#jollamobile log for Saturday, 2013-12-14

sledgesYaniel, yes, if it's Nokia Lumia ;)00:01
sledgeshad to resuscitate several dead lumias by transplanting battery to n9 *g*00:01
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sledgesthe saddest part, Lumia 800 couldn't even charge itself whilst being powered off :))00:02
sledgesself-bricked that is..00:02
AcceI hope whoever did the HW design put in the possibility to use the device with external power when charger is plugged00:02
Acceso far it seems that you can only load the battery and when the battery is full, charging stops and battery is used00:03
Accehopefully it's configurable by software00:03
* sledges wonders what Nemo on N9 does..00:04
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Stskeepsgood morning07:52
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Chaz6moonspeak :308:30
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ShadowJKmoonspeak and broken screen08:35
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Bysmyyrcybette: one small improvement to sdk: when installing you have graphical tool for selecting installation folder but not src folder :p09:19
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FireFlyHm, battery power fell from ~82% to ~12% overnight.. I wonder how it'd manage a full day09:27
FireFly(with virtually nothing running, only connected to wifi)09:27
hene-yep, seems that device drains battery pretty good09:27
Stskeepswhat version?09:29
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FireFlyLatest; I updated yesterday09:30
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FireFly1.0.1.10 apparently, according to "About product"09:31
StskeepsFireFly: what accounts do you have?09:31
FireFlyJolla, and I tried to setup a mail account but didn't get it to work (probably wrong credentials/port number/something, but hard to tell since I can't see any indication of when it went wrong)09:32
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FireFlyI guess maybe it's due to polling the mail server..09:32
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ShadowJKDid someone also report that when on charger, it charges to full, stops, and never restarts?09:45
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hene-any idea when sailfish can be installed on androids? :)09:47
sledgeshene-: already possible09:47
sledgesbut needs lots of digging09:48
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hene-sledges, okey09:48
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sledgeshene-: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWQZJcEwEow09:49
sledgesnemo ports first, then sailfish (like with n9 already happened)09:49
hene-nice. I was thinking sailfish to nexus509:50
sledgesdigging starts with links from that video09:50
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hene-I think it is better me to wait gurus to improve those.. :)09:51
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hene-sledges: do you know does all sailfish functionalites work on androids? or is there still something...?09:56
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sledgeswhen port is done will see09:57
sledgesall depends on cyanogen mod support for a given android device09:57
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hene-yep, okey09:59
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MMorimy battery drained by ~20% in 11hours, i only had wifi+mail on. no sim attached yet09:59
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AJAX555What! I'm not Samuel Kovac!10:33
AJAX555and I'm not from UK! ;D10:33
StskeepsAJAX555: what happened?10:35
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AJAX555apparently someone did something in that .xls file @google drive10:35
Stskeepsah, ok10:36
Stskeepsthought you got a jolla adressed to somebody else10:36
AJAX555and my order ended up as Samuel Kovacs10:36
AJAX555Stskeeps: heh, no I didn't10:36
ggabrielAJAX555: yeah, somebody broke it10:37
ggabrielAJAX555: my order was hijacked by somebody as well (it doesn't help that i keep it anonymous)10:37
ggabrielAJAX555: so now it has a spurious user, not sure it won't get hijacked anyway10:38
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AJAX555someone is just jealous of us!10:39
ggabrielall this jelly people10:39
ggabrielactually, i'll make a critical change in row 110:39
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ggabriels/dumbs/very smart people/10:40
ggabrielnow they'll read it10:40
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ortylpThere is revision control in place, if someone knows what was the last correct version, then it is easy to restore...10:47
ggabrielortylp: critical condition there, I don't think anybody knows the right version. And also that relies on google doing version control correctly10:48
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ortylpggabriel: just check if names fit to order numbers, and I bet revision control at Google must be right :D10:49
ggabrielyeah, i don't know, i'm not owning this spreadsheet tbh10:49
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ggabrieljust fixed my line10:49
ggabrielactually readded it10:49
ggabrielalso: this spreadsheet has a lifespan of max 2 more weeks10:49
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AL13N_lizzynice, it appears coderus is making an WhatsApp client10:51
ortylpJolla has all this information available, but probably cannot (and does not want to) make it public, so this is another case of wasting resources on reverse engineering... this is sad10:51
ggabrielortylp: it's just for fun10:52
ggabrielto be honest with you, this is much healthier than waiting in line in front of a store overnight10:53
AJAX555wouldn't call it reverse engineering10:53
Stskeepsggabriel: especially in finland!10:53
ortylp ggabriel: you are right10:53
ggabrielStskeeps: true :)10:54
faenilAL13N_lizzy, it actually ready afaik, but he doesn't have a device so he cannot test and push it, afaik10:54
mikhasdoes OTR chat work with Jolla phones?10:55
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TheBootroocan someone fluent in finnish translate this in english (or french) for me  ? googletranslator makes it unlegible http://mobiili.fi/2013/12/10/jolla-sailfish-arvostelu/11:06
TheBootrooseem to be the biggest review of the jolla so far11:07
Stskeepswell, that's nice: https://twitter.com/JanneEdelman/status/411794737222680576/photo/111:08
TheBootrooStskeeps: still waiting to see an ad for jolla in france...11:09
TheBootrooor even meet someone in the city that has one11:09
fk_lxThe word BETA very visible near logo11:12
Stskeepsset expectations straight11:13
nahkissTheBootroo: yeaaa. hold my beer while I translate11:13
TheBootroonahkiss: quite long article, you'll need some days11:14
TheBootrooyour beer won't be fresh anymore11:14
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fk_lxStskeeps: you are very active on IRC recently, anyway lot of conversations happening here11:16
ShadowJKTheBootroo; i'll summarize11:16
TheBootrooShadowJK: thx11:16
ShadowJKTheBootroo; "Quality feel", The much spoken of TOH despite looking like half the phone, is infact very similar to phone covers of yesterday. Jolla has taken it a step further, with theme changing to match the cover. Unfortunately, here the issues for feel starts, as the cover is just a cover, and the plastic creaks. It will only get worse with time as you swap covers back and forth11:18
* ShadowJK reads on11:18
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ShadowJK.. rattling volume rocker11:19
TheBootroothe plastic creaks ??11:19
Stskeepsthe cover creaks but it's damn solid11:19
ShadowJK.. blah blah comparing it to other phones, whining about curvatures here and there11:20
Morpog_wow, this is weird: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1vhYjzD0ew11:21
ShadowJKSpeaker at the bottom, although there are symmetrical 4 groups of two holes, only the left side has a speaker (the other openings have microphones)11:22
ShadowJKAs for sound quality and sound volume, Jolla is at best average. We compared it to 5S, and Jolla was clearly inferior11:23
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ShadowJK.. low screen resolution, though not noticed in real life that often, mostly on small text.11:24
fk_lxbtw. I have a serious question, asked by a friend, if there will be Sailfish avaliable for Android phones, which offer better specs for the same price, won't that damage Jolla's own hardware sells?11:24
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ShadowJKcolour reproduction is excellent11:25
ShadowJKWhite balance, brightness and contrast poor11:25
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TheBootrooif they compare to oled, that's quite normal11:26
Morpog_fk_lx I guess it's the google nexus thing here for jolla devices - faster updates, best compatibility11:26
Morpog_best hackability11:27
MMoriCould anyone give me a quick tutorial on how to run my sailfish app on my Jolla device. (That could also be added to the Help in QtCreator)11:27
Morpog_MMori #sailfishos is better suited for such questions11:28
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ShadowJKTheBootroo; this thing is long and boring11:30
