#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2015-07-15

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Morpog_PCI need something more powerful and more sexy :D05:46
TemeVOh well, if that brings some Indian money to the house, it is good news. Otherwise, the device doesn't look that interesting05:49
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tbrIMO it's just a variant of the SbJ device. specs and design are similar05:55
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Stskeepswait for more official news :)06:12
Stskeeps(coming from the guy who's on vacation and goes back to his cave..)06:14
ppwell, same price with VAT :P06:15
cybettewe'll have press event tomorrow with official news, please wait to hear more like Stskeeps said :)06:17
Nicd-1 GB RAM :(06:21
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Yaniel720p display is bigger than in SbJ though06:43
Nicd-what is SbJ? the original one?06:46
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Nicd-where does the Sb come from?06:46
Stskeeps"sailfish by jolla"06:47
locusfI've jokingly put it as "sailboat jolla" :)06:47
Nicd-maybe we should refer to it as the JP-1301 :P06:49
Morpog_PCSnapdragon 410 is also good, same with bigger battery06:49
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Morpog_PCjust 1g ram and 8gb internal storage is baaaaaad06:49
Morpog_PCIt looks alot like a lumia06:50
Yanielthat's the bezel06:51
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Morpog_PCoh, there it says Snadragon 60006:51
Yaniellet's get this speculation train going then06:52
Nicd-it's gonna have 32 cores06:52
Yaniel*32 CUDA cores06:52
Stskeepsfriggen lasers.06:53
Nicd-lasers confirmed by Stskeeps06:53
Morpog_PCSnapdragon 600 would be great, enough cpu power and alot less power hungry than snapdragon 808/81006:53
Nicd-it's gonna come with a copy of Half Life 306:53
birdzhang4096P XD06:53
inzwhat do you do with lasers, if there are no sharks?06:53
YanielNicd-: so where are my sharks?06:53
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Morpog_PCI got that feeling, that we may see a variant of that device sold by new Jolla HW company06:54
Nicd-sharks had to be removed due to budget cuts06:54
TemeVlasers, sharks? I thought sharks are supposed to be killed with chainsaw06:55
Morpog_PCwith more ram and internal storage of course :D06:55
YanielTemeV: nono the sharks are supposed to kill with lasers06:55
TemeVok, the do it wrong in sharknado then06:55
inzno, they do it quite right, the sharks are just lame no-laser-sharks06:56
inzIf they were the kickass Austin Powers sharks, with frigging lasers, you would be dead before you even get the chainsaw running06:57
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TemeVoh, sorry, I missed the reference. It must be decade or two when I last time watched any Austin Powers :)07:02
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kimmolisharknado 6 , now sharks with friggin lazers07:04
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Morpog_PCpic overview: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=1476656#post147665607:22
Morpog_PCit looks kinda thick07:25
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birdzhangOnly 8GB internal storage??? WTF?07:47
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Temewell i'm glad i made the switch to android and didn't wait for a sailfish device... 1GB of RAM makes me sad :(07:49
Temeonly reason i had to swith off of Jolla 107:50
Stskeepsguys, wait for official news07:51
Stskeepsyou're speculating at this point07:51
SfietKonstantinWJolla tablet is nice though :)07:51
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birdzhangwait for official news07:52
birdzhangwait for sailfish for nexus 5 from official07:53
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SceltStskeeps: You know people cannot wait... We are as keen as a Commander Keen can be07:54
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Stskeepsdamnit, now i might have to play that all summer07:54
SceltStskeeps: you're welcome: http://store.steampowered.com/app/9180/07:55
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YanielScelt: why u do this07:57
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Sceltin Finland we this weather condition called RAINY SUMMER07:58
SceltRainy day + Keen = Superb07:58
Nicd-this summer has just been cold07:59
SceltCold + Rainy + Keen = Superber07:59
Nicd-I've been spending my summer with Deus Ex: HR08:00
Nicd-it's a lovely game08:00
Yanielis that the one with the bud light filter?08:00
Nicd-yes :D08:02
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phlixino OLED? *sadface08:05
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lainwir3dFinally got around irc blocking at work08:36
ggabrielyeah, it's cute when they want to block stuff08:40
lainwir3djust had to configure my vpn properly actually (so that I can still access stuff on work network to pretend to work), just didn't have time to do it until now08:41
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tadzik1G of ram? :o08:54
tadzikhard to tell if it's think without a banana for scale08:56
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ggabrielwell, it's all speculation08:58
ggabrielbut if it's going to be a cheap phone, what do you expect? :)08:58
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lainwir3dwait... what ? what phone ?09:01
Nicd-lainwir3d: http://gadgets.ndtv.com/mobiles/news/intex-to-unveil-first-smartphone-with-sailfish-os-20-at-mwc-shanghai-71554209:02
Nicd-actual info tomorrow, this is speculation09:02
Yanieltadzik: banana phone?09:02
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attahlooks like the TOHs might fit.. but it's edges are different09:12
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ggabrielattah: erm... hopefully toh's won't fit, or they have another format09:13
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attahggabriel: sounds like you want a bigger phone?09:13
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attahwhat then?09:14
ggabrielwell, maintaining toh format would put too many constraints on the phone design09:14
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attahbut it kinda looks like it is the same09:15
ggabrieli'm not talking about dimensions09:15
ggabrieli mean, it'd be nice, but in practice not really09:15
ggabrielthink about the position of the connectors09:15
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attahi'm talking about dimmensions and camera+flash.. that looks really similar09:16
ggabrielso then toh's may fit but won't do anything :)09:16
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attahi agree that the connectors too add limitations.. but i think they just might have worked with that09:18
lainwir3dhaving the ability to change the color might be enough in my book :P09:18
TMavicaOnly 1 GB ram is not satis..09:20
ggabrielspeculation :)09:20
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ggabrielalso, 1gb is plenty so long as you don't run android09:20
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taaemHopefully tomorrow there are more news09:20
ggabriel(or webkit :P )09:20
ggabrielthere will09:21
taaemI mean about maybe another phone with higher specs for Europe09:21
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ggabrielhopefully somebody will do that09:22
ggabrielmaybe jolla mobile oy ;)09:23
sakustaroriginal jolla is fine09:24
sakustaronly woe is the camera but i can just keep a few more phones with me09:24
ggabrieli may buy another jolla actually :P09:24
