#sfdroid log for Tuesday, 2018-03-27

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dr_gogeta86good morning all09:34
dr_gogeta86Mister_Magister, on which device are you trying anbox ?09:34
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Mister_Magisterdr_gogeta86: moto g311:45
dr_gogeta86kernel ?11:46
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malwondering how I should push the new code to github, I rebased all repos so merging would be uglyy12:48
malto sfdroid-github that is, those are mostly now on my github12:48
Mister_Magistermal: dont forget build :P13:11
malI'll do that after work13:28
malthat means I need to make separate targets for different versions so I can have those at the same time13:28
Mister_Magisterokay thanks13:28
Mister_Magisterjust reminding :)13:29
malcurrently I have just hacked the 64-bit binder to the arm target13:29
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dr_gogeta863.4 kernels needs love13:54
Mister_Magisterdr_gogeta86: ill try bringing anbox on them13:58
dr_gogeta86you need to backport the impossible to run on 3.413:58
Mister_Magisterthousand of patches13:58
nh1402[m]wasn't it more like 3414:04
maland any dependencies those have14:05
saidinesh5nh1402[m]: i tried backporting around 100+ patches14:50
saidinesh5the lxc branch itself has like 30-50 patches i think but they required a lot more to just "compile"14:51
saidinesh5dr_gogeta86: at this point, even nexus 5 is running on mainline.. barely but still, so maybe it would be nicer to just focus on mainlining14:51
dr_gogeta86oneplus x on mainline ...14:52
dr_gogeta86i dunno how custom is it14:52
dr_gogeta86is an 801 chipset14:52
saidinesh5nexus 5 too14:53
saidinesh5nexus 5 is 800 i think14:53
dr_gogeta86are very similar14:53
dr_gogeta86mal ^14:53
saidinesh5yup. but lots of work to be done14:54
nh1402[m]wow, did not know about either of those14:54
dr_gogeta86onyx mainline ... kick asses14:54
maldr_gogeta86: yes, I have been discussing that fp2 mainlining and helping a bit, I'm going to write one missing kernel driver for it14:55
dr_gogeta86mal, what missing ?14:55
maldr_gogeta86: proximity/als sensor driver, also vibrator14:56
nh1402[m]saidinesh5: yes, the nexus 5 has Snapdragon 80014:56
dr_gogeta86mal, usual hit and miss14:56
maldr_gogeta86: z3ntu made a hacky vibrator driver already (I also had partial for that)14:56
dr_gogeta86for sure is different for opx14:56
maldr_gogeta86: I have mostly written proximity/als sensor driver already, just need to finish it14:57
dr_gogeta86kimmoli, did some ffmemless hacks to it14:57
dr_gogeta86but i don't know the dettails14:57
dr_gogeta86mal, still runs android ?14:57
maldr_gogeta86: ?14:57
dr_gogeta86as os14:58
dr_gogeta86i don't think you can run mainline with sailfish14:58
dr_gogeta86as is14:58
malyou could with some changes14:58
malbut obviously without working modem14:58
malthe fp2 mainline is in too early stage to run any os14:59
saidinesh5modem is supposed to be working on nexus 5 apparently: https://github.com/flto/linux/wiki/hammerhead-upstream15:01
malhmm, how did they manage that15:02
saidinesh5i think they include a bunch of firmware blobs in their initrd too15:03
malit would be interesting to get fp2 to that stage15:07
saidinesh5yup. much better effort than backporting nightmares to 3.415:08
malsaidinesh5: I already am using backported bluetooth in fp2 (well in next release but anyway)15:08
saidinesh5mal: Oh? any specific reason to backport bluetooth drivers?15:09
malsaidinesh5: bluez515:09
malit was simple, just take the backports tree add some patches and build15:10
saidinesh5backports tree from?15:11
malhttps://bluez-android.github.io/ a little bit modified way that there15:12
saidinesh5oh interesting!15:13
saidinesh5if only lxc had something like that15:13
malI even made a Android.mk for the drivers so I can first build the normal kernel and then overwrite the modules in out/ with the backport modules15:13
