#jollamobile log for Friday, 2015-09-11

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entilsometimes I feel I'm the only person who actually appreciated all that :(07:48
jaacoppiswipes are the best thing in sfos07:51
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the_mgtentil: I liked the old way, but I did get confused at times. very rarely, but that is still often enough08:04
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intewhat will happen when I disable early access in my jolla profile and then call a "zypper dup" from terminal?08:13
intewouldnt the jolla phone sync to 1.7.28 then?08:13
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intethat maybe explains why sailirc always disconnects when in background08:22
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inteso is there anybody around who is definding the fuckuped cover-action solution?08:24
inteabout every second time i hit a cover action instead of the tile when i want to maximize the app08:24
intewho came up with this stupid idea?08:25
intei wouldnt say, fire him, but he should at least apologize :-)08:25
intei would suggest someone writing a patch to completly deactivate cover actions until this mess is fixed08:26
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jaacoppiinte: read the development roadmap. There are some fixes coming08:29
intewe have patchmanager, so someone should please fix it :-)08:29
intemissed the link since my sailirc disconnected08:29
intejaacoppi: can you post it again pls?08:29
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the_mgtalso, give us back the proper start menu in windows, the deutsche mark and michael jackson08:29
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intethe_mgt: i dont use windows but from what Ive heard micosoft did just that :-)08:30
intethe_mgt: sometimes its not the worsed idea listening to the community08:30
intejaacoppi: thx08:30
the_mgtit is not the same, the only true start menue was in win9508:30
intei have a start menu in kde and i like it08:31
inteid be mad at kde if they'd change it08:31
intethey even barely changed it in kde508:32
intethey wouldnt dare08:32
intebtw what is ment here: https://together.jolla.com/question/108681/11928-new-button-style-is/ New button still? Didnt notice that yet08:32
Yanielpreviously buttons were just text with a fancy underlining08:33
jaacoppinow the buttons are boxes08:33
Yanielnow they are clearly visible rounded rectangles08:33
intei just opened several apps and didnt notice any significant difference08:33
intewhich app for instance?08:33
jaacoppievery app and every button in the ui08:33
jaacoppifor example, call in phone app08:33
intethe reactangle around "call"08:34
intedidnt notice that08:34
intedoesnt bother me too much08:35
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intethere are other things in sf2.0 which are far worse08:35
inteill read the roadmap now and will complain more later :)08:35
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the_mgtand everything was cheaper when we still had DM08:35
intethe_mgt: and we had a wall and all the nazi idiots from dunkeldeutschland were locked in08:36
intenot everything was bad in the good old times ;)08:36
the_mgtI say yes to the Antifaschistische Schutzwall08:36
intewas somehow working the other way round though :)08:37
Pawkyis Mr jlehtoranta represented in here somehow?08:37
Tofejaacoppi: there is nothing in the roadmap about investigating alternative cover triggers08:37
Tofe(also, I'm pretty sure it would have been possible to keep the old horizontal swipe for the covers, even with an horizontal carroussel)08:39
inteso after i just had a look at the roadmap there doesnt seem to be a word on cover actions08:39
inteTofe: hu08:39
inteyeah just saw that too :)08:39
intethere do not have to be alternatives08:39
the_mgtTofe: I think that too08:39
intethey just have to bring the old style back!!08:39
intejust put eventsview to where it was before08:40
inteand then horizontal swiping could be used for cover actions08:40
intewhat is the problem08:40
inteand for this stupid caroussel08:40
JarePawky: yes sir, what's up?08:40
intethis could still be reachable, but from the eventsview screen then08:40
Tofeinte: no, they made their ergonomic choice, certainly validated by some users; patching the UI is the "role" of the community08:41
PawkyJare: I presume you are the Tether gui guy.... :-)08:41
inteTofe: I cant believe anyone really validated that08:42
intefor instance, how could they remove the "reload" cover action from browser???08:42
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the_mgtmaybe vertical swipes for coveractions could work08:42
inteits like removing checkfornewmail from the mail app08:42
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JarePawky: ah, yeah i did that app around the jolla1 release time08:42
PawkyJare: As you might know the bluetooth part of the tethering doesn't work anymore. I was looking into your code a bit seeing that 5 time checking with a delay and was wondering the problem might be solved by adding the delay a bit?08:42
Tofeinte: well, I'm just an optimistic guy :)08:42
intethe_mgt: how could that work?08:42
Liekeshouldn't the cover actions work as before if they used edge swipes for the caroussel?08:43
inteand im anoyed of the eventsview screen aside anyways08:43
PawkyJare: Its the only app supporting bluetooth tethering and lots of us probably want to use it when the tablet arrives08:43
intejust put the entire caroussel together with the eventsscreen in a different level08:43
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phlixiinte: did you used an n9?08:44
Tofeinte: I quite like the carroussel idea, it feels nice08:44
the_mgtI like the ide of caroussel, if I was able to define my own "partner space"08:44
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the_mgtthe horizontal plane was heavily neglected in terms of usefulness08:44
PawkyJare: are you considering looking into this issue yourself in the near future? :-)08:44
phlixiinte: is it compareable now? ( i am not in the early adopter line...)08:44
inteyeah i dont mind the caroussel08:44
intephlixi: DONT update08:44
inte1.9.28 sucks BIG TIME08:45
Tofethe_mgt: I agree, with for instance some pre-loaded app or something08:45
inteno its not comparable, its a mess08:45
Pawkyinte: no it doesn't08:45
phlixiinte: i am just curious, if this mmight be a step into the direction the n9 was (i prefer that alot over the "one colum design" of the jolla so far)08:45
the_mgtphlixi: he is just an angry german, do not listen to inte :)08:45
phlixithe_mgt: i am an angry german too08:45
Smarinte: too much improvement?08:46
the_mgtgermans are conservative and angsty of progress08:46
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inteso, again, i wouldnt mind the caroussel but it could just be on a level with eventsview08:46
inteSmar: to much worsening08:46
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intelook at tjc08:46
intecomplaints all over08:46
Smarinte: there’s never anything but complaints08:46
the_mgtinte: you need to keep in mind that the same OS needs to power both the phone and the tablet08:46
inteunusable cover actions, removed the silencing shortcut, and so on08:46
intewell still08:47
