#jollamobile log for Friday, 2014-04-11

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netzviehmorning :)07:59
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memoryleak_good morning everyone08:04
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coderuslate morning08:12
Pnuugood lunchtime08:13
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Bysmyyrwhat means: "Swipe to close gesture available as a setting and disabled by default for new users [Settings->System->Shortcuts]"08:17
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netzviehwoop woop update available \o/08:18
nahkissoh yeah, and I'm not a "the first ones" even08:19
chem|stseeing all that exchange updates with every update makes me wonder if jolla gets paid for having MfE08:21
ggabrielStskeeps: thanks :)08:21
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Stskeepschem|st: nah, that wouldn't make sense08:22
Stskeepsanybody receiving update notifications?08:24
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netzviehchem|st: it's just a business feature, so it makes sense to provide that :)08:25
teksu__1.0.5.16 paarlampi08:25
nahkissStskeeps: did manual check, downloading08:27
chem|stnetzvieh: no sane company uses exchange08:27
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Stskeepschem|st: sadly people aren't working for sane companies08:27
chem|stStskeeps: true08:27
netzviehchem|st: a lot of companies aren't sane ;)08:27
nahkissStskeeps: any idea if the double sms bug was fixed?08:28
chem|stbut I just had red led when pulling update in notifications with this in journal08:28
Stskeepsnahkiss: no clue sorry, i've been deep in other stuff08:28
chem|stApr 11 10:18:21 extern-wism-ifos-kl-de-ipv4-0008 vcardconverter[25441]: [W] QtVersit::QVCard30Writer::encodeVersitProperty:107 - Variant value is a QStringList but the property's value type is neither CompoundType or ListType08:28
netzviehand what else do we have to sync contacts properly?08:28
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chem|stApr 11 10:18:23 extern-wism-ifos-kl-de-ipv4-0008 [25441]: [W] QtVersit::QVCard30Writer::encodeVersitProperty:107 - Variant value is a QStringList but the property's value type is neither CompoundType or ListType08:28
nahkissStskeeps: do you need more data about it? I think I can reproduce it, because it seems to happen a lot when my missus sends me messages08:28
chem|stnetzvieh: we need *DAV08:29
chem|stoh and I can reproduce it...08:29
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chem|stcleared notifications -> update -> hanging08:30
netzviehchem|st: yep. and at least caldav sync has good activity on github :)08:30
Acceyay, update!08:31
tobiskiI also did manual check and downloading, using data connection so no auto-detect of update08:31
chem|stthis time it pulls dbus[543]: [system] Rejected send message, 5 matched rules; type="method_return", sender=":1.11" (uid=0 pid=822 comm="/usr/sbin/ofonod -n --noplugin=dun_gw,hfp,hfp_ag ") interface="(un08:32
tobiskiDid anyone answer this question: 11:17 < Bysmyyr> what means: "Swipe to close gesture available as a setting and disabled by default for new users [Settings->System->Shortcuts]"08:32
Stskeepsexactly what it means08:32
tobiskiso by default you can't swiped down to close an app?08:33
Bysmyyryes, in other channel, that was surprice so I did not understood it because I do not see any use for that option08:33
chem|stno more swipe to close per default?08:33
tobiskiyou have to long tap the app screen and close it by clicking X if you don't have this option enabled?08:33
tobiskiwould think that it would be enabled by default08:34
ggabrielchem|st: apparently for new users only08:34
ggabriel(blame android and ios)08:34
chem|stggabriel: yeah new devices...08:34
ggabrielchem|st: that's what i understand08:34
chem|stbut do you get a button to close something? or is it all on home-screen?08:35
ggabrielno clue, haven't updated yet so i can't try it :)08:35
ggabrielsadly, i have to work today ;)08:35
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netzviehyou still can swipe down from top :)08:35
netzviehand update reinstalls all android apps08:36
ggabrielandroid... android... what's that again?08:36
netzviehand swiping down with the disabled setting is just the same as swiping from the sides, so you don't close apps anymore, just minimize them08:37
ggabrielnetzvieh: thanks for clarifying08:37
netzviehaaaaand the tutorial is back :D08:37
ggabrielnew update cool and stable so far then?08:38
Nicd-update! yes!08:38
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roboroupdate failed for me... I downloaded... hit install... and my phone rebooted...08:39
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roboroit went into airplane mode08:39
