#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2015-01-29

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coderusLocksreen player controls patch v006. Fixed some bugs, added playback progress. https://openrepos.net/content/coderus/patch-lockscreen-mediaplayer-controls01:39
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mkpaaHas someone succesfully used exfat formatted microsd card with Jolla?03:58
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Nicd-anyone exported their jolla contacts to OS X's address book?07:15
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Nicd-since my jolla hasn't synced its contacts to google in over 6 months, I should do a manual sync07:15
Nicd-but dunno what the options are07:15
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tbrI think there are some tjc items on that topic07:18
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temmi_moowhat about hosting ones own sync server?07:19
Nicd-I don't have an owncloud set up yet. also I don't know if it would work because google contact sync doesn't work either07:19
temmi_moogoogle might alter their api to keep third parties forcefully on the move?07:21
Nicd-I really don't think it's broken for *everyone*. that would be bigger news07:21
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Nicd-how do I manually trigger the contact sync? I can check the logs07:22
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temmi_mooit would not be broken for android users or anybody using other g*apps07:24
Nicd-yeah, but all jolla users07:24
Nicd-and I figure I would've read about that here07:25
temmi_moois broken for me too07:25
temmi_mooalso, when entering new calendar entries, they don't show up on the calendar and supposedly are not synced anywhere either07:26
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Nicd-my calendar sync works to google07:28
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temmi_moomy calendar doesn't even show up entries i just wrote to it07:31
chriadamtemmi_moo: some fixes to Google Calendar synchronization were made recently.07:31
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chriadamthe fixes won't make it into the upcoming update (they came too late, would destabilise) but will the one after.07:31
temmi_mooi'm mostly using jolla as a phone that allows me to surf and occasionally play othello07:31
chriadamif you are feeling brave, you can build the updated packages yourself, of course.07:31
temmi_mooalso access point for the laptop, a very important function07:32
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Nicd-hmh, I can't even get the error messages I used to get from the contact sync07:32
chriadamNicd-: same goes for Google Contacts - a bunch of fixes recently.  Similarly, a bunch of fixes to the carddav and caldav plugins, so that owncloud should be supported much better too.  (again, not for the upcoming update, but for the next)07:32
chriadamNicd-: use a separate terminal, `devel-su journalctl -af | grep google-con`07:33
chriadamafter `SOCIALD_LOGGING_LEVEL=3 devel-su -p msyncd` in your other one.07:33
chriadambut yeah, a lot of issues have been fixed recently.  see the commits since Jan 9th in https://github.com/nemomobile/buteo-sync-plugins-social/commits/master07:34
Nicd-[C] Buteo::Synchronizer::initialize:105 - Failed to register to D-Bus (D-Bus not started or msyncd already running?), aborting start07:35
Nicd-do I have to kill it first?07:35
chriadamsystemctl --user stop msyncd07:35
chriadamin nemo terminal07:35
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Nicd-nothing is happening07:39
Nicd-htop is saying msyncd is just sleeping with no activity. maybe it's downloading something big?07:39
temmi_moois owncloud some specific thing or just a nice name for whatever one happens to run?07:39
Nicd-temmi_moo: https://owncloud.org/07:40
chriadamNicd-: err.. I forgot something:07:41
chriadam`MSYNCD_LOGGING_LEVEL=8 SOCIALD_LOGGING_LEVEL=3 devel-su -p msyncd`07:42
chriadamthen trigger sync.  you should see the `devel-su journalctl -af | grep google-con` terminal scroll like crazy once you trigger a google sync, then.07:42
chriadam(assuming that you have the appropriate sync profiles etc... if not, that's a separate bug altogether)07:43
Nicd-ok, lemme test07:43
Nicd-now I'm seeing what I used to see07:44
temmi_mooi gotta say this looks very SYSVish to me07:44
Nicd-chriadam: https://gist.github.com/Nicd/96f004461f05f63c917107:45
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chriadamok, that's scary07:48
chriadamactually similar to another bug report I received a little while ago :-/  we investigated but not sure how the DetailId could be zero.07:48
chriadamthe "resource temporarily unavailable" issue is... even scarier07:49
chriadamI will ask mvogt if he has any idea...07:49
Nicd-I remember that invalid detail type has been the error since the start, when my contacts stopped syncing07:49
Nicd-guess I should just clear my contacts db but I already have changes there that I don't want to lose07:50
chriadamhmm.  did that happen after doing an upgrade?07:50
ursis it possible that in the android compatibility layer, the on-screen keyboard for entering numbers is missing the 0?07:50
Nicd-I don't remember, it was around last summer07:50
