#nemomobile log for Tuesday, 2020-03-03

*** verin0x8 is now known as verin0x03:44
T42<neochapay> And i fixup qtwayland...again. mer lipstick build fine ^_^09:38
T42<eekkelund> @neochapay [https://pastebin.com/ejHnNZzK next question], You fixed this one with Q_WAYLAND_COMPOSITOR_EXPORT ?09:43
T42<neochapay> @eekkelund [You fixed this one with Q_WAYLAND_COMPOSITOR_E …], Yeap09:43
T42<eekkelund> Nice, I just saw your message and was about to point that "Q_WAYLAND_COMPOSITOR_EXPORT", but you were fast :)09:44
T42<neochapay> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/YkWQI0Nx9Z.webp09:44
T42蒋莉宸 %lastname% was added by: 蒋莉宸 %lastname%11:55
T42<neochapay> Okay....on my dev device qmlscene with qt 5.12.7 work fine15:09
T42<neochapay> lipstick cant start becouse qtcomponents-layout removed in 5.12.715:10
T42<neochapay> ...okay...maybe i can backport layout....but will be better if i remove it form componets15:16
T42<neochapay> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/FGwlOkmQLm.png15:24
PureTryOut[m]Too bad we just moved to Qt 5.14.1 on pmOS lol, would be awesome to have Glacier running on it15:30
T42<neochapay> I use lts version as base...15:31
PureTryOut[m]Yeah for coming from 5.6 that's definitely a good jump to do15:32
PureTryOut[m]However, note that 5.12 is the last LTS ever for the FOSS version of Qt15:32
PureTryOut[m]So you will have to upgrade to the latest at some point after all15:33
T42<neochapay> Yes. But first...15:38
PureTryOut[m]Yeah of course, I'm just saying 🌬︎15:40
T42马诚掎 %lastname% was added by: 马诚掎 %lastname%15:46
T42<starbuck2018> 5.15 would be a good jump, as thats the last Qt5 versuon before Qt618:12
PureTryOut[m]After 5.12, yeah agreed18:14
T42<neochapay> Yea after...now - fixup compositor and qtpim20:04

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