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intebut even on the tablet i wouldnt like it the way it is08:47
ivanplatzekAt least, i am glad that the TOHKBD works after having installed 1.9.2808:47
the_mgtI guess edge swipes for the caroussel and horizontal swipes for cover action would make sense on the mobile phone, but not on the tablet08:47
phlixii dont need a shortcut to unsilent the pphone, its silent all the time :D08:47
ivanplatzeki was afraid it will not work, but i was curious08:47
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intecan anyone briefly explain why it would be a problem to have a seperate horizontal level for eventsview (which might now include the caroussel) as it was before? That would also resove the cover-actions issue08:48
intethe_mgt: the tablet gui needend be absolutely identical to the phone08:48
the_mgtinte: briefly: one layer to much of complexity for your mom08:49
JarePawky: ok, well there have been lots of changes on the connman/ofono side, so i would have to check up on those and figure out what kind of changes are needed for the tethering app. I have a quite busy schedule in the upcoming weeks, but i might have time to do some updates before sfos 2.0 gets released08:49
the_mgtor any mom08:49
inteits not even on the ipad afair08:49
intethe_mgt: that bullshit, now it even more complex since you don not only have horizontal swiping but also vertical08:49
intesorry for my hard words08:49
inteim a bit anoyed and i havent figured out a safe way to downgrade yet08:50
ggabrieli'd discuss that in tjc, where ux sailors will read08:50
ggabrielobviously they listen and stuff changes, and apparently quite dramatically, but of course you can't please everyone08:50
ggabrielalso, it's google's fault :P08:50
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integgabriel: i already made a suggestion to remove the cover actions completly since i always hit them by coincedence now08:51
lainwir3dhey the_mgt, still using the Zik 1 ?08:51
inteafter i had a rating of -2 for that idea, im now at +7 or sth :-)08:51
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inteso, well, i guess this issue is discussed already08:52
the_mgtlainwir3d: hi. yes, and loving it08:52
inteoh, +6 again08:52
intesome people are always downvoting my great idea ;)08:52
lainwir3dGood :-) I was wondering if my app had actually any zik 2 users, now that the zik 3 is coming out :-/08:52
ggabrielinte: fwiw, i love cover actions08:53
PawkyJare: I do understand you are very busy. It sounds promising you will have a look at it. I have tried a bit myself from a hackers point of view, but I am not familiar with coding for sailfish. I believe you are right some changes to connman is making it fail.  It sounds great you might have some time as a lot of us "soon to own a tablet" probably want to use this feature as it lacks a sim slot :-)08:53
the_mgtwasnt the zik 2 jut released?!08:53
ggabrielmaking them switcheable, yeah, but removing them altogether is a big no for me08:53
integgabriel: i too, but as a workaround until they are fixed it would be wise to disable them08:53
intei want coveractions too08:53
ggabrieli'm not sure what you mean by "fixed" as they work perfectly from day 1 for me08:53
ggabrielunless you mean the tappable ones in 1.1.908:53
inteand wasnt too serious with my suggestion08:53
integgabriel: talking about 1.1.908:54
intethey are useless08:54
intesome are even missing, like the "reload" action for the browser08:54
inteand you always hit them by acciedent08:54
intewhen trying to maximize apps08:54
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intetherefore i sacastical suggested to remove them entirely since they are now a bunch of crap :)08:55
ggabrielsarcasm/irony rarely work constructively ;)08:55
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lainwir3dthe_mgt: last year it was released. Yeah that's a shorter time span than between zik 1 / zik 208:56
phlixiPawky: i use the wlan ap a lot, whats wrong with that?08:56
phlixi...just wondering08:56
phlixi(i dont have devices that would need bluetooth to get internet, because they all have wlan)08:57
the_mgtlainwir3d: does it support apt-x now08:57
intephlixi: obviously bt-ap doesnt work any more which might become important when people have their tablets08:58
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phlixiinte: that was my question, what i would need it for.. because i hope the tablet comes with wifi08:58
phlixii do not know ad hoc what the specs of the tablet are, but im a pretty sure i would not have ordered it, if it had no wlan08:59
lainwir3dthe_mgt: nope :-/09:00
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intephlixi: but bt needs far less power09:00
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integgabriel: yes you are of course right, but for the current release i wouldn really mind having a patch to disable the cover actions completly09:01
intei hit a cover action every second time if not more when i try to open an app09:01
phlixiinte: i am not sure about that, because the main loss, is, that the phone can not go to sleep that much while acting as wlan ap. the actual radio might not be that mauch of a difference after all....09:01
intephlixi: whatever09:01
kjetilhointe: how many covers do you have active (ie so how small are they)?09:02
phlixi(thats by the way the reason why i always activate the wlan ap, if i go to IRC on the phone, even if i do not use the ap)09:02
intekjetilho: i dont know, like 4 or 509:02
intee.g. mail, whatsapp, browser, irc and quizduell09:02
inteso everytime im opening the browser im hitting the new tab shortcut09:03
intethats not to worse, i can just close the tab but its still anoying09:03
Tofeinte: You just need a Jolla Pencil !09:03
intei think jolla is aware of this problem and thats why they removed the reload shortcut from browser09:03
inteTofe: thats an improvement09:04
intelike apple, they also have a pencil now :)09:04
intewe fucked up the gui, so lets do some marketing for the pencil ;)09:04
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kjetilhoit's strange, I have no problem with (avoiding or hitting) the cover actions on 3x3 grid, but the swipes were really difficult to get right before.09:05
kjetilhowe have very different motor skils :)09:06
phlixii necver miss a coveraction swype...09:06
phlixi...i miss the keys a lot obviously :D09:06
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phlixiTofe: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/COenroJWEAAjLoi.jpg:large09:06
kjetilhono I mean all the edge or close to edge swipes09:06
phlixiTofe: https://i.imgur.com/FTBUEXF.png09:06
kjetilhoworst of all was the notification swipe from bottom.  that I never could make work.09:07
intekjetilho: what???09:07
kjetilho1.1.9 is such a huge improvement09:07
intethat was one of the greates09:07
inteespecially when in apps09:07
kjetilhoI always got the home screen!09:07
inteyou could easily swipe to the notification screen09:08
kjetilhoand my poor thumb hurt09:08
inteor half swipe there09:08
intenow that is not possible anymore09:08
Tofephlixi: :)09:08
phlixii had a little bit problems in the very early use of N9, because i had a case around it, once i remmoved the case, swyping was really great... on the jolla, swyping was a bit more difficult, but i guess i "learned" it on the n9, so it never was actually a problem on jolla...09:08
