#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2020-02-20

*** X704 is now known as tiwake05:01
*** X704 is now known as tiwake05:08
*** X704 is now known as tiwake05:54
abransonentil: yes, virtualizing bluetooth is really hard. for bt speakers etc the android layer is completely unaware of it, the audio gets routed through bluetooth in sailfish.07:17
abransonas far as spotify is concerned, it's just playing audio07:18
entilabranson: figured as much :( thanks for confirming it, though it makes me sad07:21
abransonentil: it's not impossible though...07:36
entilabranson: so the question is about the extent of which jolla gives a damn ;)07:36
abransonentil: it's more about the managing to find a way to do it that doesn't take a horrendous amount of resources07:37
abransonmanpower i mean07:37
entilthat was half a joke, because I doubt jolla would care enough to freeze all other development and focus solely on that07:42
entilbut this is how it is07:42
*** X704 is now known as tiwake09:26
*** X704 is now known as tiwake09:33
*** X704 is now known as tiwake11:18
*** X704 is now known as tiwake13:18

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