walokraMMori: how about the Set ARM kit to deploy to device section on https://sailfishos.org/develop-firstapp-article.html ?11:30
TheBootrooShadowJK: hehe, ok, thanks for the part you've done11:31
ShadowJKTheBootroo; the reviewer likes gesture control11:31
MMoriwalokra: Thank you!11:31
ShadowJKThe reviewer wishes jolla would provide more hints and helps to the user on how to use the interface11:32
ShadowJK"Youtube videos alone do not reach a big audience"11:32
TheBootrooShadowJK: didn't he see the tutorial at first start of the phone ? it explains very well the gestures11:32
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ShadowJKHe wants indicators and hints built in11:32
walokraafter a day of on-off use the gestures are like second nature11:33
walokrabut you have to "guess" where you can find different functions11:33
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ShadowJK1 gig ram, "judging by user experience, 2g wouldn't hurt"11:34
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ShadowJK"Jolla slows down with a couple of apps open, and android apps stop working entirely."11:35
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ShadowJK"The saddest bug I've encountered is the clock drifting up to 15 minutes from correct time."11:35
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Kiranoslove the use of beta in a newsletter ad :)11:37
Kiranosthink that is the first I've seen it on, my mother would be like "beta"? ehh whatever that means..11:38
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ShadowJKof browser: it feels unpreditable. no landscape. no fullscreen youtube. No back/forward gesture. Plus points that youtube videos don't stop playing if you switch to another app.11:39
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ShadowJKof maps.. basic nokia here mapps, no navigation, no compass support, north is always up map11:41
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ShadowJK... test of word, excel, powerpoint and .txt ... txt doesn't go to Documents, pdf opens quickly and smoothly, powerpoint took ages to open and didn't look right, excel document crashed and gave an ugly error message, word document also crashed without error messages, .. The documents app leaves a bad taste in mouth11:45
ShadowJKCalculator gets praise for its ability to use previous results in new calculations11:45
metallistothe sheet is total shiit now11:47
ShadowJKThe camera is said to fare pretty well compared to the competition, even in dusk. but its weak flash makes it inferior in dark11:48
ggabrielShadowJK: thanks for translating!11:49
ShadowJKI'm skipping all the "this is how X works" stuff, and concentrating on the opinions/critique/etc :)11:50
metallistonot the best review11:50
walokrahe compares jolla to other mainstream phones which isn't quite fair11:51
ShadowJK.. Recent OS update seems to have improved connectivity stability somewhat, though wlan still stops working without explanation from time to time.11:51
walokra*mainstream high end phones11:51
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ShadowJK.. Usb connectivity works perfectly and as expected on windows 7, but nothing happens on OS X. iPhoto image synchronization looks like it starts, but fails.11:52
ShadowJK... As a phone, Jolla works to the point. Not a single dropped call or other disturbances11:53
Morpog_great :)11:54
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ShadowJK.. the vibrate is weak, for example phone vibrating on table can be hard to notice. The sound through speaker gets distorted at max volume quite easily11:54
nander48.01% left at 'paid'11:58
nanderI'm still at paid11:59
ShadowJKas for android apps... Some work perfectly, some don't work... landscape works.. all slow.. Messaging apps a bit crippled because they have to be opened in order to work. hopefully android support and speed will improve11:59
nanderSo it's too slow for 3D games at the moment?11:59
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ShadowJKand the summary... Still can't be recommended to normal users12:00
ggabrielthanks again ShadowJK12:01
ortylpShadowJK: does osmand work?12:01
ggabrieli'm surprised the voice/sound quality comparison with ithing 5s12:01
ggabrielsince folks say that jolla is better than 912:01
ggabrieln9 even12:01
ggabrieland n9 is def better than ithing 412:01
ggabrielso 5s must be >> 412:01
nanderYou mean crackphone?12:01
ShadowJK... Jolla picked the right price point at 400E, avoiding competing with high end competitors.. though perhaps it would have been better to charge 200E more and spend it on more CPU and RAM. Part of Jolla's problems would've been fixed by more money12:01
ggabrieli love the last sentence12:02
nanderI just don't get why they didn't spend 20 EUR more on another GB of ram12:02
ggabrielmost things would be fixed by more money12:02
nanderOr just blast everyone away with 4 GB of ram12:02
VDVsxnander, games run quite well actually: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zfrjUJed_w12:02
ggabrielnander: that has been an overly discussed topic ;)12:02
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ortylpnander: I wander that too.. maybe power consumption/GB i too high12:03
ShadowJKSpeedEvil can probably confirm or deny, but I would imagine 1G - 2G is a lot more than 20 bucks, a 4gig would probably require a 64bit processor to sanely support..12:03
nanderPAE -> not needed12:03
nanderYou just can't address more than 3.2 GB in one Virtual Memory12:04
ShadowJKI didn't know arm had PAE12:04
nanderDon't know if it has12:04
nanderI thought it was a kernel feature, not an architecture feature12:04
nander1G -> 2G shouldn't be that expensive I think12:04
ShadowJKit's architecture feature12:04
ggabriel32bit addresses 4GB surely?12:05
ShadowJKYes but all the IO is in the same space12:05
ggabrielmemory addresses in arm are 32bit, aren't they?12:05
nanderThey probably are by default12:05
nander(in 32 bit arch)12:05
nanderJolla runs a 32 bit dual core12:05
ShadowJKNot all SoCs have enough physical pins to address 2gigs of ram12:06
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ortylpthen wee need TOH with more Am :D12:07
ShadowJKI bet it costs more than 20 bucks to get 2gig ram in a phone :P12:07
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ggabrielShadowJK: ok, fair enough12:08
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ggabrieli was 99% sure that you can stick a full memory address in a 32bit register12:08
ggabrielif the soc has a limitation, that's something i wouldn't know12:08
ggabrielas i recall this from programming the raspberry pi12:08
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ggabriel(and i'm pretty sad coz i can't find the assembly source i wrote :P )12:08
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ShadowJK... though rationally Jolla can't be said to be a winner in any category, I find myself with a strange desire to use it continously. Perhaps it's a desire for something new, being different. standing out. You need emotional reasons for using a Jolla phone, rational motivations are not enough.12:09
ggabrielortylp: unsure that ram reads/writes can be handled by the i2c bus...12:09
ShadowJKi2c is sloooooow.12:09
ggabrielShadowJK: so, he/she wants it but he doesn't like it12:10
ggabrielit's like marriage12:10
ShadowJK... Good: SailfishOS base. Distinctive design. TOH potential. Android support.12:11
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walokraif i could get google calendar and work exchange to work on jolla, that would be great12:12
ggabrieli personally prefer caldav12:12
ggabrielwhich is in the pipeline12:13
ggabrielin fact, i may not be able to use the jolla as my main phone until caldav is up and running12:13
ShadowJK... Bad: Android support problems. Quality feel. Lack of CPU and RAM. Average screen. Battery life. Learning curve required to use sailfishos. Missing functionality (4G, navigation, landscape, cloud services)12:13
ShadowJKThe reviewer hopes the performance issues will improve with updates12:14
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ggabrielShadowJK: thanks again, i'm really curious about reviews, and this seems like a good balanced one12:17
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ShadowJKI find most reviews stupid12:19
ShadowJKfor sound quality it seems like the loudest wins12:19
ggabrielregardless, it's what people read12:19
ShadowJKand for screen it seems like the closer you get to a light sabre the better it is12:19
ggabrieland in fact, "expert" people who then recommend the phone to others12:19
ShadowJKjust get lasers shooting people in the eye12:19
ggabrielidea for toh?12:19
ggabriellight sabre other half12:20
ShadowJK"holy shit that's bright, this screen obviously wins"12:20
nanderI find most screens way too bright12:21
nanderYes, you can still read them while on the surface of the sun12:21
nanderBut.. they blind you when you try to read them in a dark room12:22
ShadowJKWhen switching song when driving in the dark I wish the darkest setting was darker :)12:22
nanderIn my opinion the jolla lacks one thing12:23
nanderI don't care about the resolution12:23
nanderAny resolution above 800*480 is decent enough12:23
ggabrieli'm sure the jolla lacks many things12:23
ggabrielbut i don't think jolla will give you a mid and high end option any time soon12:24
