#jollamobile log for Sunday, 2015-03-08

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chem|stikarus: I only setup wallets when I am able to write down secret keys by hand and that is baerly the case when sober^^00:20
ikaruschem|st: exactly00:21
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chem|stor seeds respectively00:21
chem|sttime to buy a trezor!00:22
ikarusI am keeping drunk for the evening, fuck sobriety for the weekend00:23
chem|stgood point, there is still not enough air in my bottle of gin it seems00:24
chem|sthmm trezor got more expensive00:25
chem|stfor the tablet we need a trezor capable app!00:26
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ikarusso, I have $50 to spend this weekend, what hipster piece of shit should I buy00:28
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M4rtinKanother Jolla Tablet case :D00:33
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ikarusM4rtinK: nah, that case is unimpressive sadly :(00:36
M4rtinKso maybe raspbpi 2 ?00:36
M4rtinKalso ~45$00:37
chem|stM4rtinK: lol I thought the same but I doubt that is hipster enough^^00:37
sakustarchem|st: buy my old boots00:38
M4rtinKnot you you build a vim pedal from it :)00:38
sakustarisnt vintage clothing a hipster thing00:38
M4rtinKthe Arduinos people are using for vim pedals these days are not overkill enough! :)00:39
sakustaroh oh or buy a nokia rad suit?00:39
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kjetilhowhat is #jolla for?00:39
kjetilhoanyway -- new user here.  is there a podcast app for Sailfish?  looks like gpodder is the only game in town?00:42
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chem|stkjetilho: do you need something else than gpodder?00:47
kjetilhowell, could be I just don't understand the UI...00:48
kjetilhoI can find no option to download podcasts, for instance00:48
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chem|stkjetilho: you add a subscription and then you tap the subscription and get all casts listed00:49
kjetilhothat doesn't download them, does it?00:50
kjetilhoand I really don't want to download all 200 episodes00:50
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chem|stif you click a cast you get a contextmenu00:50
kjetilhoI really don't want to click Download on 200 episodes :)00:51
chem|stno it loads only headers00:51
chem|styou mean you want to load all 200?00:52
kjetilhoso what I'm used to is Beyondpod on Android.  it lets me choose how many episodes to download from each show00:52
chem|stbut want to load them all together00:52
kjetilhoand it generates a playlist based on my preferences, e.g., "1 newest episode from category News, 2 newest from Science, 5 oldest from Entertainment"00:53
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kjetilhoand when I've listened to the oldest episodes, it will delete them and replace them with newer episodes00:53
chem|stwhy don't you use beyondpod if you are used to that?00:54
kjetilhoI want to use native apps if possible00:54
chem|stthe gpodder interface is very limited atm00:54
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chem|stbut opensource if you like to contribute00:54
kjetilhocould be :)  do you know what language it is written in?00:54
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chem|stpython and qml probably00:55
kjetilhosounds good!00:55
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pdanekDoes anyone outside Gnome community still care about GTK+ apps?00:59
kjetilhoI really like the Sailfish UI, it's well thought out :-)01:00
pdanekDoes GTK+ have any chance yet?01:00
kjetilho(apropos nothing, just a newbie gushing)01:00
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pdanekkjetilho: and Sailfish 2 is on the way01:01
chem|stpdanek: on jolla? needs xorg doesn't it?01:01
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kjetilhobut it's extremely frustrating that the mail application can give no real error message :-p  "Problem with configuration".  blah.01:04
pdanekchem|st: No, GTK+ in general, on desktop, it seems to be dying.01:04
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chem|stkjetilho: journal might have more intel01:07
chem|stpdanek: yes it does, but not only gnome is invested in gtk+ lots of software is gtk or gtk+ as debian ran on gnome for a decade01:08
ikarusGtk+ forced Gnome01:08
ikarusand many Gtk+ devs don't like Gnome01:09
ikarusso guess what happens01:09
pdanekchem|st: ran, and I know, even Red Hat still relies heavily on Gnome.... but it's just so dependant on Gnome now01:09