sakustareveryone has 2 or 3 on their person at all times no? :O09:25
ggabrielsakustar: yup09:25
TMavicaSell in october?09:25
TMavicaIt is damb cheap.09:25
TMavicaFly to india to buy, and come back in same day09:25
taaemBut the specs aren't very good09:25
ggabrielTMavica: you fail to value time09:26
taaemAlso Fairphone said that they will announce big news soon09:27
TMavicaggabriel: my air ticket is very cheap09:27
TMavicaShould be 200 HKD, that means 19 euro09:28
TMavicaCome back in same day09:28
ggabrielTMavica: you didn't get my point :) my hours on a plane are way more expensive than what i'd save09:28
TMavicaO. U? Lol. Surely09:28
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SfietKonstantinWtaaem: I'm not sure it is related to SFOS09:30
SfietKonstantinWI guess: no09:30
SfietKonstantinWmaybe they picked TizUbuntu09:30
TMavicaThe look of it look same as  Jolla09:30
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taaemSfietKonstantinW: i guess we have to wait and see what happens09:31
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dr_gogeta86btw I like sailfishOs signature on the back09:58
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tadzikit's a nice detail, yes10:16
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entilthat intex looks nice :o10:19
entiltoo bad about the tohkbd10:20
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nh1402Congrats for the new Salifish Alliance partner and accompanying phone10:39
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cb400fnh1402: link me, link me, link me10:42
nh1402its mentioned in the log10:43
cb400fyup, found it10:43
nh1402the phone is being released tomorrow.10:43
Nicd-you mean Intex?10:44
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cb400fooh nice, I expected a "deal" to be announced... I didn't expect the phone to be almost ready for market10:46
nh1402Nicd-: yes, Intex. A phone is being demoed with Sailfish whether thats the phone in question we'll find out tomorrow10:46
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fluxhow is the Aqua in any way better than the current Jolla mobile?-o cheaper?10:47
fluxwell, maybe it has beefier CPU, and larger display? but apparently it still has 1 gigabyte of memory10:48
flux..which will run out even sooner with bigger framebuffers10:48
Stskeepswait for official news :)10:48
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fluxno! I refuse to!10:48
aard_1.1.7 is going to early access about now: https://together.jolla.com/question/98953/release-notes-117-bjorntrasket/ -- and with that release it's goodbye from me as release manager10:48
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fluxaard_, was being one stressful?-)10:49
nh1402like Stskeeps has said wait for official news. For all we know that could just be an early prototype10:49
Sceltaard_: oh. Where are you going?10:49
ggabrielaard_: thanks and wat? who'll do your job now? :)10:49
cb400fflux: aqua == the intex phone? .. or is that a different beast?10:49
aard_flux: 2.5 jobs with only one paid ;)10:49
fluxcb400f, yes10:49
aard_Scelt: for now, concentrating on other areas, like security10:49
attahFirst release with a Swedish name, cool :)10:49
Sceltaard_: okay :)10:50
cb400fflux: for one, it seems to be a lot cheaper than the jolla... iirc the jolla was almost double price (29k rupees)10:50
cb400fso I guess it's not high-end hardware in the Intex either, but who needs that with Sailfish anyway10:50
fluxit seems to be so close the Jolla form factor that it would be a waste if it doesn't support the same ToHs :)10:51
Yanielhardware is overrated anyway10:51
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dr_gogeta86Stskeeps, some one eard me last month10:51
dr_gogeta86Introduce certificate handling middleware (p11-kit). All crypto libraries now share one CA store.10:51
dr_gogeta86but is it open ?10:51
cb400f\o/   "Possibility to choose different keyboard layouts for Bluetooth keyboards"10:52
Sceltaard_: is this coming from you too: The full changelog will be made available in a separate post shortly.10:52
Stskeepsdr_gogeta86: i'm on vacation10:52
aard_dr_gogeta86: is what open?10:52
aard_Scelt: yes10:52
Sceltok, we'll wait10:52
dr_gogeta86Certificate Handling middleware10:52
Nicd-is there no remorse on "restore" in the backup page?!10:52
aard_dr_gogeta86: yes. http://p11-glue.freedesktop.org/p11-kit.html10:52
fluxnicd-, :)10:52
fluxhappiness ensues?10:53
Yanielwhat's with this lake name though10:53
Nicd-was removing my backups10:53
Nicd-accidentally hit restore on some age old backup10:53
dr_gogeta86thx aard_10:53
fluxnicd-, party like it's 2013?!10:53
dr_gogeta86but connman talk with it ?10:53
Nicd-thanks jolla UX team10:53
Yanielthere really should be a link to gmaps or jarviwiki or whatever pointing to the lake10:53
fluxone point for me for using backuppc to backup my jolla :P10:54
Nicd-it removed all my contacts10:54
fluxnicd-, but yeah, maybe you should make a TMO post about that..10:54
YanielNicd-: but do you have a more recent backup?10:56
Yanielie. can you restore that now10:56
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Nicd-because I was deleting them from the newest10:57
Nicd-until I hit restore10:57
Nicd-so the one I restored from is the latest10:57
TemeV"Option to prevent Android apps from accessing your contacts" \o/10:57
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fluxI understand it can be beneficial storage-wise to get rid of all the backups once in a while..10:57
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flux..but maybe not critical, as at least pictures are stored somehow external to the git repository10:58
Nicd-how can there be no remorse for restoring a backup?!10:58
fluxthere is, but it's been externalized to the user :P10:59
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fluxsorry, I feel like I'm not being sympathetic enough..11:00
Nicd-well, goodbye contacts11:00
Nicd-hadn't even synced them because the fscking google sync doesn't work11:00
Sceltaard_: here a tag is "offical" instead of "official" https://together.jolla.com/question/98953/release-notes-117-bjorntrasket/11:01
cb400fhmm.. looking at prices for Intex on snapdeal, it seems 15k rupees might actually mean the sfos2.0 phone will be just about their flagship model11:01
fluxwell, at least you're mostly no worse off compared to just breaking the phone11:01
Nicd-I'm feeling like breaking the phone right now11:01
aard_Nicd-: and you don't have some external contacts database at least containing some of the contacts?11:02
StskeepsNicd-: filing a bug..11:02
Nicd-Stskeeps: https://together.jolla.com/question/88947/system-backup-restore-no-confirmation/11:02
ggabrielNicd-: i assume you didn't copy a more recent backup to the sd card?11:02
Nicd-aard_: they are in google contacts. but the contact sync has not worked since last summer11:02
Nicd-so most I can restore11:03
fluxthis sort of highlights how bugs go to tmo to die :/11:03
Nicd-tmo or tjc?11:04
fluxoops, tjc11:04
ggabrielflux: well, not many votes...11:04
* ggabriel just votes fwiw11:05
fluxggabriel, well, it would perhaps take one dedicated person to find out worthwhile issues, or it takes 100 jolla-owners to read through all the same posts and then decide to vote uniformly..11:05
ggabrieltrue, it's not easy until you experience the issue11:05
Nicd-guess I might as well do a factory reset now to attempt to get the contact sync working11:07
Nicd-if it doesn't work after update11:07
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birdzhangupdating 1.1.711:08
lainwir3d"Update to PulseAudio 6.0, improving Bluetooth audio"11:08
