#nemomobile log for Wednesday, 2020-03-04

*** verin0x0 is now known as verin0x03:43
T42<neochapay> @eekkelund [For some reason I got back screen with that li …], yea...all application is work but lipstick got black screen08:08
T42Browne %lastname% was added by: Browne %lastname%08:15
T42<eekkelund> @neochapay [yea...all application is work but lipstick got …], Yeah, I didn't manage to find a fix when I looked in to it quickly08:17
T42<neochapay> yeap...i check qirh simple qml compositor first08:18
T42<neochapay> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/0STvd2ELj0.png08:21
T42<neochapay> simple qml compositor work....08:21
T42<neochapay> ok....next - check and remove all warning when starting lipstick08:22
T42<neochapay> https://pastebin.com/szuvnfMw08:22
T42<neochapay> @eekkelund i not understand why compositor remove home window О_О08:24
T42<eekkelund> :D that is strange, but now we know why screen is black09:23
T42<eekkelund> No idea why homewindow is removed tho09:24
T42Tracy %lastname% was added by: Tracy %lastname%09:35
T42柯兴番 %lastname% was added by: 柯兴番 %lastname%09:43
T42<neochapay> @eekkelund home window removed becouse i stop lipstick hehe10:55
T42<neochapay> BUT!10:55
T42<neochapay> file:///usr/share/lipstick-glacier-home-qt5/qml/compositor.qml:94:5: QML Connections: Cannot assign to non-existent property "onActiveFocusItemChanged"10:55
T42<neochapay> Waaaaaaaaaat ?!10:55
T42<eekkelund> What is on row 94?10:56
T42<neochapay> @eekkelund [What is on row 94?], https://gitlab.com/nemomobile/glacier-home/-/blob/qt-512/src/qml/compositor.qml#L9410:59
T42<neochapay> lipstic compositor is not a qwindow ? О_О11:02
T42<eekkelund> @neochapay [lipstic compositor is not a qwindow ? О_О], https://git.sailfishos.org/mer-core/lipstick/merge_requests/88/diffs#59d59e99992a6b1954398a4a42c8e86128f89615_36_5811:07
T42<neochapay> @eekkelund [https://git.sailfishos.org/mer-core/lipstick/m …], https://gitlab.com/nemomobile/lipstick/-/commit/22c38f600e46d287345bc7b5084632f56e9110ff not helped....11:57
T42<neochapay> file:///usr/share/lipstick-glacier-home-qt5/qml/compositor.qml:94:5: QML Connections: Cannot assign to non-existent property "onActiveFocusItemChanged"12:04
T42<neochapay> hmmmm my copy of lipstick so diffedet of https://git.sailfishos.org/mer-core/lipstick/raw/4edfbc5083e8967967a30638de82a796ad9f0136/src/compositor/lipstickcompositor.cpp12:11
T42<neochapay> Oh...i recheck... i build wrong revision ^_^12:17
T42<neochapay> @eekkelund https://pastebin.com/aqvAfXfy12:22
T42<eekkelund> So adding the QQuickWindow made that error?12:28
T42<neochapay> yeap12:28
T42<neochapay> Maybe that https://git.sailfishos.org/neochapay/lipstick/commit/1613b832f1b71b21242d1c3774b2b7b22667988a will help hehehehe12:29
T42<neochapay> No...not helped12:37
T42<neochapay> @eekkelund https://pastebin.com/bdeyaar6 hmmmmm16:01
T42<eekkelund> Which QT_WAYLAND_SHELL_INTEGRATION lipstick is nornally using?16:05
T42<neochapay> Failed to determine what client buffer integration to use16:08
T42<neochapay> qt.qpa.wayland: "wl-shell" is a deprecated shell extension, prefer using "xdg-shell-v6" or "xdg-shell" if supported by the compositor by setting the environment variable QT_WAYLAND_SHELL_INTEGRATION16:08
T42<neochapay> Using the 'wl-shell' shell integration16:08
T42<neochapay> without QT_WAYLAND_SHELL_INTEGRATION16:08
T42<Sam %lastname%> https://projectsandcastle.org/ ;)16:37
T42<Steve107> @Sam %lastname% [https://projectsandcastle.org/ ;)], Interesting, but I don't see the point in doing that16:41
T42<Sam %lastname%> @Steve107 [Interesting, but I don't see the point in doin …], Good target for nemo16:41
T42<Steve107> Seriously?16:41
T42<Sam %lastname%> of course16:41
T42<Steve107> OK, if you say so16:42
T42<abranson> don't you have to jailbreak iphones to do that sort of thing?16:59
T42<neochapay> @eekkelund https://git.sailfishos.org/neochapay/lipstick/commit/4e519a1f1173ecf271831ae002d9bd9c6fca3288#d38680754b21ab127adc27ce7895192c1e690e8d_236_237 no debug messages :(17:14
T42<aa13q> @abranson [don't you have to jailbreak iphones to do that …], never touched iphones, but heard about some checkm8 exploit, maybe could be relecant for jailbreaks18:46

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