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ggabrieli'm not sure i'd spend ~1000 eur in a high end option anyway12:24
ggabrielseeing as phones last very little12:24
nanderThe current Jolla costs around 16 eur per month12:25
nanderIf you use it for 2 years12:25
nander2 years is reasonable12:25
ggabrielthat's the lifespan usually12:25
ggabrielwell, my n9 is olde12:25
nanderMy n9 is one12:25
ggabrielmy 5800 was almost 3 :)12:25
nanderBut it's second hand ;)12:25
nanderMy devices before that all ran for 1 year or so ;)12:26
ggabrielithings last until the next ithing comes out12:26
nanderAt a prize of below 80 eur xD12:26
ggabriel(1st or 2nd hand)12:26
ggabrielthe n9 was quite pricey when i bought it new12:26
ggabrielbut i'd do it again12:26
nanderithings last long12:26
nanderWay longer than you claim in your post12:26
ggabrielnander: the issue is that people want the next ithing12:27
ggabrielof course they last longer12:27
nanderThey last for 3 years easily12:27
nanderThe ithing 5s can be used in 201612:27
ggabrielthe 1st hand user will use it until the next shiny ithingy comes out12:27
nanderAnd sell it second hand12:27
ggabrielthe 2nd hand user then buys from the 1st hand user12:27
ggabrieland so on12:27
ggabrieli've got an ithing 412:27
nanderBecause the ithings keep their value12:27
ggabrieland it's 2.5 years old12:27
ggabrielbattery is rubbish12:27
ggabrielhas always been12:27
ggabrielafter the year it became worse12:28
ggabrieli gave up12:28
ggabrieli plug it in while i use it nowadays12:28
nanderI think people have bad memory of the n912:28
nanderIt wasn't good at powersaving12:28
nanderWell, you could keep it for 4 days without charging12:28
nanderBut then it was as useful as a 331012:28
nanderwith a superior screen12:29
ggabrielmy n9 is way better than my ithing 4 has ever been12:29
nanderIf you turn off powersaving and turn on wazapp the power usage is NOT good12:29
ggabrieland it's way better than any nexus 4 or 5 or samsung galaxy12:29
ggabrieli don't use wathsapp :)12:29
ggabrieli tried to and stopped at about the 4th paragraph in their t&c's12:29
nanderwazapp requires powersaver to be off12:29
ggabrielso maybe that's the problem ;-)12:29
nanderThat's the solution12:30
FireFlyShadowJK: I think I agree with most of what you translated from that review12:30
nanderIf you get people to contact you over other protocols12:30
ggabrielnander: sms?12:30
ggabrielthey actually work12:30
nanderLots of people here just use facebook and whatsapp12:30
ggabrielemail is secured and everything12:30
FireFly<ShadowJK>   "holy shit that's bright, this screen obviously wins"  ← lol, I'm pretty much the other way around12:30
FireFly"darn, this phone has such a high "lowest brightness" setting >.<"12:30
FireFly"how am I supposed to use this in the dark without getting my eyes sore?!"12:31
nanderI love how the n9's ui is mostly black12:31
ggabrielnander: i agree though, i'd like a sandbox where whatsapp can only see the address book i tell it to see12:31
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ggabrieland use it12:31
nanderBtw, I found the jolla a bit big for my taste12:32
nanderI liked the size of the n9 more12:32
smokexmm I like big and skinny12:32
smokexlike the galaxy nexus12:32
nanderfuck google12:32
FireFlyIt's certainly big12:32
smokexer thin12:33
ggabrielgalaxy nexus wasn't that thin iirc12:33
FireFlyAnd I find it a bit hard to close apps sometimes via the push-down gesture12:33
FireFlyGood thing that you can close them from the homescreen too12:33
nander47.92% ;)12:33
nander44.4% in picking, 73% shipped, 2.7% received12:34
smokexway thinner than an N912:34
* ShadowJK 's in paid12:34
nanderAlso, there's a hilarious design flaw in jolla12:34
nanderIt's really bad12:34
ggabrielnander: such as?12:35
nanderOpen 10 applications12:35
nanderOne of them will be inaccessible from the homescreen, until you close an app12:35
ggabrielnander: and the punchline is...?12:35
ggabrielnander: not relaly12:35
ggabrielyou have to go back to the launcher12:35
ggabrieland it will go back to the multitasking screen12:35
ggabrielthe application will remain active12:35
nanderSo you have to remember which app that was12:35
ggabrieljust not in the multitasking screen12:35
ggabrielthis is as per guide btw, i don't have the phone yet12:35
nanderThat's annoying..12:36
ggabrielnander: if you need it, you'll remember ;)12:36
nanderThe n9 solution was better12:36
ggabrielnander: also, if you long press you'll see all that are open12:36
Morpog_nander, press long on multitasking screen and you see all open apps12:36
ggabrielnander: the jolla solution is good to a certain extent12:36
nanderah ;)12:36
smokexyeah it would be nice if they figured out a way to handle > 9 open apps12:36
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ggabrielnander: if you have 1000 applications open, you'd have to scroll down forever to get to the launcher12:36
ggabrielsmokex: i agree, there must be an option, or a different application or something12:36
FireFlyMaybe scroll left/right on task-manager screen?12:36
FireFlyto reveal more12:37
ggabrielfor the hardcore user12:37
nandermake it so you scroll sideways and put the theme from the launchers12:37
ggabrielFireFly: that would interfere with the cover actions12:37
Morpog_i mereley used more than 5 to 6 apps on a daily basis on my n912:37
FireFlyOh, good call12:37
ggabrieli think 9 is a good number though12:37
nanderbecause the n9 had a single core 1 GHz12:37
Morpog_nander, available ram is the magic word here12:37
ggabrielnander: a single core 1ghz cpu which is as fast (in general) to any dual/quad core out there ;)12:37
ggabrielagree re ram12:38
nanderdepends on the applications12:38
FireFlyOne hardware design flaw IMO is the placement of the speaker12:38
nanderBasic sdl apps can be really lightweight12:38
nander10 apps, easily12:38
FireFlyIf you hold the phone in landscape mode (in e.g. a game) you're pretty much guranteed to cover the speaker12:38
ggabrielfor most applications, the n9 beats any modern phone IMO12:38
ggabriel(or maybe i'm a faster user than my mates)12:38
smokexplacement of the camera isn't too great12:38
smokextheres even a not in the guide to watch that you don't cover it with your fingers12:39
hene-FireFly: I noticed the same thing12:39
nanderyou don't want to use a phone's speaker anyway12:39
nanderJust for calling12:39
ggabrielsmokex: it's good for stability12:39
ggabrielbut bad for other half and accidental cover12:39
Morpog_I'm sure they will do lots of stuff better in 2nd device ,)12:39
ggabrieland by the way, there was a video comparison with one lumia (920 or something)12:39
nanderif you play music over your speaker you deserve a special kind of hell ;)12:39
ggabrieli was impressed by the stability of the lumia12:39
Morpog_ggabriel, well, thats the feature the 920 was praised for12:40
smokexlots of jerks play music on their phones on the quiet trains in Brisbane12:40
nanderIf you compare the cpu with a nexus, the camera with a 920, the battery usage with a 3310, you'll be disappointed12:40
ggabrielnander: the last time i touched a nexus 4, it lagged...12:40
ggabrielit's got 4 cores12:40
nanderI meant the nexus 512:40
ggabrielthe 5 i didn't manage to play with enough12:40
ggabrielnfc sucks in the 512:41
ggabrielcamera sucks12:41
ggabrielUX sucks12:41
Morpog_ggabriel, my sister got one, it's smooth as hell, especially with latest updates12:41
nanderThe jolla doesn't have nfc, other than the oh12:41
ggabrieland i only had it for under 10 minutes12:41
ggabrielMorpog_: key in "especially with latest updates" innit ;)12:41
ggabrielsame could be said about jolla12:41
nanderUX is something you have to get used to12:41
Morpog_well, our N9 is also crap with PR1.0 ;)12:41
smokexwell it has nfc12:41
ggabrielnah, hwen you swipe down in the n5, you have to click a button to get where you want to be12:41
smokexit just isn't being utilised properly12:41
ggabrielyou swipe down and you get an empty something12:41
ggabrielso, suppose you want to turn on wlan12:42
ggabrielyou swipe down, and then you have to press a button12:42
nanderJolla is amazingly intuitive though12:42
ggabrielthe most used os in the mobile world12:42
nanderI played with a jolla for 2 minutes or so12:42
nanderAnd then I went back to my n912:42
ggabrielagree re nfc, although not too important to me12:42
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nanderI was looking for pully menu's and I was trying to swipe back to go back in apps ;)12:42
ggabrieli cna't speak about the jolla as i haven't used it yet12:42
ggabrielnander: lol12:42
ggabrieli still try to double tap my ithing 4 ;)12:43
nanderIt took me 10 seconds to get used to the new UI12:43
* Morpog_ waits for shipping mail12:43
ggabrielafter 2.5 years12:43
hene-ggabriel: are you saying nexus5 is shitty phone?12:43
nanderbut damm, I'm gonna miss my amoled screen12:43
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Morpog_I would love to swipe down to close apps on my Nexus 7 tablet :D12:43
smokexthat demo when you first turn it on is really helpful12:43
nanderI didn't do that demo12:43
ggabrielhene-: no, i'm saying that in my 10' experience, i didn't find it with enough quality, coming from google and all that12:43
