#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2017-04-06

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Mirvlpotter: ack, it took a while :)05:23
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lpotterya :(05:32
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citylight2/usr/bin/contactsd is eatting most of my cpu. what is wrong with it?09:20
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citylight2how to stop it from reloading09:25
r0kk3rzcitylight2: its going to be XMPP or something like that09:27
r0kk3rzor cardav09:27
citylight2what can this process to use so much CPU so much time? is it emitting any errors?09:28
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r0kk3rzit processes contacts, and so if its getting a lot of contact information from somewhere it can churn quite a lot09:29
r0kk3rzi used to get it fairly frequently when i used XMPP with facebook because of the hundreds of contacts it would have to parse09:30
citylight2can I just dump the currnet state to file and restart it from this file?09:32
citylight2this may be the reason I can not use my phone lately09:32
citylight2it is so slow09:32
citylight2second issue is that after reboot I have to "find" my music from my SD card using this command?09:33
r0kk3rzcitylight2: do you use something that will sync contacts?09:33
citylight2find /media/sdcard/d2670af1-dd59-4cdc-9a18-7588bd1f344e/Music/ -type f -exec tracker index -f {} \;09:33
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citylight2r0kk3rz: wow11:35
r0kk3rzcitylight2: yes you wonder whether they will integrate the two11:48
r0kk3rzso that you can either pay, or get ads11:48
citylight2ok, I am so happy, after I killed the contacts , my device is back to responding as it was.11:49
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citylight2is this issue reported?11:49
r0kk3rzno idea, probably, its an old issue11:50
phlixi_onot shoking news, but kinda official now, ubuntu phone stuff is actually dead11:52
phlixi_oas in finally dead, not some kind of zombi mode11:53
citylight2did they ever contrib anything to the open source community during the phone project?11:53
r0kk3rzof course, its ubuntu its all open source11:54
Yanielthe bigger news for me here is that mir is dead11:55
Yanielwhich means wayland finally has realistic chances of getting usable on the desktop11:55
r0kk3rzhow so? redhat are using wayland11:56
citylight2which projects did they contrib to? jolla contrib to connman for example11:56
Yanielredhat have a slightly different target demographic than canonical, no?11:57
YanielI mean I can't use wayland on my desktop yet, because nvidia is being nvidia11:57
Yanielor I guess I could, if I didn't care about rendering performance11:57
r0kk3rzcitylight2: naturally ubuntu tried to invent everything themselves11:58
citylight2what inovation did they achive in the phone project?11:58
citylight2I really do not know. I was not that involved11:58
r0kk3rzaside from convergence stuff, nothing. thats why they canned it11:59
citylight2was this project so difficult?12:01
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ppdoing it all was12:17
LarstiQcitylight2: if you want an example of ubuntu contribution, libhybris12:25
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ppnot sure about the specifics but wasn't it embrace & extend of jolla/Stskeeps contributions :-)12:35
LarstiQno, we're happy with their work afaik12:44
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M4rtinKIIRC they even forked the Trojita email client13:01
M4rtinKbecause contributing upstream would be too much bother for them (IIRC)13:02
M4rtinKalso Fedora 25 uses Wayland by default: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/WaylandByDefault13:03
M4rtinKas for Wayland & Nvidia binary drivers - work is ongoing: https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/978068/fedora-25-uses-wayland-by-default-support-/13:05
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citylight2is Stskeeps a ubuntu employ?14:13
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r0kk3rzcitylight2: no, they forked libhybris from him14:19
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citylight2I see14:22
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Yanielthere was some drama around libhybris when they forked it, but that got resolved fairly quickly IIRC14:29
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malthe ubuntu changes got (at least mostly) merged to upstream14:30
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pdanekUbuntu Phone killed?17:17
r0kk3rzso says the news, which obvious you've read :P17:18
pdanekIs situation with Sailfish very positive?17:18
r0kk3rznot particularly17:20
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cb400fthe mwc news were fairly encouraging I think.. even if fairphone were suspicously absent, but we need to wait and see if something happens17:25
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r0kk3rzthe china market news looks promising17:27
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cb400fseems to be genuine interest in a bunch of places for an alternative non-US conglommerate OS17:28
cb400fyup, but will be better once some actual devices are in circulation ;-)17:37
cb400f.. or at least some commits coming back to the core OS17:37
r0kk3rzsomething like that anyway, we will get a taste when russian sailfish gets released17:38
M-schmittlauchI'm still not sure what to think about the fact that especially not-so-democratic countries are interested in and partnering with SFOS.17:42
taaemM-schmittlauch: i'm feeling with you17:43
abransonM-schmittlauch: you should see the state of the country that makes the other mobile OSes :D17:43
taaemstill not sure why the EU is not supporting Jolla, I heard they like to support local competitors to global players in the tech world17:46
