#jollamobile log for Saturday, 2018-08-25

*** Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz01:40
Nicd-tiwake: I used ProtonVPN to watch Formula E successfully. They have a free trial08:21
Snorassailfishx can't be bought in some places?08:30
r0kk3rzonly in the united states of europa08:30
tiwakeNicd-: hmm12:41
tiwakeNicd-: I'll test such things out when I get my cellphone... maybe monday12:42
tiwakeNicd-: do you know how I need to give them money? paypal?12:43
Nicd-Don't know, I didn't buy a paid tier yet. Probably will when Formula E starts again next season12:45
tiwakekeithzg: hey, I think you bought SailfishX with a VPN... what did you have to do?12:48
keithzg[m]tiwake: I actually didn't use a VPN in the end, I just fired up a Linux VM in Digital Ocean's German location, bought and downloaded the flashing image from a browser fired up on there. Weirdly that seemed easier, heh.13:05
tiwakekeithzg[m]: hmm... so what was the method of payment you used? creditcard? paypal?13:06
keithzg[m]tiwake: Credit card didn't work since it wasn't European, IIRC there was even some weirdness with PayPal too but that eventually worked.13:07
tiwakekeithzg[m]: do you have a howto written up for dumbasses like me?13:08
tiwakeI should transfer some money into my paypal account13:09
keithzg[m]tiwake: heh I was stumbling through it not taking any notes so all I have is my untrustworthy memory. I do suspect any random VPN solution would work, I just used a cloud VM 'cause my dayjob largely consists of being a sysadmin so it was a "when you have a hammer..." kinda thing ;)13:12
tiwakeI'll try winging it I guess, and cry over here when something is not working13:13
keithzg[m]Sounds like a decent plan :)13:13
tiwakekeithzg[m]: did you have to do some weird money conversion from USD with paypal?13:15
tiwakealright, I started the process to transfer monies to paypal13:18
keithzg[m]tiwake: Not sure USD was ever involved, I live in Canada ;) IIRC my debit card wouldn't work through PayPal but my credit card would, or maybe it was the other way around?13:21
tiwakewhatever... CAD then13:22
tiwakekeithzg[m]: oh then I should not have a problem since I'm transfering money to paypal from my bank account before the transaction13:22
keithzg[m]tiwake: Yeah from my experience at least that should be the most likely way to work.13:24
tiwakemight have to wait a couple more days for it to get to paypal13:25
tiwakebecause banks are crap13:25
*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest7869718:47

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