netzviehStskeeps: why is the tutorial still not removable from GUI? :(08:39
roborodownloading again08:39
TMavicai got a upgrade, good!08:40
TMavicasilence upgrade08:41
ppandroid apps seem to fail for a while, now it's reinstalling them all08:41
pp(I think I saw a note about similar in previous releases, probably the same now)08:41
roborodamn that download is going slowly08:41
roboroeverybody stop downloading the update... give me a bit more bandwidth here!08:43
ppI'm not, it's already installed here!08:43
nahkissalready updated! :P08:43
roboropp: was it worth it?08:43
nahkissI wonder how long this android runtime update takes08:43
ppdunno, waiting for all the android apps to reinstall08:44
Aarddepends on the number of apps, but might take quite a while08:44
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roborowhat if you downloaded an apk from somewhere08:44
nahkissoh, mine is done08:44
ppcalendar seems to still work08:44
Aardon the plus side, you'll now have proper android package management08:44
roborohow does it handle the reinstall?08:44
nahkissfavorited ambients seem to have reset08:45
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TMavicaforget disable openrepo..08:46
Mnsu_aren't they now disabled automatically by the update?08:47
Skorpyoh damn. I forgot that too. though I know I didn't have NielDK's enabled.08:47
Nicd-Mnsu_: only if you are runnign
TMavicais it ok? i downloading..08:47
Skorpyoh good08:47
Nicd- disables openrepos when updating08:47
roborowhew... I forgot as well08:47
TMavicacan u upgrade?08:47
Nicd-now you'll get to be the test group :) to see if it disables them correctly08:47
roborodoes it re-enable repos after install or do you have to do that manually afterwards08:48
SkorpyMy update is already nearly completed :P08:48
roboro60% or so for me08:48
roboroI love friday releases08:49
william_genupdate5?good news08:50
sharpneliUpdated <308:50
Skorpyphone booting up!! :>08:50
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pphmn, now to figure out why I would send/receive an mms08:52
PnuuI've missed more than 10 mms so far08:53
pppictures of pint's when you're not having one, I'd guess08:53
Pnuuyeah, something like that..08:54
SkorpyI have never used MMS. I once received an image from my mom and told her immediately to stop sending them by MMS. I just can't see the point in it when you can send images full size through email.08:54
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KabouikHum, interesting: if you have Warehouse (OpenRepos) open while downloading the Jolla update, you can see the details of all files being downloaded! Just seen a lot of gstreamer stuff. :o08:54
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* roboro wonders if gstreamer has been updated08:55
roborothat would be wonderful08:55
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ppgstreamer- -> gstreamer-0.10.36-1.1.208:56
KabouikI guess we could see the details by upgrading from Fingerterm too, but I don't know how to do it, and don't want to risk anything. Just saw the Warehouse trick by chance08:56
Skorpyhooooooly hell I have a lot of android apps. more than half of all apps :P08:57
roborommmm not a big jump... I think I have to fix some things in my TVHeadfish app... all the video has stopped working :(08:57
KabouikToo bad the "Mark as unread" pulley menu inside a message was not added in this Email-app upgrade :p08:58
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Nicd-"[BUG] All day Google event is shown in 2 days in calendar" YEEEEESSSSSS08:58
roborobooo... I'm going to have to patch call log again08:58
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KabouikNicd-, when had we got the possibility to sync with Google Calendar? Have I missed something? :o08:59
Nicd-Kabouik: ages ago09:00
Nicd- I think?09:00
KabouikTwo way?09:00
Nicd-two-way gcal with
KabouikBut Nicd-! Why didn't you tell me? :P09:00
Nicd-I tried!09:00
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Nicd-I... I'm sorry :(09:01
KabouikI'll let you live.09:02
KabouikDo we have to set full Gmail account sync to have it (including contacts ? :<)?09:03
KabouikOr is it a separate option now (Jolla is rebooting right now)09:03
Nicd-I don't know, maybe just calendar will suffice09:03
Stskeepsnahkiss: was one of the pictures of ambiences from sd card?09:03
Nicd-there's the option page when you create an account where you can select what to sync09:03
Nicd-Stskeeps: can you elaborate what "EXIF data is now stored in photos taken with camera." means? camera make and model?09:04
KabouikYeah but in the past there were no dedicated options for the calendar, just "Sync with Gmail" or not09:04
KabouikAnd it included contacts :<09:04