inteswiping an app aside lets you only view the homescreen, not the notification screen anymore09:08
inteanother anoying thing09:08
Yanielyou can vhange that in settings09:09
intenow, to get to notifications, you have to minimize the app, and then swipe that09:09
inteYaniel: i did that and that pissed me of even more09:09
inteit confused you09:09
phlixiinte: doesnt that mean you can just "double swype"?09:09
inteYaniel: when changing in the settings, you can swipe to events to the left, and to home to the right09:10
intethe is confusing when chaning hands09:10
inteyou do the same action, like swinping the thump away, with both different hands, and it leads to different actions09:11
intelike swiping left or right09:11
intetotally unergonomically09:11
intephlixi: i cant follow you?09:11
Yanielphlixi: not if you are in landscape mode09:12
intephilxi the cool thing with swiping is to not do a "full" swipe but just move apps away a little to have a look on the other screen09:12
inteor maybe, at time and battery status09:12
inteanother thing09:12
phlixiinte: as mentioned above, i do not have it installed, and i am still not clear about what it is after the patch, currently i imagine a bit more n9 style caroussel... there you could just swype twice, if you "land" in the wrong colum when swyping away an app...09:12
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Nicd-btw, I don't like it that the app stops rendering when I am peeking09:13
phlixiok, but thats not a "swype" thats a "peak", right?09:13
intewhy would i want this stupid line with time and battery status on my homescreen when i loose my favourit app icons for that?09:13
Nicd-I peek for the battery status and clock often when watching videos09:13
Nicd-it's annoying that the video stops09:13
intephlixi: as mentioned above i have it installed, and i am clear about what it is after the patch: A catastrophy09:14
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phlixiinte: yes, you made it clear, that you dislike it... but since no one confirmes to me, that it is lmore like the n9 caroussel.. i can only specualte... thus i asked, whether you maybe just can "double swype" (but you already clarified, that you do not mean swype, but peak...)09:15
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inteyou could of course swipe09:16
intephlixi: ask here if you find someone who favors the "new" cover actions to the old :)09:16
intei dare you will...09:16
phlixiinte: so is it more n9 style or not?09:17
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phlixias far as i understand it is like n9, but not with 3 columns but only 2. one with the app covers and one with events... right? and app icons always come from bottom swype... but unlike on n9, when swyping from within an app, you do not go to the LAST SEEN column (events or covers) but always to the covers... correct?09:18
inteonly 2 columns09:19
phlixi...thus when within an app, you allways would have to double swipe, to get to events?09:19
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phlixisounds like an improvement to me09:20
phlixihowever, what you told about cover actions does not09:20
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M4rtinKphlixi: you can configure it to always go to event screen by left swipe09:22
phlixiand i assume that all the other little things are still ignored, like the silly fact that browser is opening links requested from other apps (like clicking a link in twitter) in the last open tab, instead of in a new one on top.... or broken clipboard... or missing fast-scroll in browser... etc etc09:22
phlixiM4rtinK: thanks09:22
M4rtinKwhich is better than nothing but I would like it to be more configurable09:22
M4rtinK+ left handed people report left edge swipe is not very comfortable for them09:22
phlixiinte: doesnt that "[2015-09-11 11:22:04] <M4rtinK> phlixi: you can configure it to always go to event screen by left swipe" mean, that you could peak to eventy like you request?09:23
phlixiby the way, i am right handed and use the phone mostly left...09:23
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M4rtinKphlixi: no "open in tab in background", no categories in gallery, almost no APIs allowed in Harbour, no SIP UI, no multiuser chat UI, tons of stuff closed source, SDL2 still broken, no community translation service, outdated GPLv2 components, no proper bugzilla for all components,... :)09:24
M4rtinKsure, stuff is moving along but some things just seem to take a lot of time to happen :)09:25
kjetilhoM4rtinK: ah, thanks for pointing that out.  that's quite perfect :)09:25
M4rtinKnp :)09:25
phlixilike the example with the "link is opening in existing tab", there happens nothing, not even slowly...09:25
intephlixi: yes but its anoying since it is only to the left09:27
inteso, if your like righthanded you use it easily that way09:27
M4rtinKkjetilho: still I think I would prefer it to remain as it was (swipe from bottom)09:27
TemeVHey where did the precense indicator go :/09:27
phlixiactually is was inteneded to lower memory usage... now i always open an additional tab, as landing page... thats silly... uses more memory (i always have to have that extra tab) and makes me do more steps... REALLY ANNOYING!09:27
intebut if you change hands,09:27
TemeVI just realized I can't see anymore if I'm online or not09:27
M4rtinKkjetilho: as with this setting you basically need to swipe twice for home screen or use the less comfortable/two handed right swipe09:28
YanielI think this was in the release notes...09:28
inteyou will totally get confused and really have to concentrate on to which side you have to swipe09:28
M4rtinKkjetilho: and I don't need the "app drawer that often"09:28
phlixibut if it is caroussel, you can go in a circle, so you just swype once more to get to the other side, right?09:28
kjetilhoM4rtinK: I get home screen with (from) right swipe09:28
intephlixi: thats probably the idea behind09:28
kjetilhoI typically use the app drawer instead of the covers09:29
intebut i prefer to have a seperat horizontal caroussel layer starting with eventsview09:29
M4rtinKkjetilho: sure, but it is a bit less comfortable for single hand operation (left hand)09:29
kjetilhosimply because I don't recognise the covers!09:29
intenot starting from home09:29
intehome should be the center of everything09:29
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kjetilhoit's such a pain to consider each cover to find out... "is this the youtube cover?"09:29
kjetilhomuch better to click on the Youtube icon09:29
inteso, again to my question: is it possible for the community to "patch" the gui and put eventsview back to where it belonged and repair the cover actions, or is that closed source and has to be done by jolla?09:32
phlixi_mobile__inte: i guess you will have to do it09:34
phlixi_mobile__....or wait and see...09:34
intephlixi_mobile__: ok, i mean, CAN the community do it or is it closed source?09:35
inteif it was possible for the community to repair that, im sure there will be patches shortly09:35
inteif it is closed source i really have to find a way to downgrade my phone09:35
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intezypper dup doesnt appear to work for downgrading09:36
intewhat a pitty09:36