lainwir3dYAY \o/11:08
xfade_Nicd-: You might also move your contacts.db* files out of the way and see if it isn't a corrupted sqlite db issue11:09
Nicd-"Deleting photo from Camera roll may also delete the previous photo." -- funny how this just keeps persisting across updates11:09
Nicd-xfade_: there were some contacts. like 511:09
xfade_Nicd-: yeah, but we've seen some corruption in those dbs..11:09
xfade_sqlite doesn't like that :)11:10
Nicd-I did reset my contacts system with chriadam at one point. moved all the dbs etc11:10
Nicd-worked for 2 syncs and then died for the same reason11:10
dr_gogeta86update via ssh reverse proxy ?11:10
dr_gogeta86I'll try to hit my face with a jolla brick11:10
ggabrieldr_gogeta86: or wait till you're home?11:11
dr_gogeta86I'm badass11:11
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xfade_Nicd-: Hmm for me it just works. Had some issues a long time ago, but has been ok for a long time too.11:12
Nicd-my error is "invalid contact detail type -1" or something like that11:13
Wntyay! update day! :)11:17
xfade_Wnt: Well, first balance day :)11:18
dr_gogeta86A simple question ... where is Mark ?11:18
dr_gogeta86Is the new finding Waldo ?11:18
Wntxfade_: I guess that was the "preparing for update" thing? it went pretty fast for me11:18
Stskeepsdr_gogeta86: according to my facebook marc is busy driving motorcycles in norway11:19
dr_gogeta86I hope well for him11:19
dr_gogeta86is one of my dream, from italy to cape north with a vespa px11:19
xfade_Wnt: no, it will come a bit later11:22
xfade_Well, depends one which release you are coming from. And if the nightly balance thing actually ran.11:22
cb400fhmm.. latest Jolla price on snapdeal is also down to around 15k rs... wonder if it's "sold out" by coincidence ;-)11:23
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tadzikrelease! \o/11:26
TofeWhat is the consequence of p11-kit introduction, in practice ? More possibilities for handling certificates, like with WPA authentification?11:27
Yaniela unified way to handle certificates across all apps11:27
Yanielpretty sure WPA auth is one thing it'll help with11:28
aard_Tofe: what just was said, plus, during the next releases we'll make sure all other bits using crypto plug into p11-kit as well, and make additional token storage available, so you can use pkcs11 for storing private keys as well11:29
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Tofeok, great11:30
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Yanielhow's that changelog coming along? :D11:31
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aard_as soon as I'm done with lunch11:31
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TofeRecently I tried to use WPA-PEAP with a custom root certificate, but without success so far; maybe that will help11:31
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chem|stTofe: all that eduroam stuff is usually using a custom root cert11:36
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chem|stTofe: most important, the config is case sensitive for all input fields11:37
tadzikheh, Optiming in progress11:38
tadziksounds like something from CSI Miami or something :)11:38
Tofechem|st: yes, it's a bit tricky, and I don't know much in this field... Hopefully at worst it will just not connect.11:43
chem|stTofe: pastebin your config (without passwds) and I help you along, also info on the network might be good to know11:44
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Tofechem|st: I'm using Roamer to help me, to I think the syntax is fine11:46
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dr_gogeta86any way to avoid optimization11:50
xfade_dr_gogeta86: yes, but it is about the same risk as throwing your phone out of the window and hoping it still works afterwards :)11:51
dr_gogeta86i'm manually balance11:51
xfade_then it should be fast11:51
dr_gogeta86manually i push to 35%11:51
dr_gogeta86using balancer service rebootds11:51
dr_gogeta86using balancer service reboots11:51
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chem|stTofe: just an offer11:53
chem|stdr_gogeta86: if your device is balanced fine it probably skips it anyway, or does not take much time, as I do have the weekly balance just fine I do not even recognize that it does balance before an upgrade11:54
dr_gogeta86I need a factory reset I got a bad state btrfs11:54
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chem|stdr_gogeta86: and "avoid optimization" is stupid in itself isn't it?11:55
chem|stdr_gogeta86: what do you mena by bad state?11:55
dr_gogeta86balance cause kernel oops11:55
xfade_dr_gogeta86: Are you on
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xfade_Hmm that kernel shouldn't oops on balance11:56
Tofechem|st: basically what I'm using is this: http://pastebin.com/wFS4BFd611:56
xfade_dr_gogeta86: One thing to try would be to really make sure you clean up a lot. Then it will balance a lot easier..11:57
dr_gogeta86I need another phone :-D11:57
ggabrieluhm... i wonder how long does it take my phone to rebalance11:58
Tofeggabriel: depends on the level of balance you've chosen11:58
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chem|stTofe: try CACertFile=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt11:58
ggabrielTofe: default? whatever sfos does11:59
chem|stTofe: for me setting something else fails11:59
Yanielggabriel: anything between 5 minutes and an hour11:59
Tofechem|st: but will that include the root CA I have copied to the device ?11:59
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chem|stdon't know if I added it at somepoint, if the cert is in the cert folder it should work just fine12:01
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chem|stsome people do not even have the cert line specified12:02
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dr_gogeta86btw the upgrade via reverse ssh tunnel seems to work12:04
Sceltfull changelog still not available?12:04
dr_gogeta86is a bit trick12:04
Tofechem|st: my root CA cert is self-signed, and wpa_supplicant complains about that, maybe that's the problem here12:05
xfade_Scelt: rpm is your friend ;)12:06
dr_gogeta86Tofe, is a connman fault12:06
Sceltxfade_: exact command?12:06
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xfade_Scelt: rpm -q --changelog <packagenamehere>12:06
Sceltxfade_: heh, thx.12:07
Tofedr_gogeta86: oh... so no solution for that?12:07
xfade_Scelt: We put a lot of energy in actually having changelogs in every rpm.12:08
dr_gogeta86You need to Push Ca into CAs12:08
chem|stTofe: ^^12:08
Sceltxfade_: I believe that. It's easier for you to get full changelogs also12:08
chem|stScelt: wait for aard_ finishing his lunch...12:09
Sceltjust looping through the package nmes12:09
xfade_Scelt: yep and to verify if a change is actually in the version you are running etc etc.12:09
Sceltxfade_: yes. well done, sir12:09
Tofedr_gogeta86: I've copied my root CA cert (as a PEM file) into ssl certs, should I do something more?12:09
Sceltchem|st: :D12:09
dr_gogeta86rea journalca -fa12:09
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xfade_But if you are impatient, this is the way to scratch the itch ;)12:09
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Sceltxfade_: thx for that :D12:10
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Tofedr_gogeta86: " wpa_supplicant[11131]: TLS: Certificate verification failed, error 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain) depth 2 for '/DC=com/DC=das/DC=dasne/CN=DAS Root CA' " looks quite explicit to me12:15
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inte`my btrfs balance is still running12:21