M-schmittlauchYeah, and NSA is a contributor to the linux kernel (SELinux), I know. Nevertheless, if there was a version of the local OS available for "normal citizens" of that country I wouldn't use it. You never know what modifications have been put in there. SFOS doesn't necessarily have them and may be fine though.17:46
taaemmodifications or restrictions17:47
abransongetting money out of the EU is not easy. the call and bid structure of funding requires quite a lot of work upfront, and quite often comes to nothing.17:47
M-schmittlauchI still remember that they funded the Nepomuk project (used to be an overengineered desktop search for KDE) with several million €17:49
taaemBut certainly I understand that its easier for Jolla to get traction in regions where there is no big reliance on *some* social apps that are developed by companies which are kinda hard to work witg17:49
taaemM-schmittlauch: thats the stuff i meant17:49
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abransonM-schmittlauch: looks like under FP6 - was easier back then. 11.5 million! semantics was so hot back then.17:52
abransonlook at the consortium at the bottom: http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/79390_en.html17:52
abransonyou've got a mix of academic and industrial partners - lots of those have dedicated teams to put these consortia and bids together17:53
r0kk3rzM-schmittlauch: for china its likely entirely the point that they want control and eyes in every smartphone17:53
r0kk3rzperhaps the same for russia as well17:53
M-schmittlauchr0kk3rz: And I'm concerned about the eyes becoming fists17:54
taaemnothing *we* want17:54
abransonI think jolla's best bet for EU money would be to be the european tech angle for some large project that involved mobile17:54
abransonbut they're way too small to get it alone, no matter how much they deserve it17:54
r0kk3rzM-schmittlauch: of course, but we are talking about single party totalitarian states here :)17:55
M-schmittlauchr0kk3rz: Yeah, must be fun collaborating with such entities.17:57
taaemif some european country would choose Sailfish for govermental use that would give them the necessary boost in europe i think17:58
r0kk3rzlike .fi maybe :)17:58
taaemi would vote for .de, they used BB for a long time17:59
taaembut currently that doesn't seem that any country has that planned18:03
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phlixiI think its comprehensible if some one would argue that 1.) USA (or USAs deep state or military industrial complex or whatever) does not need to reach out to jolla, in order to let jolla make a USA-backdored something, because apple and google have to obey anyway (and since its speculation anyway, i would add, that the prominent case about the locked iphone apple was not helping to unlock,18:50
phlixiwell thats probably PR...)18:50
phlixiand 2.) how free is the land of the brave actually? :D18:52
phlixi(@M-schmittlauch) :-)18:54
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M-schmittlauchphlixi: At least they're pretending not to violate human rights too much... in the US itself18:59
phlixiso they in addition, they lie :D19:00
M-schmittlauchThere are many bad things about the US and other countries, but saying the US are worse than Russia or China (at least to their own dissidents) is a very bold claim19:01
M-schmittlauchMeasured against their values the US don't look that good, but at least they have values instead of claiming "we can be bad because everyone else is so there's obviously no point in being good"19:02
r0kk3rzi dunno, pretending to have values is probably worse19:06
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ppewwww, EU money19:11
ppit's sooo not worth it for small companies19:11
ppnot totally sure about national money either, and that's much easier to apply for :-) (and jolla got a pile, mostly loans tho)19:12
Hellepp: Russian money on the other hand is fine with all the blood still dripping off of it19:12
Hellesorry, that is crude and emotional19:13
Hellebut a friend of mine nearly got arrested in Russia and had to run for their show justice system19:13
Helle(currently has asylum in the EU, thankfully)19:14
pp(it's fine if you can spare one person to do 6 months of writing proposals and then travel around europe in meetings and report stuff)19:14
ppactually you can now hire a consultant to do the writing bit19:14
ppit's a monster19:14
Hellepp: yeah, I know EU funding is a mess, but atleast that is due to just mountains of paperwork19:14
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r0kk3rzhooray for bEUROcratic nightmares19:25
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Yanielkinda ironic how the paperwork prevents said small companies from getting money, while not really being an issue to megacorps19:26
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abransonpp: yep. and it's got much harder in the last 10 years. more projects chasing less money.19:41
abransonthere might well be some programme buried down in the obscure corners that supports small business, especially 'disruptive' ones.19:41
abransonwasn't there something called FET open or something like that?19:42
r0kk3rzi thought scamming the .fi government was the hustle du jour anyway19:43
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ppsome eu money also goes through the national agency and they might not give the money even if the eu approves :-)19:50
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M-schmittlauchrainemak: I suspect there may be an issue about the browser and captive portals https://together.jolla.com/question/159823/dont-use-default-browser-profile-for-captiv-portals/20:31
M-schmittlauchPeople using XMPP on SFOS: Could you check whether nicknames and jabberIDs still match on your device? For me they got mixed up https://together.jolla.com/question/159724/contact-names-got-mixed-up-mostly-xmpp/20:37
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lpotterthere's always issues for cative portals. They are a PITA!21:53
lpottercaptive, even21:54
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