saidinesh5ohh interesting.. so building the bluetooth drivers as .ko ?15:14
malso I just run make hybris-hal, then make backports and I'm ready to package everything15:15
saidinesh5Ahh interesting15:15
saidinesh5if only lxc had something like that15:15
saidinesh5i think the big problems i saw with the current implementation in 3.4 kernel was the lack of user_ns (which is a total nightmare), but the main issues were from the overlayfs etc.. lacking the namespace patches15:16
saidinesh5that's how i think you couldn't ls a directory but cd to it and other weirrrrd behavior15:16
saidinesh5but i am not sure if we need the whole user_ns for anbox though15:17
saidinesh5mal: btw. in your anbox 's sailfish platfor you simply implemented a dummy audio route.. i think audio would work directly if we just used their existing audio implementation15:19
malsaidinesh5: I took the audio stuff from sdl15:22
* saidinesh5 checks15:22
malat least I should have taken15:22
malI have to check why we had some changes to the anbox bridge15:23
saidinesh5Ahh yeah , looks like i was groking through older commits15:25
malsaidinesh5: anyway the issue with audio is that android side fails with codecs15:26
malnot sure why15:26
saidinesh5mal: doesn't that mean we have to do extra magickery to actually get hardware accelerated codecs etc.. ?15:26
malyes, but how does normal anbox handle the codecs15:28
malwhat in our system is different that it cannot use the software codecs15:28
saidinesh5i am not sure, but maybe normal anbox just has software implemented codecs?15:30
saidinesh5not sure, if it is the codecs issue or something else15:30
saidinesh5you could try out some tone generator app inside the container and see if it is the codecs15:30
saidinesh5or something else in the pipeline15:30
saidinesh5https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.billthefarmer.siggen/ ?15:31
malI can try that15:33
saidinesh5plus I think we have to write our own gstreamer hal or something to even let the codecs inside the container use the codecs provided by the vendor15:37
saidinesh5i haven't seen a single android device play media properly with just software codecs (in MX player) when it comes to h264 , h265 stuff15:39
malsaidinesh5: I think anbox had some long audio delay with their audio implementation15:39
saidinesh5not that surprised, they piped their audio via. qemu pipes to the anbox demon right?15:40
malnot sure if via qemu pipe but some way15:40
saidinesh5yeah software codecs + large data via. qemu pipe -> anboxd -> pulseaudio15:41
saidinesh5 graphics::BufferQueue queue_;15:44
saidinesh5i mean multiple copies of audio data. once to put them into buffer queue, then to SDL audio, then to pulseaudio server, then to actual android HAL16:04
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malsaidinesh5: I also get same codec error with that signal generator app17:04
saidinesh5Ahh so it is not codecs?17:10
saidinesh5could be more permission issues to write to the sound device or something?17:10
malACodec  : Unable to instantiate a decoder for type 'audio/vorbis' with err 0xfffffffe.17:11
* saidinesh5 googles17:20
saidinesh5it seems to be unable to find bitrate..17:25
saidinesh5or i-frame-interval17:25
malactually it was missing the whole codec files17:30
saidinesh5then how would upstream anbox work?17:31
malno idea17:31
malI do see this in logs "audio_hw_generic: Successfully connected Anbox audio server"17:33
saidinesh5dunno. haen't had to debug much of media stuff while porting17:34
saidinesh5in fact, iirc you enabled media on cancro while porting lol17:34
malafter I copied the files from host OS I got rid of some errors17:34
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saidinesh5the overlayfs came in very handy didn't it? :D17:35
piggzmal: having trouble getting the session-manager to run18:22
piggzFailed to start anbox-session-manager.service: Interactive authentication required.18:22
