#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2020-02-19

entilhas anyone tried the oura ring on sailfish x? https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201440787#2 is discouraging but for all I know it could also be vague and/or out of date, but is there zero chance of using bluetooth through android in there?04:29
entil(of course this would also involve installing google play services on the phone, which I may sadly have to do at some point anyway, as getting the app through a downloader is a violation of the terms and as much as I hate and as little as I use google, I don't need to get banned)04:30
r0kk3rzentil: you'd need to make an app of some kind, no idea what the protocol is like04:31
r0kk3rzyou might be able to reuse some stuff for the amazfit bip04:32
entilr0kk3rz: what do you mean by that?04:32
r0kk3rzbt doesnt get passed through to dalvik04:32
entilr0kk3rz: I'm meaning to run it under the android support, by just installing the app, so do I need to do something extra myself besides that?04:33
r0kk3rzso native is all you got04:33
entilafaik oura allows tracking the biometry it collects through some kind of cloud interface, but the device sync is over bluetooth and I doubt that protocol is open04:33
entilI will contemplate the alternative of finding an old android-compatible phone somewhere and installing google android on it then :(04:34
entilthanks r0kk3rz!04:34
entilgotta take the kid to daycare ->04:34
entilfound the project https://openrepos.net/content/piggz/amazfish07:43
entilgotta look into how well eg. sleep analysis works for the amazfit bip07:44
entilworst-case scenario is amazfish barely works for anything and all the analysis is done in-app on android and currently not implemented :(07:44
entillooks like the product fits, as my priority would be in sleep tracking, are the amazfit cor (sold out, extremely bad reviews) and the xiaomi mi band 3 (bad reviews) :P07:56
entilgotta look at the rest of them but this isn't very reassuring :(07:57
entilwhy's bluetooth not passed through to dalvik?07:58
entilis this a temporary technical limitation?07:58
entilhttps://together.jolla.com/question/179493/unable-to-connect-bracelet-smart-watch-by-bluetooth-remote-device-notification/ no comment there either on whether or not this is a temporary thing, but because it's been two years almost to the day I suppose it's either technically impossible or not interesting to jolla :(09:00
r0kk3rzits not simple technically09:27
entilbut spotify and such allegedly work, is audio streaming significantly different from everything else?12:59
entilor just that music is so popular that sailfish can't afford to let it be broken, but biometric trackers and tesla keys aren't as important?13:00
ender|audio probably goes through OS API, while specific device support needs bluetooth passthrough14:34
entilah, so it's just easier to intercept the outgoing audio playback and reroute it, makes sense18:30
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