor cote for existing one18:23
HtheBbetter yet, it shouldn't open with the browser at all (on real android, you dont have this behaviour, you can pick your own app which you need)18:23
coderusi'm not responsible or android side18:23
HtheBi wish I could explain my problem more easily :P18:23
HtheBsure I know18:24
coderusonly for sailfishos18:24
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HtheBbut maybe you know how we can achieve something :P18:24
HtheBworth the shot :D18:24
coderusi can make application for selecting what do you want if you do something in sailfish18:24
coderusnot i android18:24
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attahThe headphone amp seems pretty nice in the tablet :)18:24
cptGoh I think I've been thinking about what coderus just mentioned - the sailfish side of things...18:25
attahdo we know anything about it?18:25
HtheBcoderus: ok, what about some "Open With..."  in Sailfish side? :D18:25
HtheBinstead of assigning something directly, you can have an option to Open something with something else18:26
cptGcoderus: If you're not going to develop it, I think I might take a shot in the next few weeks. I'm also thinking about offering an optional "Share with..." so you could share an URL from anywhere instead of opening it in the browser. Sounds handy in my mind at least ;)18:27
coderuscptG: sure18:30
HtheBcptG: that would be great18:30
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cptGI think so, too that's why I've been thinking about it. Now that I know that someone besides me would actually use it, I'll have a look as soon as possible. Yay!18:31
HtheBcoderus: the problem that I have for example is that opening a video stream in an app, opens up the browser, which actually should open up a videoplayer18:31
HtheBinstead of streaming, it downloads the stream :P18:31
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cptGcoderus: you don't happen to know anything about calendar access form C++, do you?18:32
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coderuscptG: no idea about calendar18:45
coderusbut https://github.com/nemomobile/nemo-qml-plugin-calendar should help you18:45
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cptGcoderus: ah, that looks promising.18:52
lainwir3dno terminal on the tablet18:53
kidlainwir3d: Enable developer mode? </shotInTheDark>18:53
lainwir3doh yeah, right18:54
lainwir3dforgot about that18:54
lainwir3dI was looking for it in the store >_>18:54
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cptGphew :)18:55
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coderuslol :D19:01
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attahbah! second time wifi has stopped working on the tablet.. anyone else?19:11
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intelainwir3d hehe19:20
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inteattah 5ghz or 2.4ghz?19:21
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stephgattah: you have your tablet already?19:22
attahstephg: yup :)19:23
stephgyou like?19:23
stephg(wifi notwithstanding)19:23
* stephg goes off to check tracking status19:23
attahinte: 2.4.. i'll check..19:24
attahstephg: yeah, it's really nice19:24
attahi'm sure wifi is software at worst pebkac at best19:25
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r0kk3rzattah: no doubt theres a whole bunch of adaptation issues to be uncovered19:26
stephguser error19:26
stephginte: ^^19:26
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r0kk3rzinte: Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair19:27
r0kk3rzsomewhat odd to use when describing a tablet19:27
attahtrue :P19:27
r0kk3rzmaybe we need a pebvkac for these modern times19:28
Lieke_layer 819:28
r0kk3rzproblem exists between virtual keyboard and couch19:28
attahonline check failed for <some hex> TROLOLOL <-- my ssid19:28
coderusHtheB: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1484933&postcount=1419:29
attahr0kk3rz: nice one19:29
attahwho the "#¤%& devided to make more the default pager?!19:30
Mikaelamaybe it came with busybox or with something else "for free"19:31
lainwir3dI hope more developers will get theirs soon19:31
lainwir3dso that we can get apps faster19:31
lainwir3dTime to try usb on the go19:31
lainwir3dwith usb audio :D19:31
lainwir3dI'm not going to bet it'll work19:32
lainwir3dhope my tablet will not catch fire19:32
r0kk3rzisnt more usually the default pager?19:32
attahMikaela: probably.. installed less now19:33
attahr0kk3rz: not on the systems i usually use, save solaris19:33
stephgpeople still use Solaris? :P19:34
Stskeepslainwir3d: i've done really mean stuff to my tablet and that has not yet happened.19:34
attahstephg: can we please not talk about it without significantly more beer?19:34
stephgattah: I have beer, so I feel free to continue19:35
* Stskeeps used solaris on his NAS until a year ago19:35
* stephg has not had to touch solaris professionally since 200919:35
lainwir3dusb audio detected19:35
lainwir3dso usb on the go seems to work19:35
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attahstephg: i'm out of beer :(19:35
lainwir3dnow I'm not sure pulseaudio is going to route the audio to the usb headphone correctly19:36
attahi prioritized the tablet overbuying food/beer19:36
lainwir3dit works19:36
lainwir3dcan't believe it19:36
lainwir3dJolla, I love you19:37
r0kk3rzthe magic of pulseaudio19:37
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r0kk3rzi wonder if lennart ordered his tablet19:39
stephgright dinnertiem bbl19:39
the_mgtare there official statements from the cult leaders of linux on the jolla phone? anyone using one?19:40
the_mgtI saw linus dad in a "the first one" shirt, iirc19:41
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r0kk3rzno idea19:42