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nahkissStskeeps: I don't think so, I have nothing but the default ones09:04
chem|stmy EAP connection does not work any more, suggestions?09:04
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zchydem_pp: Not there yet, but WIP: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,8147209:05
nahkissalso, my play store doesn't seem to have internet connection when trying to update apps :(09:05
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nahkissah, had to disable wlan09:08
Accethe install animation in the app grid is nice.. maybe we'll get animated appicons in the future?09:08
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TMavicareinstalling android apps.09:11
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KabouikNicd-, I confirm it's still sync Contacts + Calendar + Everything, or nothing :(09:14
KabouikI really don't want to sync contacts with Gmail09:14
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Pnuuoh, there's now typing sounds in messaging09:17
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Pnuuhow to turn those off?09:17
sledgesPnuu: Keyboard sounds [Settings->System->Sounds and feedback->Touch screen tones]09:18
william_gen I hate touch screen tones:)09:19
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Skorpyhmm.. having problem logging into google play. it just says I need to sign in. no idea how to do it. anyone with the same problem?09:21
tbrSkorpy: did it work before?09:23
chem|stoh fscking hell it is still doing the "I am flat on a table so I am landscape" to me...09:24
Pnuuchem|st: does it depend how you set it on the table?09:24
Skorpytbr: worked nicely before the update. thooooooough I changed my password yesterday... might be because of that :P09:24
Skorpychem|st: just noticed that too09:25
chem|stPnuu: no, it does not09:25
tbrI had yesterday before the update some weird behaviour09:25
chem|stso how do I fix my peap now?09:25
tbrbut it went away after restarting some of the android apps and poking around in the google settings app09:25
AardSkorpy: it's entirely possible that google play needs new workarounds with update5,  google play compatibility is not part of our release tests09:26
Pnuuchem|st: works for me: put the short end to table first, then lay it flat, open app -> portrait09:26
SkorpyAard: ok09:27
chem|stPnuu: bottom right...09:27
KabouikSkorpy, my Play have been crashing since at least three months, never managed to fix the issue because I was afraid it would mean uninstalling all (working) Android apps :[09:27
chem|stPnuu: who does put his phone with the bottom first on a table?!09:27
KabouikI'm curious whether I can reset Play without uninstalling apps, by the way09:27
tbrAard: that goes unsaid :)09:28
Pnuuchem|st: just as long the latest orientation is portrait, it stays that way09:28
Pnuufor me, atleast09:28
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chem|stPnuu: it is just unreliable as some apps are always P but you end up L if you did not put it on the table the right way09:29
chem|stI would just go "for fsck sake let us turn gesture rotation off!"09:30
SkorpyKabouik: I don't think removing and reinstalling Play would remove all android apps installed from it. I'm not sure of course, but I just don't see why it would do that.09:30
KabouikYeah but I need to reset Play settings too, I guess it means deleting a folder in the Dalvik system09:31
KabouikIf not uninstalling Dalvik09:31
* tbr updates his device to see how his play store setup will fare09:31
ottulodarnit Jolla09:31
ottuloI was one day away from new uptime record for myself09:31
ottulowell, for my Jolla09:32
Skorpywell, it seems I too have to go and dive into the folders and do something to log me out from google or something.09:32
Aardottulo: nobody forces you to update :p09:32
ottuloAard: no, but I want to09:32
ottuloso I can get a head start at new uptime record :P09:33
ottuloexpecting everyone else to update too09:33
sledgeschem|st: holding finger on screen locks orientation09:34
chem|stsledges: I do not want to lock the orientation I want to lock the gestures!09:35
w00tottulo: we'll just ruin that too, you know09:35
chem|stgestures have to be locked in my world09:35
Nicd-ottulo: are you tracking it with something?09:36
* tbr remembers heated discussions about harmattan gestures and how they should behave... those were the days09:36
ottuloNicd-: SailTime09:36
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sledgeschem|st: means your world needs patching :) (pandora lipstick)09:36
Nicd-ottulo: seeing people use my app makes me happy ^_^09:36
Stskeepsanybody tried the android performance yet?09:37
chem|stsledges: sorry but I do not have muscle-memory that works with orientation of the phone, I have it with the shape of the phone, just like every one else09:37
