#sfdroid log for Thursday, 2016-09-15

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entilzz_smurfynet: just took a look at the compile output, it fails at the end:03:38
entil+ dst=fairphone_os/FP2_sfdroid//03:38
entil+ cp -pv out/target/product/FP2/system/external/sfdroid-init/init.sfdroid.rc fairphone_os/FP2_sfdroid//03:38
entilcp: cannot stat ‘out/target/product/FP2/system/external/sfdroid-init/init.sfdroid.rc’: No such file or directory03:38
entilno idea when I get to fix the gist tho :(03:38
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entildoes sfdroid work with bt, that is, if there's an android thingamabob that wants to be paired with bluetooth, would this work with sfdroid?06:50
entil(and in comparison, would alien dalvik work?)06:50
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smurfynetkrnlyng: any idea how i can debug not having any output in sfdroid renderer?  After killall surfaceflinger the window appears but it does not show anything.  It seems that the system is started (am and pm commands work)08:38
mal-smurfynet: could you pastebin logcat output08:39
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smurfynetmal-: not from here. (phone is at home)08:39
mal-smurfynet: no hurry, I wouldn't have much time to check it anyway before tonight08:40
ballockC/win 4708:53
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entildoes anyone know about bluetooth?09:31
nh1402_workentil: I know of it09:34
nh1402_workentil: I looked into how we could connect it up in sfdroid before, thought maybe via dbus, but only thing you can do is pairing iirc, so need to find another way.09:35
entilnh1402_work: my use case is pairing a device which would hopefully then send data to (((the cloud))) over an android app, no bidirectional io or anything fancy09:36
entilnh1402_work: so if the pairing works and an app finds the paired device, I'm happy - would it work to that extent?09:37
nh1402_workentil: only one way to find out09:38
entilI could pair my old jolla to it, but does anyone know if that works?09:39
nh1402_workentil: actually I was looking at the adapter1 api, but there are more blueZ api's that I've just noticed09:44
nh1402_worka network api, device api, etc. We might actually be able to get it to work after all09:46
nh1402_workentil: ^09:49
nh1402_workproviding it is possible, it will require more work than Wifi and mobile data though.09:54
smurfynetnh1402_work:  maybe this helps? https://code.google.com/archive/p/aosp-bluez/10:26
nh1402_workthe issue is getting all the necessary stuff from Sailfish by using dbus API's or other methods via modifying system level android stuff and running the dbus commands in cpp on the android side.10:40
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dr_gogeta86anyone can teach me how to create the zygote socket15:23
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smurfynetmal-: The log, taken 5 mins ago: http://smurfy.de/files/sfdroid/log5.txt16:26
smurfynetmal-: It also includes one am and one pm call. (near the end) both calls hang on the console and i crtl+c'ed them. But they cause no error in the log.16:27
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