M4rtinKinte: IIRC there already are some patches for this09:36
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phlixi_mobile__there you go ;)09:37
M4rtinKinte: at least one patch adding a pulley menu for the actions09:37
M4rtinKinte: most of the UI is just QML, so it is easy to patch09:37
M4rtinKstill, this is not a long term solution in my opinion09:37
M4rtinKyou generally want to limit the number of downstream patches to a minimum in any project09:38
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inteM4rtinK: well maybe one day we have to replace the sailfish gui with the upcoming kde gui09:39
intei hope we wont have to though09:39
inteM4rtinK: i hope someone patches cover actions and buts the eventsview back to where it was before09:40
intethats a mandatory patch!09:40
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M4rtinKI would like to say yet again that I think keeping the UI closed source is harmful for little benefit09:42
M4rtinKas the tons of patches show people are willing to contribute to UI development09:43
M4rtinKand its also harming the progress of community versions of Sailfish OS such as Nemo Mobile09:44
locusfM4rtinK: how is it harming Nemo?09:45
M4rtinKlocusf: I think it would be much easier to start of with silica with a free theme09:46
M4rtinKlocusf: and build Glacier from that09:46
M4rtinKlocusf: rather than having to build everything from the ground up09:46
locusfM4rtinK: true09:46
M4rtinKpeople are less willing to contribute/use a distro until it reaches some level of usability09:47
M4rtinKnot to mention possibilities for code sharing09:48
ggabrieli haven't seen any "good" ux coming from open source ever tbh09:48
M4rtinKvim ? :)09:48
ggabrielit's either too geeky (openbox, which is great) or too complex (kde)09:48
ggabrielthat qualifies as too geeky09:48
ggabrielI mean for the masses09:48
ggabrieland you can see in tjc that a lot of ideas may have a good intention behind but are terrible ux suggestions09:49
ggabrieland i'm not even a ux expert09:49
M4rtinKI don't think it's that bad these days09:49
M4rtinKI know normal users that use Gnome Shell or KDE4 just fine once you briefly show them around09:49
ggabrielat the same time, you could open source stuff and jolla can be selective of what to include09:49
lainwir3dthat would be the best solution09:50
lainwir3dbecause if everyone can freely contribute to the ui...09:50
ggabrielcontribute != fork09:50
ggabrieland there'll be a lot of forks09:50
lainwir3dI don't want to be using it in 6months time :P09:50
M4rtinKggabriel: yeah, that is IMHO how it should be - I'm not saying they should include everything09:50
ggabrielit's easy to have diverging opinions wrt ux09:50
ggabrielM4rtinK: haven't tried gnome, but kde is uber complicated. yes, it's usable eventually, but a "normal" user will always prefer apple's approach to ux, and m$'s to a lesser extent09:51
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M4rtinKggabriel: but coming from a "classic" Linux distro background (Fedora) I automatically detest any long term used out of tree patches when I see them :)09:51
ggabrielok, that "will always" is my opinion/experience09:51
phlixi_mobile__maybe it is a bad idea to target "the masses", because there is no reason other then privacy to use a jolla... the masses do not care about privacy and the system is far away from competing on any otjer aspect at all... (the same for openness)09:51
leinirfor a certain and fairly restricted definition of "user"09:51
M4rtinKggabriel: actually I wonder how people can use the MacOS UI - it feels ultra non-intuitive to me09:52
ggabrielM4rtinK: you, me and a lot of folks here may be too different to most people, sadly09:52
M4rtinKggabriel: and also graphically inchorent - tons of colorful icons on the bottom and a totally flat tiny monochrome bar on top - WTF ?09:52
ggabrieli have evangelised in the past and some people can no longer live without a terminal09:52
ggabrielM4rtinK: yeah, but it's pretty09:53
M4rtinKggabriel: I had even issues to log-off when I tried to use it09:53
ggabrieland doesn't have as many options as kde so you can't do what you want09:53
M4rtinKggabriel: and I've heard the same from quite a few other tech-inclined people09:53
ggabrielwell, but that's the issue with ux when you talk about tech-inclined people and "normal" people09:54
ggabrieland guess which group contains most09:54
ggabrielhence where most money is09:54
ggabrieland so on09:54
lainwir3dhonestly, I think people like whatever they used first09:54
ggabrieli'm kinda being devil's advocate for jolla and any other company that wants to survive by paying salaries and so on09:54
lainwir3dI put my mother on KDE the first time she had her own computer09:54
lainwir3dnever had any trouble using it09:54
ggabrielsure - if you evangelise09:55
lainwir3dand she's lost when using windows09:55
lainwir3dnot really honestly09:55
lainwir3dno more than I have to evangelise windows to my father09:55
ggabrieland you'd be right09:55
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lainwir3dI had to explain KDE to her the same as I had to explain windows to my father the first time09:55
ggabrieland you'd need todo the same with mac os09:55
ggabrielbut guess what... there are more mac os/win users than kde09:56
lainwir3dso yeah, people have difficulties with linux UIs because mostly they aren't used to them IMO09:56
lainwir3dyeah :)09:56
lainwir3dthat's true09:56
lainwir3dbut that doesn't mean KDE or GNOME is more difficult09:56
lainwir3djust different09:56
ggabrielkde has too many options09:56
ggabrielthat's the issue to me09:56
ggabrielwell, top issue09:56
ggabrielsettings is a bit of a mess, but that's shared with any other ui09:57
ggabriel(yes, apple, including yours)09:57
M4rtinK(also KDE still can't do independent desktops on different monitors, Gnome can do that)09:57
ggabrielux is such a difficult subject tbh09:57
ggabrieland yet, and yet... the dynamic rotation of sfos is treasure for me09:58
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lainwir3dwell, N9 / Sailfish has been a blessing for me09:59
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lainwir3dhaven't tried new 2.0 UI09:59
lainwir3dbut from what I've seen, seems fine enough10:00
lainwir3dand still lights years ahead of android and consort10:00
lainwir3dbut one thing I like, is customability10:00
lainwir3dso please : more options :P10:00
lainwir3d(that's why I love KDE)10:00
M4rtinKlainwir3d: +110:00
M4rtinKlainwir3d: (there is no one-size-fits-all)10:01
ggabrielmaybe there should be loads of options in an advanced kind of paage in settings10:01
ggabrielso, go there at your own risk if you don't like the mainstream approach10:01
lainwir3dyeah :)10:01
M4rtinKggabriel: Gnome Shell has gnome tweak tool for that10:01
ggabrielM4rtinK: I sense you like gnome :P10:01
M4rtinKggabriel: while it is not part of the official settings, it is maintained by the developers and is part of the project10:02
ggabrielM4rtinK: the only contentious problem there is when the mainstream ux dims one of those options useless10:02
M4rtinKyeah, still an issue10:02
ggabrieland it isn't a technical issue10:02
ggabrielit's more a psycological one10:03
ggabriele.g., quick close in sfos 1.1.910:03
M4rtinKclose or lock ? ;-)10:03
ggabrielit affects me personally, i'll survive though. my heart won't stop beating for that, nor my brain will stop consuming potasium10:03
