#jollamobile log for Sunday, 2016-09-25

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UnnamedUseris anyone can help me?01:58
UnnamedUseri need to get some help to solve a very strange problem01:59
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tadzikso, there is now no sailfish phone available on the european market? :/07:08
Jopenot for a long time07:08
tadzikI guess that's a gg07:09
tadziklooks like there are some, rare opportunities to buy a C on TJC though, I guess I'd give that a shot07:15
Jopehave you looked into running sfos on android devices07:17
Jopesome of the community ports are quite complete07:17
Stskeepsfairphone is probably best offering but super expensive07:20
kimmoliunfortunately oneplusX is not available anymore (as new)07:27
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tadzikit'll feel like half a phone without android support, unfortunately07:29
Nicd-Aard: also, I can finally play Pokémon Go!07:32
Nicd-but everyone else has already stopped playing :(07:32
Nicd-I'm too late07:32
tadzikwe're back to our scheduled programming of visualboyadvance and pokemon silver downloaded from some shady website07:35
Nicd-google play music seems to work pretty fine for personal music library streaming07:36
Nicd-except it uploaded one track wrong and it skips like 20 seconds o_O07:36
SQUelchertadzik: you could still buy a super cheap Aqua Fish on ebay, but that's not really european market ;)07:37
tadzikSQUelcher: they don't support european LTE though, do they?07:38
SQUelchertadzik: 800MHz is missing, the other bands should work07:39
tadzikthat's not that bad then07:40
tadzikthough that leaves only one that's overlapping with my provider, 180007:42
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kimmolii neede to clear fault codes from my car, torque lite didnt work on android phone with my wifi obd thing. had to install Android support on C, and it worked...07:47
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kimmolibut i see there is obd sailfish native in works, need to fork and add wifi support for it07:48
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temmi_hoofor some weird reason i'd be happier using a laptop and a wired elm327 clone08:40
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Stskeepshow's sweden?17:21
pdanekbut more sunny than UK17:24
Stskeepsjust wait for winter17:26
pdanekyep :D17:26
pdanekfortunately the indoors seem to have better isolation than UK housing17:26
pdanekHas anyone tried the new Meizu Pro 5? Also new Ubuntu Touch OTA-13 was released!17:26
pdanekStskeeps: Do you still use Sailfish OS as your primary phone?17:29
Stskeepsi do17:29
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Stskeepsgot a jolla c17:29
pdanekI sold my Aqua Fish 2 days after it arrived to me17:29
pdanekAfter few months of using Nexus device, I just got used to it and Sailfish looked like it didn't improve at all for past 1 year when I tried it again17:30
Stskeepsprobably going to use a android phone at some point in future if a sailfish device that i like doesn't come along, but for work and demos17:30
Stskeepsnot totally against the idea of an iphone17:31
pdanekI wonder what will Google eventually show on 4th october17:31
pdaneknexus devices were always my best android experience I had17:31
Stskeeps10 bucks on 'we merged chromeos and android and oh it's not open source'17:32
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pdanekhopefully AOSP won't die17:33
pdanekbecause lately it's been synced by google less and less17:33
Stskeeps'hardware adaptation layer available to approved ODMs"17:33
r0kk3rzfrom what the copperheados guys are saying, aosp is not far off dead already17:34
Stskeepsthe only thing google needs to really keep OSS is what's being sent to chipset vendors and they send to ODMs17:34
pdanekif that happens, what will happen with all those community ROMs out there?17:35
pdanekthey won't have anything to build on17:35
pdanekit will only take larger teams like Cyanogen to keep the development going17:35
Stskeepswell, google can't have been happy about cyanogen's behaviour17:35
Stskeeps(continuing above) and something that can boot up a test display of relevant hw details, like camera, etc17:36
pdanekCyanogen said some time ago that they want to steal Android from Google17:36
pdanekNow if Google will kill AOSP, Cyanogenmod/OS will just die slowly I guess17:37
Stskeepscyanogen's already dead17:38
pdanekIs it because so many things missing in AOSP?17:38