chriadamby the way, you can export your contacts to vCard using the vcardconverter tool from https://github.com/nemomobile/nemo-qml-plugin-contacts/tree/master/tools/vcardconverter07:50
ursah, in landscape mode its there, but in portrait mode, the 0 is missing for me07:51
chriadamif you need a backup07:51
chriadamNicd-: when's last summer?  July 2014?07:51
Nicd-I don't remember exactly. is there a way to find out the last successful sync?07:51
chriadamthe /home/nemo/.local/share/system/Privileged/Sync/sync.db should have a timestamp in it07:52
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Nicd-you mean: -rw-r--r-- 1 nemo       privileged    3072 2015-01-28 22:25 sociald-sync.db ?07:53
chriadamdevel-su -p sqlite3 /home/nemo/.local/share/system/Privileged/Sync/sync.db; then do: ` .tables` to see the tables, `.schema some_table` to see the fields, then can select on it07:53
chriadamah yes07:53
chriadamthat one07:53
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Nicd-the syncTimestamps table only has timestamps from today and yesterday so no help07:55
Nicd-so... do I just say vcardconverter -e file and it will put my contacts there?07:58
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Nicd-if I can import them to google, I can try just deleting the whole account and starting from scratch07:58
chriadamshould work07:58
chriadamdelete the account and rm -rf both of the contacts dbs - the Privileged one and the non privileged one (under ~/.local/share/system/Contacts/)07:59
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chriadambut yeah, make sure the vcard has all of your contacts first07:59
chriadamjust in case...07:59
Nicd-hmm, it only backed up the changes I have made08:00
Nicd-so like 10-20 contacts08:00
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Nicd-I'll try merging them to my google contacts08:00
temmi_moomany tools to import/merge from vcards?08:00
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chriadamgoogle contacts' web application is pretty great.  does duplicate detection and merge support etc pretty well, afair.08:01
Nicd-fuu, fire alarm08:01
Nicd-gotta go08:01
Nicd-oh, it was a test08:02
Nicd-it did break my äöå08:03
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TemeVNicd-: you had some alarm test too? So it is some common Hermia thing08:09
temmi_moosay hi to raymond08:09
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Nicd-TemeV: yes, just now08:10
Nicd-chriadam: seems everything went better than expected. I'll try to recreate my account on the phone now08:10
chriadamgood luck, fingers' crossed08:10
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chriadamnote that most of the bugs fixed in the google-contacts adapter were related to upsync... downsync should be ok.08:11
chriadamgoogle calendar the fixes were related to the way we parsed recurrence rules and dates, and exception dates, IIRC.08:12
TemeVNicd-: We had here in the next building just about the same time08:13
Nicd-chriadam: should I delete the account first before moving those contact dbs?08:13
chriadamideally, after rming the contact dbs, you should then reboot the device.08:14
chriadambecause a few different things might be holding handles to the old file open08:14
chriadamcontactsd/commhistoryd/msyncd/jolla-contacts/jolla-calendar/lipstick/... ...08:14
gabriel9|workdoes anyone knows what fonts are used in jolla?08:18
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Nicd-gabriel9|work: Droid Sans08:18
Nicd-and Roboto and some others08:19
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gabriel9|workthanks Nicd08:19
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Nicd-chriadam: is the privileged one ~/.local/share/system/privileged/Contacts/qtcontacts-sqlite/contacts.db?08:23
Nicd-or should I rm everything under Contacts?08:23
chriadamrm everything under Contacts is what I do08:23
chriadamthere are sqlite write-ahead logging files and other things which need ot be removed also08:23
Nicd-hm, I have an fb account with contacts too. I'll just delete and readd that as well08:24
Nicd-other accounts don't have contact sync on, so I don't have to worry about them?08:25
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chriadamNicd-: can just retrigger sync with the FB one, it should just resync from scratch.08:28
chriadamand yeah, the other ones shouldn't matter at all.08:28
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Nicd-well, I removed the FB one already08:29
Nicd-no problem recreating it08:29
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Nicd-chriadam: well the sync did work... once, it seems08:52
Nicd-I'll test more later08:52
Nicd-also now I have all calendars as duplicates08:52
Nicd-didn't remove them before recreating account08:52
chriadamshouldn't need to...08:53
chriadamshould be removed automatically by the sync adapter :-/08:53
chriadambut sounds like a nother bug in my code somewhere08:53
chriadamthanks, I'll hunt for it tomorrow if I get a chance08:53
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Nicd-chriadam|away: tammi 29 11:26:29 Jolla google-contacts-client[5053]: [W] enforceDetailConstraints:2545 - "Invalid detail type:  0"09:26
Nicd-still :(09:26
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Nicd-maybe I have some strange contact in google that messes up the sailfish sync09:28