KabouikNot true :o09:37
chem|stKabouik: it is not muscle memory then09:38
PlntStskeeps: it works fine for me. hard to compare it with the previous release because i don't use android apps too much.09:38
KabouikA lot of people have it with application instead of phone, both can exist09:38
KabouikProblem is that, sure, all applications don't rotate09:39
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KabouikSo let's say some people have it with Earth gravity reference :P09:39
Aardchem|st: early last year I used to accidentally clase apps in landscape all the time. then over time I got used to the gestures not rotating, and had to re-learn once we finally added rotating gestures09:39
Aardbut at the beginning, without the 'learned' behaviour of non-rotating gestures it would've been natural to me09:39
KabouikSame here09:39
chem|stAard: yes, learning is a good word...09:40
chem|stmuscle memory you build, rotating gestures you need to actively adapt to, also the other way round09:41
chem|stany idea for me eduroam?09:41
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chem|stso what does all that exchange stuff be good for when I cannot access a companies network?09:45
Stskeepschem|st: fix basics first (connectivity issues), then add features09:45
Stskeepsit doesn't make sense to connect to additional types when basics aren't correct09:45
chem|stStskeeps: quote "receive photos and contacts (vcard)via MMS"09:46
Stskeepsit's not the same area at all, connectivity != MMS09:46
chem|stStskeeps: "fix basics, then add features" is a general approach... and modem is connectivity!09:47
chem|stsry but I am fed right now09:48
Stskeepsokay, but don't take it out on me, please09:48
w00tthen it may be time to take a walk away from the keyboard for a few minutes and calm down09:48
* chem|st slaps Stskeeps with a huge slippery wet trout09:48
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william_genStskeeps: can add a option to make apps lancher scroll horizonly?09:49
Stskeepswilliam_gen: you can suggest such at together.jolla.com09:49
* chem|st slaps william_gen with a huge slippery wet trout (he just used on Stskeeps)09:49
william_geni suggested,but no answer09:50
chem|stwilliam_gen: how about, it breaks with the UI design...09:50
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TMavicaandroid sound fixed means the whatsapp sound is ok?09:52
SceltTMavica: y u no use mitäkuuluu?09:52
ggabriely u no use xmpp09:53
Stskeepsy u no use pigeons09:53
ggabriely u no use http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2549.html09:53
KabouikCan anyone link or detail the procedure to uninstall/reset Play store on the Jolla? I've a howto here, but for installing, and I guess I would need to reset everything before reinstalling. Possibly while keeping the apps installed09:53
tbrXMPP FTW!09:53
william_genStskeeps: now,apps lanucher scroll vertically to browse apps,when we wanna go to home screen when we is at lanucher page 5 for example,we must scroll up 5 pages09:55
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william_genif scroll horizonly,only one scroll-up,we arrive home screen09:56
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coderusKabouik: what are you talking about? jolla will reinstall apps automatically after update10:02
william_genand as a side-effect ,jolla(sailfishos) can add more  components  below lanucher page for other aim10:02
coderusyou dont need to do it manually10:02
stephgKabouik, yeah mine did it all fine on its own10:02
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Kiranosvery nice template for the changelog: https://together.jolla.com/question/38508/release-notes-software-version-10516-paarlampi/10:05
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Aardfor people having issues with MMS: https://together.jolla.com/question/38555/mms-issues-hints-for-debugging-and-helping-us-to-improve/10:09
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pperrr, red light shutdown with, /proc/cmdline and whatnot is useful?10:19
Stskeepspp: red light shutdown is a controlled shutdown though10:20
Stskeepslook at /var/log/systemboot.log10:20
Nicd-clearly it was the facebook feed10:20
TMavicaScelt, just ask, i use mitakuuluu10:20
pp20140411_130611 Received: shutdown request from dsme10:20
pp20140411_130611 Received: dsme internal state SHUTDOWN10:20
pp20140411_130616 Shutdown: SW shutdown request10:20
Stskeepspp: okay, anything above that?10:21
Stskeepsspiiroin: ^10:21
pp20140411_113747 Shutdown: SW reboot request10:21
pp20140411_113815 Startup:  pwr_on_status=pwr_on_by_SW_reboot10:21
pp20140411_113815 Received: dsme internal state USER10:21
pp20140411_130611 Received: shutdown request from dsme10:21
