#jollamobile log for Friday, 2018-08-24

*** kimmoli is now known as Guest1665802:37
*** Guest16658 is now known as kimmoli03:16
*** mikkoh_ is now known as mikkoh04:43
*** entil_ is now known as entil06:33
*** Amu is now known as Smar07:59
*** Guest55236 is now known as marja09:34
tiwakefinally ordered a used Sony Xperia X...22:31
tiwakeshould be here next week22:31
tiwakeat which point I'll need to find a VPN with an exit point where the jolla store will let me buy a copy of SailfishX22:32
tiwakedoes somebody have a VPN I could use or know of a good one for such a thing?22:58

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