Nicd-also it says "Google contact sync with account 11 got remote changes: a/m: 364 r: 0.", even though I only modified a couple of contacts (removed a few and added one)09:29
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faenilthp, hey, calm down! you're on a PR spree this morning! :D10:37
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SK_workfaenil: PR cleanup11:06
faenilsomeone had to do it :)11:06
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Sail0ris the android layer on the table, too?14:24
Sail0rah ok it has14:24
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Sail0rwondered if it is possible to run android apps on the jolla tablet, too14:25
Sail0rmaybe I should buy one14:25
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fennekkipresumably, seeing as Android works on x86 too... as long as Alien has x86 builds14:27
Sail0rbecause I need tapatalk on my tablet ;)14:28
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SK_workfennekki: what do I wonder is how will android apps built via the ndk work on a x86 tablet14:29
SK_workespecially the jolla tablet14:29
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dr_gogeta86Stskeeps, i' was more interested on 6500 mAh battery14:29
tadzikare there no x86 android tablets?14:29
dr_gogeta86there are many14:30
Stskeepsmeanwhile https://twitter.com/JollaHQ/status/56080480056915968014:30
cvp_its really a good deal with 32 to 64gb Upgrade? 25$ for 32gb more space? in Germany cost over amazon a 64gb microsd card 27-3014:30
dr_gogeta86Stskeeps, how much did you stressed efi14:30
SK_workcvp_: you can have 64 gb + 64 gb with this setup14:30
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dr_gogeta86a friend of mine almost trashed a tablet to run ubuntu14:31
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fennekkiSK_work: if there's an x86 build it will work14:32
cvp_SK_work, i think the tablet support up to 128gb microsd ?14:32
fennekkiif there isn't, well, it won't14:32
Sceltcvp_: in iPhones it costs 100 euros to updates 16->64 GB14:38
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dr_gogeta86Stskeeps, is something like this inside14:49
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chem|stcvp_: SK_work yes 128GB µSD + 64GB internal14:53
cvp_i dont know why, but i upgrade now :D14:53
chem|steven before the upgrade it outperformed apples 128gb internal14:54
cvp_but i mean its better to have external memory as internal...14:54
chem|st64gb internal means for me that I can finally use sdcards to actually have removeable storage instead of an extension to my internal storage14:55
SceltStskeeps: well done, son14:55
cvp_so... than comes 3G Upgrade for 30$ ... LTE upgrade for 30$.... Amoled Display wit LPS Upgrade for 50$..... and we have a price same like a ipad :P14:55
chem|stcvp_: I do not need external if internal is big enough...14:55
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chem|stcvp_: I guess the hardware is now finalized... just before chinese new year holidays14:56
chem|stso they save two weeks of the lead time effectively14:57
cvp_i just kidding :)14:57
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cvp_but the missing status led is bad :(14:57
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chem|st10 people where still in need for shipping perks^^14:58
chem|stcvp_: ? no status led?14:58
cvp_or is it includid ?15:00
cvp_RGB LED15:00
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chem|stcvp_: OT: are you any good with ARM flashing?15:15
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cvp_chem|st, hm, what you mean exactly ?15:18
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chem|stcvp_: I have an nuvoton chip mini51 series and I do not get it working with my stlinkV2 (says SWD transport not supported)15:28
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chem|stI took it you do hardware stuff right?15:28
chem|stif not ignore me please :)15:28
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cvp_chem|st, sorry my friend :) i think i cant help you with it :)15:39
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andybransonSo there's no exfat on the tablet, and >64GB cards 'won't be accessible from windows'. Which filesystems are available? Can we has UDF plz???15:39
tadzik"We have decided to move forward with using an open source file system (ext2/3/4) for the memory card."15:40
tadzik(from https://together.jolla.com/question/78734/official-announcement-jolla-tablet-returns-to-indiegogo-with-updated-tech-specs/)15:41
Sceltfor me it is a kind of a surprise how much people use sd cards15:42
SceltI only use them if they are the only solution, like in digital cameras15:43
ryukafalzThey're useful since you can move them between devices15:43
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andybransonif you want to load your tablet up with movies, it's very handy to be able to move the sd card to a pc for the copy15:44
SceltI guess I just haven't had enough data in my mobile phone to use SD cards15:44
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* ryukafalz nods15:44
ryukafalztablets are a bit different though, you tend to load them up with media15:44
SceltI believe that15:44
