#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2018-11-01

coderusJolla is not making devices, no more. You can buy xperia xa2 now, then but sfos, and install it.05:31
*** vals_ is now known as tango_07:45
mornfallupdate indicator stuck at 0 for sfos3 on jolla1... known issue? i recall reading something along those lines10:01
mornfall(or perhaps someone else running into the same)10:01
mornfallwhat would the next step be?10:01
*** FaerieFly is now known as FireFly10:03
mornfallstill stuck at 0 and it doesn't react to power button long press10:34
mornfalldo i pull the battery out?10:34
mornfalldlavsolin: what did you do with the stuck-at-0 upgrade?10:36
dlavsolinmornfall, i removed battery and usb cable10:37
dlavsolinthen i upgraded system via cli10:37
mornfalllet's see if it comes back up10:39
mornfallokay it booted10:40
mornfalldlavsolin: do you have the magic command at hand please?10:40
mornfallokay thanks10:41
dlavsolinyou can follow these steps10:41
dlavsolinthe current version should be
mornfallany idea if this is safe to do over ssh?10:42
mornfall(is it going to cut wlan or something?)10:42
mornfallheh, Changing release from to
mornfallso it's the 'version --dup' thing that means business10:43
dlavsolini used ssh to upgrade10:43
mornfallhey there's screen on the phone \o/10:44
mornfalllet's try it that way10:44
mornfalldlavsolin: thanks for the tips, it's running (fingers crossed)10:45
mornfallokay this should be fun, it's updating apps too, even from openrepos10:47
mornfall(i think?)10:47
mornfallyeah, patchmanager is not in jolla store is it10:48
kiddoesn't the release notes have remarks warning abour patchmanager?11:20
dlavsolinmornfall, technically you should always disable open repos before upgrade the system11:22
dlavsolinanyway i forgot to disable too11:23
mornfallkid: only about not having patches enabled... the app itself should not be a problem11:44
mornfallhey good thing i ran it in screen, of course wifi balked in the middle11:45
mornfall\o/ welcome to sailfish 3 it says11:53
mornfallokay, top menu useful, colours too dark, other than that nothing to see? hm, crypto was mentioned in release notes i think?11:58
mornfalloh it's only for SD cards12:03
mornfallboring :\12:03
coderusyou have api,start hacking!12:40
mornfallcoderus: what api?12:56
coderusmornfall: providing sd card encryption13:01
mornfalland that's helpful... how exactly?13:02
coderusmornfall: i have no idea :)))13:03
r0kk3rzwell however it encrypts the sd card can probably be used to encrypt the home folder too13:05
mornfallthat sounds really unlikely, r0kk3rz13:05
mornfallthe home folder is a btrfs subvolume13:05
mornfallthe sdcard is a very different beast :p13:05
r0kk3rzonly on jolla 113:05
mornfallthat's what i have13:06
r0kk3rzget something else then13:06
mornfalleven then, encrypting /home and the sdcard needs different hooks13:06
mornfallr0kk3rz: like what :)13:06
r0kk3rzwhatever you want13:06
mornfallwell, if i cared about security that'd be probably an iphone13:07
r0kk3rzmakes sense13:08
r0kk3rzpresumably you *do* care about security because we're having this conversation13:08
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h4PPYC4Thmm, i just updated my J1 to - after the installation went through successfully i tried to reinstall the exchange support - without success. it hangs at "waiting"...16:31
h4PPYC4Taccording to this article https://together.jolla.com/question/191690/microsoft-exchange-support-doesnt-install/ it was fixed some hours ago.16:36
h4PPYC4Tnot for everyone as it seems...;)16:36
r0kk3rzpketo: ^16:38
h4PPYC4Tokay...after a reboot and trying it again it worked eventually.16:45
pketook, that's a bit weird, might be that zypp was caching the failure17:38
pketoor not failure, but rather the bad state of the repository17:39
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*** Renault_ is now known as Renault23:23

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