#sfdroid log for Friday, 2016-09-16

*** zz_smurfynet is now known as smurfynet07:48
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smurfynetmal-: did you have time looking at my logcat log?15:25
smurfynetmal-: i also tested with 1606 system but this causes errors with "am" probably due to the patches are based on 1607 source.15:26
mal-smurfynet: yes, couldn't find anything obvious15:28
smurfynetmal-: did you ever had the problem that somehow the renderer showed nothing? I had this before. My fix then was using a very old sharedbuffer.so. but this was pre /usr/libexec... change.15:31
mal-smurfynet: I had many problems with renderer, surfaceflinger not properly starting etc15:32
dr_gogeta86good evening15:32
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smurfyneti'm still playing with the idea using a really small android (like shashlik does) which is the same for all platforms (if the architecture is the same). Wifi and ethernet should work. Not sure about media and especially camara. Not sure if the chroot for sfdroid android would need direct hardware access at all.15:40
smurfynetwifi and ethernet should work because we already have the patches for wifi and ethernet.15:41
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smurfynetmal-: it seems 1608 got released recently :)16:03
mal-smurfynet: yes, going to build adaptation based on that16:23
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entilnh1402[m]: nice, it would be really cool to get those bt apis going :)17:31
smurfynetmal-: muhaahahhahahahaha it works!18:07
mal-smurfynet: ?18:07
smurfynetmal-: except the fairphone updater crashes , but thats ok18:07
mal-smurfynet: what did you do?18:07
smurfynetmal-: i replaced libsurfaceflinger and sharedbuffer with one of my very early builds now i have an image and it works18:08
smurfynetmal-: ok well, not everything i finished the wizard but now the desktop seems to hang. but at least i have a picture18:11
smurfynetmal-: also it's looks like the input is not really working well.18:20
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dr_gogeta86krnlyng, onyx up and running18:49
dr_gogeta86needed to kill and thinker it a bit18:49
dr_gogeta86but works18:49
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dr_gogeta86need some tweeks18:51
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dr_gogeta86apkd needs to be tweaked a bit ...19:40
*** smurfynet is now known as zz_smurfynet19:55

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