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ryukafalzI'm gonna love that high-res screen :D15:45
andybransonyou can format cards larger than 32GB with a FAT32 fs anyway - the windows tool just refuses to do it15:46
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mkpaais there any experimental exfat support available for the fs / sd cards? all my camera memory cards are in that format and it'd be very nice to access them from phone. :)15:47
Sceltwhy can't you format that sd card to UDF?15:47
SceltI thought it was universal and works for win, mac and linux15:47
mkpaaI doubt Olympus and GoPro cameras play nice with it.15:48
SceltI meant generally15:48
Sceltdo you really have to use extN15:48
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cvp_what is exactly mean with laminated display ?15:50
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andybransonmaybe camera won't like UDF, but having an open FS that's accessible by win/mac/linux would be wonderful15:52
chem|stcvp_: one piece15:53
andybransonstskeeps: any chance of throwing the udf module in the kernel, just for fun?15:54
Stskeepseverything's possible15:54
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tiwakewhat is this email talking about 64gig tablet?16:27
fennekkiI'd reckon reading the email would reveal16:27
tiwakeI am!16:28
tiwakenow its talking about using open source file systems16:28
tiwakebigger battery?16:28
tiwakeoh, thats not much bigger16:29
tiwakemeh, not terribly interested16:30
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ikarusthe whole tablet was a lucky accident for me as I needed a new 7" tablet anyway16:30
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tiwakeI do like the open source file system thing... if I'm reading this correctly, they are not going to pay for exfat licensing?16:31
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thpfaenil: just thought i'd kick all old PRs a bit forward ;) we're now down to ~ 60 open ones from initially ~ 8016:35
tiwakeso they cant advertise SDHC slot or whatever its called16:35
faenilthp, ehhee yeah :)16:35
faenilthp, I woke up "You have 132 unread emails"...waaaaaaaat?16:35
tiwakeor SDXC16:36
tiwakeits SDXC with a google search16:36
thpfaenil: ;)16:36
tiwakeanyway, good for jolla16:38
tiwakemaybe when I get my tablet I'll make a machined anodized aluminum housing for it16:39
andybransoni think the tablet should carry an SDXD badge with a line through it16:43
andybransondrawn by a penguin16:43
tiwakeshould make stickers for that16:43
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Sail0rthere is no hope for a 4G tablet? Am i right?17:57
SK_workSail0r: I guess no17:57
SK_workyou need a companion Jolla17:57
Sail0rwell I have one but draining battery on both devices for surfing on the tablet is not preferred ;)17:58
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r0kk3rzcharge the jolla using usbotg18:00
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SK_workSail0r: yeah I know ...18:02
Sail0rhmdi our?18:02
SK_workhoping for the external modem thing18:02
SK_workthat they wanted to deliver @ 2.5M18:02
SK_workwe didn't reached 2.5M :(18:02
Sail0rok no18:02
Sail0rtwo things i wanted to have on my next tablet18:03
Sail0rno hdmi out is a show stopper for me :x18:03
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SK_workI'm getting the Jolla tablet as I know that I'm gonna have fun with it18:04
Sail0ryeah, I would too. But I cannot use it for presentations with no hdmi18:04
SK_worknot exactly because of some nice (sw / hw) features18:04
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Sail0rbut on the other hand I just want to have it :P18:04
r0kk3rzyeah im considering jumping on the tablet bandwagon18:04
SK_workSail0r: I'm thinking ... chromecast / matchstick support18:04
SK_workwe need this18:04
SK_workr0kk3rz: I guess you should: the specs are actually up-to-date18:05
SK_workunlike the jolla phone18:05
Sail0rjolla stick18:05
Sail0rwith jollacast18:05
Sail0rwould be great18:05
SK_workSail0r: I'm also thinking about this pet project of mine "Harmony"18:05
SK_workbasically a web server on your jolla, to access services and all18:05
SK_worksend sms, show photos18:05
SK_workfrom a web browser18:06
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r0kk3rzwell, im still stuck at the "i dont know what tablets are for" phase18:06
SK_workcould be merged with kdeconnect too18:06
r0kk3rzbut being actual linux18:06
r0kk3rzim sure i can do things with it18:06
SK_workr0kk3rz: I had this feeling18:06
Sail0rr0kk3rz: was stucked in that too18:06
SK_workuntil: let's use it for reverse engineer stuff :D18:06
Sail0rbut now I reanimated my Kindle fire hd and put cm 11 on it18:06
Sail0rand i must say for surfing and smth it's great18:06
SK_workand then my GF decided to have an option on the Nexus 718:06
r0kk3rzwell, developing apps for the phone is pretty fun18:06
SK_workleaving me with the laptop ...18:06
SK_workyeah, /me getting the tablet to develop apps18:07
temmi_moonexus 7 is good with either shifter18:07
temmi_moonexus 8 is supposedly really good18:07
SK_worknexus 7 is quite nice18:07
SK_workand inexpensive18:07
SK_workwill skip the N8 though18:07
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temmi_moonever tried18:08
Sail0rand i hope if not that many android apps run on the x86 tablet18:08