r0kk3rznot super sure why linus would care, his kernel is on a bajillion phones worldwide19:43
lainwir3dTablet picture : https://twitter.com/lainwir3d/status/65256995240743731419:44
the_mgtwell, if toilet brush runs linux, it does not need to make you proud i guess19:44
intebtw is there still a opensolaris release for sparc64?19:45
lainwir3dNow... would be nice to get the 5.1 channels working :P19:45
inteilluminos seems to be intel only19:45
the_mgtthe thing is, most linuxes i us "as a linux" are GNU/linux systems. and the 950 million phones out there with a linux kernel are not what i'd use "as a linux"19:45
intelainwir3d cool19:46
merbotinte: Error: "!" is not a valid command.19:46
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intemgt android is not linux19:46
the_mgtlainwir3d: is that a zik3 or what?19:47
intehu, merbot:)19:47
r0kk3rzit is linux, its just not gnu+linux19:47
lainwir3dthe_mgt: yeah. lol19:48
lainwir3dIt will be out in ~1month19:48
lainwir3dI guess19:48
lainwir3dattah: noticed that I can't access ssh anymore over wifi when tablet is suspended19:49
lainwir3dmaybe it's the same thing19:49
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attahlainwir3d: yeah, had that simultaneously with this too19:49
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the_mgtssh to my phone often does not work via wifi, either. when it was laying around for an hour or so19:52
the_mgtdidnt test for a while19:52
the_mgtstill the same19:52
Smarisn’t it just good that it’s saving battery.. :)19:52
attahthe_mgt: had that a lot in the beginning, now it seems to detect if there is activity.. and work pretty ok19:54
the_mgtah, second try worked19:55
the_mgtseems you need to knock it into awareness19:55
r0kk3rzthe jphone is somewhat unresponsive when on idle too19:55
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coderusjust doubletap your screen20:06
attahcoderus: gets old having to do that every half minute or sp20:09
coderusbuild and run keepalive when using ssh20:11
coderusstop complaint20:11
coderusbe a dev20:11
lainwir3dhmmm hall sensor not working20:12
lainwir3dcan't find the option20:12
coderuslainwir3d: blog says it will be in 2.0.0.x sw20:13
eugeniocomes in 1.2.020:13
attahcoderus: i'm mostly concerned with when on CuteSpot.. but perhaps20:13
lainwir3doh, alright20:13
coderuseugenio: its 2.0.0.x20:13
coderusattah: so media playing not stop, but ssh is?20:13
eugeniothe branches in github use upgrade-1.2.0, though20:14
attahcoderus: CuteSpot stops, ssh becomes terribly slow and/or stops20:14
coderusattah: then cutespot author should add keepalive to app20:15
coderusevery media app should do this :)20:15
coderuseugenio: doesn't matter20:15
coderusits already known next release will be 2.0.0x20:16
attahcoderus: i think it is connman as per tjc post.. it works fine on the phone20:16
eugeniook :D20:16
lainwir3dthe tablet struggles to get out of suspend20:18
lainwir3ddon't know if the usb audio is making it acting weird20:18
lainwir3dand the fact that the headphone is recharging using the tablet... lol20:18
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attahkimmoli: want some swedish strings?20:22
lainwir3dyeah, seems like it. I'll investigate more tomorrow20:23
kimmoliaa. transifex20:24
attahand not like the guy at work that responds in hex when i asked for "some pointers"20:24
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kimmoli46 to go20:27
attahnot yet a member it seems20:28
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lainwir3dhmmm, I miss the file browser :-(20:43
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* lainwir3d is installing, and hopefully soon playing, "the blind world" game on the jolla tablet.21:02
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the_mgtlainwir3d: what's that?21:13
lainwir3dit's supposed to be a nice game21:14
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lainwir3dyou're a blind swordman21:14
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lainwir3dand all the game is based on sounds21:14
lainwir3dyou have to play it with headphones21:14
lainwir3dit's mandatory21:15
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lainwir3dthe game seems to work21:17
lainwir3dthe_mgt: sorry, it is "a blind legend" :-P21:20
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lainwir3dyou can get some sound samples on the internet, it's "funny"21:20
attahdo or don't? http://www.zagg.com/eu/en_eu/keyboards/universal-tablet-keyboard/pocket21:20
attahare there better ones?21:20
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lainwir3dlooks nice !21:23
the_mgtattah: https://waytools.com the textblade?21:24
the_mgtlainwir3d: interesting!21:24
the_mgtreminds me of zatoichi21:24
attahthe_mgt: yeah.. looked at it.. i don't think that will really be an improvement over the on-screen one21:25
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the_mgtdunno. it might not be practical if riding the bus or some other non-table environment21:26
the_mgtthe sad thing is, they have the same delays as the tablet. but with more verbosity and communication21:26
the_mgtit does not improve anything. should have shipped/arrived in may, too21:26
the_mgtmy main concern was, that it should be small and lightweight21:29
attahthat it is..21:31
attahbut yeah.. i'm not convinced21:32
the_mgtI am not really convinced by any of those21:33
attahtrue that21:33
the_mgtwe'll see. they are shipping in october21:33
the_mgtfor real now ...21:33
attahoh well.. i shold go to bed now, bye folks!21:36
the_mgtdito, good night21:36
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lainwir3dPlaying a new game on my new jolla tablet while drinking a new awesome whisky bottle : perfect evening21:46
Yanieldon't drink the entire bottle :D21:47
lainwir3di'd better not :P21:47
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