nanderBecause the jolla I played with wasn't mine12:43
FireFlyThe demo app stays in the app list after the first startup12:44
nanderMine is still 'paid'12:44
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nanderI didn't need it xD12:44
ggabrielhene-: i forgot to say bad reception in the n5 (as bad as the n4), worse than ithing 412:44
hene-ggabriel: okey, because I have not ever tested one in live. was just thinking that could it be nice phone for porting sailfish in it :)12:44
nanderI saw some vids and I used a n9 before12:44
FireFlywhich is handy if someone wants to play with it, I suppose :p12:44
Morpog_MIne is "In Picking" since Thirsday12:44
ggabrielhene-: Dave999 in tmo will thank you ;-)12:44
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hene-ggabriel: ? :)12:45
ggabrielhene-: he's a memory/cpu fan, and wants to run sailfish os right now on any android device12:45
ggabrielwhich IMHO is a bit difficult as porting isn't straightforward12:45
ggabrielbut anyway12:45
hene-ah, okey yes :)12:45
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hene-I have to just wait for porting system (or what ever it is) will be made easy enough so then I can maybe use it to port sailfish to some other phone12:46
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hene-altough I like my Jolla :)12:47
ggabrielanybody got an in picking/shipped email today btw? or jolla is actually taking the weekend off?12:48
Morpog_either Jolla or FedEX12:52
hene-what are those "Your Applications" at account.jolla.com?12:55
FireFlyIt might be for things one has created/published12:55
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ortylp ggabriel: i would like to get my Jolla before Friday (otherwise it means January), but these guys at Jolla need weekends too... well. it looks like conflict of interests :D13:00
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ShadowJKI've got next week off from work, let me come ship devices \o/13:02
FireFlyI'm hoping they get to relax during christmas..13:02
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ShadowJKheh, jollas going at $800 on ebay13:10
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ortylpDoes anybody know what battery can I buy as a backup battery for Jolla?13:18
Stskeepsi'm hoping mugen will make a mofo big TOH13:19
Yanielany that fits I guess13:19
Chaz6What's the deal with qt webengine? Last i heard they were switching from webkit to blink13:20
Jonniortylp: currently nowhere.13:23
ortylp Jonni: that is bad news... I need at least one (for N9 standard) or two (for N900 standard) a day, the only phone that goes through the day without replacement is SG Note2 :(13:25
ShadowJKExternal batteries are plenty13:25
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ShadowJKbut they kinda suck as you need cables13:25
Morpog_MobileMany #Jolla boxes in the van... will one of these be in your hands soon? Respect to my colleagues working tonight! <3 http://t.co/9s9czZ8wp013:27
ortylpShadowJK: the worst thing about replacement/external batteries is that you have to remember to take one (or two) with you13:27
ortylpShadowJK: with N900 I had one pocket full of (one) N900 and the other one full of replacement batteries13:28
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ShadowJKStskeeps; can you be bribed into being a trojan horse? go to jollahw with lots of booze, get them drunk out of their skulls, hijack the most drunken sailor's PC and email TOH drawings to mugen? :D13:29
ShadowJKortylp; heh, when I used mugen I had 60% left in the evening so I thought what's the point and went back to regular battery :)13:29
ortylpShadowJK: it depends on usage patterns, N900 gets on one charge through a day if you use it as a  my old indestructible Nokia 6110 and not as a PC with GSM functionality.13:32
ShadowJKMy N900 would do a week of that probably13:33
Chaz6there's a little plug for jolla in http://www.sinny.in/node/3613:33
ortylp ShadowJK: there is no such thing as enough battery life, RAM and storage :D13:34
ShadowJK43g in use on my N90013:35
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nanderwill jolla also get sfml support?13:59
nanderor just sdl?13:59
ShadowJKwhen in doubt, assume teledildonics13:59
nanderAn alternative to SDL13:59
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Yanielnander: totally up to the community14:28
Yanieland sfml devs14:28
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Stskeepsmoo Venemo14:50
Venemomoo Stskeeps :)14:50
ggabrielhi there14:50
tevehow I can view what resolver connman is using?14:52
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phdeswerteve: you mean dns?14:55
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phdesweryou have console access?14:56
phdeswerIts overly complicated. I spent quite some time to work that out. After devel-su : dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=net.connman / net.connman.Manager.GetServices14:56
phdesweryou might want to add | grep service (or cellular if you look for the cellular)14:57
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phdeswerAnd then dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=net.connman <service path you got from the previous command> net.connman.Service.GetProperties14:57
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phdeswerThe last command somewhere in the output has the dns servers. | grep -C 10 Nameserver could limit the output of the last command to what you look for more or less14:59
tevethanks.. seems that on the Nameservers section there is correct nameserver address but it does not work for some reason.14:59
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phdeswercan't help you there...15:01
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atlazSilly. Clicking the Camera-shutter icon seems to trigger the shutter-sound, even if no photo is taken. But hey, atleast it sounds good when you give the illusion to take 5pics/sec with your smartphone :)15:08
Stskeepsatlaz: good marketing demo15:10
Yanielhaptic feedback only works randomly when typing a url in the browser15:10
atlazAnimated gifs seem to work randomly with the browser also. This goes with the Firefox-app downloaded from Yandex.store also. Refreshing the image sometimes brings the animation to life15:11
Yanielclicking on links is a PITA, filling forms (login) in the browser has the same problem with haptic feedback15:12
ln-that reminds me, does the hardware support the other kind of haptic feedback? like what happens when typing on N9.15:12
Milo-changing the sms notification sound isn't working?15:13
mordit seems that after longer periods (overnight, for example) of sleeping, the gpu doesn't quite wake up. backlight turns on, touch events are recognized but nothing is actually drawn15:14
Yaniel+1 for document viewer now working in landscape15:14
mordis this a known issue?15:14
Milo-oh.. or is it just that you can't use mp3-files as tones?15:14
Venemodoes the Jolla support CardDAV and CalDAV?15:15
ggabrielVenemo: not yet, it has been said15:16
Venemoggabriel: which one not yet?15:17
ggabrielboth I think, definitely caldav15:17
Milo-no ntp-sync either. oh dear.15:17
ggabrielbut if !caldav => ! cardav (who would implement cardav first :P)15:17
Milo-nvm, I'm stupid again.15:18
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AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: you can't just look at /etc/resolv.conf ?15:33
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AL13N_lizzyVenemo: ping15:36
VenemoAL13N_lizzy: pong15:37
AL13N_lizzyVenemo: could you login into jolla account and try to see what this "Your Applications" thing is?15:39
VenemoAL13N_lizzy: you mean in harbour?15:39
AL13N_lizzyfor most of us, this is empty15:39
AL13N_lizzyin jolla account15:39
Venemowhere is that?15:39
AL13N_lizzyafter logging in, click on your name and choose "Your Applications"15:40
AL13N_lizzyfor all of us, it's empty, but maybe this is linked to your applications?15:40
AL13N_lizzymaybe it even has more info than harbour15:40
AL13N_lizzyVenemo: ^^ ?15:40
Venemothere is no such item in the menu15:40
AL13N_lizzyOauth2 applications15:41
hene-AL13N_lizzy, I have multiple applications there15:41
VenemoAL13N_lizzy: it contains a single item called "join.jolla.com"15:41
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AL13N_lizzyhene-: like what?15:41
AL13N_lizzyVenemo: huh15:41
VenemoAL13N_lizzy: join.jolla.com was a website a few months ago, it seems it doesn't exist anymore15:42
AL13N_lizzyhene-: are you looking at the same place?15:42
hene-AL13N_lizzy, there is different id:s15:42
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hene-there is this: join.jolla.com and three more15:42
hene-which are numbers and letters mixed15:42
AL13N_lizzymaybe this is like an account that can be used to authenticate other sites (and services)15:42
hene-dont know what those are15:42
VenemoAL13N_lizzy: seems that the jolla account is an OAuth2 account, so I guess it lists the clients where you authenticated with it15:43
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AL13N_lizzyi guess it's unrelated to harbour apps15:43
smokexstand in the swampy area south of moonvale during hte 3rd phase of the new moon, with your phone pointed at btittania15:43
AL13N_lizzyVenemo: possibly15:43
