#sfdroid log for Monday, 2017-01-09

saidinesh5https://linuxcontainers.org/lxc/getting-started/ mentions nothing about bridge-utils or dnsmasq. yet lxc rpm seems to be demanding that01:15
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dr_gogeta86saidinesh5, need a bit of love onto mer13:36
saidinesh5onto mer?13:37
saidinesh5what part of mer dr_gogeta86?13:37
dr_gogeta86integrate lxc13:37
saidinesh5Ahh.. yeah getting the packages were a nightmare.. finally brought vgrade's lxc 1.0 version. it is apparently supported up to 201913:38
saidinesh5i couldnt find packages for simple things like dnsmasq, zgrep13:39
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dr_gogeta86mer needs some big love ... so if you need port it onto your obs13:50
dr_gogeta86and push to promote it13:50
locusfentil: hows life with fp2?13:54
entillocusf: it's fine, but I haven't had the skills (or time to gain skills) to even look at getting sfdroid2 to work lately13:59
locusfseems I've been inside a barrel lately then :p14:01
saidinesh5O_O sfdroid2?14:01
entilno idea where the 2 came from :D14:16
entilsorry about that14:16
entilI'm semi off irc, gotta work :/14:16
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saidinesh5do i really have to make clean and make again if i changed my sfdroid.mk ? O_O14:35
saidinesh5okay building it this time with ccache14:39
cvpSomeone a clue how to fix the problem?,... if i reinstall sfdroid + sfos the microphone and listener works under sfos... and after the restart no more. I reboot ofthen but it not helping. Only after a new reinstall it work, But only so long until you restart.14:41
dr_gogeta86cvp, sometimes happen to me... and sometime breaks also ril14:42
cvpYes that makes it somehow useless again unfortunately :(14:43
cvpWould sfdroid with aosp + sfos possible?15:14
saidinesh5isnt fp2 based on AOSP itself?15:15
saidinesh5but it's sf droid is based on AOSP?15:17
entilcvp: that's the platform I have problems with, but it's the one you got to have if you own a fairphone15:17
entilcvp: I don't know if the other sailfish ports work better15:18
malI did get sfdroid partially working on fp2 a long time ago15:18
malonly starting it was unstable15:19
entilinstructions wouldn't hurt us others ;)15:19
entilbut I'm off the clock and need to be home, ttyl/bye ->15:19
malwell there was no easy way to get it running, killing certain services randomly and then it would start15:20
malsome race condition maybe15:20
saidinesh5for me the export LD_LIIBRARY_PATH in init was messing up the whole SFOS15:20
saidinesh5cvp: btw. http://piratepad.net/d15IdjJSo3 talks about what patches you need to get for doing what. try applying those patches ontop of AOSP15:26
cvpHas anyone got aosp + sfos on the oneplus x to run?15:26
* saidinesh5 shrugs15:26
cvpI would like to try it, but did not know about this matter15:30
saidinesh5Also entil's script maybe of help to you: https://gist.github.com/mjtorn/6cf8ed8b33fd91b3ffa05e7981b8f76915:34
cvpThe problem was to find an aosp source for the oneplus x15:35
saidinesh5out of curiousity.. do modifications have to be made to AOSP tree too , to get it working with oneplus x's device tree/kernel?15:36
NeKitcvp, any advantages of AOSP over CM/Lineage?15:36
cvpNeKit: I can not say. I just wanted to test something specific. :)15:38
saidinesh5anecdotal but a Yu  Yuphoria phone i had was  a lot more stable on AOSP 4.4 than CyanogenOS 5.115:38
cvpNeKit: So now not sfdroid itself. Therefore, I am looking for someone with sfos based on aosp created for the opx. Functions like camera, telephoning and co are only unimportant :)16:04
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cvpthe only one aosp what i found for oneplus xhttps://github.com/MoKee/android_device_oneplus_onyx17:08
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dr_gogeta86cvp, mokee is a forked cm17:14
cvpdr_gogeta86: "MoKee OpenSource is based on the Google AOSP" under INTRODUCTION17:15
dr_gogeta86i've built a sfos port on it ... is like cyanogen17:15
cvphm.. strange17:17
cvpThen there is apparently no aosp version for the oneplus x :(17:19
saidinesh5cvp: why not compile an AOSP source yourself?17:20
saidinesh5you do have the device tree and all the dependencies17:20
cvpsaidinesh5: isnt this maybe ? https://github.com/MoKee17:23
saidinesh5cvp: yes, https://github.com/MoKee/android/blob/mkn-mr1/default.xml a lot of their packages are straight off AOSP17:24
saidinesh5except for these: https://github.com/MoKee/android/blob/mkn-mr1/snippets/mokee.xml apparently17:25
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Jiraya973hi everybody17:54
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saidinesh5hey nh140218:09
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