#jollamobile log for Tuesday, 2020-01-14

r0kk3rzxmpp os built in08:10
tadzikTelegram has some nice native clients10:21
tadzikand yeah, xmpp is Just There :)10:22
lachs0rfor some definition of just there12:38
lachs0rlacks UI to add contacts, no omemo/otr, no way to choose the endpoint to send messages to12:39
lachs0rno way to get helpful error messages when things go wrong12:39
lachs0rxmpp support in sailfish OS leaves a lot to be desired12:39
schmittlauch[m]abranson: Do I remember correctly that you did some of the audio stack stuff on Sailfish OS?16:14
abransonschmittlauch[m]: a little. not really the lower level stuff18:54
schmittlauch[m]abranson: Can you please take a look at whether Jolla is aware that on the Xperia X the final headphone amplifier always runs at full power and messes up sound quality at low volume?19:00
schmittlauch[m]Alternatively you can point me to the responsible folks.19:01
schmittlauch[m]I'm probably late to the party with the Xperia X, but with in-ear phones and low volume the audio is really horrible.19:02
abransonwill ask around for you19:02
pingutux[m]lachs0r: Thats what I meant xmpp in SFOS is not useable - will there be a solution for xmpp?22:38
lachs0rschmittlauch[m]: is that amplifier thing not normal? the chips used in many smartphones are garbage22:45
lachs0r(i’ve never used the xperia x with android to listen to anything on my IEMs so i don’t know if this is a software problem)22:47
r0kk3rzpingutux[m]: if you dont like whats on offer, make one yourself22:47
r0kk3rzthats pretty much the way with sfos22:48

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