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pdanekIf Gnome goes away, GTK+ does, and guess what? Desktop isn't really to grow much anymore01:09
ikarusI switced to Qt because Gtk+ becoming more and more Gnome over even the last 3 years pissed me off01:09
pdanekQt is heavily used in mobile01:09
chem|stthat is one reason why there was or even is a huge discussion bout the standard wm for debian01:10
ikarusyou mean Debian has a standard and it's not sawfish ?01:10
chem|stI just got used to gnome since my last install but as my GF is still scared of my desktop I will probably go I3 or fvwm01:10
chem|stand don't care if anyone but me can work with it01:11
ikaruschem|st: Mate ?01:11
ikarusbecause that is what I tend to installl for people01:11
chem|stmy netbook scares the shit out of people as not even people familiar with linux can open anything without me having a shell opened first01:11
chem|stikarus: let me google that and I tell you if it is an option for me01:12
pdanekSailfish itself, does it use some stuff from Plasma Active project?01:12
ikarusI run xmonad except on my netbook for just that issue01:12
ikaruschem|st: Mate is a Gnome 2 fork01:12
ikaruschem|st: it feels "comfortabel" for many people01:12
chem|stuh no thanks gnome2 was the reason I never used gnome01:13
ikarusI never used Gnome outside of making other people feel comfy01:14
chem|stlets hope xfce gets some drive with debian now, it has high potential but no development, maybe it has high potential because of that^^01:14
chem|stikarus: true, gnome is probably something that makes the transition for people easier01:14
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ikaruschem|st: Gnome 2 atleast01:14
ikarusGnome 3 is a trainwreck01:14
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chem|stuh? don't know wht the last g3 is you had a look at but it is working fine01:15
chem|stthe only thing that is pissing me off is the networkmanager implementation and how it is hooked up01:16
ikaruschem|st: it works quite awkward for anyone not from MacOS X01:16
pdanekWell, nowadays G3 is quite cool, they had some good releases and getting better and better. I was more interested in the underlaying GTK+, it just doesn't seem to be getting anywhere, all is going for Qt these days.01:16
chem|stwell I hate windows and never had a mac... for me it is ok01:16
M4rtinKpdanek: IIRC the Sailfish OS calendar backend is more or less ripped out KDE code01:16
pdanekM4rtinK: o.O01:17
chem|stpdanek: which isn't any better01:17
M4rtinKpdanek: according to a KDE dev :-)01:17
ikaruspdanek: people are fleeing for Qt01:17
M4rtinKalso the document viewers are ~Caligra IIRC01:17
ikarusbecause if you want anything new or modern, you need Gnome01:17
ikarusor Qt01:17
pdanekGnome or Qt?01:18
M4rtinKBTW, I also find Gnome 3 fine these days01:18
ikarusso Gtk devs who don't want to be stuck with a single platform view, go for Qt01:18
chem|sthow about implementing something directly on top of wayland instead of some framework?01:18
ikarusI've moved 2 applications to Qt because of that01:18
pdanekikarus: do they?01:18
ikarusGtk was just not keeping up01:18
M4rtinKand #unlike KDE it supports independent workspaces on multiple monitors :)01:18
chem|stand qt is not really multiplatform from what I understand01:19
pdanekShould Gnome project switch to Qt? :D Does anyone ever considered it before? Is it too crazy to think of?01:19
M4rtinK(you can tell it to no switch virtual desktops when switching them on the other monitor in Gnome but note in KDE for some reason)01:19
M4rtinKGnome == GTK01:19
ikarusand I had to pick Gnome or Qt, and Qt looks fine and native on all platforms unlike Gnome01:19
ikarusM4rtinK: more and more, it didn't used to be like that01:19
ikarusGtk+ was a portable subset of GNOME01:19
chem|stand if I was allowed to kill people without getting prosecuted I'd start with JavaFW developers and follow up with java developers01:20
M4rtinKsometime I get the feeling that unless it breaks Gnome the GTK developers are not interested in fixing the bugs01:20
pdanekwell, qt apps on Windows seem great01:20
M4rtinKand maybe even then :)01:20
pdanekwhile GTK+ apps? meh,.... Pidgin01:20
ikarusM4rtinK: multiplle effects like that01:20
M4rtinKstill it has some stuff Qt does not01:21
M4rtinKlike GObject introspection01:21
M4rtinKreally really powerful stuff01:21
ikarusM4rtinK: actually Qt has equivilents01:21
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ikarusor even compatibility01:21
chem|stpdanek: foss developers should not think that much about having their apps on windows... it adds value to something that should not get the slightest support of the FOSS community01:21
