#sfdroid log for Tuesday, 2017-01-10

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cvp[mobile]moin taaem07:12
taaemcvp[mobile]: moin07:17
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saidinesh5hey cvp13:06
cvphi saidinesh513:11
saidinesh5any luuck with your Mokee build yet?13:12
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cvpsaidinesh5: no, i have no skilz for this :(13:16
saidinesh5on Saturday i almost got my stripped down build of android for lxc ready13:18
saidinesh5So lets see today how far can i take it13:18
saidinesh5although "Stripped down" isnt exactly the word as my rootfs still weighs 192MB13:18
cvpwhat is lxc ß13:19
saidinesh5linux containers. something like a VM13:20
saidinesh5or rather "docker"13:21
cvpok i read on ubuntuusers wiki ^^13:22
nh1402yo yo yo wat up dawg13:35
cvpnh1402: o/13:52
cvpsaidinesh5: and what do you want to do then?14:43
saidinesh5cvp and get it to run? :P  i was looking at containers mainly because i think i twould be easier to debug + it wont mess up my sailfish installation unlike the last time i tried14:44
saidinesh5right now this is my primary phone.. so using it's data partition and messing things up means a big pain for me14:45
saidinesh5cvp: https://trello.com/c/JvkxnGMr/4-port-sf-droid incase you are interested, i got a bunch of links there14:46
saidinesh5chrome os's ARC++ uses a similar approach btw.14:47
cvpWhat device do you have again?14:47
saidinesh5Xiaomi Mi3/Mi4 (cancro)14:47
cvpoh cool14:49
cvpWe had a SFOS meeting yesterday in Berlin. Nokius has unfortunately forgotten to take his Mi4.14:50
saidinesh5Ahh heh he has a bunch of SF OS devices now iirc14:51
malcvp: anything interesting in that meeting?14:52
cvpmal: No, it was just a fan group :) - the usual devices were only shown. And something small talk.14:55
saidinesh5btw. i cleaned up the sfdroid build bits btw. if anyone is interested. moved the getting sources part to a local_manifest, wrote a spec file to fetch and package the androidy bits into an rpm, and a little build script to build the needed bits: https://gist.github.com/saidinesh5/3262c31c88776445544c8b2804ee02df14:55
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saidinesh5cvp: you may find this useful for building against AOSP.  just apply the patches from the repos in local manifest to your AOSP sources15:05
cvpyou mean the three from yesterday ß15:14
saidinesh5yes cvp..15:31
saidinesh5not sure which sfdroid branch is based on AOSP15:31
saidinesh5so you can manually take the patchesfrom sfdroid and apply them to the mokee tree15:32
saidinesh5for eacch of the repo in the sfdroid.xml15:32
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cvpsaidinesh5: For the first thing I wanted to test is sfdroid not necessary. But only one SFdroid port based on aosp.15:43
malfp2 is aosp5 based15:48
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