smokexthen your apps will sync with that page15:43
AL13N_lizzythanks for the help15:43
AL13N_lizzythough, i don't know what the 'create application" does15:44
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AL13N_lizzyalso, when i was in the shop, i asked if they had Jolla15:46
AL13N_lizzythey hadn't heard of it :-(15:46
VenemoAL13N_lizzy: where do you live?15:47
AL13N_lizzydamn, this guy @mkpaa on twitter says he got delivered a 2nd Jolla15:50
Venemo.be =?15:50
Venemowhy would you expect them to have heard about the jolla then?15:50
AL13N_lizzyi wasn't expecting it15:51
AL13N_lizzyi asked anyway15:51
AL13N_lizzyat least now they will have heard of it :-)15:51
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ggabriel15:50 < AL13N_lizzy> damn, this guy @mkpaa on twitter says he got delivered a  2nd Jolla15:59
ggabrieli think some people ordered 216:00
ggabriellike 100 and 0 options16:00
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ggabrieli saw a few screenshots16:00
ggabrielseeing as they go for over 800 on ebay, it wasn't a bad idea16:00
ggabrielbut then hindsight is 20/2016:00
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AL13N_lizzyggabriel: no, he said "i knew there were delivery issues, but i didn't expect 2 jolla's"16:07
ggabrielah, i read that as "drama"16:07
AL13N_lizzyggabriel: the one that was sold on ebay was > 1000EUR16:07
ggabrielor rather, understood that as drama16:07
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AL13N_lizzythe other one is still going16:08
ggabrielthat's probably similar to what a risky hedge fund will give you in terms of investment16:08
AL13N_lizzyi didn't track the other one, but it was > 400 £ too16:08
AL13N_lizzy150% profit isn't bad16:08
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ggabriel... in <6 months16:09
ggabrielor 6 months almost exactly16:09
AL13N_lizzytrue tat16:10
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AL13N_lizzybut if you consider that if you were gonna get one yourself anyway and get 2, it's quite ok16:10
AL13N_lizzybecause it means that you paid the other one off and still have 200EUR extra, with not much time16:10
AL13N_lizzybtw: http://elinux.org/Jolla#Interesting_native_apps_possibly_in_the_works <--- quite some native apps in the works16:11
ggabrielyeap, saw that, nice16:11
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disharmonicHmm, my order is still only on "Paid" status :(16:13
Venemodisharmonic: mine too16:15
ggabrieldisharmonic: not sure they're working the weekend16:15
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ggabriel(mine too btw)16:15
disharmonicprobably not16:15
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ggabrielif i don't get it for xmas, i'll implement wise men presents in the uk16:16
disharmonicI wouldn't mind the wait if my current phone wasn't acting up. It's clear SailfishOS needs some work.16:20
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Venemodisharmonic +117:01
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Stskeepsmorn tofe17:24
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Turskioops, wrong window...17:44
Chaz6sudo rm -rf /*17:44
zmosudo apt-get remove -qq -y -f libc617:47
Chaz6:(){ :|:& };:17:48
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Turskihmm... can't reinstall aliendalvik17:53
StskeepsTurski: did you touch developer updates in developer mode?17:53
TurskiStskeeps: no17:54
Stskeepsdoes other apps install from store?17:54
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TurskiStskeeps: i'll do some testing on that...17:56
Turskifirst i'll trhow some logs17:56
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StskeepsTurski: did you make a jolla account?17:59
TurskiStskeeps: yes18:00
Stskeepswhat does ssu s say18:01
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StskeepsTurski: ssu domain sales18:03
Stskeepsand pkcon refresh18:03
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TurskiFatal error: Authentication failed (is SSU set up correctly?)18:04
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StskeepsTurski: hmmmm18:06
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Stskeepsssu lr18:06
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TurskiStskeeps: any ideas?18:11
Stskeepsnot right now, sorry, i need to go somewhere18:11
Stskeepswill reply later18:11
Turskiok, thank anyway18:11
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TofeAre Jolla sailors going to communicate about the ferry that couldn't sail today ?18:15
nanderthat's just a single day of delay?18:21
nanderNot really interesting?18:21
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JonniTurski: next question would be, that is your datetime correct? As https connection will fail if your clock is even minute behind?18:26
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faenilJonni, note there's .jolla domain in his logs18:28
Jonniah, then he has messed up with ssu18:28
AL13N_lizzyssu domain sales18:29
AL13N_lizzyit's amazing the amount of people who think that they are jolla employees18:30
faenilAL13N_lizzy, :)18:30
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faenilwell maybe the text string isn't clear enough about the meaning of that option ;)18:30
AL13N_lizzyfaenil: that's one way of looking at it18:31
AL13N_lizzyi don't have a jolla, so i don't know18:31
AL13N_lizzythought the first one said something along the lines of: "yes, i admit to having tried this option"18:31
AL13N_lizzywhich makes me think it's not that unclear after all :-)18:31
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AL13N_lizzyfaenil: btw: so that thing with tbr yesterday is iiuc that he's willing to have a bugtracker on his site/domain?18:32
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faenilAL13N_lizzy, he said on Devaamo's (no-profit pro-oss Tampere-area association)18:33
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AL13N_lizzyah ok18:36
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AL13N_lizzyfaenil: should i make a list of things we need?18:37
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faenilAL13N_lizzy, yeah if you know them :) I have no clue about what bz requires :P (and am studying)18:37
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AL13N_lizzyfaenil: i mean more the use case on what we need for any bugtracker18:38
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AL13N_lizzyi'll make a part on the wiki18:38
atlazI read somewhere that you could enable Wifi-hotspot through terminal. Is this true? I tried KVG:ing it, but my searches came up empty. Does anyone know the commands? Im going on a business trip on tuesday and would really like to hotspot my phone to my laptop18:41
FireFlyWhat wiki?18:42
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FireFlyIs there a wiki for jolla stuff?18:42
atlazI've been trying to find a place where someone would have gathered all "good to know commands for doing really cool stuff you're not yet supposed to be doing with your phone"-thingys18:43
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Morpog_well, talk.maemo.org is a good start for such stuff18:50
AL13N_lizzyjolla on eBAY: Sold at 850£; $1050 (1d left); 340£ (1d left); 680£ (3d left); $570 (4d left); $530 (5d left)18:51
Morpog_I should have ordered 2 :D18:52
AL13N_lizzythe one of $1050 (1d left) is sealed in the box18:52
AL13N_lizzythe one of $530 (5d left) looks like it might be sealed too, but that's uncertain18:53
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AL13N_lizzyatlaz: we do have http://elinux.org/Jolla18:54
AL13N_lizzyatlaz: if you like, you can make a section with those18:54
AL13N_lizzythere are already some stuff detailed18:54
atlazAllright, nice18:55
AL13N_lizzyFireFly: we're making a wiki here ^^18:55
AL13N_lizzywe're also making some kind of bugtracker18:55
atlazgotta check that out. But first, the dog looks like he needs a nice stroll in the freezing Sylvi we have here18:55
FireFlyAL13N_lizzy: aha18:57
ncikedwhy not at maemo org?19:00
AL13N_lizzynciked: some of this stuff is hardware related to the Jolla phone itself, we were unsure of acceptance regarding that, and we didn't get replies (yet)19:02
AL13N_lizzynciked: at least at this time, we put all stuff here, we can always copy paste some other wiki if needed/wanted19:03
AL13N_lizzyfaenil: http://elinux.org/Jolla#bugtracker <-- if there's something you're thinking of, pleasy add or say so19:03
FireFlytbr: thanks for compiling mosh <319:03
AL13N_lizzygtg for a bit19:04
faenilAL13N_lizzy, are you sure of the Jolla support part? I'd ask the guys first...19:04
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lpotterehhh.. that's not what I said/meant19:06
lpotternot exactly anyway19:06
lpotterI said, I dont like bugzilla.19:06
lpotterI also said something like, "There is already mailing list, you can use that (for now)"19:07
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Accesuggestion for the bugtracker: authenticate via Jolla account? that would reduce spammers.. even more restrictive would be that you have atleast one phone in your account.. but probably it's not possible until Jolla makes something official?19:13
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atlaznciked: is talk.maemo.org THE place for jollatalk?19:17