inte`for two days now12:21
inte`renders my phone somewhat useless12:22
dr_gogeta86reboot in recovery12:22
inte`is there any way to see the progress?12:22
dr_gogeta86and cancel it12:22
inte`i dont want to loose any data12:22
dr_gogeta86I never loose anything12:22
inte`and if it was done by, say, 60 percent today, i wouldnt mind waiting another day12:22
Yanielyou can stop it safely12:23
inte`is that new?12:23
Yanielwith the appropriate command, lemme check12:23
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dr_gogeta86btw i've updated via a sort of reverse tethering12:23
Yanielbut you need a separate terminal12:23
Yanielssh works too if you have that enabled12:23
inte`i guess the instructions on the tjc are full of warnings regarding data loss12:23
inte`it running in screen12:23
Yanielyeah, don't kill it or ^C it12:23
inte`but i can safely ssh into the phone12:23
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Yanieloh if it is in screen then there should be no problem12:24
Yanieljust run devel-su btrfs balance stop /12:24
Yanielwithout touching the balance running in screen12:24
Sceltaard_: thanks!12:24
dr_gogeta86I've tricked the balancer with a fake one12:25
Tofeaard_: thanks !12:25
dr_gogeta86exit 012:25
Nicd-aard_: says OpenSSL twice12:25
Nicd-j -> k and then k -> m12:25
aard_hm, we're at k12:25
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inte`ssh -lnemo12:26
inte`is there anything like btrfs fi balance status /12:26
aard_Nicd-: ah, that is inside alien12:26
Yanielinte`: yes12:26
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Yanielbtrfs balance status /12:27
inte`1 out of about 23 chunks balanced (14 considered),  96% left12:27
inte`ok I guess I rather stop then :)12:27
ggabrielinte`: i assume you checked journalctl for other types of errors12:28
inte`before stopping?12:28
ggabrielyou can stop, it's ok12:28
inte`not yet but I will do now12:28
ggabrielbut check if you didn't run into errors before...12:28
inte`btrfs balance stop /12:29
inte`: unknown token 'stop'12:29
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Tofewhat does "SIP account plugin extension" do ?12:30
ggabrielinte`: can be cancel12:30
ggabrielbut that's according to man btrfs-balance in kernel 4 :P12:30
aard_Tofe: it's a breadcrumb to show that we didn't forget about working on sip :p12:31
inte`yeah just consulted the manpage12:31
inte`it was cancel12:31
Tofehehe :) ok good!12:31
inte`i have a couple of errors in my journalctl12:31
inte`or at least warnings12:32
inte`like, freezing userspace process12:32
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inte`mmh, i have the feeling I should have started the cancel command in a screen as well12:32
ppheh, "waiting for part" for my display replay12:33
pp... wonder if they're as available as batteries :-)12:33
tadzikso, not much user-facing changes, eh?12:33
ggabrielclearly not12:34
ggabrielall that goes to 2.0 ;)12:34
aard_tadzik: quite a few bugfixes, but obviously the toolchain upgrade is big12:35
aard_alien changed a lot, we did't upgrade that for a few releases12:35
inte`so, eventually, having started the cancel command throug wifi/ssh means i shouldnt leave my wifi until it is processed?12:35
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Wntinte`: maybe you can use http://pasky.or.cz/dev/retty ?12:36
ggabrielinte`: some people had similar issues and there was no problem with HUP'ing the cancel command12:36
ggabrielbut that's hearsay12:36
attahaard_: But the tel-link handling is still broken or?12:36
inte`ok thanks12:37
inte`i will consider that12:37
Yanielooh, gstreamer1.012:37
SfietKonstantinWaard_: thanks for the toolchain update btw12:37
ggabrielWnt: nice :)12:37
aard_attah: ?12:37
SfietKonstantinWC++11 lovers thank you :)12:37
inte`at first ill go for lunch and leave all my communications equipment in the office12:37
attahaard_: https://together.jolla.com/question/71883/percent-encoded-tel-links-broken-becomes-2/12:37
inte`a seldom experience :)12:37
attahOne line.. :(12:37
inte`hopefully its done when im back12:37
Wntsailfish-maps has a nice looking version bump: Current Version: 1.0.40-10.26.1.jolla, Available Version: 1.1.0-10.27.1.jolla12:38
Wntand again, the store doesn't suggest any upgrades12:39
ggabrielit took my store a couple of days to suggest that in the last upgrade12:39
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Wntalso for some reason upower from the jolla repository didn' get updated to the latest: https://paste.kde.org/pugwgzr2c12:41
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Wntis it OK to upgrade that?12:42
* SQUelcher updates to Björnträsket12:43
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KabouikGuys, I'm trying to install the last SF update (opt-in), but when it's downloaded and I select "Install" from the pulley menu, my phone just switches off, and nothing happens, even after minutes12:49
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KabouikAm I missing something?12:49
lainwir3dprobably not12:50
KabouikAny ideas then? I never had this issue before12:51
ggabrielis the phone connected to power?12:51
ggabrielhave you got enough space?12:51
KabouikThe phone was connected to power the first time I tried, then I rebooted and tried without the wire (80% battery)12:52
inte`Kabouik: sounds like the FS could be full12:52
KabouikI think I have enough battery, I factory reset recently12:52
Kabouik-batter +spacde12:52
Kabouik-spacde +space -.-12:52
KabouikFor some reason, when the phone is off after I "Install" from the pulley button, and try to reboot, the led appears read like if the phone was actually on12:53
KabouikBut I waited more than 30 min before trying that12:53
Kabouikappears red*, sorry, sleep deprivation. -_-12:54
ggabrielmaybe the phone is trying to tell you to go to sleep and try again when you're awake? :)12:55
attahYup, the bug is still there.. <insert profanity here>12:55
KabouikWhen the phone finally reboots, it's in flight mode12:55
Kabouik"btrfs fi show /" returns "ERROR: could not open /dev/mmcblk0p28" and "ERROR: could not open /dev/mmcblk1". I guess it's related. Maybe I should try to update without the µSD card12:56
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xfade_Kabouik: you need to devel-su13:01
KabouikThen I get "ERROR: unable get label Innapropriate ioctl for device" (with no µSD inserted, because I know my µSD my be dead anyway)13:01
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xfade_that is just noise, doesn't matter13:02
KabouikYeah but I got no results apart from this error13:03
xfade_Kabouik: btrfs filesystem show13:03
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Kabouik"btrfs fi df /" says i use 6.87 GiB oon 10.25 GiB on "Data, Single"13:03
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KabouikToltal devices 1 FS bytes used 7.02 GiB13:04
Kabouikdevid 1 size 14.75GiB used 11.38GiB path /dev/mmcblk0p28 xfade_13:04
Kabouik13.75 GiB, not 14.75, sorry for the typo (I'm not ssh-ing at the moment, I'm retyping what I see in fingerterm)13:05
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taaemwhat does this in the changelog mean? [usbmodeselector] Add PC Suite mode13:26
Kabouikhttp://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1476712&postcount=9 I've posted my issue here, in case anyone has an idea13:30
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PaulePanterHi. Setting up a Google Mail account it looks like all my contacts were uploaded to Google.13:39
PaulePanterNot cool. How can I forbid that?13:40