ikarusthe biggest issue is introspection on gstreeamer01:22
M4rtinKikarus: if it has I don't know about anyone using it :)01:22
M4rtinKbut I can import Pango from Haskell or Javascript if I wanted to :)01:22
ikarusbecause that requires some nasty buisness if you want to get low down01:23
pdanekchem|st: c'mon, days when Linux was for Linux people are gone... get out there and make multiplatform stuff... make an app? make it for closed-source OSes too... give people choice, not force them to choose platform01:23
chem|stikarus: I think MrGin just told me to leave you to it, educate the guys!01:23
M4rtinKmake runs on Windows ;-)01:24
pdanekLook at VLC media player, that's great example how apps should be done.01:25
pdanekLinux, Windows or Mac... you can stick to VLC all the time.01:26
chem|stpdanek: if everything runs for FOSS OSs because windows is abandoned you wonder how fast windows will make itself open to those platforms, but as long as they see no harm they wont change anything... just like they think that the next gen windows phones will rule the market and even attack the big players...01:26
M4rtinKor Open SSL - it supports big endian Windows! :)01:26
pdanekNew RHEL 7.1 will support little endian on IBM Power btw.01:26
M4rtinKeven though many still argue if any such OS ever existed01:26
M4rtinKI know ;-)01:27
pdanekchem|st: but FOSS developers should not care about OS... OS doesn't really matter, app matters and you should get it available for everyone01:27
ikaruspdanek: well, I like toolkits that feel closer to native on exotic platforms like Windows01:28
ikarusGtk+ lost that01:28
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M4rtinKpdanek: the OpenPOWER stuff looks rather nice01:29
M4rtinKpdanek: at least from what I've heard about it01:29
M4rtinKpdanek: AIX free, KVM for virtualization & IIRC even the firmware has been open sourced01:30
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pdanekPower was made available to others ages before, but OpenPOWER finally makes it open for everyone.01:35
pdanekThe best thing is that the architecture is really state of the art they're already fully working on Power9:01:35
pdanek"AIX free"?01:35
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pdanekAIX licenses are still pretty fucking expensive.01:35
M4rtinKIIRC there was AIX or something else acting more or less as a hypervisor01:36
M4rtinKon older Power architectures01:36
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M4rtinKso even if you run Linux, it was there managing stuff01:36
pdanekyea, PowerVM hypervisor supports RHEL and SLES for very long time and you have Virtual I/O Server (VIOS, based on AIX) which can also virtualize resources to Linux.01:37
M4rtinKyeah, that's it01:37
pdanekPowerKVM is Linux only though, no longer AIX support.01:37
M4rtinKyep IIRC01:37
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pdanekThinking, does it still matter to run GTK+ apps in Gnome? Latest Gnome 3 displays most of Qt apps with Gnome look anyway, so it integrates well.01:42
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pdanekWhy would it be bad to just use Gnome because of DE? But actually run majority Qt apps on it?01:42
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M4rtinKI'm running tons of Qt apps in Gnome without issues01:56
M4rtinKQtCreator, Clementine, Qupzilla, etc.01:56
M4rtinKsame thing with GTK apps on another machine with KDE - Nautilus, Gimp, Shotwell, etc.01:57
M4rtinKalso no issues :)01:57
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unbreakablefreemangordon, why dont you just load maemo onto an open pandora and slot in a USB GSM module04:03
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unbreakableMost important question of the year04:05
unbreakablewill sailfish OS be able to run on the most important phone in nokia's history?04:06
unbreakablethe Nokia NGAGE04:06
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ppno, but a sidetalking TOH is fully supported!05:23
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inte_awaygood morning08:44
inte_awayi only wonder: will the tablet feature some kind of arm-vm to support legacy phone apps, or do we have to recompile them for Intel?08:45
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coderusinte: recompile08:46
inte;) well..., i guess the jolla2 phone will be intel as well08:47
intecoderus thx!!08:47
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tbrone could of course, put on a complete ARM target chroot and conjure a way to run those apps through qemu :) (not full vm qemu, but process emulation)08:51