piggznevermind, systemctl-user as root works18:28
malpiggz: don't session manager like that, just start the app18:29
piggzmal: it doesnt18:29
piggzso im tryingt o debug18:29
malit will start session manager18:29
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piggz[ 2018-03-27 18:30:19] [launch.cpp:134@operator()] Anbox session manager service isn't running, trying to start it.18:30
malyes, that is normal18:31
piggzmal: sorry, ignore me, i think im being an idiot18:31
piggzi thought i had my kernel patched, but evidently not!18:32
piggzthats next job!18:33
piggzmal: actually, i just had to modprobe overlay18:36
piggzbut still having it abort18:36
piggz[ 2018-03-27 18:36:17] [launch.cpp:134@operator()] Anbox session manager service isn't running, trying to start it.18:37
piggz[ 2018-03-27 18:36:22] [launch.cpp:134@operator()] Anbox session manager service isn't running, trying to start it.18:37
piggz[ 2018-03-27 18:36:27] [launch.cpp:206@operator()] Couldn't get a connection with the session manager18:37
malanything in anbox log?18:39
malor other logs like dmesg18:39
piggzmal: nothing in /var/lib/anbox/logs/18:45
piggzor dmesg18:45
piggzmount command works manually18:45
malsaidinesh5: piggz I has audio!18:49
piggzmal: cool ... how do start session-manager manually to debug?18:53
maldid you check logs like I said18:54
piggzyes, none18:54
piggznothing in /var/lib/anbox/logs18:54
piggzor dmesg that i can tell18:54
malin /var/lib/anbox/data/system.log18:54
piggzmal: data/ is empty18:55
piggzin journal i get18:55
piggzMar 27 19:54:55 Sailfish anbox[7733]: Failed to connect to socket /run/anbox-container.socket: No such file or directory18:55
malis container manager running?18:56
maldid you start it?18:56
piggzmal: ok, some errors now18:57
piggzfailed to setup anbox-bridge18:58
malthat is not a problem18:58
piggzanbox-container-manager.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=118:58
malcheck journal log18:59
piggzmal: if i start the container manager manually it runs ... and then anbox runs.....some problem with the container now19:02
piggzmal: https://bpaste.net/show/44943ebdee8019:10
piggzmaybe my kernel config19:10
malI pushed the audio fix19:38
Mister_Magistermal: what about 32bit binder?19:44
maljust got it built, now I need to prepare the spec file etc for it19:45
Mister_Magisteroh nice19:46
piggzmal: my current kernel doesnt have all patches, just the older ones...19:46
piggzmal: https://bpaste.net/show/645a8d88875a19:47
Mister_Magistersaidinesh5: are you still there?19:50
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piggzmal: my binder is really rather different19:59
malpiggz: is your device using 32 or 64 bit binder?20:01
piggzhow do i tell?20:01
malin BoardConfig.mk you have TARGET_USES_64_BIT_BINDER := true or not20:05
piggzmal: yes then20:08
malMister_Magister: try the anbox-sailfishos-image, remove the old image package first20:32
piggzmal: is 64bit bad?20:39
malpiggz: ?20:40
malMister_Magister: I meant anbox-sailfishos-image-32bit20:40
piggzmal: binder20:40
Mister_Magistermal: anbox-sailfishos-image-32bit does not require anbox-sailfishos is that good?21:12
malit should be the opposite, anbox-sailfish requires some anbox-sailfishos-image package21:13
Mister_Magisterinstalled it21:16
Mister_Magisternow i have frozen starting… screen21:16
Mister_Magisterah i can see services dying21:18
malstop the container manager and cleanup the /var/lib/anbox/data and /var/lib/anbox/cache, just in case you have some old stuff from the previous attempts21:20
Mister_Magisterrm -rf /var/lib/anbox/data/*?21:23
maldid the prepare-anbox.sh fails somehow21:36
maldlopen failed: library "libadreno_utils.so" not found21:37
piggzmal: thats my binder hacked21:37
piggzjust building dhd with new kernel..21:38
piggzmal: i had to amend the binder namespace patch21:38
piggzquite a lot...every line!21:38
malMister_Magister: you are missing at least one lib from overlay21:39