pp(that was probably the update)10:21
Stskeepshmm how did you update10:21
SceltTMavica: kukkuluuruu10:22
ppfrom the gui10:22
ppdmesg has10:23
pp[    0.215748] ------------[ cut here ]------------10:23
pp[    0.215809] WARNING: at arch/arm/mach-msm/subsystem_restart.c:799 subsys_rest10:23
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tbrniiiice, alien dalvik seems to have completely b0rked itself10:31
chem|sthow do I properly import a certificate on jolla10:31
tbrchem|st: system or browser?10:31
tbrsystem level: put it into /etc/ssl/certs/ and create the proper hash-symlink in that directory10:33
tbrit's explained on TJC too10:33
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tbrok, my other jolla still has working dalvik10:41
tbrtime for a reflash/reset soon10:41
chem|sttbr: seems to still not find the proper cert10:43
Stskeepstbr: it may work after a bit10:43
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tbrchem|st: /what/ doesn't find it?10:47
tbrStskeeps: I think this is actually not related to update 5, I think The android layer on my older Jolla was hosed, but I didn't care as I didn't want to use it on that device10:48
tbrprobably related to installing google play and services, so "user caused"10:48
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chem|stehrm I seem to not being able to write the hash10:50
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chem|stin tjc they are changing the file descriptor to .pem... I have no clue about importing/setup of certs by hand...10:52
spiiroinpp: Stskeeps: IIRC shutdown requests made via dbus -> dsme internal shutdown request10:52
spiiroinjournal would have more info, but I guess that is already gone?10:52
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spiiroinmore info = for example did it come over dbus and who sent it10:53
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Nicd-yaaaay, now camera make and model is saved in photo EXIF :)10:56
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ppyea, wonder why though...10:59
ppencoded in bootup_reason if I understood correctly?10:59
KabouikOk Coderus, didn't know it would keep the apps11:00
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KabouikSo I guess I can safely uninstall Play, Google Settings, Save /opt/alien/system/app somewhere to keep the .apk files just in case, then remove Alien Dalvik and delete /opt/alien/system, and start over11:00
KabouikWeirdly, Play won't uninstall from the App launcher, nothing happens when I tap the cross11:01
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coderusKabouik: why the hell you want to do it?11:01
KabouikBecause Play crashes 100% of times I launch it, since months11:02
coderusjust reinstall play store11:02
KabouikNever got to fix it, no time, and I was afraid it would wipe out all android apps11:02
coderusdont touch jolla dalvik11:02
KabouikBut won't it keep all Play settings if I just reinstall it over an existing installation? Something must be wrong in its settings if it crashes11:03
coderusdo it11:04
coderusif store keep crashing ask for other method11:04
KabouikYes I had a tab opened here :p Just wondered if I would need clearing it all before11:04
coderusyou dont need to do additional actions until common procedure works11:05
coderusif you go into a trouble then ask for extra help11:05
KabouikAlright, thanks11:05
coderusbut until you didnt tried it just do usual actions11:05
KabouikI think I tried, but it was when first crashes occurred, I don't remember quite well. Let's try now just to be sure ;)11:06
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gabriel9|workis it ok to update jolla while charging via PC11:08
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KabouikProblem persists coderus11:12
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Turskiis it possible to create an ambiance from an image which is not in gallery?11:16
BysmyyrStskeeps: in my phone reinstalling android app does not work(nothing happens)11:16
Bysmyyrnow whole phone is lagging11:18
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TurskiBysmyyr: logs and so on...11:19
StskeepsBysmyyr: hmm wrong person to ask; but, define reinstalling11:19
Bysmyyroo, not it is ready, took very long time without any feedback11:21
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Tofewhat is the size of the update download, roughly ?11:30
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gabriel9|worki noticed some flickering when open new apps11:33
gabriel9|workafter update11:33
Stskeepsvideo it?11:33
gabriel9|workis it just me11:33
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ggabrielStskeeps: re android performance http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1420860&postcount=1311:39