Stskeepsthey burnt way too hard the investment they got with not good enough results17:38
pdanekOr is there another bigger ROM out there?17:38
Stskeepsdead company walking17:38
pdanekby bigger I mean more popular17:38
r0kk3rzthe community side of cyanogenmod might survive17:40
r0kk3rzbut agreed, the commercial side is dead17:40
pdanekthat's funny17:41
pdanekthey have image of Nexus 5 there17:41
pdanekyet no Nexus 5 in list of supported devices: "CopperheadOS currently supports the Nexus 9, Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P."17:41
pdanekStskeeps: "hardware adaptation layer available to approved ODMs" --> is Jolla one of them?17:43
Stskeepspdanek: i have no idea how disturbed they'd want to do things17:44
Stskeepsjolla's not a ODM17:44
pdanekSo Sailfish will be impacted as well17:45
pdanekby HAL17:45
Stskeepswell, we're in hypotheticals17:45
Stskeepssailfish can survive with HAL, not a problem17:45
pdanekHow is it with Sailfish development now?17:46
pdanekIs it finally on same speed and quality as 2 years ago?17:46
Stskeepsno clue17:46
pdanekIt all seems to be like Sailfish is becoming totally closed-development beast for Russian government :D:D17:47
Stskeepsi wouldn't say that's true17:47
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r0kk3rzpdanek: this year they've just been in customer support mode, which is a good thing17:50
temmi_hoopdanek: surprised about the level of heating in .se?17:50
temmi_hooin late 1700s they invented wood burning stove that catches around 80-90% of energy stored in wood as heat in the room17:51
pdanekno heating yet actually17:51
temmi_hooindeed because insulation and leakless windows17:51
pdanekbut despite no heating, it seems warm enough indoors, when cold outside17:51
pdanekwhich means better isolatin :)17:51
temmi_hooalso the outer door does not open straight into living rooms but to a separate closet that acts as a kind of airlock17:52
pdanekin UK and Ireland, it seemed to be like most energy wasting countries in the world17:52
temmi_hoothings like these have been standard for around 200+ years in nordic countries17:53
r0kk3rztemmi_hoo: out of necessity im sure17:53
pdanekr0kk3rz: Do you know if any serious development boost is planned for next year?17:53
temmi_hoothe end of 1700s invented stove was result of the then king setting up a scientific study group to find out ways to enable the citizens burn less wood as he felt too big part of nation's resources was spent on surviving the cold17:54
r0kk3rzpdanek: theres plenty on the books for this year :)17:54
pdanekLet's just imagine something now18:04
pdanekGoogle made AOSP and allowed hundreds of companies to popularize Android over the years18:04
pdaneknow Android has perhaps 85% market share and there is huge money in it18:04
pdanekImage Google will become evil now, and from day to day, they will simply kill AOSP completely, and make the entire development proprietary18:05
pdanekand only sell their Google Pixel devices with Android, like Apple only has iPhone with iOS18:05
HelleGoogle is becoming evil, see Google Play18:05
r0kk3rzi cant see them closing android off that much18:06
pdanekAnd all the people would be forced to buy Google devices18:06
r0kk3rzremember most people have samsungs, not nexus phones18:06
pdanekto have up to date Android experience18:06
r0kk3rzif google did that, i have to wonder whether the market share of tizen would skyrocket18:07
Stskeepsi doubt there'd be substantial impact18:08
Stskeepspeople go with where their digital life is18:08
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temmi_hoowhy would the vendors continue with google if google did close the system?18:25
phlixigoogle has no interest in closing.18:31
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pdanektemmi_hoo: they wouldn't continue, but the vendors wouldn't have the capability to develop their own OS in short time to compete Android18:34
pdanekso google woulc become new Apple, selling billions of Android phones on their own, the only monopoly and other OEMs would bankrupt18:35
temmi_hooor they would adopt some of their slow burning backup plan oses as fast as they could, allowing some of the survival18:35
temmi_hoopdanek: https://wheretheroadbends.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/kakelugn_canals.gif18:42
r0kk3rzpdanek: samsung has tizen, LG has webos, HTC would probably go back to microsoft18:45
r0kk3rzbut, google doesnt want to be apple, thats not what they're about18:46
pdanektemmi_hoo, r0kk3rz: +118:47