malbut that should have been installed by prepare-anbox21:39
Mister_Magisterhow can i fix it21:39
malMister_Magister: how about thinking a little what I just said21:40
Mister_Magisterrun prepare-anbox manually?21:40
malI said which file is missing from where, which would logically say to copy the missing file to correct place21:41
Mister_Magisteroh /usr/bin/prepare-anbox: line 28: strings: command not found21:41
Mister_Magisteris that normal?21:41
malah, that explains it, missing dependency, install that and rerun prepare-anbox21:41
Mister_Magisteryou should add it to package dependency21:41
malpiggz: did you get any error like that21:42
Mister_Magisterwhere i can find those strings21:42
malbinutils or something maybe21:43
piggzno error but i have binutils installed21:43
Mister_Magistersoo mal you need to add dependency21:44
malobviously, I think I had that error myself but forgot to add it21:44
piggzi think he knows that :D21:44
Mister_Magisterthat… didnt help21:46
malwhat is the error now?21:46
malit's difficult to remember everything, especially when I don't sleep well and my memory is getting worse all the time21:46
malso prepare-anbox still gives the same error?21:50
Mister_Magisterdlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "RSA_verify_PKCS1_PSS" referenced by "/vendor/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno.so"21:50
Mister_Magisterno prepare-anbox is fine now21:50
Mister_Magisterwhy from vendor not from system21:50
malwhich android base?21:51
saidinesh5mal:  congratas!21:51
saidinesh5what was missing mal?21:51
saidinesh5Mister_Magister: looks like i am21:51
saidinesh5had a nap21:51
Mister_Magistersaidinesh5: oh nice do you maybe know if i can somehow convert webp to any other image format in c/c++?21:52
Mister_Magistermal: 5.1.121:52
Mister_Magistermal: that symbol is in other lib21:52
Mister_Magisteri was fixing it on g321:52
malsaidinesh5: anbox client didn't has audioresource stuff in it, that is needed in sailfish sdl21:52
malMister_Magister: which lib?21:52
saidinesh5Mister_Magister: umm,.. will have to look.. there was a neat little image library taht lets you read/write from so many image formats21:52
saidinesh5mal: Ahh21:53
Mister_Magistersaidinesh5: okay21:53
malMister_Magister: so add it to overlay21:53
Mister_Magistersaidinesh5: the problem is that telegram plugin for purple uses webp stickers format (as telegram uses it) and qt cant display it and it have webp dependency which converts webp images and has x11 dependency so i need to convert it somehow not using webp21:54
piggzmal: looks like my android init still fails21:54
saidinesh5Ahh for that you can simply use this i think: https://github.com/spillerrec/qt-webp-plugin21:55
piggzmal: https://bpaste.net/show/1ba4902b493321:55
piggzany way to get andorid early init logs?21:55
saidinesh5Mister_Magister: just package it properly as an rpm. should be useful for other apps too21:56
Mister_Magistersaidinesh5: ill explain you why i cant21:57
Mister_MagisterDependencies: libwebp21:57
malpiggz: dmesg21:57
Mister_Magisterdependencies in libwebp -> x1121:57
saidinesh5that seems odd21:57
malpiggz: you still get no system.log?21:57
piggzmal: i get the container log21:58
piggzin anbox/logs21:58
saidinesh5Mister_Magister: libwebp is used on android21:59
saidinesh5so i am pretty sure there is probably some compile time flag somewhere21:59
malsome logs go to dmesg and others to anbox/data/21:59
Mister_Magistermal: copying it to overlay didnt work21:59
piggzso, it creates the container, starts it, and gets a sigchld22:00
piggzmal: nothing in dmesg22:00
Mister_Magistermal: i need to replace it in anbox image22:01
Mister_Magisterlike rootfs22:01
Mister_Magisterits some kind of shim22:01
saidinesh5piggz: ahh dmesg wont get you far.. iirc you had to listen to logcat22:01
saidinesh5but sigchld i remember was getting when the init was crashing for me22:02