temmi_moonexus 3 is annoying18:08
Sail0rthere will be more native sailfishapps18:08
temmi_mooi guess nexus 4 is okay but that was really shortlived18:09
r0kk3rzmore devices means more people18:09
r0kk3rzand more developers18:09
r0kk3rzparticularly since they dont ship the jolla phone to aus and us18:10
Sail0rand not running android apps, too18:10
temmi_mooSK_work: in a nice well build wheel the nexus 7 should last nearly for ever18:10
temmi_moowell not like the sturmey-archers but still18:11
r0kk3rzbut crucially, this time ive been back at work for a couple of months18:12
r0kk3rzand can afford to spend 160 pounds on a toy18:12
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ShadowJKsilly question, how do I know if I added for shipping vack in nov-dec campaign? :D18:59
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r0kk3rzwouldnt you have needed to?19:02
r0kk3rzunless you werent going to get your tablet shipped to you19:02
r0kk3rzwhich is an odd thing to do, but ok19:02
ShadowJKuhh, iircl you were supposed to add $20 manually?19:03
ShadowJKwhich would work out if there was a $209 tablet tier, as it says I spent 22919:03
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ln-r0kk3rz: it was definitely possible to pre-order it without shipping.19:08
r0kk3rzpossible maybe, but a silly thing to do19:08
r0kk3rzwhich would no doubt get fixed once it came time to actually ship it to you19:08
ShadowJKok so there was a $209 tier, so I probably picked that one and added $20 for shipping19:10
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RavenholmDXShadowJK, yeah, I got the same19:19
RavenholmDXso works out at $254 with the 64GB upgrade19:19
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RavenholmDXI wish the saving was more than $16 for earlier backers19:20
ShadowJK209 was probably the last tier or something19:20
RavenholmDXyeah I guess19:20
r0kk3rzbe glad you get a saving at all19:21
ShadowJKWhat I'm really concerned about, since the upgrade is so cheap, will the 64g memory be slower?19:21
r0kk3rzwas only a couple of months ago19:21
r0kk3rzShadowJK: the cost of the chips isnt much more expensive19:21
r0kk3rzplayers like apple use it to increase profit margins19:22
temmi_moosilicon is cheap if it's just about the amount of it19:22
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ShadowJKI would've still expected non-suck emmc to cost more per gig than this19:24
temmi_moothink about how much a raspberry pi costs while thinking that they are manufactured in england instead of china19:26
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temmi_moowhatever goes on silicon is cheap, it's the putting that on pcb that costs19:26
temmi_moodesigning said pcb costs etc etc etc19:27
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temmi_moothe chips are less than 10% of the price19:27
Stskeepspcb design, you mean, you don't just glue on the components?19:28
temmi_moothe chips also get cheaper the more you buy so that while you can spread the design costs thinner on more devices you'll also get the hardware cheaper per unit19:28
temmi_moostskeeps hush :)19:28
temmi_mooartesan deadbug mass manufacturing would be interesting19:29
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r0kk3rzdesign? you mean you dont just order a reference design from china19:30
M4rtinKbreadboard FTW! :)19:31
Stskeepsr0kk3rz: oh if it was just that easy..19:31
r0kk3rz"thanks for joining the jolla tablet! heres your bag of components and half written wiki"19:31
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r0kk3rzStskeeps: twas sarcasm19:31
Stskeepsr0kk3rz: you're on to us :(19:31
M4rtinKthere are kickstarters with tiers like this :)19:32
M4rtinKbut usually not for devices of this complexity :)19:32
ShadowJKwell atleast intel is supposedly giving away reference designs when they give away atoms19:32
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ShadowJKchinese clone manufacturers were offering rpi at 30% lower price19:37
ShadowJK(until broadcom stopped selling chips)19:38
temmi_mooi'd love if chinese manufacturers would start manufacturing ell-i devices19:39
ShadowJKThough the china price is wholesale and I'm looking at retail price for official19:40
temmi_mooShadowJK: internet of things developer boards, basically small end arm mcu with ethernet and power over ethenernet19:42
temmi_moonaturally we're also creating other things on top of this19:42
r0kk3rzobviously jolla should make an internet of things19:42
r0kk3rzbecause thats what all the cool kids are doing19:43
temmi_moooh like all the cool kids are using sublime text and javascript?19:43
ShadowJKI was tempted getting the breadbord toh for that19:43
temmi_mooShadowJK: you could program an ell-i device using that19:44
r0kk3rzwell once i get mqtt doing its thing, we could have an internet of jollas19:44
Mikaela"thats what all the cool kids are doing " - "unlike"19:44
r0kk3rzactualy, i just realised something19:44
MikaelaI prefer the Finnish slogan though, "aidosti erilainen" which I would translate as "truly different"19:44
r0kk3rzinternet of things is just another name for botnet19:44
r0kk3rzso we could have a botnet of jollas19:46
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r0kk3rzdoing..... something..... presumably19:46