Turskigabriel9|work: there has been some flickering with swipes also with ohijärvi11:41
Turskihandy, now i have performance as default gpu governor11:42
gabriel9|workis it default now?11:42
gabriel9|worki set it also11:42
gabriel9|workduno is it safe :D11:42
Turskii just set systemd-tmpfiles to set it at boot11:42
Turskidon't know if it could have been done with modprobe.d or something11:43
gabriel9|worki set it every time on reboot11:43
Tofegabriel9|work: it should only impact performance and battery consumption, I think11:44
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Turskigabriel9|work: well, tmpfiles is the way to automate it11:44
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gabriel9|workor .bashrc11:45
gabriel9|workbut need to be root11:45
Turski.bashrc isn't good for that11:46
Turski.bashrc is kinda ugly hack for that task11:47
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chem|sttbr: I am unable to connect to my uni eduroam, they use a cert I am unable to symlink as described in tjc (openssl x509 stuff), with the known workaround, connecting wlan I was able to connect until just now (update), now wpa complains about the certificate (certificate unknown)12:01
tbrno idea, but I'd recommend to verify the certificate is installed using something easier like "openssl s_client"12:03
KabouikI tried running Play from the terminal to see if I would have any useful error, but nothing (with "apkd-launcher /data/app/Phonesky.apk com.android.vending/com.android.vending.AssetBrowserActivity", taken from the .desktop file)12:03
Kabouik> CoderCandy12:03
KabouikOups > coderus12:03
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the_mgtchem|st: they messed with the certs because of heartbleed12:09
phaerontbr: I think we use multi_c_rehash12:09
the_mgtchem|st: I can still connect 1ith Ohijärvi12:10
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the_mgtah, there is a new update12:12
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the_mgtchem|st: I will update later and can tell you tomorrow if it still works for me12:15
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chem|stI cannot create the symlink like described on tjc12:15
chem|sttbr: what should I see if it does not work with s_client?12:16
chem|stI even wrote it to nssdb12:16
tbrwithout the symlink it won't work12:17
chem|stso how do I get is symlinked?12:17
chem|stit says unable to load certificate12:18
chem|stopenssl x509 -hash -noout -in cert.crt12:18
tbrchem|st: try multi_c_rehash as pointed out by phaeron12:19
chem|stplease be more descriptive...12:19
tbrexecute that command on your jolla. you might need to be root.12:19
chem|stand then?12:20
phaeronchem|st: your certificate is in pem format ?12:20
tbrthat's the file extension12:21
tbrverify it using openssl12:21
phaeronok try to put it in /etc/ssl/certs/12:21
phaeronfor example cp foo.crt /etc/ssl/certs/blabla.pem12:21
phaeronmulti_c_rehash /etc/ssl/certs/12:21
phaeronhopefully it's format is correct12:22
chem|stshould there be a symlink now?12:23
phaeronthere should12:23
phaeronin /etc/ssl/certs/12:23
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chem|stso it is a format issue12:25
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phaeronit is usually a <hash>.0 -> foo.crt12:25
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chem|stphaeron: I know what it should look like but the openssl is unable to read my cert12:27
phaeronmaybe you need to convert it somehow12:28
phaeronanywayt this is how to add a certificate to the system trust database12:28
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ppdo check the format12:29
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chem|stso it seems to have imported it to ca-bundle.crt and symlinked12:35
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chem|stand it still says cert unknown in wpa_sup12:36
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pphmn, it's a ca cert or just a service cert?12:36
chem|stRoot CA 212:37
ppwonder if it's also nss vs openssl vs. gnutls12:38
chem|stthere is one error for "server used client certificate" and one SSL3 alert certificate unknown12:39
coderusKabouik: its just calling dbus and not giving you any output. You need to chack journalctl.12:44
phaeronpp: wpa_supplicant uses openssl12:44
ppyea, those traditionally used slightly different places to store stuff12:44
chem|stphaeron: with multi_c.. it should be in the bundle right?12:45
coderusKabouik: remove /data/data/com.android.vending and reinstall Phonesky.apk12:45
phaeronchem|st: no it will be symlinked12:45
chem|stwell the link points to ca-bundle12:45
KabouikTrying that coderus, thanks12:46