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ncikedfor me, yes19:17
ncikedtill i switch19:17
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ncikedand if the community isn't good19:18
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atlazBlaeh. I still don't find anything related to the wifi-hostpot+terminal (other than the SailfishOS bugs and glitches thread on talk.maemo.org)19:18
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atlazMaybe it's a dev-answer and thus no-one else really knows19:19
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TurskiJonni: time seems to be a bit ahead19:26
Turskiabout 88 seconds19:28
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Turskiatlaz: you can probably set up hotspot from command line19:28
Turskiatlaz: just some iwconfig and ip_forward19:29
Turskiat least hardware seems to support ad-hoc mode19:30
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Turskiactually i could try that...19:31
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AL13N_lizzyTurski: but does it support master mode?19:33
AL13N_lizzyis there a hostapd program required?19:33
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AL13N_lizzyfaenil: from what i read here, this is my impression that those are at least some of the people who are willing to take a peek at the bugs19:34
AL13N_lizzyfaenil: worst case, we can direct them to it19:34
TurskiAL13N_lizzy: there's no master in ad-hoc?19:34
AL13N_lizzynciked: & atlaz: in principal, THE jollatalk place is really here and devel@lists.sailfishos.org19:34
AL13N_lizzyTurski: no19:35
faenilAL13N_lizzy, you might want to ask better before putting people on a public wiki as kind of ensurance19:35
faenilbecause even if they would like to, there's the chance that they'll never have time to (for example)19:35
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AL13N_lizzyfaenil: true, but w00t told me he would look at a list of bugs if we gave it; special & StsKeeps said something as you lead, we'll follow; and worst case, if we email maillist daily with bugs, then they will know about them and subsequently fix them19:36
TurskiAL13N_lizzy: http://turski.dy.fi/paste/RbV19:37
AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: also said that alien dalvik bugs in a bugzilla would be passed on upstream19:37
AL13N_lizzyTurski: interface mode AP, isn't that for an access point?19:38
Turskiumm... yes probably. i don't really have much experience with wlan stuff19:38
AL13N_lizzyfaenil: but if you think i should doublecheck, then sure19:38
faenilAL13N_lizzy, I don't know, just saying19:39
TurskiAL13N_lizzy: but of course net can be shared with ad-hoc, can't it?19:39
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AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: w00t: special: lpotter: (or any other devs), community is planning on setting up some kind of bugtracker for public: http://elinux.org/Jolla#bugtracker , i put your name up for supporting our ideas, because that's what i felt, but if you disagree or have comments, please speak up :-)19:40
AL13N_lizzyfaenil: there... silence is acceptance :-)19:41
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AL13N_lizzyTurski: the linux kernel should allow with the "iw" tool to split up the device into multiple interfaces (as long as they don't conflict with hardware)19:42
AL13N_lizzyTurski: try to use "iw" instead of "iwconfig"19:42
AL13N_lizzyperhaps you can set up an AP mode AND managed mode at the same time19:42
AL13N_lizzyTurski: Aard also told me that the wifi should also support injection (if you need that)19:42
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AL13N_lizzytbr: ping about http://elinux.org/Jolla#bugtracker (i don't really care what bugtracker it is, but these are the requirements for it (afaics))19:46
AL13N_lizzytbr: if any help is needed, please don't hesitate19:47
AL13N_lizzyfaenil: if you could spread the word on twitter and gather community helpers for triaging, that would be great, i just don't know if you would do this now, or after it's set up19:47
faenilnot sure19:47
faenilat the moment I'm just very busy19:47
artemmathe only real requirement is that bugtracker is actually watched by sailors. And secondary requirement is that it's convenient to them :)19:47
AL13N_lizzyfaenil: or somewhere in between :-)19:47
AL13N_lizzyartemma: we agree19:48
faenilartemma, if Jolla could do a bugtracker it would have done it already, so..19:48
faenilwe can't expect them to treat is as their internal bugtracker, that's my opinion of course19:48
artemmathen public one will be not like for assigning bugs, but more like assinning watching for bugs. I.e. public would close issues when they seem to be fixed (or not relevant anymore)19:49
AL13N_lizzythe idea is that if we can triage it a bit, and give a shortlist to devs, it would have them miss less dev-time19:50
AL13N_lizzyartemma: exactly19:50
faenilAL13N_lizzy, I heard that this was done already for maemo and it didn't work, that's the thing :(19:50
AL13N_lizzyartemma: though if some sailors wish to assign themselves, that's no problem19:50
AL13N_lizzyfaenil: at least devel@sailfishos.org is read19:50
AL13N_lizzyso the daily email to that, is the key to success imho19:50
faenilAL13N_lizzy, that's why we have to think before creating a new way to report stuff19:51
AL13N_lizzyanyway, it's weekend, so i don't expect much talk on this or whatnot19:51
AL13N_lizzyi will retry for comments with Jolla employees in the week19:52
AL13N_lizzymonday or something19:52
AL13N_lizzythough monday is always a bad day19:52
AL13N_lizzyfaenil: imho, if we do have support from at least those devs, it's a start, and then we can go try somewhat higher up to get things sorted19:53
AL13N_lizzyso that devs are actually allowed to spend time on it during working hours (if they aren't already now)19:53
Jonniif you give sailors powers to force close bugs.... I got bored at N9 bugzilla, when end users could reopen feature request that was decided not to be implemented :)19:53
AL13N_lizzywell, i think this could be moderated by a group of community people19:54
AL13N_lizzyideally, unless it's actually triaged, Jolla devs will not likely see it, so they won't be bothered by it, and the rest of us can view it as spam :-)19:54
AL13N_lizzyJonni: force close doesn't really help, because if you have this feature, people start to open up new bugs19:55
Jonniwell true, but then moderators can close them as duplicate19:55
AL13N_lizzyJonni: due to the open source nature of this, we can mostly direct people to the correct bugtrackers (mer, nemo) etc....19:56
AL13N_lizzyand do it themselves19:56
AL13N_lizzyJonni: by that same token, moderators can close them instead of duplicate them19:56
AL13N_lizzyor just not triage them, or even block the user19:56
AL13N_lizzythose are specifics which we can view later19:56
AL13N_lizzythe idea is that Jolla devs are not hampered by it, but see this more as a community wishlist/priority list19:57
Jonnibut yes, jolla doesnt have resources to have duplicate bugzilla, but if there is community one, with forexample some voting method of important bugs, then most likely someone might follow it.19:57
AL13N_lizzyJonni: imho, if all else fails, we can still report them via IRC19:57
AL13N_lizzyjust like we do now19:57
AL13N_lizzyhave a bot paste all the links in here19:58
Jonniyeah, atleast community would have them gathered in some centralized place, even if in the end they are reported through irc19:58
AL13N_lizzyif the devs don't want that, then we can have a talk with Marc and get something sorted :-)19:58
AL13N_lizzyJonni: at the very least a real community will start to form around it, which means we get some power to sway marketing people19:59
AL13N_lizzywhich is a goal in itself :-)19:59
AL13N_lizzyJonni: the thing i want to avoid for this, is that bugs are reported and missed19:59
AL13N_lizzyeven if chances are slim atm20:00
AL13N_lizzybut if we're really honest, SailfishOS will stand or fall with/without community20:00
AL13N_lizzythat's why it's important to have reachable devs and collaboration20:01
AL13N_lizzyiow: this is not nokia20:02
AL13N_lizzythis is a real community20:02
AL13N_lizzyinternational really20:02
AL13N_lizzythe more success sailfishOS has, the more power a community has, but also a powerfull community can be a big help in sailfishOS too20:02
AL13N_lizzyimho, this is why Jolla has so much potential20:03
AL13N_lizzy(and sailfishOS too)20:03
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AL13N_lizzyok, well, enough ranting20:03
AL13N_lizzygoing to sleep early today20:03
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Turskihas anyone found a way to customize UI swipe actions?20:11
AL13N_lizzyTurski: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1391586&postcount=803 (reported on twitter as how to have wifi hotspot, but it's not correct, but it's still some kind of tethering)20:11
artemmaTurski: I hope not20:12
Turskiartemma: why?20:12
artemmaTurski: common UI gestures work only because they are common20:12
AL13N_lizzyit's a bad idea to change it, but imho, there's nothing stopping anyone20:12
Turskii would prefer to close application with swipe from left since i find it a bit hard to reach the top edge with one hand20:13
