#jollamobile log for Friday, 2018-11-02

henkI have a bug with sms: multi-part sms are mixed with older sms.  I found that problem on together.jolla.com and a fix: https://together.jolla.com/question/102020/bug-received-sms-mixed-together/?answer=159895#post-id-159895 but no way to automate it.  https://together.jolla.com/question/16434/cronjob-on-sailfish/ talks about cron, systemd, and timedclient: cron is not available, systemd timers don’t11:27
henknecessarily work as expected, and AFAIU timed runs unprivileged, so won’t have correct permissions to implement the solution.  Any advice?11:27
spiiroinhenk: try systemd timer with WakeSystem=true = should resume on time, and use keepalive-tool to wrap script/binary execution = should run to completion without falling back to suspend11:37
spiiroin... never have had time to check if it actually works, so if it does: would be nice to know ;-)11:38
henkspiiroin: oh, ok, thanks, will try that (:11:40
henkhuh, just found that: https://together.jolla.com/question/137216/feature-request-update-for-systemdtimer/11:44
henkbut gonna try nevertheless …11:45
spiiroinhenk: for what it is worth, doing "git grep WakeSystem" in mer-core systemd does produce hits ... and there are things like "t->wake_system ? CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM : CLOCK_REALTIME" indicating use of resume capable timers when requested11:57
spiiroinhenk: bt that tjc req is from 2016, systemd was updated in 2.1.1 i.e. summer of 2017 or so12:00
henkspiiroin: hm, do you happen to have an idea how to provoke the problem?  just receiving a long (<160 chars) SMS from the contact this problem regularly appears with (my SO), doesn’t.  I thought it would but the sms_assembly directory is empty …12:18
spiiroinhenk: Reconstructing multipart sms message at receiving end? While I did implement such thing for N8110, my recall of details is a bit hazy and probably not relevant in the current context ;-)12:25
henkwell, the problem of them being reconstructed using old parts …12:28
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cehteheww ... yesterday i started the sfos 3 update on my j1 ... its still stuck on the update screen18:41
cehtehdoesnt react to any key inputs18:42
cehtehguess its time to yank out the battery .. and hope its not a brick afterward18:44
malwhich state did it stop? beginning or end?18:47
cehtehreset now, removed battery.. back to 2.2.x18:48
cehtehat least i thought it was at the end18:48

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