ggabrielsorry, lock10:03
M4rtinK(swipe down to close can be enabled)10:03
ggabrielyes, sorry, I meant lock10:03
M4rtinKI don't think I ever used it10:03
M4rtinKthere is the power button for that10:04
M4rtinK(could be muscle memory from using the N900)10:04
lainwir3dI use it from time to time, but yeah mostly i used power10:04
ggabrielyes - but you know what I mean "how come I made this very cool patch and now it's useless"10:04
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lainwir3dwell, i use it when people are looking, because it's more classy.10:04
ggabrielthe only response to that is fork10:04
lainwir3dand cool10:04
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ggabrieland suddenly you have hundreds of forks10:04
M4rtinKggabriel: no issue with that - let evolution sort them out :)10:05
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M4rtinKyou won't have hundreds of forks for long - well, unless we are talking Android kernels :D10:05
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ggabrielyeah, chaos is good sometimes10:06
ggabrielotoh, I quite like "good things (tm)" to be enforced10:06
intemy parents are also using kde10:06
intecoming from windows xp10:07
inteno big deal at all10:07
ggabriele.g., central messaging system. you have to compromise a lot, but it's so good and clean in the end10:07
ggabrielinte: kde is a blessing after windows xp :P10:07
lainwir3dqml seems a bit crappy to extend via external "plugins" :-/10:08
intehehe :)10:08
ggabrielok, funny comment from a "normal user". he realized that my laptop uses no menues, buttons, or anything. he said "why don't you use the software?"10:08
ggabrielmade me laugh for a while10:08
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lainwir3dtry to import something that don't exist ? well no, even if you are not using it, it breaks everything10:08
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inteeventually, how can i write a patch to bring eventsview back in the right order?10:08
locusfcybette: Stskeeps: tigeli: ^10:08
inteis there some documentation?10:09
integgabriel: what ui are you using on your laptop?10:10
ggabrielinte: openbox10:10
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ggabrielthere's a menu, but you have to know how to launch it10:10
ggabrieland no icons10:10
ggabrielthis'd be impossible in a touch UI, else i'd be running gentoo on the phone :P10:10
lainwir3dI used to love fluxbox10:11
lainwir3dhaven't use it in quite some time though10:11
tbrlocusf: that's barking up the wrong tree though, IMO. It's been made clear that jolla doesn't care and doesn't allocate their employees time to this. It's a private people, private time matter.10:12
locusftbr: on what?10:13
tbrlocusf: and yes, I realize the rather glaring disconnect between this and jolla being the main (only?) mer user/contributor as of recent.10:13
locusftbr: ok topic #110:13
tbrlocusf: you asking for an update on mer merge in the abandoned sailfish meeting topic10:13
locusftbr: oh10:14
intei saw a wm at a friend that was basically only consisting of terminals, but i liked it very much10:14
intecould have been fluxbox10:14
ggabrielsounds like it10:14
ggabrielopenbox is similar10:14
ggabrielbut ofc you do have to have a browser and so on10:14
Tegui3 is my choice10:14
intealways wanted to try it but forgot the name:)10:14
phlixi_mobile__links? ;-)10:15
tbrlocusf: I don't mean to stop you. I just hope you don't have too high expectations for this.10:15
inteTegu: i guess it WAS i310:15
M4rtinKtbr, locusf: the more stuff Jolla is ignoring you can point at, the better IMHO10:16
M4rtinKtbr, locusf: should provide at least *some* pressure10:16
ggabrielomitting or ignoring? :)10:16
tbrM4rtinK: I personally find it sad and am past the point where I try to achieve anything, especially after being insulted and accused of rather nasty things by jolla employees. *shrug*10:17
M4rtinKalso one has the peace of mind for doing his part of the deal, which is also quite important imho10:17
tbrbasically I do my own thing and DGIAF10:17
ggabrieltbr: it certainly can get quite heated, I wouldn't take it personally10:18
* ggabriel looking for that 2007 post again10:18
jaacoppiDhank God It Ain't Friday?10:18
tbrggabriel: personal accusations have been made, an apology was never made. don't belittle this.10:18
ggabrieltbr: https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=11931890901658210:19
ggabrieltbr: not trying to enhance/belittle anything fwiw10:19
ggabrieljust calling what i've seen in the community of pretty much everything for years10:19
tbrggabriel: that is theo de rant... that's how people expect him to be10:20
tbralso he was not expressly and emphasizedly wielding his position in the organization to underline his threats10:20
M4rtinKggabriel: I'm afraid that from what I have gathered this was quite a bit worse than the usual "go fuck yourself" on a mailing list10:21
M4rtinKggabriel: at least that's the feeling I got from this without knowing the specifics10:21
tbras this is going rather negative I suggest EOD10:21
tbrI had no intention to drag this out in full breadth again10:21
chem|stwhat is the proper user for installing apks from CLI?10:22
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intechem|st: nemo i guess10:34
intei always do it as nemo and it works10:34
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intetbr: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=144104398132541&w=210:36
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inteah ggabriel: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=144104398132541&w=210:36
intetheyre introducing their own openbsd hypervisor shortly10:37
intelets build a mobile phone based on openbsd rather then on linux :)10:37
inteok that has absolutely nothing to do with virtualization10:37
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inteapart from android support ;)10:37
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ggabrielinte: the problem with obsd is that they don't like blobs and stuff, so they are naturally incompatible with mobile/embedded/etc10:44
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M4rtinKwell, for example the PS Vita basically runs modified FreeBSD :)10:48
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inteM4rtinK: oh really i didnt know that!10:52
inteim still waiting for the day google will change from linux to freebsd10:53
intebecause of the gpl10:53
ggabrieli'm waiting for the day when google will die10:53
Helleinte: well, that is why Android doesn't have a GNU userland10:53
M4rtinKinte: it has quite a lot of other mostly BSD stuff10:53
M4rtinKinte: but also some LGPL stuff10:53
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M4rtinKinte: it has Cairo, protocol buffers, Webkit, etc.10:54
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inteM4rtinK: jup11:05
inteM4rtinK: but if they would change the kernel they could easily close-source the entire os11:06
M4rtinKinte: and make it not to run on 99% of hardware11:07
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M4rtinKinte: plus loose all the free work you get from the much bigger Linux kernel community11:07
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ggabrielyeah but google engineers are smarter anyway11:08