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AL13N_lizzythough some could be configurable, for example: left/right swiping on lock screen goes to ambience, but maybe that could be different20:13
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artemmathink iOS reflex to always press Home button and get to Home. Or N9 reflex to swipe things away and they go away. Hopefully harbour will never approve apps that change these20:13
AL13N_lizzyartemma: if they are changed, then they should be globally changed, on the basic system20:14
AL13N_lizzybut if you figure that out, it's gonna need devmode anyway20:14
artemmaAL13N_lizzy: yes, I've seen Android before20:14
artemmahopefully doesn't happen to sailfish20:14
AL13N_lizzyi doubt harbour will allow different swipe gestures for apps20:15
artemmawell, to public sailfish, developers can of course break their own device UX at will20:15
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TurskiAL13N_lizzy: that's network sharing over usb to pc20:16
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atlazTurski: allright. This "low level"-tech-stuffymajing is not really my a-game. But im not afraid to experiment :)20:17
AL13N_lizzyTurski: yes20:18
AL13N_lizzyon twitter someone gave this link and said "how to do wifi hotspot"20:18
AL13N_lizzyyeah, that's not exactly right20:18
FireFlyHm, after creating a second window and doing some stuff, my original fingerterm window hung20:19
AL13N_lizzyFireFly: perhaps ask when more devs are online20:19
FireFlyOn the plus side, I've now seen the "application is not responding" UI :p20:19
AL13N_lizzyFireFly: is it good?20:19
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FireFlyIt was a popup thing near the top with "wait" and "force close", pretty much20:20
FireFlypretty standard, I guess20:20
AL13N_lizzydid you check if the cover actions changed?20:20
TurskiFireFly: yeah, i saw that during the first hour of usage at the launch party :P20:20
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FireFlyTurski: with fingerterm, or something else?20:21
TurskiFireFly: actually clock application20:21
FireFlyAL13N_lizzy: hm, no, I didn't check that20:21
AL13N_lizzyFireFly: still, looks like an interesting bug for Jolla devs20:21
StskeepsTofe: wat20:21
TurskiFireFly: and few other applications too, somehow pulling the pulley menu caused applications to freeze, but reboot fixed it20:22
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StskeepsTofe: (ferry)20:22
FireFlyHeh, ow20:22
TurskiFireFly: but i have had fingerterm freeze too20:22
StskeepsAL13N_lizzy: i don't think a community originated bugtracker will work very well, i've seen it go sour in similar manner in maemo.org, sorry20:23
StskeepsAL13N_lizzy: it doesn't work well in practice to have nicely triaged summaries served to a company :/20:23
FireFlyHm, the hung fingerterm had the menu thing still open, so I'm guessing the crash is related to the spawn-new-window part20:23
AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: hmm, so bugs are to be reported here in IRC?20:24
StskeepsAL13N_lizzy: no, but give us a little bit of time, something is in the works20:24
AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: so, if we hook up a bot that posts bugs to IRC, this would be acceptible?20:24
Stskeepsirc isn't a bugzilla :P20:25
AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: but, IRC is atm where bugs are posted20:25
Stskeepsthat may be so, but, it's not the ideal format really20:25
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FireFlyStskeeps: have you heard anything about fingerterm's "new window" causing freezes, btw?20:25
AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: we want a list of bugs so they aren't forgotten, and to let devs know about it20:25
StskeepsFireFly: yes20:26
AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: what about alien dalvik bugs?20:26
AL13N_lizzywe should also ask them here?20:26
FireFlyOh, okay, so it's a known issue then20:26
StskeepsAL13N_lizzy: you asked above if i was backing the idea, and i don't20:26
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AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: you think we should just leave it like this?20:27
Stskeepsi have a bit too much experience in seeing how that can work out in practice from past and it doesn't bring good with it :/20:28
AL13N_lizzyhave people reporting bugs on IRC/twitter?20:28
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AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: i figured it could work cause you guys are using open source, and therefor need to be reachable by IRC/devel ML20:28
AL13N_lizzyso if we emailed list to ML, you would at least know about it20:29
AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: the goal for me, is to have a list (so that nothing is forgotten) and to let Jolla employees know about these20:29
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AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: those are the only goals, i figured a bugtracker, but if you have another idea, that is fine20:30
StskeepsAL13N_lizzy: okay, so, first off - sailors are here as part of a community but are not speaking officially here, also playing around with their devices and happy to help weed them out until a saner solution is done20:30
Stskeepsso, give it a bit of time :)20:30
Stskeepssome efforts went into making the product better that took it off working on other things20:30
Stskeepssuch as a good way to have ideas, bugs, etc flow20:30
AL13N_lizzyi understand20:31
AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: still, imho, it's not a bad idea to have a list of bugs now, that can be copy pasted when Jolla marketing ever comes up with their own idea20:31
AL13N_lizzyor well, at least filtered out when Jolla marketing comes up with a good idea20:31
AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: https://twitter.com/TimoPesonen20:32
Milo-is it possible to enable "mouse cursor mode" in the browser (as in n900's browser)?20:32
AL13N_lizzysee this, this is likely another one that either has no account or has switched to jolla domain instead of sales domain20:32
StskeepsAL13N_lizzy: i think it leads to confusion to have a 3rd party bug tracker, sorry - and a bug tracker is not the answer for the general populace20:33
Stskeepsbugzilla is hell of scary place20:33
Stskeepseven for people like me :P20:33
AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: it doesn't have to be a bug tracker20:33
AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: i don't really care how20:33
Stskeepsalso, this is my opinion as a fellow community member20:33
AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: np, i understand20:34
TurskiAL13N_lizzy: i think that problem is not about not having an account or using wrong domain...20:34
TurskiAL13N_lizzy: since i have account and am using sales domain, and store doesn't work20:35
AL13N_lizzyTurski: what do you think this problem is? layer 0? PEBKAC?20:35
AL13N_lizzyTurski: oh20:35
AL13N_lizzyTurski: maybe the store has some downtime20:35
AL13N_lizzyit happened before20:35
Turskissu thinks that the device is not registered20:36
Stskeepsthat's fine, normal devices don't need to20:37
AL13N_lizzyTurski: if you log into https://account.jolla.com/ do you see your device there?20:37
TurskiAL13N_lizzy: yes20:37
Stskeepsi'm just going to flash and upgrade, and check some things myself20:37
AL13N_lizzyTurski: you're not using ?20:37
FireFlyHm, is it possible to *remove* a number from a contact? I can of course erase the number from the "Work" field, but I can't seem to get rid of the field itself20:38
FireFlyneither from "edit contact" nor directly when viewing a contact..20:38
TurskiAL13N_lizzy: huh?20:38
FireFlyoh. never mind20:38
TurskiAL13N_lizzy: Release:
* FireFly probably didn't long-press long enough20:38
AL13N_lizzyTurski: that's what i meant20:39
Chaz6This might spawn a few ideas www.wikitab.com20:39
TurskiAL13N_lizzy: there's no ...20:39
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AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: at least Turski has
AL13N_lizzyTurski: just a typo :-)20:39
AL13N_lizzyChaz6: that's an unregistered domain20:40
faenilChaz6, are you human?20:40
Chaz6err www.wikipad.com sorry20:41
AL13N_lizzypatented game controller20:42
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AL13N_lizzythough jolla could sell them sailfishos20:42
AL13N_lizzyor someone makes a game controller TOH20:42
Chaz6Well it gives me the idea that the TOH could be a lot bigger than the phone20:42
Chaz6Like a large dock20:42
StskeepsTurski: can you /msg me your jolla account username?20:43
StskeepsTurski: we'd like to check some logs20:43
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micko_is there a way to make gallery see images from other directories? form example images downloaded by bluetooth, sailbox or from internet20:48
micko_or does anyone know if there are plans to include such feature?20:49
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pdanekCan I assume that many Qt & Jolla fans use KDE and very often OpenSUSE?20:54
Chaz6I like opensuse and KDE20:55
Chaz6But not plasma mobile20:55