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ggabrieli'd probably set up just the imap account13:40
ggabrielto ensure that it only syncs emails13:40
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Nicd-or you can uncheck the contact and calendar sync in the account's settings page13:41
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tadzikstore down for everyone or just me?13:49
tadzikI seem to have connectivity in general, although it seemed very sketchy at first13:49
tadzikfailed to detect simcard, then couldn't get internet before I started pinging dns continously13:49
PaulePanterNicd-: Thank you.13:50
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Yanieltadzik: no problems here13:51
PaulePanterWhen accesing the Google account from Sailfish OS on my Jolla phone: Your Google Account paul.menzel@giantmonkey.de was just used to sign in on Android.13:51
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Yanielthat's normal13:53
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inte`what will happen when i disconnect ssh after I started ssh balance cancel / but the command has not yet finished?13:59
YanielEUndefinedBehaviour happens14:00
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inte`status say cancel requested14:01
inte`so i guess it took it14:01
inte`and i can hopefully stop ssh14:01
inte`cant wait any longer14:04
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KabouikAlright, I finally managed to do the update, but I have no lipstick anymore. I did disable all patches prior to the update, and re-enabled those that could be applied after the update14:26
KabouikI'm leaving in one hour max for holidays, I'm kind of really annoyed and panicked now :|14:27
Stskeepswhy would you upgrade right before a holiday?14:27
Stskeeps.. to a early access release14:27
KabouikBecause I had a battery drain issue and was kind of hoping it would solve it14:27
Stskeeps(says the guy that just upgraded on -devel level- before his holiday..)14:27
KabouikI can't even see the PIN code screen (I have a white screen), I guess I tried to reinstall outdated lipstick-qt5-blahblah.rom and lipstick-jolla-home-blahblah.rpm when I lost Lipstick after the update14:29
KabouikCan some miracle happen to me before I leave for holidays, please? D:14:29
KabouikSfietKonstantinW maybe you're used to these Lipstick issues with Patchmanager, any ideas on how to restore it?14:30
SfietKonstantinWKabouik: reinstall lipstick from recovery14:30
SfietKonstantinWdid you used patchmanager ?14:30
KabouikYes I did, but unapplied all that could be unapplied before the update14:31
KabouikAnd then reapplied all that could be reapplied14:31
KabouikSome patches failed, but I'm used to it. I should have been more cautious about this issue I guess14:31
KabouikThis is after I reapplied them that I lost Lipstick. And then I lost even the PIN Code screen when I tried to install (probably outdated versions) of the two aforementioned rpms14:32
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KabouikI'm in Recovery mode, telnet OK. I guess I should select "Shell" SfietKonstantinW?14:35
SfietKonstantinWKabouik: go to a folder named /opt/patchmanager/backups14:36
Kabouikcd /opt/patchmanager/backups/usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/qml/14:36
Kabouikcp -rf * /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/qml/14:36
KabouikAm I right?14:36
KabouikHum, seems /opt is not mounted14:37
SfietKonstantinWbetter backup what you are gonna kill14:37
SfietKonstantinWyes, you need to mount the filesystem14:37
SfietKonstantinWthere is a together post on how to mount it from recovery14:37
Kabouikmount -t btrfs /dev/mmcblk0p28 /mnt/rootfs14:38
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SfietKonstantinWsomething like this yeah14:39
KabouikIt says no such file or directory14:39
lukedirtwalkerHm I try to update, but I first have to click this "Start optimising" button, once the optimization is done the button re-appears, tried it twice14:39
KabouikI guess I should mkdir /mnt/rootfs14:40
chem|stKabouik: yes, and you can just mount to /mnt14:40
SfietKonstantinWlukedirtwalker: make some space14:40
lukedirtwalkerSfietKonstantinW: hm okay14:41
KabouikI have no /qml/ folder in /opt/patchmanager/backups/usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/ apparently SfietKonstantinW14:43
KabouikIn /mnt/rootfs/opt/patchmanager/backups/usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 actually14:43
SfietKonstantinWKabouik: what do you have inside ?14:44
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Kabouikhttp://hastebin.com/buyaheyuno.hs SfietKonstantinW14:45
SfietKonstantinWcopy this in /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt514:45
SfietKonstantinWbackup lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 (rename it)14:46
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KabouikYou mean you want me to "cp /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-backup"?14:46
KabouikNot sure what you meant SfietKonstantinW14:49
SfietKonstantinWKabouik: yep14:49
SfietKonstantinWand copy /opt/patchmanager/backups/usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 /usr/share/14:50
KabouikAnd then I "cp /mnt/rootfs/opt/patchmanager/backups/usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/* /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5", right?14:50
KabouikOk done. Just have to reboot in normal mode now SfietKonstantinW?14:51
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SfietKonstantinWKabouik: yep14:51
SfietKonstantinWtry to reboot14:52
KabouikJolla refuses to shut down, will have to remove the battery :o14:52
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lukedirtwalkerI guess I should really implement SD-card support for CuteSpot ^^14:53
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KabouikI get nothing but a black screen (but it is on) SfietKonstantinW :/14:55
SfietKonstantinWKabouik: wait a se14:55
SfietKonstantinWif you still get nothing you will need to get the journal14:55
KabouikLet me reboot in recovery again then14:56
SfietKonstantinWsomething else to do is to ask someone to download the package for you and reinstall it from recovery14:56
KabouikI'm back in recovery14:56
SfietKonstantinWKabouik: mount your "/"14:58
SfietKonstantinWand chroot in it14:58
KabouikIt's mounted, don't know what you mean exactly by chroot it14:58
SfietKonstantinWand journalctl -b 1 | grep lipstick14:58
SfietKonstantinWchroot <path>14:58
Kabouikbash-3.2# journalctl -b 1 | grep lipstick14:58
KabouikNo journal files were found.14:58
KabouikFailed to look up boot +1: Cannot assign requested address14:58
chem|stKabouik: journalctl -b (without 1)?14:59
KabouikFailed to get boot id: No such file or directory14:59
KabouikNo journal files were found14:59
SfietKonstantinWDAMN, your journal is set to volatile14:59
chem|stKabouik: are you chroot'ed?14:59
KabouikI did "chroot /mnt/rootfs" yes chem|st15:00
chem|stSfietKonstantinW: it gets overwritten on boot so last boot should be there even on volatile, right?15:00
SfietKonstantinWchem|st: I forgot about the volatility15:00
SfietKonstantinWif it is really fully volatile = shutdown, no logs15:00
KabouikI guess I'll have to charge my N900 before going on holidays in a few minutes D:15:00
chem|stok so it does not survive a shutdown15:00
KabouikIs there any reason it would be voltatile by default SfietKonstantinW? I never did anything to set it that way15:01
SfietKonstantinWKabouik: because your jolla is not a server :P15:02
chem|stKabouik: yes it would write to eMMC if set persistent15:02
chem|stit is default15:02
