#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2017-02-22

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nh1402saidinesh5: how's it going08:25
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saidinesh5nh1402: interesting... patched the neutered init a lot yesterday that surfaceflinger, lmkd are no longer crashing.. still there seemed to be an odd bug wrt to permissions/groups09:07
saidinesh5figuring that ut today09:07
saidinesh5nh1402: btw. neerad fiinally got sfdroid to boot up on his device09:07
nh1402saidinesh5: that's good news, on both fronts09:09
nh1402saidinesh5: meanwhile, I have a cold, and a bloody nose09:12
nh1402and haven't sorted out the laptop yet.09:14
saidinesh5oh.. odd . everyone even here seem to be coming down with cold09:15
nh1402saidinesh5: all because you didn't use the emulator imgae09:19
saidinesh5lol..  i didnt say i caught cold :P09:19
saidinesh5just my friends09:19
nh1402saidinesh5: so what doesn't work at the moment then?09:32
saidinesh5nh1402: zygote for sure. also i dont think other services are started with proper userids/groups09:34
saidinesh54294967295 27062 2.1  0.7 70668 14424 pts/1    Sl   23:22   0:00 /system/bin/mediaserver09:34
saidinesh54294967295 22784 0.0  0.4 34780  8492 pts/1    Sl   23:13   0:00 /system/bin/surfaceflinger09:34
nh1402saidinesh5: what's wrong with zygote?09:34
saidinesh5no clue.. it just seem to shutdown  soon09:35
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nh1402saidinesh5: where is it being started?10:07
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neeradsaidinesh5 RAM is loaded heavily11:00
neerad[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ free -m11:00
neerad             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached11:00
neeradMem:           899        813         86          0         13        18511:00
neerad-/+ buffers/cache:        615        28411:00
neeradSwap:            0          0          011:00
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nh1402neerad: have you tried not loading the RAM heavily?11:15
neeradnh1402 this is after loading sfdroid11:16
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nh1402neerad: does the device have 1GB RAM or 2?11:20
neeradnh1402 1GB11:20
nh1402neerad: time to experiment stripping stuff from sfdroid11:23
neeradOr maybe enabling swap space on SFOS?11:23
nh1402that might be too slow11:23
neeradnh1402 Also in SFDROID Settings>Security fails to load11:24
neerad"Unfortunately Settings has stopped"11:24
nh1402neerad: not sure if that was stripped out, to avoid people trying to set lockscreen locks in sfdroid.11:25
neeradnh1402 How to install apps then, it is locked under that?11:25
nh1402neerad: it might be enabled via hardcoding it in11:26
neeradLike editing the patched files under frameworks/base in sfdroid repos11:26
nh1402not sure11:28
nh1402this is all speculation, I have no idea if it's actually stripped out or not.11:28
neeradnh1402 Can an app be installed via setting the Unknown Sources on via terminal in Android11:28
nh1402try installing an app without fiddling with the flag to see it if it *just* works11:29
neeradTerminal : $adb shell settings put global install_non_market_apps 111:29
neeradnh1402 As far as RAM usage is concerned , how to reduce stuff from loading into RAM11:31
nh1402neerad: OOM changes11:34
neeradnh1402 How to adjust that for sfdroid_renderer?11:34
nh1402no idea11:34
nh1402neerad: the other way is it to stop unnecessary services from running11:35
neeradnh1402 Apprently I reflashed SFOS and didn't install sfdroid even after that free memory is something like 50-90M only. Not really a SFDROID problem I guess11:38
nh1402neerad: still should reduce RAM usage for sfdroid though11:39
nh1402healthd can probably go, that seems to be battery stats, and junk related to that.11:41
neeradinit.sfdroid.rc should be updated then11:41
nh1402neerad: you would need to comment out the stuff that waits for the things that aren't needed11:43
nh1402It's not as easy as oh I'll just disable it in init, some services wait for other services to start before they do.11:44
nh1402in their source code11:44
neeradit's easy just add disabled at the end of the service you want to disable or just comment out11:46
neeradOkay now working a bit faster because I increased dex_preopt from intepret only to everything so now everything is pre compiled and pre optimized fully11:47
neeradBut still surfaceflinger or inputflinger is messy, whenever I scroll down it doesn't scroll down to the bottom like it should it stops in between11:48
nh1402neerad: if you just add disabled, then some stuff will wait for the service you've disabled and then it'll either hang indefinitely or it will restart it itself.11:50
neeradwhat about commenting out nh1402?11:51