saidinesh5because of lack of proper permissions22:02
piggzsaidinesh5: yes, thats what im wondering how22:02
saidinesh5i think you can happily listen to log cat using the adb logcat unless you have some namespace enabled22:02
piggzadb logcat from where??22:04
saidinesh5PC .. i think you can do it inside sailfish too not sure22:05
saidinesh5been a while22:05
piggzmy pc doesnt even think an android device is connected22:05
saidinesh5piggz: could you chroot to the container and manually start the init?22:06
saidinesh5the container path should be somewhere in /var/lib/something something22:06
piggzi thought that ...22:06
piggzits an lxc, not chroot, will ti still work?22:06
piggzlets seee.22:06
saidinesh5yeah lxc = chroot + namespaces for everything else22:06
saidinesh5iirc that's how i debugged some issue22:07
saidinesh5piggz: out of curiosity, which device?22:08
saidinesh5Mister_Magister: https://github.com/webmproject/libwebp/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=X11&type= not a single X11 dependency here22:08
malMister_Magister: overlay is there so you can override anything from rootfs22:08
Mister_Magisterits not working :/22:09
malthen it's not loaded by anything22:09
piggzno /dev/urnadom22:09
piggzfor tomorrow....laer22:10
malpiggz: I'm pretty sure there is something wrong in kernel patches or configs, did you verify the needed stuff is really enabled22:11
Mister_Magistersaidinesh5: then why on opensuse obs it requires x1122:12
saidinesh5who knows22:12
Mister_Magistergo deeper22:12
Mister_Magisterit have depenency on freeglut-devel22:12
Mister_Magisterand this requires xord22:13
saidinesh5there you go22:13
saidinesh5you don't need freeglut22:13
saidinesh5it was probably required for some demo22:13
Mister_Magisterwhats that?22:13
saidinesh5it is kind of like lightweight SDL for opengl programs22:13
saidinesh5lets you create/destroy windows with opengl context22:13
Mister_Magisterill try to disable it then22:14
Mister_Magisteri like to steal things from opensuse obs22:15
saidinesh5piggz: i think i had that urandom issue too.. will have to see how i fixed that.. i also had to disable some other namespace functionality in kernel22:16
saidinesh5devpts namespace iirc22:18
Mister_Magistersaidinesh5: de heck22:26
Mister_Magisteri just removed dependency from spec and didnt touch anything else22:26
Mister_Magisterit compiled22:26
saidinesh5now package that qt webp plugin22:27
Mister_Magisteri dont need it22:27
saidinesh5i think in the recent versions qt includes it22:27
saidinesh5Mister_Magister: why not?22:27
Mister_Magisterpurple-telegram had disablable dependency to webp for displaying stickers22:27
Mister_Magisternow that i can provide it i can enable stickers22:27
saidinesh5you would still need qt with libwebp support i think22:28
Mister_Magisterwe will see22:28
saidinesh5webp even supports animations right?22:28
Mister_Magisteri just want stickers22:29
saidinesh5"NOTICE Since version 5.3, Qt is bundled with a WebP plugin. You might need to install the qt5-imageformats package (or similar) to get it. See https://github.com/ArchangelSDY/qwebpa for a fork with animation support. For Qt 4, you would still need this or https://github.com/stevenyao/webp ."22:29
saidinesh5Yeah there you go22:29
Mister_Magistershit yosh i need qml plugin22:32
saidinesh5Qt plugin, yes22:33
saidinesh5see if you have qt5-imageformats22:33
saidinesh5sure, there you go22:35
Mister_Magisterthat didnt help22:35
Mister_Magisterbut there is no qt5-qtimageformats22:36
Mister_Magisterthere is nothing to debug22:36
Mister_Magister[W] unknown:242 - file:///usr/share/Morsender/qml/pages/Chat.qml:242:25: QML Image: Error decoding: file:///tmp/25: Unable to read image data22:37
Mister_Magisteri know we are talking in wrong channel22:37
saidinesh5not sure but amybe that sticker you are trying to look at has animations and that plugin doesn't support it?22:37
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