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Mikaelamaking more jollas?19:46
temmi_moothis is sounding a lot like the 3d printing crowd19:47
temmi_mooat beginning of helsinki hacklab, we had plenty of that19:47
temmi_moo"what do you print with the 3d printer then?" "DUUHHHHHH isn't that obvious?" "no, seriously, do you print rc car parts or what?" "MOAR PRINTARS"19:48
MikaelaI wonder when will I find my way to helsinki hacklab19:48
Mikaelaoh, I see19:48
temmi_mooit was pretty boring truly19:48
* Mikaela is just alone in Kotka and even boring somewhere else would be improvement19:49
Miskido they yet have 3d printers that can actually print new printers?19:49
temmi_mooevery discussion related to how to print this or that kind of part was rendered useless as soon as someone found out we were not talking about printing printers19:49
temmi_mooMiski: no, that's the worst part19:49
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Miskitemmi_moo: :(19:50
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temmi_moo95% of the devices are non-replicatable and the guys are still going on about how they'll print more printers19:50
temmi_mooi mean 95% of a single printer parts19:50
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temmi_moonot to mention that a boxed design is just better than one that has plastic joints connecting metal rods19:51
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Nicd-thanks kimmoli :)19:56
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Nicd-kimmoli_: G+ :D19:58
M4rtinKtemmi_moo: well, people actually print printer parts a lot :)19:58
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M4rtinKor at least initially after building a new printer19:59
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M4rtinKuntil you find which ones are too weak and replace them with stronger ones19:59
M4rtinKalso upgrades19:59
temmi_mooM4rtinK: yes but that's not printing a printer20:00
M4rtinKwe for example printed a completely new carriage for our printer so that we could add a cooling fan and a Z probe20:00
temmi_moothe guys were (some still are) ranting about how the printers are self-replicating where they're not20:00
temmi_mooof course20:00
M4rtinKyou can call it regeneration :)20:00
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r0kk3rzyeah the guys at the newcastle makerspace are like that as well20:00
M4rtinKwell the aim is usually to print the hard to get stuff20:00
r0kk3rzusing printers to make more printers20:01
r0kk3rzor upgrade printers20:01
M4rtinKlike the connecting parts on the I220:01
M4rtinKno need to drill in precise angles, just print the parts, get some rods and that's it20:01
temmi_mooi'd laser cut or cnc drill the boards to do a box design20:01
M4rtinKif you have a laser cutter or CNC drill, then why not20:02
M4rtinKwe just have the printer :)20:02
r0kk3rzi need to get back up there and get printing tohs20:02
temmi_moopossibly i'd personally just hand mark and hand drill on a normal drill press the boards20:02
temmi_moothat's just me20:02
M4rtinKBTW, anybody managed to do that with a normal FDM RepRap ?20:02
M4rtinKI tried that and couldn't make the tiny little tabs that hold the TOH on the Jolla come out right20:03
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temmi_mooi learned to actually wield macromechanical tools instead of just chatting about how cool it'd be if this screwdriver was computer controlled20:03
M4rtinKthe local hackerspace has a computer controlled egg painting machine they use to make cool easter eggs :)20:04
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temmi_mooi repair my car and maintain the house i live in20:04
temmi_moocnc egg painter machine sounds cool20:04
temmi_mooalso it sounds like that someone had fun making it20:05
r0kk3rztemmi_moo: sounds like me, i want a CNC router for bike parts20:05
temmi_moommmm bike parts20:06
temmi_moowe have a human controlled metal lathe and human controlled metal mill at helsinki hacklab20:07
HtheBim bored guys :(20:07
temmi_mookimmoli: we need to meet face to face so as to see how about flashing some things to an elli board from a jolla20:08
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kimmolitemmi_moo: have to find some spare time20:08
temmi_moowhere do you spend your daycare moments? i suppose you're doing something prearranged during the daylight hours20:10
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kimmoliyeah. close to iso-omena20:17
temmi_mooah okay20:18
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temmi_mooi'm more free as i'm full-time on evangelising ell-i as open source platform for stuff20:19
temmi_mooi'm not digging up my calendar but i can come near you for lunch hour date or something?20:19
temmi_moohow about classic pizza?20:19
kimmoliclassic is ok'ish20:20
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kimmolinext week any day20:21
temmi_moois their quality going downhill or just that at lunchtime one has to wait?20:22
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kimmoliiirc they changed the menu20:22
kimmoliand for me it has been too crispy20:23
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kimmolilittle later, 11:30-12 no waiting.20:24
temmi_mooif you dislike that sort of pizza, there's a nice umm more känkky style pizzeria in olari20:26
