#nemomobile log for Friday, 2019-10-11

r0kk3rzm_aurel: if you're missing things they're probably in that obs repo, so just add it to your build system06:27
*** verin0x4 is now known as verin0x07:11
qwazixI've been absent for a while and I'll need a little guidance. First where is the best place to put the colors for the white theme? Is there a theme qml somewhere or sth?17:21
qwazixAnd then what's the easiest way to try nemo atm (virtualbox or device) is there an image somewhere?17:21
qwazixhow about just inverting everything? Super easy and it looks quite interesting and fresh: http://qwazix.com/shared/datepicker.jpg17:25
qwazixsorry wrong link17:26
T42<neochapay> @qwazix [http://qwazix.com/shared/datepicker-negative.j …], So orange :))) niceeeeee17:27
qwazixyeah and all you have to do is just reverse the colors everywhere :-) Plus orange is at least kind of novel for UI (except maybe ubuntu)17:33
T42<neochapay> @qwazix [yeah and all you have to do is just reverse th …], Why not blue colour of active elements?17:34
qwazixInitially I was going for blue but I just thought maybe instead of changing everything to just do an invert in gimp. I liked the result. But I can do blue if you prefer17:36
qwazixhere's another one http://qwazix.com/shared/Inline_Dialog_negative.jpg17:37
qwazixso, where do you want me to put the colors? Should I just create a text file with all the colors for both themes?17:39
qwazixor is there a code file I can edit directly?17:39
T42<neochapay> @qwazix [or is there a code file I can edit directly?], https://github.com/nemomobile/qtquickcontrols-nemo/tree/master/src/styles/themes17:41
T42<neochapay> two json files - black current, white - we needed17:42
qwazixthis is with the same blue we have now http://qwazix.com/shared/tmp_datepicker.png17:43
qwazixwhich one do you like more?17:43
T42<neochapay> @qwazix [this is with the same blue we have now http:// …], so sexy17:43
T42<chipiguay> I like both! Maybe dark one is better IMHO17:47
T42<neochapay> @chipiguay [I like both! Maybe dark one is better IMHO], i whant create two themes17:47
T42<chipiguay> That's useful! When sun is shining, white background is more comfortable, but black is better for night17:48
T42<neochapay> @chipiguay [I like both! Maybe dark one is better IMHO], https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKqz_tOxolM17:48
T42<chipiguay> So cool! You're doing an awesome work here17:49
T42<neochapay> @chipiguay [So cool! You're doing an awesome work here], yeap ^_^ i am sexy and i know it rolf17:49
T42<chipiguay> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/0C3tYPLz1q.webp17:57
qwazixI did the changes to the json, is there an easy way to test?17:59
qwazix(or not easy I don't mind)17:59
T42<neochapay> you can build components on desctop ubuntu17:59
qwazixany pointers how to do that?18:00
qwazixalso is this working? https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Nemo/Glacier18:01
T42<neochapay> qmake make make install )18:01
qwazixok let me try18:01
qwazix> glacierapp development package not found18:09
qwazixbut I can't find any glacierapp packag on github18:10
T42<neochapay> https://github.com/nemomobile-ux/libglacierapp this18:10
qwazixI magaged to run it but it runs fullscreen and half the things are out of the screen18:15
qwazixIs there a way to run it windowed?18:15
T42<neochapay> -w18:15
qwazixyeah it's in a window now but things are still huge :-P18:16
T42<neochapay> yea i will try fix it late18:17
qwazixhttp://qwazix.com/shared/Screenshot from 2019-10-11 21-18-44.png18:19
qwazixbut I had to manually copy the json to /usr/lib/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Styles/Nemo/themes/18:19
qwazixidk why it didn't install there automatically18:19
qwazixShould I make an the orange one too just for fun?18:20
qwazixOr is it too much to maintain?18:20
T42<neochapay> You designer boss ^_^18:20
qwazixOk, I'll do it18:20
qwazixhttp://qwazix.com/shared/Screenshot from 2019-10-11 21-28-09.png18:29
qwazixcan you give me write access to the qtquickcontrols-nemo repo? I don't want to fork. I'll push in a new branch and create a PR anyway18:30
T42<m_aurel> I'm excited to see progress for Nemo Mobile and Glacier. We, a young company, would like to release a smartphone with a pre-installed Nemo Mobile. However, the Glacier Apps are hardly suitable for consumers. Is anyone working on these apps? It would probably be too much for us to make Nemo Mobile practical. We would do the hardware ad20:18
T42aptation, but I'm worried about the apps.20:18
T42<faenil> @m_aurel [I'm excited to see progress for Nemo Mobile an …], There's basically only one person working on the UI side of Nemo... I wouldn't expect the core apps to become consumer ready any time soon :) you would need at least 1 full time developer per app for 6 months to 1 year to get them to an alpha stage.20:38
T42<chipiguay> @neochapay I'm just curious, is this your day job or just your hobby?20:45
T42<neochapay> @chipiguay [@neochapay I'm just curious, is this your day …], Hobby and curiosity of mer stack. Day job in omp :)20:47
T42<neochapay> But if you send me some coins it's will be good20:47
T42<chipiguay> 😊20:47
T42<chipiguay> I'm leaving my day job these days to finish a Master degree20:48
T42<chipiguay> I wouldn't mind to find a Qt day job afterwards20:48
T42<meierrom> @neochapay [Hobby and curiosity of mer stack. Day job in o …], Isn't omp also working on mer?20:49
T42<neochapay> @meierrom [Isn't omp also working on mer?], Of course working on mer too but nor only. You can find many my mr into mer core20:50
T42<meierrom> @neochapay [Of course working on mer too but nor only. You …], Nice :)20:50
T42<neochapay> Like lipstick windowed mode or update geoclue :)20:51
T42<meierrom> @neochapay [Like lipstick windowed mode or update geoclue …], And you do this on behalf of omp?20:52
T42<neochapay> Particle20:52
T42<meierrom> @neochapay [Particle], Cool! :)20:52
T42<neochapay> (Document) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/f7l89yvgUJ.mp420:53
T42<neochapay> Good weekend anybody :)20:53
T42<neochapay> Now i finish my holiday in st.piterburg and tomorrow come back into Innopolis :)20:54
T42<meierrom> @neochapay [Good weekend anybody :)], :))20:54
T42<chipiguay> @neochapay [Good weekend anybody :)], You too!20:54
T42<neochapay> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/FvyN0nEuGR.webp20:55
T42<faenil> @neochapay [Now i finish my holiday in st.piterburg and to …], enjoy!21:44

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