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Stskeepsscary stuff08:54
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tbrStskeeps: I believe that's how some people run wine on ARM. Never checked the details.08:57
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inteah, next thing09:00
keesjUse the source Luke09:00
inteit would of course be cool to have wine running on the tablet09:00
keesjqemu-arm on intel is still very slow09:00
intebut im not sure if this will work with wayland09:01
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intei guess recompiling the apps is not a big thing09:01
inteespecially as x86 is actually the more "genuine" linux base09:02
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thpkjetilho: https://github.com/gpodder/gpodder-sailfish is up for contribution :) a "download x newest episodes" would be a feature i'd welcome10:15
thpkjetilho: or at least a way to say "download episodes" and then get a list of episodes and tap on them and bulk-download10:16
ortylpthp: is there any (planned) support for playback speed control?   I have tested (and using) https://github.com/waywardgeek/sonic for AntennaPod/prestissimo.  The C library works :)10:18
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thportylp: there's http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtmultimedia-mediaplayer.html#playbackRate-prop and i think it does non-pitch-changing speed changes10:20
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thportylp: using something like sonic would also be possible, but then we'd talk custom QML plugins, etc.., so a more deeper-going change10:21
Orly_Cowthe_mgt, so when will the jolla ui be made open?10:22
ortylpthp: I see.10:22
thportylp: but if we go that way, i'd rather contribute that upstream to qml mediaplayer (which might take a bit longer) and then benefit from it on all platforms and keep gpodder's source simple10:24
ortylpthp: I think that is the right way... the problem is I do not have much free time on my hands at the moment... and gpodder without playback speed control is unusable.10:26
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thportylp: dirty hack would be (if you download files) that we just pass the locally-downloaded file to a tool that does the speed changing *to the file*. that'd be a 30-minute-hack10:28
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ortylpthp: :D  I have already thought of it, but the playback rate I can accept depends on the podcast host, guests that get interviewed and context (I am not able to listen too fast while I am driving, it gets much better for walking/jogging).  The speed control must be therefore as accessible as play/pause/stop/FF10:32
thportylp: convert to multiple speeds (=multiple files) and then do some sophisticated file switching / seeking? :p10:33
Orly_Cowhey whats the name of that gay piano player who sang that song in the lion king?10:33
ortylpthp: nice ;)10:33
thportylp: and fade inbetween the different files :p10:34
thportylp: making up for lack of technology with disk space :p10:34
ortylpthp: in this case plugging mp3 decoding + sonic + audio playback into QML module sounds less difficult....10:36
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thportylp: do file a feature request on github, so we don't forget it. though10:39
ortylpthp: ACK10:39
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coderusanyone interested in strange wayland crash? https://gist.github.com/CODeRUS/f3d86df5b11e1ef2344a10:40
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spiiroincoderus: always crashing or only now and then?10:42
coderusspiiroin: always crashing when this page active, on some 4-5 state change or so10:43
coderusso just keep this page active and do some systemctl stop/start aliendalvik10:43
coderuswithout timer it crashing at 2-3 iteration for me10:44
coderuswith this timer it only crashing on 4-5 iteration10:44
coderusbut crashing anyway :D10:44
coderuswell, sometimes application is crasiong, but in most cases wayland crashing :D10:44
spiirointhere is an issue with DBusInterface signal dispatching -> certain message types can cause problems10:44
coderusspiiroin: well, i see no issues with signal itself, seems problem when requesting property value10:45
coderusno idea if signal is making any problems10:46
r0kk3rzOrly_Cow: you mean elton john?10:46
Orly_Cowno i found it ; eric clapton10:47
Orly_Cowthanks anyways10:47
r0kk3rzeric clapton is known more for his guitar playing10:47
r0kk3rzand i dont think he is gay10:47
Nicd-and he's not a pianist10:47