ppmight have hints: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/SharedSystemCertificates12:46
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phaeronchem|st: a lot of them will because there are a lot inside the bundle12:46
phaeronchem|st: but the single file ones are symlinked separately12:47
chem|stphaeron: something generated that symlink12:47
chem|stI removed it and did a direct link again but same errors12:47
phaeronnot sure what you mean. multi_c_rehash generates those symlinks12:48
phaeronanyway bbl12:48
chem|stthen it did it wrong12:48
chem|stit symlinked the hash to ca-bundle.crt and not to the pem I transfered12:49
KabouikSeems to work coderus, thanks a lot!12:50
KabouikOk my bad. Doesn't work. :<12:50
KabouikIt just lasted a few seconds before crashing this time, asked me to confirm install in a GUI and so on, then crashed, and now it instantly crashes just like before12:51
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Yanielooh an update12:54
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stephgthat's what everyone says :)12:56
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Yanielthis one seems to take longer than usual though12:59
flanagStskeeps, Aard: Is it possible to specify these changes? "Some of the device reboot issues have been addressed though it does not eliminate the problem completely." Would be nice to know if the Jolla is actually more stable in some situations after this update. I got a reboot today yet again (I haven't updated yet).13:04
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Yanielbut I don't understand why it does not even ask for the PIN by default anymore13:05
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Yanieland just keeps the SIM disabled13:05
chem|stI downloaded the pem now directly, same game - multi c symlinks to ca-bundle, cert unknown from wpa, symlinking to original pem, cert unknown...13:05
simbrownsharpneli: linking against /system/lib/libOpenCL.so is proving to be not that easy13:05
Stskeepsflanag: it's so deep in with some things that it's a bit difficult to do it without conflicting with confidentiality agreements, sorry - we are doing our best to fix issues13:05
Stskeepssimbrown: that's what libhybris is for13:05
sharpnelisimbrown: Why's that?13:06
phaeronchem|st: the symlinks to the bundle are expected13:06
phaeronchem|st: if it is not symlinking your cert then it doesn't recognize it13:06
sharpnelisimbrown: You cannot do it directly. You must use  https://github.com/libhybris/13:06
simbrownsharpneli: missing dependancies13:06
simbrownAh I obviously have some reading to do.13:06
flanagStskeeps: Ah ok, I think I'll see the situation myself after I've been using the new update for some time :)13:06
chem|stphaeron: ok, thought something like that so I went to download the pem from the dfn servers... same behaviour13:07
sharpnelisimbrown: The /system/lib/libOpenCL.so is bionic (Android libc). So a wrapper is needed to link it against glibc programs13:07
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sharpnelisimbrown: I have my own half made wrapper which is not committed to hybris yet because of missing CPU driver. It'll take me a week or so to find the time to finish it and commit it to upstream13:08
simbrownsharpneli: right, that makes sense. Do you need any testers for your OCL wrapper?13:08
Stskeepssimbrown: what do you hope to make, ooi?13:08
sharpneliI can send you it when I have the first with all the funcs.13:08
sharpneliIt's quite trivial13:08
sharpneliStskeeps: Btw. Do you want the wrapper in the old GLESv2 style wrapper or the new mad 0 overhead style?-)13:08
simbrownStskeeps: I have some OCL apps that I'm developing for android.13:09
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chem|stthought I might messed up the convert...13:09
Stskeepssharpneli: i'm okay overhead if you think it'll help ocl performance13:09
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simbrownStskeeps: They're pretty much 100% native code and I'd love a Linux platform to test them on.13:10
sharpnelisimbrown: Just a word of warning. The drivers in Jolla are from summer 2012 so they are absolutely ancient.13:10
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Stskeepsi'd like to do better OpenCL support but i need a working software/CPU only one for X8613:10
Stskeepsfor the SDK13:11
Stskeepsand for ARM13:11
Stskeepsso we can provide it as a supported api13:11
sharpneliThere is the possibility to use this http://pocl.sourceforge.net/ but it requires work to integrate it13:11
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sharpneliIf I get the time I'll probably do it eventually :p13:11
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simbrownsharpneli: I wasn't expecting upto date drivers. It was mostly for fun / interest as it's the wrong GPU for $WORK13:14
