#sfdroid log for Tuesday, 2017-09-19

*** jakibaki <jakibaki!~textual@ipservice-092-217-212-051.092.217.pools.vodafone-ip.de> has quit IRC (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)05:38
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nh1402saidinesh5: I still don't see how it would break, all apps on Sailfish are in fullscreen whether they're running on a tablet or on a phone,07:51
saidinesh5nh1402: i thought the tablet has a "split window mode" ?07:52
nh1402that was crowdfunded, but it was never implemented07:52
nh1402crowdfunded in the sense it was a stretch goal with the tablet07:52
saidinesh5Ahh didn't know that..07:53
* saidinesh5 doesnt have a sailfish tablet07:53
* Mister_Magister has nexus 7 flo tablet07:54
nh1402so we can go ahead with the device namespace and lxc.cgroup.devices.allow approach then07:55
saidinesh5for now, sure07:56
saidinesh5once it works, we can always clean it up using the other approach07:56
nh1402I'm not sure what would work with that other than the touchscreen07:58
nh1402would the accelerometer, gyro, and stuff work07:58
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saidinesh5nope. all those sensors need to be carefully exposed to the container08:15
saidinesh5making sure that it wont lock up the sensors outside the container08:16
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nh1402saidinesh5: so how do we do that08:19
saidinesh5nh1402: i am not entirely sure. maybe via. the anbox - the way they expose audio for eg.08:20
nh1402saidinesh5: so something like this then https://github.com/anbox/anbox/commit/d729b8b9e447cea764e06073af73d3b47c66af2d08:25
nh1402its using a socket for something or other08:26
saidinesh5iirc it was using qemupipes08:27
nh1402morphis claimed there were no qemupipes in anbox08:29
nh1402back when we were discussing wayland rendering anbox on sailfish08:29
nh1402saidinesh5: what does anbox use dbus for?08:35
saidinesh5i am not entirely sure.. maybe communication between session manager and conainer manager?08:50
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nh1402saidinesh5: well I have a different use for it09:08
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nh1402mal: get an adequate night sleep?12:58
malnh1402: no, worse than usual :D12:58
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nh1402saidinesh5: how's Germany13:36
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saidinesh5colder than i thought. had to borrow a jacket..15:00
saidinesh5still at work btw.15:03
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sailfishmodssaidinesh5: where are you in germany ?16:18
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piggzevening ppl17:13
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nh1402piggz: evening17:30
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