Nicd-and the lion king song was by elton john10:48
r0kk3rzbut nvm10:48
spiiroincoderus: for example array:dict(string,variant) -> misbehaves/crashes when dispatching from c++ -> qml10:49
spiiroinin signals, that is. I have some unfinished wip fixes for it10:51
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spiiroinbut master has lived since, needs rebasing etc again10:52
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coderusspiiroin: at leat without getProperty code it's not crashing10:52
coderuswill try to replace getProperty with manual typedcall and test10:52
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spiiroincoderus: I noticed that there were separate property functions, haven't looked into those yet...10:58
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coderusspiiroin: crashing with manual typedCall instead of getProperty also10:59
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coderusspiiroin: if you have some code to test let me know10:59
spiiroincoderus: will do. later today / tomorrow11:01
coderusjust ping me11:02
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kjetilhothp: hey, cool.11:31
kjetilhofaster playback is a "must have" for me, too, although I set it statically per podcast series.11:32
kjetilhobut a related feature Beyondpod is missing which actually should be quite simple to implement, is something like ReplayGain11:32
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coderushow to check when phone was produced?13:03
cb400fthere's a manufacturing date on the box13:04
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cb400fmonth and year13:04
coderushm, i have no idea where is my box :D13:04
coderusaha, have it under battery13:06
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coderusjust posting comment here: https://together.jolla.com/question/53741/battery-capacity/13:08
coderusmy phone battery capacity since Oct, 2013: 97,619%13:08
ninnnusame (although this is since Jan 2014)13:09
coderusBut my girfriend's Jolla since Mar 2014 capacity is: 96,5286%13:10
tadzikuh, 91% since July 201413:11
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kro97,619 as well, mfd date jan 2015...13:17
kro97,619 as well, mfd date jan 2015...13:17
coderusJan 2015 :O13:18
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tadzikwow :)13:30
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kroAnybody already tried a 64GB SD card with the Jolla phone?13:41
kro(btrfs is fine for me, no non-linux-OS present anyway)13:41
M4rtinKkro: I have a 64GB µSD13:42
kroM4rtinK: cool, so it works well?13:42
M4rtinKkro: for more than a year already13:43
M4rtinKkro: formatted with EXT413:43
kromacmaN: ok, perfect. thanks!13:43
M4rtinKkro: no issues, everything working well13:43
kromissing my N9 space-wise :)13:45
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chem|stkro: there is a thread on tjc about tested cards14:58
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ikarusYup, I have a 64GB card in mine aswell, Kingston15:03
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krochem|st: thanks, will have a look (although I just ordered one now, going to find out in a couple days)15:15
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Sailor8545_Hi, how can I disable automatic sort of application covers? it's so annoying when I need to actively switch between certain apps and they constantly change position. thanks.15:39
Stskeepsisn't logic that it's most recently used sorting?15:39
Sailor8545_yes, but can I disable it somehow?15:40
Sailor8545_for me it's annoying15:40
Vegeshite_MiteSailor8545_: how much did you pay for your jolla?15:41
Sailor8545_Vegeshite: 400 eur15:41
Sailor8545_Vegeshite: Why? :)15:44
Sailor8545_I have it from the beginning15:44
Vegeshite_MiteStskeeps: is there a forum on jollas webpage?15:45
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coderusVegeshite_Mite: together.jolla.com?15:50
Vegeshite_Mite"we make it. you make it yours". well with that kind of a price tag one would sure hope you got something better than a snarky irc remark as a support package...15:50
Sailor8545_yeah, TJC is alright, but quick IRC question is often more effective15:51
coderusyes :)15:51
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Vegeshite_Mitethough forum would mean its documented for future reference15:52
Liekelike so? https://together.jolla.com/question/428/fixed-sorting-of-application-covers-on-home-screen/15:54
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Vegeshite_MiteLieke: Sailor8545_15:55
Vegeshite_MiteSailor8545_: Lieke15:56
M4rtinKVegeshite_Mite: also talk.maemo.org15:57
