#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2018-03-28

*** captain42 <captain42!~captain42@unaffiliated/captain42> has joined #sfdroid00:03
piggzmal: i added these kernel configs, and now im in a boot loop with that kernel https://bpaste.net/show/f5be1f23cf7306:51
saidinesh5piggz: i suggest trying with the absolute minimum that the lxc-checkconfig demands07:08
saidinesh5i remember having the urandom errors07:08
saidinesh5those were because while chrooting i didn't bind mount /dev or something into the container07:08
saidinesh5after that, the next set of errors because some of the features i enabled in LXC / kernel config made lxc want to use those features, but those features were broken in the kernel causing weiiiird issues07:09
saidinesh5these were usually related to the devpts namespace and some network related namespace features07:10
piggzsaidinesh5: checkconfig currently looks like https://bpaste.net/show/780d806a65b707:35
piggzsaidinesh5: unfortunatley, that boot loops..07:37
saidinesh5interesting.. but can't say much without looking at /proc/last_kmsg or some such thing07:39
saidinesh5maybe revert the current configuration back to the working one?07:40
piggzsaidinesh5: so, the reboot was caused by my binder ns patch ... i guess my kernel coding sucks!08:06
piggzdoes anyone have a binder ns for 3.18?????08:06
nh1402[m]doesn't suck as bad as mine08:11
saidinesh5piggz: Ohh.. the binder ns one is important if you don't want to lose connectivity / calls iirc08:12
saidinesh5i thought the original binder ns patch itself is for 3.18?08:12
* saidinesh5 checks08:12
piggzno, 3.10 i think08:12
piggzmaybe im wrong08:12
nh1402[m]is there a way to modify anbox to do it without the kernel patch?08:12
saidinesh5Ahh could be: https://github.com/anbox/anbox/blob/master/kernel/patches/0002-binder-implement-namepsace-support-for-Android-binde.patch08:13
saidinesh5nh1402[m]: not sure how much effort that would be...08:15
nh1402[m]well it sounds like quite an effort to patch the kernel08:17
saidinesh5nah.. the patch itself is trivial08:17
nh1402[m]i meant patching a kernel, if it's not compatible or if it just plain doesn't work.08:19
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