KabouikAnd can't the blackscreen be related to me trying to stupidly install lipstick-jolla-home-qt5- and lipstick-qt5- when Patchmanager lost my Lipstick? These rpm are probably outdated, but I had them on my HDD and thought they would work15:02
chem|stKabouik: hope you learned the lesson of "do not install early-access just before you go on holidays"15:03
KabouikI had this battery drain issue which was annying me anyway chem|st, this update sounded like a good hope15:03
chem|stKabouik: and yes, you cannot just apply old lipstick to an upgraded device15:03
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KabouikBut then, can't these old lipstick rpms I installed be those backuped in /patchmanager/backups, and hence can it explain the blackscreen? Perhaps just reinstalling up to date rpms would work, no?15:04
chem|stKabouik: there is no battery drain issue, either tracker is messing or you have some app installed that hogs your device, android-support for example can drain you dead in hours15:04
SfietKonstantinWKabouik: never ever install lipstick-qt5 now15:04
SfietKonstantinWI hoped that patchmanager did backed up your new lipstick15:05
SfietKonstantinWah but maybe you have an old lipstick binary with new lipstick QML15:05
SfietKonstantinWbad bad bad :(15:05
chem|stKabouik: pull backups and reset15:06
KabouikWhat do you mean chem|st?15:06
KabouikI have no backups in .vault unfortunately15:06
chem|stbackup what you need and factory-reset15:06
SfietKonstantinWask someone to download new lipstick15:07
SfietKonstantinWand send it to email to you15:07
chem|stor that15:07
* Kabouik asks someone to download new lipstick and sent it by email to me.15:07
SfietKonstantinWand lipstick-qt515:07
KabouikWith the typos.15:07
SfietKonstantinWand lipstick-jolla-home-qt515:07
SfietKonstantinW(just to be clear)15:07
* SfietKonstantinW cannot: at work15:07
KabouikIs there a way I can download them myself?15:08
SfietKonstantinWKabouik: well if you have a working Jolla it is easy15:10
KabouikI have a paperweight.15:11
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KabouikIt's fancy, it has a coloured led and everything15:11
KabouikOk I need to go do something at work 15 min while maybe somebody sees my SOS and can download up to date lipstick-qt5 and lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 (will I have a way to transfer them to the Jolla while in recovery mode?)15:12
SfietKonstantinWanyone ^15:14
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kimmoliscp works over usb, if you have ssh server on the pc15:17
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SfietKonstantinWkimmoli: the problem is that he is on the recovery15:18
SfietKonstantinWcan you contact Jolla repos on recovery from chroot15:19
SfietKonstantinWif you get net via usb ?15:19
kimmolior dunno if you get that..15:19
kimmolii had 2nd phone, copied everything needed for developermode...15:19
kimmolichrooted over recovery15:20
SfietKonstantinWif you have a second phone it is easy :)15:20
kimmolimanaged to get wifi working, so could ssh in15:20
kimmoliit was not walk in a park15:21
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Yanielwhoa, ram usage has gone down again a bit15:23
chem|stKabouik: that might be an idea, switch on wlan and let it boot to blank screen, then ssh in and pkcon install the packages you need15:28
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xfade_Yaniel: thumb support for arm15:30
SfietKonstantinWchem|st: you need to configure sshd to start correctly then15:31
SfietKonstantinWisn't it ?15:31
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chem|stSfietKonstantinW: I think all people having that lipstick borked issue buit had dev-mode and wlan on could recover just fine15:33
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Kabouikchem|st why not, but I still don't have the packages, and don't know how to switch wlan on and then boot from recovery :(15:44
KabouikI need to leave in like 20 min :(15:45
KabouikAnyone here has done the update and could give me the two precious rpms?15:48
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chem|stno can do, did you not leave wlan on?15:51
KabouikI think it was off because I had this battery life issue :/15:54
KabouikSo am I good for a factory reset now? I can't even backup stuff from recovery mode, right?15:54
ggabrielyou can easily back stuff up to an sd card15:54
KabouikMy SD is dead. I hate everything.15:55
ggabrielcome on man15:55
ggabrielget a new one15:55
ggabrielthey're cheap-ish15:55
chem|stKabouik: without sd you can wait all day to get the rpm into recovery15:55
KabouikYeah, I know, but I mean this can't be fixed before my holidays ggabriel15:56
KabouikOf course I will, later15:56
chem|stKabouik: find out how to toggle wlan from terminal and you are good to go in 5 minutes!15:56
KabouikMaybe I have a SD in another device, would have to check15:56
ggabrieli restored my phone while on holidays :P15:56
KabouikI think I can find it in the diptoh thread, there was a bash script for wlan on/off, but it's still useless to me since I don't have the rpms15:57
KabouikI will be in a roadtrip sleeping in my car ggabriel :D15:57
wysiwtfi see something to keep you busy during holidays :p15:57
ggabrieli think chem|st's point is thta you can get the rpm's with wlan on15:57
KabouikAnd I needed the gps tonight D:15:57
KabouikOh. Let me go home to charge my N900 just in case during the last 30 min I have ggabriel, and maybe I'll try something with wlan if you have 5 min15:58
ggabrieli won't ;)15:58
ggabrielyou know what not to do next time now :)15:58
KabouikI meant chem|st :]15:58
KabouikAnyway, will log in from home for some last resort attempts15:59
KabouikThanks for your help guys, and sorry to bother16:00
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KabouikAlright, I'm on my Jolla, recovery mode, working SD inside chem|st16:21
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r0kk3rzbig day in sailfish land16:28
r0kk3rznew manufacturer announced, new update16:28
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Stskeepstomorrow will be bigger16:28
kimmolisailfish pond16:28
pptablets are shipping!16:29
ortylpdetails? when? what? why?16:29
wysiwtfespecially the 'why'16:30
r0kk3rzStskeeps: Woohoo!16:31
ortylpshould I be scared?16:32
r0kk3rzi look forward to reading all about it then16:32
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KabouikOh no. Even my N900 is dead apparently.16:37
KabouikI can't believe it :[16:37
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r0kk3rzthe n900 is dead! long live the n900!16:37
ortylpyeah.. all 3 Batteries for my N900 are dead, and battery in N9 is almost dead...16:38
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r0kk3rzhmmm do i risk upgrading or not16:42
r0kk3rzseems to be a few reports of hanging upgrades16:42
Kabouikchem|st SfietKonstantinW I have no choice but factory reset16:49
KabouikI'm so sad I applied these patchmanager updates16:49
KabouikI have no backup phone and need to drive to pick somebody 3h from here, and don't know the way :[16:50
KabouikIs there a way I can backup the contacts first?16:50
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KabouikFrom recover16:50
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ortylpis anybody able to tell me how to create timestamped log from dalvik, I need to record many hours to pinpoint a bug I am hunting16:55
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Tofechem|st: did you already try out the update ?16:56
Tofe...without undoing the btrfs little hack first ?16:57