Vegeshite_Mitewhatbout maemo15:57
M4rtinKVegeshite_Mite: #unlike together it is a real forum although not only Sailfish/Jolla are discussed there :)15:57
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Vegeshite_Miteyeah but for technical stuff it should be on the one that bears jolla's name no?15:58
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M4rtinKwell if you want to talk to Jolla, then sure16:00
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M4rtinKif you want to talk *about* Jolla/Sailfish, then talk.maemo.org is better IMHO :)16:00
Vegeshite_Mitewell sailfish's ui is closed no?16:01
Vegeshite_Miteso a bug/feature cou;dnt be fixed/imp;emented by anyone but jolla...?16:01
coderusVegeshite_Mite: closed, at least for some period of time16:02
coderusand for bugfix check patchmanager16:02
Sailor8545_great, thanks for the link, next time I'll search first16:03
Vegeshite_Mitewell until the the only peop;e who can help with sailfish ui is jolla16:03
Vegeshite_Miteso sailfish is basically jolla ui on nemo... whatbout maemo16:04
Vegeshite_Miteis it maemo ui on mer16:05
locusfmaemo is ancient os, nothing to do with Mer16:06
Vegeshite_Mitelocusf: always on standby to answer anything nemo/mer related16:07
Vegeshite_Miteso what is it them16:07
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Vegeshite_Mitejust some nokia stiff on top of linux?16:07
Teemuandroid is just some google shit on top of linux16:08
coderussorry, but whatbout googling names at least?16:08
Vegeshite_Miteyeah thats not really related to anything im talking bout16:09
Vegeshite_MiteTeemu:  kudos to being random thougj16:09
M4rtinKwell, Maemo is kinda the origin of MeeGo and Mer/Nemo/Sailfish OS16:09
M4rtinKand many Nemo/Sailfish community member are/were active also in the Maemo community16:10
Vegeshite_Mitebut maemo is closed like sailfish thouhj right16:10
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M4rtinKit is not black and white16:10
M4rtinKa lot of it is closed and lot of it is open16:11
M4rtinKsame thing with Sailfish16:11
M4rtinKa bit more open of it though, at least % wise16:11
M4rtinKalso the Maemo community is slowly rewriting the closed parts where possible16:11
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coderusjust  because mer mw ;)16:12
Vegeshite_Mitewhic is more open?16:12
locusfVegeshite_Mite: always :)16:12
Vegeshite_MiteM4rtinK: which is more open %wise maemo or sailfish16:13
Vegeshite_Miteis that because it runs on mer16:14
M4rtinKbut that still does block people from helping/contributing sometimes16:15
M4rtinKfor example the messaging UI is closed16:15
M4rtinKand there are various feature requests for it on together16:15
Vegeshite_Mitecoderus:  yup i get it. sailfish ny itself is more closed that maemo. difference is maemo is more than an ui... its a distro...?16:15
M4rtinKand only Jolla can do that as it is closed16:15
Vegeshite_Miteso sailfish runs on an n9?16:16
coderussure, why not.but not smooth and with limited hardware support16:17
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Vegeshite_MiteM4rtinK: i think what they are truing to achieve is an apple like creative control over the ui so that its consistent16:18
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M4rtinKI really do hope they are not trying to achieve *anything* apple like16:19
coderusabout which is more open i cant count well. imho both are on same level. closed ux and components.16:19
Vegeshite_Miteonly problem is that the product logo isncontradictory to that philosophy(we make it . you make it uours )16:19
Vegeshite_Miteproduct motto16:19
coderusit cant be opensourced from day 016:20
coderusimho it will be opensourced after licensing for vendors enabled.16:20
M4rtinKwell, that's not the only "we are so open! .. unless we actually aren't" controversial wording...16:20
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Vegeshite_Miteyeah i guess theyre agraid that some chimese manufacturer would just flood the market with a milion hackable sailfish devices16:21
Vegeshite_Mitethough thats how android got to where ots at16:21
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coderusVegeshite_Mite: jolla devices are hackable out of box :)16:21
M4rtinKand if there was paid application support then that would be a net benefit for Jolla :)16:21
M4rtinKalso even if you make everything open source, you would still need to license the trademark16:22
M4rtinKto make "Sailfish" devices16:22
Vegeshite_Mitewell dont call it a sailfish phone..call it marlin or jaws or whatevre16:24
Vegeshite_MiteMarlinOS thats a nice name...16:24