M4rtinKinte: and not to mention that all the vendors would still need the kernel source to patch it to hell like they are used to11:08
M4rtinKthey definitely think that quite often ! :) (NIH :P)11:08
Siddeggabriel: don't know if googles engineers are so smart. android is such a problem platform in so many ways11:09
ggabrielSidde: you missed my closing tag11:10
Siddeggabriel: ah, then i totally agree11:10
ggabriel"let us fix email" and such11:10
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M4rtinKI would not call it "problem platform"11:10
Siddelet us do the Windows 95 era with spyware/adware/virus all over again...11:10
M4rtinKbetter word for it is11:11
M4rtinK"total disaster"11:11
Siddelike i used to fix my parents computers. Now i need to fix their android phones too. Cleaning them from adware and stuff11:11
Siddei don't even understand how google can accept adware in their fucking store11:12
Siddebogus antivirus software and stuff11:12
M4rtinKGoogle likes adds :)11:12
Liekeit's an ad compandy, what do you expect?11:12
SiddeLieke: promote their own ads maybe11:12
Siddei really hope jolla survives a few years more11:13
Siddebecause CM is more or less the only option, and it is shit11:14
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inteIm looking forward to kde mobile11:19
intemakes sense to me11:20
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intei only dislike they build on ubuntu phone not on nemo11:20
inteand i actually dont understand why they do that11:20
inteprobably because the main support is cominng from the kubuntu team11:20
inteid love kde mobile build on mer11:21
Stskeepsloving your tools too much11:21
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intewasnt there a "marc as read" option in email?11:31
intefor multiple mails?11:31
intelike, mark all as read?11:31
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Stskeepsi'm fairly sure there wasn't a 'marc as read'11:31
Hellemarc, lol11:31
intesorry yeah11:31
narchierip jolla11:32
inteEmail: you can now select and mark multiple emails as read/unread11:33
inteis that also something that was removed for no reason?11:33
kimmoliwut ? it is still there11:34
intebut wasnt it just a pull down, like "mark all read"?11:35
kimmoliemail app, pulldown, select messages, [actually select some messages], icon appears in bottom part of screen11:35
kimmolino, unless you had some patchy11:35
kimmolithere is "select all"11:36
inteicon appearing for me are11:36
integot it11:36
intedidnt realise the meaning of the open-letter icon11:36
kimmoliclosed letter is mark unread11:36
inteok thx11:36
inteasked mar 2?11:43
intewas it known for so long that jolla is going to replace the cover-action-swipes agains buttons?11:44
Temppu-Temelove the first comment there "They should change something, do thing others. You will need to adjust you."11:44
tadzikdevices were in the wild11:44
ggabrielpeople love a good button too11:44
inteTemppu-Teme: you like? so why is there no upvote for it? SCNR :)11:45
integgabriel: no one used to sfos likes the stupid tinytiny buttons in the tiles11:45
intethey suck11:45
ggabrielsadly, I don't think the masses understood the covers11:46
inteeverybuddy is hitting the tinytiny buttons on the tiny tiles by accident11:47
ggabrieland they are in danger of extinction11:47
inteso either remove cover actions or bring back the old, swipe style cover actions11:47
intebut now it sucks BIG TIME11:47
ggabrielyou can't bring back the swipe action11:47
inteand still i havent found a way to downgrade11:47
ggabrielit's explained in release note11:47
integgabriel: why?11:47
lainwir3dfrom what I read, it seems there is quite a lot of accidentaly hit of the cover action :-(11:47
ggabrielbecause now the multitasking view has those gestures for something else11:47
intehaving eventsview aside homescreen is another thing that really sucks11:48
lainwir3dhaven't tried myself, but it seems to be a problem on the phone11:48
lainwir3dI guess it won't be as problematic on the tablet11:48
ggabrielthat may well be possible11:48
integgabriel: for what are the side swipes used now?11:48
ggabrielinte: sec11:48
inteonly to access the eventsview11:48
inteaka caroussell11:48
inteif the eventsview would have stayed where it was11:48
inteit could have acted as starting point for the caroussel11:49
ggabrielinte: "Active cover actions are now tappable. Swipe gestures are now reserved for view navigation in the homescreen"11:49
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ggabrielfrom https://together.jolla.com/question/107685/release-notes-119eineheminlampi-early-access/11:49
integgabriel: yes11:49
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ggabrielso, the only option is to remove11:49
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ggabrielor maybe they'll remove on the phone and keep on the tablet11:49
inteso, navigation in the homescreen is changing from homescreen to eventsview and potentional partner spaces11:49
intethats the navigation11:50
ggabrielwhatever the case may be11:50
ggabrieli'm still on 1.1.7 fwiw11:50
inteas i said, if eventsview would have kept its previous horizontal position11:50
ggabrielif you keep events view there, then something else has to go11:50
inteand partnerspace would have gone aside eventsview11:50
ggabrielso you can't launch applications as easily11:50
intewell, what was the problem launching apps before11:51
ggabrielso, they want to fix it11:51
ggabrieland clearly there are compromises (I hate that word)11:51
inteand, how often do you launch apps compared to looking on eventsview and accessing cover actions?11:51
ggabrielin a nutshell, more people seem to be interested in launching things faster than in using cover actions11:51
intewhy not make it optional then11:51
ggabrielthere's a tjc for that11:51
ggabrielto configure gestures11:51
ggabrieldangerous though11:51
intecurrently its a mess11:51
ggabrielyou can brick your device :P11:52
integgabriel: your lucky your still on 1.1.711:52
intefar more usable11:52
ggabrieloptionally switching off cover actions seems to be [yet another] good compromise11:52
intei wouldnt have thought things get that bad11:52
intewell thats what i proposed on tjc11:52
ggabrielthe first iteration of the UI was way too advanced for the masses IMO11:52
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intesacastically, at least part of11:52
* ggabriel not being sarcastic there11:53
integgabriel: but now its even worse11:53
ggabrielthere is a lot of power in the first iteration11:53
ggabrielworse for you maybe11:53
ggabrielperhaps for me too11:53
ggabrielmaybe some things come back in the future11:53
integgabriel: well i clarified that i actually want the old cover actions back11:53
inteits only the title11:53
ggabrielwhen the masses have been trained enough11:53
ggabrielbut you can't have them back11:53
intei said, please remove it until you fixed it :)11:53
ggabrielunless you roll back a lot of new concepts in the UI11:54
inteas i said11:54
ggabrielso it isn't as as simple as you suggest11:54
intemove the eventsview to where it was11:54
inteand put partnerspaces aside eventsview11:54
ggabrielyou want a total roll back to 1.1.711:54
intewhat is aside eventsview in 1.1.7?11:54
inteambience, right?11:54
ggabrieli have no clue11:54