ottuloI didn't really like KDE >_>20:56
Chaz6I quite dislike the default oxygen theme20:57
Chaz6I wish the ui was more like xfce/lxde20:57
ottulobeen happy with Mint + MATE (laptop)/ Cinnamon (desktop)20:57
micko_I have bad memories about rpm-packages. occasional nightmares too20:57
micko_so no suse here20:57
Stskeepsmicko_: you'll be pleased to know that jolla causes all the money spent on therapy to be waste20:58
micko_I'm taking a risk here, I know20:58
ottuloStskeeps: I can read that two ways..20:58
Chaz6i gave elementaryos a quick spin yesterday and it's gorgeous20:58
pdanekmicko_: I believe package management is pretty good these days on suse20:58
micko_those memories are from ten years ago20:58
pdanekmicko_: not relevant anymore20:59
micko_so I guess it might be better nowadays20:59
Chaz6They've put a lot of effort into polish20:59
micko_but that's when I changed to gentoo21:00
EztranBeen using OpenSUSE for a bit recently. Certainly had no problems with RPMs. (also, zypper's great)21:00
pdanekzypper > yum21:00
micko_red hat (a free one) and mandrake were the rpm-distros I have used. so it was a while ago21:01
micko_atm on windows though... my adsl is cut off because of the storm yesterday and I haven't configured 3g on my gentoo :)21:03
hahloyum in fedora works quite well too, not much depency problems21:04
TurskiArch linux + i3 without DE here21:04
micko_there still are dependency problems on rpm-distros?21:04
hahlonot that I know21:05
micko_I interpreted that "not much" so that there are some21:05
pdanekHarmattan on N9 uses .deb?21:05
Chaz6*ponders a console with 1920x1080 charactrs*21:05
Milo-dang. my 'SailfishOS emulator' virtual machine run out of power. requires recharging :(21:05
pdanekI never had N9 and now I see.21:05
Eztranpdanek: yup.21:05
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EztranHarmattan used .deb, MeeGo itself actually used .rpm as SailfishOS does.21:05
TurskiMilo-: wut? :D21:07
Milo-started my virtual machine and it immediately gave me a notification "recharge battery" :P21:07
nanderthat's a 'feature'21:08
nanderJust like what's app randomly closing on the device is a feature21:09
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micko_I've had problems with android software shutting down immediately after starting them21:12
micko_and almost always when the software is using net, it shuts down21:12
micko_firefox does that21:13
micko_and flickr21:13
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pdanekmicko_: is ansroid FF superior to default Gecko-based browser on Jolla?21:23
ortylp pdanek: KDE: not really, SUSE: are you joking????21:23
pdanekortylp: why? :D21:23
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micko_pdanek: landscape21:24
micko_pdanek: I don't like tapatalk and some forums don't work too well with portrait21:25
micko_with landscape the text is readable21:25
ortylppdanek: I come from Slackware with FVWM... so... KDE => why the hell I need mysql for a desktop???  SUSE => all my configuration changes in /etc got reverted after reboot => that is a no go21:25
micko_does KDE require mysql? I thought it works with sqlite21:26
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nanderIt might require *any* database backend21:26
nanderA database system is quite useful for certain data types21:27
micko_I know mysql is an option for akonadi and amarok, but they too work also with sqlite21:28
Chaz6That would be for nepomuk21:28
micko_I do have mysql installed for other uses so I haven't paid attention to it with kde21:28
ortylppdanek: at the moment I use ubuntu with 'apt-get purge cat `useless_packages.txt`' after installation21:31
pdanekortylp: mm, have you tested Ubuntu Touch OS? o.O21:32
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ortylppdanek: not yet... I have configured and usable installation of Ubuntu desktop on my dublinian S10-3t, i would have to locate a spare hdd for such a test21:35
pdanekortylp: I mean on Nexus phone or something21:36
ortylppdanek: no, I own only N900, N9, SG Note 2 and a bunch of old Nokia dumbphones21:38
pdanekortylp: Is SG Note 2 your main now?21:38
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ortylppdanek: yes, and I love the fact, that the device survives through the day on a single charge no matter what I do, so no more "battery induced stress"21:40
ortylppdanek: the Android UI is terrible compared to N9, but...21:41
micko_android flickr didn't see my new photos until I rebooted jolla. and one interesting feature is that it shows the photos upside down when choosing photo to upload. after photo is chosen and you click done, the next screen shows it right21:42
Accenew battery technologies will arrive in few years to come, I believe, so we have hope of longer survival times21:43
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Bysmyyrsome nice bug, phone lost all email conficurations21:48
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StskeepsBysmyyr: exchange involved?21:48
Bysmyyrgmail and kapsi with imap+smtp21:49
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BysmyyrStskeeps: They was disabled from accounts. After enabling, everything works21:56
Bysmyyrbtw, nice feature that zooming when moving cursor21:56
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rdappshi anyone online?22:04
pdanekrdapps: sure, lots of us22:05
pdanekwhat's up?22:05
rdappsI have a question22:07
rdappscan I load android apk to emulator22:07
rdappsI want to test my app22:07
rdappson Jolla but I have an android app22:07
pdanekrdapps: you mean in Sailfish SDK emulator?22:08
pdanekrdapps: or on Jolla itself? do you have Jolla already?22:09
rdappsnope I dont have a phone :/22:09
rdappsI load emulator but cant figure out how to load apk to emulator22:10
rdappssomeone said it is not likely to do that22:10
BysmyyrI think there is not alien darvik22:10
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rdappsOk I have a reittiopas application but apparently gps and alarm does not work properly22:12
rdappsso I was going to try on emulator22:12
rdappsis there anyway ?22:12
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Morpog_MobileYou can ask someone with a device22:17
tevemeegopas should work22:18
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Jonniandroid adaptation is not part of Sailfish OS, so thats why its never going to be in emulator. I've installed meegopas on my device and it works nicely (actually I'm just updating it on my personal repo to match Theming).22:19
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FireFlyrdapps: what kind of app is it?22:19
BysmyyrJonni: nice to hear, someone should upload meegopas to harbour22:20
rdappsIt is a reittiopas application called bussit but thanks for suggesting competition22:20
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JonniBysmyyr: I will soon, as long as I get it passed the qa script, it still uses one API that might not get through.22:20
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Jonnibut I might be able to bypass that api22:20
FireFlyrdapps: the android apps I've tried thus far has worked pretty much flawlessly, so I think yours is likely to, too22:21
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FireFlyGranted, I've only tried three.. :p22:22
JonniBysmyyr: if you dont want to wait then you can just compile it yourself from my repo https://github.com/rainisto/Meegopas (thats work in progress, it already has harbour- etc naming, but I need to clean up it still a bit).22:22
BysmyyrI not need it until febryari so...22:22
Jonnirpm installs on device and works tough22:22
rdappsIt is in yandex store you can try but apparently gps is not working also alarm is not working as well I dont expect map to work and I am willing to change it to OSM but if gps will not work I guess I will not try22:22
Bysmyyrnow I am in netherlands, had to install google maps because it tells everything...22:23
Bysmyyror maybe use old phone when travelling22:23
rdappsfirefly: can you try if you have time?22:23
Jonnirdapps: gps will work on android side on coming updates that...22:23
Jonniatleast gps works on my android app on my devel image ;)22:24
FireFlyrdapps: oh, I guess GPS could be an issue22:24
atlazI use triplog in my car to track my business-trips with my company car. It's an android app and heavilly uses GPS22:24
atlazi've used it without a hitch now for the last week22:24
FireFlyrdapps: I haven't tried Yandex yet, but I'll tell you if I try it later22:24
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atlazI also used google maps for navigation and didn't have any problems with that either, GPS wise22:26
atlazMaybe my Jolla is somehow "spesul"22:27
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Jonnidownloaded bussit app and that seems to work for me just fine also. Quite similar to meegopas22:36
Turskijust hate all those ads...22:36
ortylpCan anyone confirm if OSMAND works?22:44
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* artemma too /cc Morpog_Mobile 22:52
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tbrAL13N_work: spent half the day fixing the main electricity cable to my parents' house, no time for it today (and no power for half of it either)23:01
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