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temmi_mootheir pizzas are good though20:26
temmi_mooolarin wanha mestari if you happen to know20:26
kimmoliah yes next to espital20:29
* Stskeeps looks around for pitchforks20:30
temmi_mooi like both kinds so i guess owm is better20:30
* Yaniel looks around for a domain name20:31
tbrStskeeps: huh? in need of the other kind of hardware store?20:31
Stskeepstbr: nah, just pitchforks after me or others :P20:31
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* Stskeeps has to get up at 5am and ponders how to accomplish that20:32
temmi_mookimmoli: i'm in otaniemi on monday but tuesday could do20:32
kimmolituesday it is then 11:30 ? @ olarin vanha mestari20:35
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temmi_mooi kinda promised to not look at my calendar but now i have to :)20:40
temmi_moolooks like i've got a meeting at that point20:41
temmi_moothe agenda being pizza and jolla-stm3220:41
temmi_mooso yes, we're on20:42
temmi_mooi bring my toys you bring yours20:42
temmi_moothen we notice one cable is missing20:42
kimmolii have always some pigtail wires (and 232-ttl adapter) on my pocket20:44
temmi_moooh okay np then :)20:44
kimmolibut i try to collect what i have20:44
temmi_mooi need to bring an elli device and a poe injector20:45
kimmoliwe're going to get thrown out from the bar20:45
temmi_moocat5+ cabling is everywhere20:45
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temmi_mooummm that'd be bad for business :)20:47
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r0kk3rzyou'd be surprised what you can do in a bar20:51
temmi_mooi have worn dirty clothing with lots of pockets full of tools20:52
temmi_moolegitimately thouhg20:53
kimmoliworst thing is that someone comes and starts to give advices...20:53
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temmi_moothat confirmed to me what mitnick wrote a long ago that with suitable disguise you'll get everywhere20:53
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r0kk3rzi remember in australia, there were some comedians who dressed up like a foreign officials with motorcade20:54
temmi_moowhen reading his writeup i didn't believe it20:54
r0kk3rzand got into the apec summit20:54
temmi_moojust get some dirty workman clothing, a badge with xyz text and your face on it and lots of tools20:55
temmi_moopeople even open the doors and give you detailed directions if you don't happen to have a map20:55
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temmi_mooi tried to become an electrician but was tricked back into bitbanging world by pekka nikander20:56
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r0kk3rznothing wrong with banging bits20:58
temmi_mooi like working with hands on more concrete problems20:58
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r0kk3rzso do i20:59
r0kk3rzi find it a welcome change after spending all day being a software engineer21:00
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kimmolispeaking of, small part of todays concrete stuff https://app.younited.com/?shareObject=aeecebc3-eb06-2b10-f795-907ce3ab784921:06
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r0kk3rzis that the back of a eurosocket?21:09
r0kk3rzmaybe i should enlarge the picture before commenting21:09
r0kk3rzi have no idea what that is :P21:10
raa700three phase euro socket21:10
r0kk3rzoh, 3 phase, of course21:10
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temmi_mooi'm still downloading...21:11
r0kk3rzlooks pretty similar to the 3 phase we use in aus21:11
M4rtinKlooks like that 380-400V outlet21:11
temmi_mooraa700 i've installed those21:12
kimmoliyep, had to add few more21:12
kimmoligetting rid of extension-cords from floor21:12
temmi_mooi mean, i went to trade school and got the paper and got a job21:12
temmi_moothen i met pnr and this happened and look at me now21:13
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kimmolinow i have socket for all 4 devices, no need to toggle cables21:14
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temmi_moo... still downloading21:15
temmi_moowife is upgrading a game and i've got no throttling features in the router21:16
temmi_moowas it expensive to install individual sockets?21:16
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kimmoli4,99 each21:18
temmi_mooso you didn't pay someone to do the job for top dollar? :)21:18
temmi_moo... finally got that downloaded :)21:19
kimmolireally worth waiting :)21:19
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ShadowJKwhat do you have that you run on 3 phase?21:22
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ShadowJKalso, that can't have been done by a real electrician, the wiees are in the correct order.21:23
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kimmolitig, mig and 2 plasmacutters21:23
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temmi_mooShadowJK: :D a real electrian would have complained a lot about rcd breakers and then would have cut the yellow green wire as it is not needed for operation and occasionally its presence blows fuses and trips rcd switches21:25
temmi_moowhere do you live kimmoli?21:25
ShadowJKive also seen outlets with cut blue21:25
temmi_moomust be someone from industrial experience21:26