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pp_there's enough of AOSP to make forks completely viable18:49
temmi_hooif you look at the gif you'll see that the hot gases travel a long way in the mass of tiles and if you burn it in such a fashion that secondary burn happens you'll end up with efficacy of around 80%18:49
temmi_hoothe rest of the energy will be sacrificed into keeping the chimney in good shape18:50
pp_e.g. nokia and amazon did most of the stuff required18:50
temmi_hooideally the hot gases will enter the chimney at around 200°C so as to be well above condensing in the chimney, thus keeping the chimney dry18:50
pdanekpp_: nokia?18:51
pp_yes, they did have some android phones(!)18:51
temmi_hoonaturally the cooler the gases the less energy goes to waste but at some point you'll get condensation in the chimney and that creates all sorts of problems18:51
pp_Microsoft was not happy18:51
pdanekpp_: do you have some source for this?18:52
pp_remember Nokia X18:52
pdanekoh I remember now!18:53
pdanekI'm getting old18:53
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pdanektemmi_hoo: and the stress and pressure at workplace seems to be lower than in UK18:54
pp_they had quite a bit of developer docs on avoiding google play api's18:54
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pp_heh, interesting home for them: http://developers.apps.opera.com/nokia-x/platform-overview18:55
pdanekI wonder why both Nokia X and Amazon Firephone died18:57
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pdanekhow come it didn't gain any popularity for being "different"?18:57
pp_Microsoft, dunno18:57
pdanekthat kinda shows that Sailfish being "different" won't suceed either?18:58
pdanekPeople don't seem to crave for things which are different18:58
pdanekor maybe it's just all about marketing18:58
FireFlymost people seem content with android18:58
pdanekand that's the biggest leverage that Google has on OEMs18:59
pdanekthat even AOSP is free18:59
pdanekOEMs pay license for access to Google Play18:59
pdanekbecause without Google Play, people would move elsewhere, because they want content18:59
pdanekeven big player like Samsung,... most people I have seen with Samsung are using Google Play on it instead of Samsung Store19:00
pp_installing play on jolla is just such an easy way of getting it to do useful things :(19:00
pdanekinstalling google play was always first thing I did on my jolla to make it usable19:01
pdanekbut I am different animal in this19:01
temmi_hooit's a bit like with windos on the pc19:01
pdanekI always needed my 5-6 messenging apps to be running in background and 1GB ram was heavily not enough due to that19:01
temmi_hoomedian person it content on getting the normal corolla version of whatever19:01
temmi_hoothey don't want to actually learn to use it, they just want it because everybody else is having it19:02
temmi_hoohence they want the same as others19:02
temmi_hooit must be good as everybody is having it, right?19:02
r0kk3rztemmi_hoo: well, everyone can't be wrong can they?19:02
pdanekI can't help it, but I love their ad :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aquodFJYz8Q19:04
pdaneksorry for double posting it today19:04
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RzRmy j1's audio recieved is not working, I am about to do a factory reset19:07
RzRtell me if anything should be checked before19:07
kimmoliearpiece broken? does it work eith headphones/-set19:09
kimmoliand... received from where?19:10
RzRheadphone is ok19:10
kimmolihandsfree ok?19:10
RzRnot headphone detection but I have n9 one not amercian standards19:11
kimmolibuilt-in handsfree speaker phone whatevö ok?19:11
phlixiheadphones of a n9 are not vompatible19:11
phlixidiffernt wiring19:11
kimmolipropably hw issue, pogo pins19:13
RzRyea eu vs us19:15
temmi_hoothere are two common different wiring patterns for four pin 3,5mm jack plug19:15
temmi_hoonot really eu vs us but anyway two different19:15
kimmoliyou can always drill new hole for the other type...19:16
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Pawky|2Any Modrana developer available? :-)20:27
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Milo-cool. assigned a calender reminder to an activity while I was on another timezone. the event was supposed to start at 17:45, so alarm was supposed to go off at 15:45. But since I did this in another timezone, it alarmed now instead. Lovely little 1:45 am alarm call :p22:47
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