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r0kk3rzKabouik: surely you can un-patch the patches from recovery?17:00
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r0kk3rzwooo i'm in!17:01
Tofethat's what he said17:02
KabouikI can't r0kk3rz17:02
KabouikAnd I was supposed to pick up my half at the airport.17:02
KabouikI think this updated ruined all my plans to make a family one day17:02
SfietKonstantinWKabouik: this happens17:03
r0kk3rzwhy not?17:03
r0kk3rzbut it sounds like you really shouldnt be using the pre-release upgrades17:03
r0kk3rzclearly your chances at procreation depend on it17:03
KabouikBecause I can't go to the airport with no GPS, and can't call them to find a rendez-vous SfietKonstantinW D:17:03
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Stskeepsif you're OK with data loss, factory reset..17:03
Stskeepsthat'll give you gps and all that stuff back..17:04
KabouikI am going to factory reset in emergency and leave SfietKonstantinW, just in case I can get Waze out of it17:04
TofeKabouik: maybe you can take a map with you, and send an sms via internet?17:04
Tofe(dinosaur geek talking here...)17:04
r0kk3rza map?! thats crazy talk Tofe17:04
KabouikI will take a map, but will be late, and sms don't work with her operator. Don't ask, I don't know, I asked my operator myself17:05
KabouikI think I might better kill myself with a wooden spoon.17:05
Tofeif you know her number by heart (that'd be beautiful!), you could use a public phone. If that still exists in your country, of course.17:06
KabouikI just factory reset, I think it should be OK now17:06
Tofe... or that, yeah.17:06
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KabouikI will find her and she will dump me and go back to the airport :')17:06
* Tofe will maybe wait a little bit before upgrading...17:10
lukedirtwalkerSfietKonstantinW: Upgrade went successful, freeing space did the trick17:10
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kimmoliKabouik: that is cost of early adopter...17:10
TofeOh well, who am I trying to fool. I can't wait a whole week !17:11
KabouikFor sure17:11
r0kk3rzTofe: it works for me, no dramas17:11
KabouikI just need to reinstall this Waze apk quickly17:11
KabouikWhere is it :[17:11
r0kk3rzbut im not using patch manager17:11
Tofer0kk3rz: you have a btrfs sdcard mounted?17:11
Tofeok, maybe I'll disable that first :)17:12
r0kk3rzwhen it doubt, pull it out?17:12
Tofeyup :)17:12
KabouikIs Waze is Jolla's official android store please? Don't remember17:12
StskeepsKabouik: no, probably in aptoide17:13
Stskeepsor yandex17:13
KabouikYes, just wanted to know if I need Play, which is long to install17:13
KabouikDon't even remember how to get Yandex$17:13
Stskeepsaptoide should have waze17:14
Stskeeps(i use it too..)17:14
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r0kk3rzwouldnt waze require googleplayspyware17:18
Tofeoh... no space left on device... aaarg...17:19
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KabouikDoes anyone have the Waze apk just now?17:26
KabouikThe download of the files for the Play store is taking ages17:26
TofeI just downloaded the update, and my phone is half dead... Let's hope there's some good advice when no space left on device appears everywhere...17:29
Tofebtrfs says I still have space left... which "space" is involved here then?17:31
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TofeDid someone already have a "no space left on device" issue with no apparent problem regarding btrfs volumes?17:36
TofeMy metadata space is 30% full, I still have 3 chunks available on / (1.5Gb), but I can't even delete a file17:37
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TofeI could delete some previous snapshots, but that involves mount a volume, and I fear it will make things worse17:39
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TofeStill, it's quite the only thing to do, so...17:41
Tofeok, wonderful, I've got plenty of space everywhere, but the jolla says it can't find any. No clue. If I reboot, I fear the worst.17:59
chem|stTofe: yes without disabling data-mount - something got messy so disabling before update is a good idea18:00
chem|stTofe: but it works fine no other issues18:00
Tofechem|st: well, it's when I tried to save alien.sh that vi told me it went wrong because of no space on device -- that's how I discovered the issue18:01
Tofebut I think it's the download of the update that made it happen18:01
chem|stTofe: btrfs balance start -dusage=55 /18:01
Tofechem|st: it can't even do a dusage=5...18:02
chem|stTofe: no need to save alien.sh btw it is only one entry to be made18:02
Tofeand my btrfs space (both metadata and chunks) are not full18:02
chem|stand that only for new setups18:02
chem|stTofe: what does btrfs fi show say?18:02
Tofewell, too late, my alien.sh is size zero now -_-18:03
chem|stTofe: copying a file does not touch it... so what did you do18:03
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Tofebtrfs fi, something like this:    Konsole output     devid    1 size 13.75GiB used 11.12GiB path /dev/mmcblk0p2818:03
Tofechem|st: I did force write in vi18:04
chem|stTofe: to close it?18:04
Tofechem|st: no, because it's readonly and I moved back data/ to the bind section18:04
chem|stTofe: why would you do that?18:04
Tofeto... go back to the state before the llittle hack for mounting sdcard?18:05
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chem|stTofe: and why would you do that?18:05
Tofeto be clean before the big update (there seemed to be a lot of android related stuff)18:05
chem|stall instructions are in the tjc question... nothing else ever has to be done!18:06
Tofechem|st: but for an update, one does never know what could happen if the state of the system isn't as expected by Jolla18:06
chem|stTofe: for the future, you can be sure I update the instructions according to upgrades18:06
chem|stTofe: that is why I test it before hand!18:07
Tofe... and that is why, not knowing for sure if you had done it yet, I was going to disable this little thing before the update :p18:07
Tofebut that's not the cause of issues anyway18:08
chem|stTofe: the question was updated this afternoon and your questions should be answered already as they had been asked right after upgrade was available18:08
TofeI've made a safe copy of alien.sh on my pc, and saved my whole home via scp18:08
chem|stTofe: that is always a good idea18:08
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chem|stok back to your actual issue18:09
Tofeyup, any idea ?18:09
TofeI can't see what I could free up18:09
chem|stas you backuped everyhting, how about deleting folders in home18:09
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TofeI can't, no space on device -- seems like even my metadata are full18:09
chem|stwhat does mount say, is it rw or ro??18:10
Tofe(which is not what btrfs says)18:10
Toferw for /18:10
chem|stupgrade is downloaded?18:10
chem|stdata-mount disabled?18:10
Tofenot yet18:10
chem|stwell does not matter, dsmetool -b18:11
Tofemy alien.sh is wrecked currently, so I don't want to touch that if I can avoid it18:11
chem|st reboot that and beg it gets back to a writable state18:11
chem|stno idea what caused the btrfs lockup but I had that too at least once, nothing was writable anymore18:12
* Tofe begs his phone18:12
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Tofeit boots, I can ssh18:12
chem|stwait for it to settle then become root and try to touch a file like touch /test.t18:13
chem|stor look what btrfs says about usage now18:14
Tofealien.sh restored, goooood18:14
chem|stor that18:14
TofeThat was quite frightening!18:14