nh1402neerad: it's not as simple as adding "disabled" Android still expects things to work as is, you would need to go into systemserver source code and other places to see where it's waiting for the service you've disbaled, and remove it there too.11:52
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neeradnh1402 Will KSM help?12:19
nh1402neerad: no idea what that is12:20
neeradKernel Samepage merging nh140212:20
neeradHigh on CPU but increases free memory12:21
nh1402neerad: well if the device has 1GB RAM, then the CPU is probably not fast enough for that12:22
neeradCPU is 1.4GHz and defualt is 1.2GHz12:22
neeradXiaomi Redmi 212:22
neeradWhat no?12:27
nh1402 Will KSM help? no, not with that CPU12:28
neeradOh okay got it12:28
neeradWell I had it enabled when running Android natively12:29
nh1402neerad: well you can try12:35
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saidinesh5nh1402: it was started from my patchedinit14:09
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saidinesh5neerad: i gave you a link on tweaking your ram yesterday14:16
saidinesh5use it14:16
neeradI applied saidinesh5 but still lags are there it reduced a little but not that much.....14:18
saidinesh5neerad: even the ZRam patches?14:18
neeradSomehow Zram is not loaded in SFOS itself since the .config in obj/KERNEL_OBJ doesn't contain  CONGIG_CGROUP_MEM_RES_CTLR AND CONFIG_CGROUP_MEM_RES_CTLR_SWAP14:20
neeradalthough it is contained in defconf14:20
saidinesh5see if the dependencies for those config options are met14:20
neeradI checked that they are but still it isn't copied14:21
saidinesh5even after make clean and make?14:22
neeradyep even after make clean14:23
neeradI actually always do make clean14:23
saidinesh5i am not all that hopeful about zram on your device to be honest14:24
saidinesh5hitting swap was what used to degrade the performance on my N900 visibly14:25
saidinesh5(it had 256MB ram and 700MB swapfile. as long as i made sure i didnt hit the swap, the phone was silky smooth)14:26
saidinesh5each open window for you should take up at least 30MB of ram..... hmm..14:28
neeradsaidinesh5 I am not using Zram anyway14:29
neeradHowever what if I disable JIT as mentioned in the link you shared14:30
neeradAny performance issues?14:30
neeradBecuase JIT(just in time compiler) uses 1.5MB/app as far as I have read14:30
nh1402maybe the hybrid system in nougat would help14:33
neeradnh1402 hybrid system?14:34
saidinesh5you added: ro.config.low_ram=true to your properties?14:34
nh1402neerad: nougat uses both JIT and AOT14:35
neeradnh1402 But as far as LOW ram usage is concerned JIT must be disabled14:36
nh1402surely AOT uses more RAM and JIT uses more CPU14:38
neeradnh1402 I really don't know if the sluggish behaviour is due to low RAM or something else in SFDROID?14:39
nh1402why not both14:39
neeradsaidinesh5 yes I added it now and it's building14:40
saidinesh5neerad: just add it to your /default.prop and reboot14:40
neeradHow much RAM saving can i expect? and do I have to add this to SFOS build too?14:41
saidinesh5and make sure getprop ro.config.low_ram returns true14:41
saidinesh5you need to add it to your sfos's build itself14:41
saidinesh5that's where your property overrides are coming from14:41
neeradSo do I add JIT disable flag there or let it be14:42
saidinesh5first do it on the device and see14:42
saidinesh5add those flags to your default.prop and reboot and confirm those are the values14:42
saidinesh5and then see how it performs14:42
saidinesh5btw. could anyone with android.. and neerad.. see what your userids for these processes on your devices are? https://paste.kde.org/pzual3qwv15:01
saidinesh5also i think mediaserver and netd are crashing / restarting..15:07
nh1402saidinesh5: how would you check?15:11
saidinesh5check what?15:11
nh1402saidinesh5: "see what your userids for these processes on your devices are?"15:13
saidinesh5Ah just ps aux15:13
saidinesh5and see what the first column says15:13
nh1402saidinesh5: no15:17
saidinesh5hmm? on android?15:17
nh1402saidinesh5: "bad pid 'aux'" on Android Nougat15:18
saidinesh5i think in busybox it is just ps15:19
nh1402saidinesh5: vold: 185, surfaceflinger: 735, netd: 76015:27
saidinesh5they are pids i think15:27
nh1402oh right15:27
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nh1402saidinesh5: netd: root, surfaceflinger: system, vold: root, lmkd: root15:35
saidinesh5thanks nh1402.. looks like the same as mine15:35
saidinesh5so need to figure out why netd is restarted every few seconds15:36
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saidinesh5at least good to know that my patched init is working15:37
nh1402saidinesh5: do you have all the netd patches?15:38
saidinesh5i got my netd straight off sfdroid repos i think15:39
nh1402saidinesh5: prove it15:41
neeradprove it????? :O15:41
saidinesh5]$ git log | grep netd15:42
saidinesh5    [sfdroid]: hack out the netd dependancy (2)................15:42
saidinesh5    [sfdroid]: hack out the netd dependancy....................15:42