ShadowJKyes, it sas in an industrial setting21:27
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temmi_mooah okay21:27
temmi_moomakes sense21:27
kimmolimotors typically need just phases21:27
temmi_moothe machines don't use zero at all21:27
ShadowJK("motors run without the 'extra' green and blue, why bother?")21:27
temmi_mooit's a very bad idea to connect anything to the star point if a machine has one21:27
temmi_mooShadowJK: :D21:27
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temmi_moowell yes21:28
ShadowJKbut then later someone added stuff that needed N, and well, it ended up with energized chassis21:28
temmi_mooi was somewhat outcast in the electrician circles with my ideas that the greenyellow thing is 1) not hard 2) a really frickin' good idea and that 3) rcd breakers are even better21:28
ShadowJKwhich kind of proved you never leave ohtlets partially wired, no matter what the use21:29
temmi_moooh an outlet, yes, always fully wired21:29
temmi_moolikewise in audio the outlet always has everything connected and any possible ground lift happens optionally at input21:30
temmi_mooalso all cables have all connected21:30
temmi_moopatch bays as well21:30
ShadowJKas for phases, in my experience electricians wire them randomly, turn on machine, if there's mktor spinning backwards then swap two random phasss21:31
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kimmoliit s**ks when someone has made that swap on extension cord21:34
ShadowJKlol, yes21:34
temmi_mooShadowJK: the phase detector thingy is too hard to use...21:34
temmi_mooalso it's just too damn hard to use the same colours everywhere21:34
ShadowJKno, it's too expensive21:34
temmi_mooso that when you _do_ use the phase detector thing, it will tell you that yes good job lad go have some tea21:35
kimmolimaking installation on old houses from 50-60's isnt fun21:36
ShadowJKmy last petition for a installation tester was rejected21:36
kimmolired for PE21:36
temmi_mookimmoli: red is just a colour, it might be PE or it might be L that went through a switch21:36
temmi_moonot so funny thing is, in the new system, when greenyellow is sacred and only for PE, it is often used for other uses21:37
ShadowJKi dont trust colours. They change too frequently21:37
temmi_moomeasure before touching21:38
kimmoligood example: car typically has brown as ground21:38
temmi_mooShadowJK: dunno about installation testers but in herewise most electricians carry a fluke duspol with them everywhere as it's pretty handy in low voltage ac installations21:39
kimmoliblown one CB radio which other end of cable was wired according that, and i use blue -, brown +21:39
ShadowJKDealing with 0-80 yo industrial kit from 3 continents, wire colours are just a distraction attempt :P21:39
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temmi_mooi kind of love any industrial electrical stuff older than 30 years old21:39
temmi_mooexcept one family of strömberg motors, they're horrible21:40
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temmi_mooShadowJK: why are you here if you have industrial electrity toys at playground?21:44
ShadowJKi dont get much playtime, they're supposed to be producing stuff21:45
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kimmolifound one pic from same location, red is one phase in this 4-pin three-phase outlet https://app.younited.com/?shareObject=1ced2d6a-b13a-3830-b78d-f5392108258c21:49
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cvp_what is the font of the jolla logo?22:15
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HtheBcvp_: I think it's Jolla's own hand written logo, no font22:26
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cvp_HtheB, make sense22:28
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chem|stHtheB: they should find a font designer and make it their own font22:28
HtheBwell, the 2 l's are different...22:29
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cvp_or the Sailfish font... maybe this is more interessting for me : )22:31
chem|sttrue but that is in handwriting fonts an issue anyway, characters ending top and bottom22:31
HtheBi wonder what font is using Sailfish logo either22:33
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MiskiHtheB: looks more like custom made than an actual font22:33
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Miskithe connection between s and h might be just a tad difficult with other letters22:34
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cvp_s to h is selfmade, but the rest ?22:35
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Miskino idea, but my guess would be it's entirely custome mafe22:37
Miski... s/me/m/22:39
cvp_hmm "Swis721 BT" looks like a bit22:41
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Miskihmmm... the f wouldn't connect with i, I think, and Sailfish logo is thinner than a quick google of "Swis721 BT". But yes, the curves on s, a and h have a lot in common. Maybe a customized version of that?22:50
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HtheBwhy cant i stop laughing at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbVqzZ5dOIY22:50
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pdanekTizen's success helps Jolla, right?23:53
HtheBpdanek: who says so?...23:58

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