chem|stcheck balance state, disable data-mount, upgrade18:14
Tofeyup, exactly my intent18:15
chem|stTofe: you do not know what frightning is yet!18:15
TofeAh, you know how to reassure people before a beta upgrade :)18:15
chem|stTofe: jokes on me :)18:16
Tofeok, I've got 3 chunks available (1.5Gb), metadata is fine, what could go wrong?18:17
chem|stTofe: always have wlan on when upgrading, best bet is also to have it connected to charger18:17
chem|stTofe: I usually have 5gb free before hand, no idea what happens close to the Jolla said limits18:17
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chem|stand when you have 11gb filled, you probably need a bigger uSD!18:18
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TofeI've started a dusage=45 balancing, just in case (only 6.2Gb is really used)18:20
Tofethose big chunks are really not adapted for this device...18:21
TofeI wonder, what is executed behind the scene when a backup is copied to sd ? a simple git backup ?18:24
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inte`im getting serious problems18:35
inte`i canceled btrfs balance about 4 hours ago but status didn't change yet18:36
inte`what am i supposed to do?18:36
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TofeIf you can wait, I'd say wait18:37
Tofeit probably wants to finish the current chunk18:37
Tofe(and is having a hard time doing it)18:37
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TofeHowever I'm no btrfs expert, and I'm easily frightened ;)18:39
inte`Tofe: I will try18:40
inte`the bad thing is that i will not be near to any power source for at least 10 hours tomorrow18:41
inte`if not 1518:41
inte`i hope the battery will last that long18:41
inte`btrfs consumes quite some battery18:42
Tofenow is a good time to make sure you have a valid backup18:42
inte`what was a backup again? :)18:43
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inte`i have my contacts on an openXchange and indeed made a backup sometime ago18:44
Tofeif you're on linux, you can scp your whole /home/nemo, for instance18:44
inte`i guess I won't lost too much in either case18:44
Tofeok, it's up to you :)18:44
inte`i will consider this :)18:45
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Tofechem|st: did you really update the sdcard mount instructions ? the name of the .sh file to change seems to have changed19:00
TofeOr maybe I've misunderstood19:00
chem|stTofe: nothing changed iirc19:01
chem|stthe file to alter is alien.sh19:01
Tofeno, it's now alien_setup_chroot.sh19:01
Tofethe scripts have been reworked19:01
chem|stthe parts to change did not change19:02
chem|stthe media got added in 1.1.4 already19:02
Tofebut data still has to be moved to rbind19:02
chem|stmaybe the lines are off now did not check19:02
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Tofethe main change here is simply the script file name19:03
chem|stscript file name?19:03
Tofealien.sh --> alien_setup_chroot.sh19:03
Tofealien.sh has now a broader role19:04
Tofeand calls the latter19:04
chem|stah I think it is not needed anymore19:07
chem|stdata is mounted before anything elsewhere19:07
Tofeoh, that'd be great indeed19:07
chem|stTofe: don't alter anything there, just activate (enable) the data-media.mount and reboot19:08
chem|stit should show as mmcblk1 mounted to /opt/alien/data/media and android_storage in home/nemo should reflect that19:09
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TofeRebooting, after having de-altered the script ;)19:10
TofeIf it works, it will mean we are able to add the functionality completely besides the system19:12
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Tofechem|st: yes, works like a charm19:15
TofeI see my sdcard maps in Here19:15
Tofeand the sdcard content appears in android_storage19:15
chem|stTofe: like it was before that chroot start19:16
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chem|stthe data is now chrooted completely off-shore, probably semi integrated with sailfish controlling the access19:17
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TofeFirst thing I did: disabling contacts access :)19:19
chem|stTofe: updated guide19:20
chem|stwill make it go to question history next edit19:21
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chem|stthanks for the hint, I just thought nothing had to be altered as everything was working after the upgrade :)19:22
chem|stbut well you should recognize that the files have changed when on initial setup and wonder about the shown 1.1.4 anyway19:22
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chem|stbut still all alterations can stay, Jolla overwrites files in its entirety so far... even systemd seems to get overwritten en-bloque instead of scripted changes19:23
Tofeyes... and strangely enough, the data-mount I disabled was re-enabled after upgrade. Or maybe my disabling didn't work, I don't know.19:24
TofeAnyway, perfect upgrade, once more.19:25
TofeI wonder why the backup copy to sdcard doesn't work well: you have investigated that already?19:25
chem|stit should show removal of files when disabling19:25
chem|stTofe: the vault uses first block device found backwards, or something like that, so it will write to /opt/alien/media/sdcard/ atm iirc19:26
Tofeah, ok, too bad19:27
chem|styou can check that yourself by journalct; -f and go in backup to move to sdcard, once you laod that page (dont do anything) you will see the path being loaded in journal19:27
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chem|stif you stop teh mount it is working fine (stop alien first)19:39
chem|stfor me I need to do that to have properly working MTP, others reported that it just works for them19:39
chem|stso tanks waiting19:40
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phlixigood evening19:49
phlixii just changed my TOH from "Keira black" to "Snow White" and nothing happened,19:50
phlixiif I devel-su and systemctl status tohd19:51
phlixiI see (green)  Active: active (running) since Wed 2015-07-15 21:41:58 CEST; 6min ago19:51
phlixi(just rebooted the phoen)19:51
phlixihowever, everytime I change the TOH, I get one of those entries: Jul 15 21:42:02 Jolla tohd[742]: timeout; terminating discovery19:51
phlixiJul 15 21:46:43 Jolla tohd[742]: timeout; terminating discovery19:51
phlixiany ideas?19:52
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phlixiok, got it20:00
phlixiwell, thats really crap20:00
phlixii have to bend the TOH which scares me to hell i break either the phone or worse the TOHKBD20:01
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TemeVphlixi: most likely you'd only break the 3D printed cover. Take it as a chance to get a different colored one from shapeways :)20:06
phlixiwell, i probably just dont remove it20:07
phlixihad the black one only removed maybe five times the last year in order to pull battery ;-)20:07
phlixiactually when i think about it, probably much more often20:07
phlixibut reboots are gone since i found the "official workaround" (rocking the springs)20:08
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RavenholmDXhey guys21:37
tadzikRavenholmDX! It's been a while :)21:40
RavenholmDXHaha, yeah21:42
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tadzikI'm still up for Insterstellar Marines btw :P22:18
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r0kk3rzis that like the sigmarines?22:26
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inte`new intex phones in the makings...23:36
inte`no intel cpu, though23:37
inte`but still nice, i really need some fresh hardware23:37
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