ggabrielnothing in my case11:54
intehave a look,11:54
tadzikambience, yes11:54
tadzikas a swipe though11:55
tadzikI mean, edge swipe11:55
tadziknot just regular swipe11:55
inteambience now went into the pulley11:55
ggabrielthere may be commercial challenges in burying partner spaces like that11:55
inteso, put the partnerspaces to where ambience were previously11:55
integgabriel: who cares about commercial stuff11:55
intethere is openrepos to get rid of any potential adware anyways11:56
ggabrielcommercial stuff is interesting for paying the salaries of the people who make this happen11:56
ggabrielalso, you realize that we are discussing all that for the sake of cover actions11:56
intewell still but the commercial interesst shouldnt ruin the entire system11:56
ggabrielwhich may not be too popular11:56
ggabrielyou forget that it is your opinion11:56
ggabrieland mind you - i do like cover actions too11:57
the_mgthm, anybody here connected to an iserv mailserver with the mail app?11:57
ggabrielbut i can see the ui challenge11:57
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ggabrielthe_mgt: only dovecot in my case11:57
ggabrielthe_mgt: you planning IMAP?11:58
intemy suggestion: ambience went to the pulley, so there is now space aside the eventsview for partnerspaces. Then there is no side swiping necessary in homeview and coveractions could remain as they were. Pleas comment on that proposal11:58
ggabrieli'm happy to discuss here and give my opinion, but don't want to do tjc just yet unless i feel strongly about it. not a ux expert, that's for others with a differently wired mind ;)11:59
intebut i just dont see what wrong with my idea12:00
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ggabrieli gave you my opinion12:00
intepeople try to make even more complex just to keep cover actions, like with edge swipes or sth12:01
the_mgtggabriel: yep, imap. I was able to connect incoming mail earlier, but wasn't able to configure outgoing later. wiped the account and now I only get timeouts. while it is working fine on the laptop, connected to the same wifi12:01
ggabrielthe_mgt: oh, so smpt is the problem then12:01
the_mgtnot sure. earlier I got "problems with your configuration regarding incoming/outgoing", now just a general timeout12:01
inteyour opinion was that it is necessary to have the caroussel on the same level as the homescreen as for marketing reasons, to make it easier to introduce partnerspaces, right?12:02
the_mgtand I can't tell the phone "fecking keep the config and try again later". I just can skip the whole thing....12:02
ggabrielinte: my opinion is that you suggest to shuffle a lot of new stuff in the new UI for the sake of the swipeable cover actions12:02
ggabrielwhen I actually experience the UI, I may or may not agree with that; but from where I stand it feels a bit of an overkill and cover actions may need to go12:02
ggabrielthe_mgt: if you have access to the server, I'll check logs etc12:03
integgabriel: why is that new stuff?12:03
ggabrielinte: I understand that the new stuff is to improve navigation12:03
intenow its defineatly overkill12:03
intethe new stuff is making things worse12:03
ggabrielbut you only mentioned cover actions12:04
intepreviously it was: homescreen, eventsview, apps12:04
ggabrielso "things" is cover actions12:04
inteall in horizontal, homescreen, eventsview, apps12:04
ggabrielif more people benefit from the new navigation than the ones benefiting from cover actions, then it's a fair call12:04
intenow it is apps to below, events to aside12:04
inteplus, its hard to access events from an open app12:05
ggabrielfwiw, the current events view isn't rich enough to access it all the time either12:05
inteif you enable peaking, its only possible to one side, since the other side would minimize the app12:05
the_mgtggabriel: configuration description was faulty. either starttls with port 143 or ssl on 993. no mix and match12:05
ggabrielthe_mgt: uh? I def can change those ports12:06
intethats confusing, because if you change hands from time to time you have to learn the opposite movements corresponding to the app.12:06
ggabrielyou on 1.1.9?12:06
ggabrielinte: I agree with that12:06
the_mgtI wish jolla would just borrow the autosensing routines from thunderbird. as much as i hate tb, the autosensing is superior12:06
ggabrielthe_mgt: there's a tjc for that :)12:06
the_mgtggabriel: yes, I can change them12:06
integgabriel: if you disable it, you need to minimize the app, go to events view, go back and maximize again12:06
intewhich is also quite anoying12:07
inteso, no. everything is worse12:07
the_mgtinte: öffentlicher dienst oder student? or why are you able to rant all day, uninterrupted? :)12:07
ggabrielthe_mgt: is your cert alright? that was my top 1 problem with smtp and jolla12:08
intewow, my proposal to deactivate cover actions is again back to 712:08
the_mgtinte: then spent the day with something nice and joyful ;)12:08
intenot to bad after it started with -212:08
intethe_mgt: right :)12:08
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the_mgtggabriel: working now. I had to use ( port 993 and ssl ) xor ( port 143 and starttls )12:11
ggabrielthat sounds like the standard way12:11
ggabrielfunny it times out tho12:12
ggabrielmust be iserv12:12
the_mgtafter about 5 minutes12:12
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the_mgtit's a cyrus-imap under the hood12:13
the_mgtodd choice12:13
dr_gogeta86the_mgt, who still use cyrus-imap ?12:15
intewhere do i find the patch to reenable pulley menus from e.g. eventsview?12:15
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dr_gogeta86just for sasl nothing more12:15
inteor was it home?12:15
tadzikI'm afraid the answer is "in coderus' todo" :P12:16
tadzikor nowhere at all12:16
inteah i thought someone said it is already done12:16
intesomeone tried the coveractions patch from nodevel?12:19
the_mgtdr_gogeta86: I have no clue. iserv is a complete software/groupware for schools here in germany12:20
the_mgtI got reacently hired as sysop at a school using it12:21
coderusinte: i have no any todo for patches12:22
coderustadzik: ^12:22
coderusinte: why you need pulley in eventsview?12:22
intewasnt it there before, like for shortcuts, e.g. camera, setting ringtons on/off e.g.?12:23
coderusits in lockscreen12:23
coderusnot in eventsview12:23
inteah ok12:24
inteanyways thats not too urgent and on the official roadmap afaik12:24
intei mean, bringing back the switch for ringtones12:24
coderusthat is easy, ask Ancelad or someone else12:25
intebut if you happen to patch something, why not rearange eventsview to where it was before and reanabled the former cover actions :)12:25
coderusi have more hard things to do12:25
intejust saying :)12:25
coderusask such things in tmo thread12:26
ggabrielthe_mgt: you mentioning "sysop" brings back nice memories from a simpler time12:28
inteis there a dedicated thread or should a open a new one?12:28
intecoderus: anyway, thanks a lot!12:28
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coderusinte: in general thread about patchmanager12:48
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ArmadilloI have a problem with my calendar. I used a caldav account which worked very well many months. Some weeks ago their were several lipstick crashes which I think caused a crash of my calendar database13:05