Vegeshite_Mitecoderus: yeah except for the ui which is what makes jolla not a nemo mobile phone...16:25
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Vegeshite_Mitei guess i should have used the term moddable and not hack\16:26
Sailor8545_so do you think that Jolla UI will ever be released as open source?16:27
Sailor8545_Can they manage to have Red Hat like busjness model in the future?16:28
Vegeshite_Mitedunno... whats androids business model?16:29
M4rtinKthere are more purely open source companies like Red Hat these days16:29
M4rtinKnot many but they are there16:29
Vegeshite_Mitetheirs is the only successful multi-brand mobile platform16:30
Sailor8545_windows phone is also multibrand16:30
Sailor8545_and windows mobile was16:30
Sailor8545_both succeasful16:31
Sailor8545_if you consider Sailfish successful, than WP is for surr16:31
Vegeshite_Miteyeah but red hat isnt a mobile platform; the mn diff between ios and droid? other than hardware support...16:31
Vegeshite_Mitewindows phone is a niche but yhey have their followers who are win die hards16:32
Sailor8545_if WP is niche, than Sailfish is nonexistent16:32
Sailor8545_WP is everywhere16:32
Vegeshite_Mitehaha ubuntu... yeah flash sales... yeah definite;y NOT niche :p16:32
Sailor8545_just because everyone has smartphone these days, you don't see it, because of Android majority16:33
Sailor8545_but WP is quite popular16:33
Sailor8545_and not in win community16:33
Vegeshite_Miteyeah wp is 'everywhere' in the sense that it has the msoft brand ppwer behind it but its mot that big of a seller16:33
Sailor8545_the OS works, kind of16:34
Sailor8545_friends of mine who tried was satisfied, more than on android16:34
Vegeshite_Miteits because you dont habe a bazzi;lion apps to download ans s;ow your phone down with16:35
Vegeshite_Miteand its not java. yeah ive only heard good things aboit it but i doubt itll more than surpass say the blackberry. just because eveybody sti;l uses #apps as a gauge on how noteworthu a mobile os is16:36
Vegeshite_Mitebecause everybody needs candy flappy nird crush 200016:37
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Vegeshite_Mitethough if wp sicceeds then ,pre and more people will get pastnthe whole app thing and others like sailfishos could gain a foothold16:38
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Vegeshite_MiteM4rtinK: can midori web browser be ported to sailfish? i know its been ported to maemo16:41
Vegeshite_Mitejust its hard to find a lightweight foss browser, even on android16:43
M4rtinKwell we don't have GTK yet16:44
M4rtinKBTW, there are two Webkit based browsers for Sailfish OS - Webcat & Webpirate16:44
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Vegeshite_Mitewhich is bettet gtk or qt16:52
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tadzikwhich is better, orange or apple?17:06
tadzikeveryone here will probably say they prefer qt, so I'll side in with gtk for a good measure :)17:06
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Liekebananas are better17:08
tbrpfff, motif and libcurses ftw!17:11
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Venemoman, this is annoying17:19
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Venemoall my contacts got a transparent, empty avatar from facebook17:19
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trigpointhow do i edit wifi networks, i.e. set to not connect automatically?19:29
trigpointonly have forget19:30
Taaeemhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtKKZyYbZtw that would be nice in jolla 219:30
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Nicd-trigpoint: uncheck the network19:32
Nicd-the switch next to it19:33
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trigpointNicd- Only seems to work if i'm connected19:35
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Nicd-ah, true19:36
Nicd-guess you need to connect to it first and disable it then19:36
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trigpointits remembering, everytime i walk passed barclays it connects and launches the nag screen in my browser :)19:38
Nicd-then you should forget the network I guess :P19:41
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trigpointits useful to keep, it works in the pub next door and mobile reception is 2G in old buildings in that part of town20:04
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sakustartrigpoint: why keep wifi on all the time?22:58
sakustari close wifi after leaving home since then i get 50/50 lte :/22:58
sakustarinside 2g or edge22:58
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