nh1402saidinesh5: is it working yet?15:54
neeradStill now working? saidinesh515:54
neeradHas netd been fixed?15:55
nh1402saidinesh5: how about now?16:00
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saidinesh5neerad: look at the netd commits in frameworks base btw.16:24
saidinesh5i think tht's what reports as no internet16:24
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neeradsaidinesh5 somehow boot up time for SFOS is reduced and 4G/Wifi is working but is shown as Wifi connected only in SFDROID16:40
saidinesh5neerad: i assume it is because of the lowmemory setting in default.prop16:41
neeradMight be16:41
saidinesh5Also not sure about the net related commits. iirc it talks to conman via. dbus to get connection state16:42
neeradBut somehow that is still not solves my problem I am posting the logcat for the same16:43
saidinesh5problem of slowness?16:44
neeradNot slow somehow staggers scrolls and stops16:44
saidinesh5you will have to profile what's slowing things down16:47
neeradas far as I can see when I scroll down FPS is at first 3 then jumps to 42 then goes down to 3 again16:50
neeradSome kind of surfaceflinger issue16:50
saidinesh5yeah are you forcing GPU rendering?16:50
saidinesh5with FPS < 20, no wonder you're experiencing all the laggy behavior for input16:51
neeradHow to fix this issue any idea ?16:51
saidinesh5you probably have to use some android profiling tools to see where most of the time is spent in rendering a frame16:52
neeradandroid profiling tools hmmm....16:52
saidinesh5right now i have no clue where the slow down is happening16:52
saidinesh5do make sure you're using GPU to render things though16:52
saidinesh5Also apply that patch to netlinkevent and netlink listener to shut it up from spamming your logs with E/NetlinkListener( 7205): recvmsg failed (I/O error)16:53
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malsaidinesh5: you also got sfdroid working now?17:59
saidinesh5mal: not quite .. but there is progress! my init doesnt crash anymore. surfaceflinger running too..18:00
saidinesh5now looking at why netd keeps restarting AND why servicemanager is waiting for batterystats..18:00
malsaidinesh5: did you find batterystats from the source tree?18:01
saidinesh5not yet. was looking at why netd kept restarting18:02
saidinesh5but yeah let me look at batterystats first..18:02
saidinesh5mal: looks like that is coming from: services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BatteryStatsService.java18:07
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saidinesh5it could be that servicemanager waiting for batterystats is what's causing the no further progress?18:10
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neeradkimmoli krnlyng_ mal FPS is low18:35
neeradsaidinesh5 where is the patch to netlinkevent and netlink listener you are mentioning ?18:37
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neeradmake clean or just make it straight away?18:41
saidinesh5make straight away18:42
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neeradsaidinesh5 Will patching netlink listener and somehow reducing error log fix the low FPS in SFDROID?19:51
neeradsaidinesh5 Has the android_bionic patches been added to CM-12.1-YOG7D in CM repos?20:11
neeradThat is included in sfdroid repos or do I have to patch it?20:11
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nh1402[m]saidinesh5: excellent, openbox is horrible, cinnamon crashes upon installation, gnome is horrible, mate is a waste of space and KDE crashes the installer21:41
neeradYou are talking about Linux Mint? or something else?21:48
neeradUse Cinnamon instead, mine is the same21:48
neeradThat's all the flavor of Linux dude, what are you gonna try then? Mac or Unix?21:50
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nh1402[m]Mac eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhh I'm talking about desktop managers on Antergos. I've tried Openbox installed it works, but I hate it, then installed Cinnamon (uninstalling Openbox and then installing Cinnamon and reinstalling Antergos with Cinnamon) both result in it crashing after logging in, tried installing KDE via reinstalling, and that doesn't get past the desktop manager selection22:23
nh1402[m]screen and hangs indefinitely.22:23
nh1402[m]The only other options are Xfce, no desktop manager (command line only), Mate which is a waste of space, gnome which I hate, openbox which I hate, and KDE which doesn't install via the ISO.22:25
nh1402[m]I can try and install KDE via the command line on the current installing with the failing Cinnamon, which I'll try tomorrow.22:25
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neeradsaidinesh5 Somehow Unknown sources in Settings>Security have been removed completely from Settings.db22:34
neeradSo i installed Play store instead and it is working fine22:35
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