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pXdi noticed recently the existence of /home/deploy - according to the directory details it was created on 8.8.15 - i'm wondering how it got there.13:05
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Armadilloall calendar entries only had the scheduled time left, no labels and descriptions and a black marking13:05
ArmadilloI already deactivated all calendars and deleted the caldav account, but they don't disappear13:05
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Armadillohow can I completely clean the calendar's database?13:06
pXdArmadillo: https://together.jolla.com/question/67034/howto-reset-user-databases/13:06
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Armadillothanks, I'll give it a try :)13:07
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pXdhmm, i'm still curious about the existence of /home/deploy - i'm wondering if it was there all the time and i just didn't notice it earlier. can someone look it up whether it exists on your jolla as well?13:15
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ggabrielpXd: not in my case13:16
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pXdhere there is some folder-structure under it: /home/deploy/installroot/usr/share/applications - but there are no files.13:18
pXdggabriel: i see.13:18
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pXdhmm - according to https://sailfishos.org/develop/sdk-overview/develop-packaging-apps/ "The path /home/deploy/installroot refers to a location in the build engine virtual machine. This is not the final installation location, rather it is the location where the RPM build step looks for the files."13:25
intecool there are already a couple of patches in openrepos that fix a lot13:27
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ArmadillopXd worked, thanks ;)13:30
pXdcool :)13:32
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intei like the patch for the integrated pulley as replacement for cover actions13:36
intesomeone tryed that already?13:36
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aimless_Hi all, I've got a jolla that crashed while updating the OS to the current one. Now it is in a start-up loop till the jolla logo. I already tried to recover the jolla to the factory state but I always get the error: "Error while trying to bring the situation back to pre-recovery-process state, the older user data could not be found." Afterwards it is mentioned that the recovery process didnt complete successfully and finally it13:39
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aimless_Can anybody give an advice how I can get the jolla alive again?13:40
Stskeepsaimless_: what country are you in?13:42
Stskeepsaimless_: you factory reset with the recovery menu?13:43
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aimless_yes with recovery menu13:44
Stskeepsand what error does it say exactly?13:44
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aimless_[ERROR] The secondary recovery process didn't complete successfully. \n The software will now exit.13:45
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Nicd-aimless_: your first message was cut at "and finally it"13:46
Stskeepsaimless_: first off, contact care13:46
aimless_before there were written following warnings:13:47
aimless_[WARNING] Could not restore rootfs subvolume!13:47
aimless_[WARNING] Error while trying to bring the situation bach to pre-recovery-process state, the older user data could not be found.13:48
ggabrielaimless_: you don't happen to have a backup of p28?13:48
Stskeepsaimless_: yeah, sounds like the filesystem is hosed13:49
coderusaimless_: https://thepiratebay.gd/torrent/11635275/Jolla_Factory_Image_to_Reflash_it13:50
aimless_Never backed up anything, unfortunately13:52
aimless_But thanks for the Torrent13:52
ggabrielwell, officially contact care13:52
ggabrielif you trust hte internet, download the torrent, take the ride13:52
aimless_I do trust it this time ;)13:52
ggabrielmind you, if your emmc is borked, you still get to contact care13:53
coderusaimless_: try to mount home subvolume13:53
ggabrielso if dd starts complaining with i/o errors13:53
coderusmaybe you can backup data from it if success13:53
aimless_Home is already Backed up !!13:53
coderuscool then!13:53
aimless_I could surf the directory home13:54
aimless_I got all my photos and videos, so nothing to lose now...13:54
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coderusggabriel: i have verified files in this torrent and it match my files on server, so i'm seeding it too :)14:43
coderusaimless_: btw, if you want i can give you direct link to thse files in private14:43
ggabrielthe_mgt: "Because human beings are more interesting than smart rectangle devices."14:43
ggabrielcoderus: my comment was more of a disclaimer, I myself trust you ;)14:44
ggabrielthe_mgt: I'm not sure about the veracity of that statement14:44
the_mgtggabriel: see, you need to get out more14:44
coderusggabriel: well, it was not me who created this torrent14:46
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ggabrielthe_mgt: you mean if i get drunk enough, then a lot of people will seem interesting; there may be some truth there14:49
the_mgtbut no touching the phone14:49
ggabrieli normally don't do that, to be fair14:49
ggabrielwell, unless somebody wants to see pics of a recent holiday or something14:50
ggabrieli don't carry my hard copies around ;)14:50
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inteafter installing pulldown cover actions from openrepos im in a much better mood now18:51
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intesorry for being rude today:)18:51
inteone more question18:52
inteis alien dalvik having problems with internet connections when switching from wifi to mobile?18:52
intehad to resrart it since it wouldnt recognize im connected...18:53
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaany poss mazelock work on sf 2 ?18:54
intenot yet i heard18:55
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integreat there is a mute control in OR now19:10
inteSailfishOS Community is awesome!! :)19:10
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r0kk3rz_needs more on obs than or19:13
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intei have to admit that with having cover pullies installed i tend to really like sf2.0 :)19:15
intenow someone really has to bring back the reload button for the browser then im totally fine19:17
r0kk3rz_inte you should be able to patch the qml to get it back19:18
r0kk3rz_maybe even find the git commit that took it out19:19
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waxberryHtheB are you here? Now I do have probem for recovery...19:26
aaaaaaaaaaaaaasf2 for public users we w8 2 weeks ?19:31
inter0kk3rz_ i might check that19:35
inteout in town now:)19:36
r0kk3rz_aaaaaaaaaaaaaa: maybe next week unless problems19:36
intehave nice eveningt @all!!19:36
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HtheBhey waxberry19:48
waxberryFinally find you ;)19:51
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waxberryI'm trying out https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/20470960719:51
HtheBwaxberry: check pm19:51
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