chem|stphaeron: hmm what does it mean that it symlinks but to the ca-bundle? or did you mean that by it does not recognize?!13:14
sharpneliAlso it's embedded profile. So low precision etc.13:14
phaeronchem|st: all certificates found in /etc/ssl/certs are symlinked to their hash13:16
chem|stphaeron: exec multi_c_hash gives me the wrong symlink13:19
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coderusKabouik: remove /data/data/com.google.android.gsf and last folder also, copy system folder again, rebool and reinstall all three apks and try again13:24
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KabouikIt still crashes, all steps runed smoothly though13:33
KabouikFor some reason it didn't erase settings though, as Google Settings (which always worked) still know what is my Google account13:34
Aardchem|st: if it symlinks to the ca-bundle the ca-certificate you're trying to install is probably already in the ca-bundle13:35
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sharpneliStskeeps: I asked about the overhead mostly because the 0 overhead glesv2 wrapper has not been accepted. So I'd want to know if there are any reasons to use the 'old' style wrapping?13:37
Stskeepsshouldn't be.. i have as a task to really deal with the libhybris state13:38
Stskeepsso it's a good time to work on 0 overhead too13:38
sharpneliOpenCL doesn't have any funcs that take floating point parameters so there is no need to do even the fp abi switching on any funcs13:39
Stskeepseven better13:40
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chem|stAard: one more reason why it should not fail to verify right?!13:44
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coderusKabouik: settings should be in /data/data/com.google.android.gsf.login afaik14:02
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KabouikI then removed all three folders coderus, just rebooted. But is that really normal that Google Play and Google Settings icons are still in the app launcher, and can't be removed by a long-press? Seems I can't uninstall them14:10
coderusKabouik: is should be uninstallable14:10
KabouikI guess that is related to my problem then, I've tried everything14:11
Kabouikapkd-uninstall doesn't work either14:11
clau2ha! I was taken by surprise by this update :)14:11
coderusapkd-ununstall /data/app/com.android.vending-1.apk14:12
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KabouikThis is what I tried earlier, icons don't move14:13
KabouikAnd if I tap them, applications still show up (although Play will crash)14:13
ppoooh, MMS works! I could send a picture of a cat with a comment "Miu!" succesfully.14:17
ggabrielpp: :)14:17
koruhh, anyone know how to update my phone? my friends have gotten the update already, but I don't seem to be getting it14:18
ggabrielkor: settings->about->pulley menu _or_ wait14:18
korthe pulley menu update does nothing14:19
ggabrielthen wait :)14:19
korright. so for now, the device is still vulnerable to heartbleed?14:20
Yanielon tjc it said that the update will first be distributed to "the first ones"14:20
Yanieland some hours later to everyone14:21
ggabrielkor: do you run a public https server? :)14:21
fluxggabriel, he probably does use https to connect to web services, though :)14:21
ggabrielflux: well, you need an open port and a server listening surely?14:22
ggabrieli mean, CRIME is even worse, so...14:22
fluxggabriel, you mean a server cannot to the same attach to the client?14:22
fluxattack even14:22
fluxand 'do'14:22
ggabrielflux: no?14:22
ggabrielthe attack is to the server14:22
korggabriel: i'm not sure if you get this14:22
ggabrielyou steal the keys14:22
ggabrieland then you do MiM14:22
ggabrielI think I do14:22
korit'll grab any data that's within 64k14:23
ggabrielalso, even if you are not vulnerable but the server is, the information in the server is retrievable nonetheless14:23
fluxggabriel, internet suggests differently, ie.: http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/55249/what-clients-are-proven-to-be-vulnerable-to-heartbleed14:23
fluxfor example I could here give a https link for you guys14:23
fluxyou would follow it14:23
ggabrielflux: don't believe everything that the internet tells you ;-)14:23
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ggabrielflux: that starts a number of attacks actually14:23
clau2order of unlocking sim and phone has changed. very good, now I don't risk getting my sim locked by an evil person :)14:23
fluxggabriel, hmm, the claim "The following clients have been tested against 1.0.1f and leaked memory before the handshake" seems awfully specific14:24
korusing heartbeat leaks to mitm https traffic is an example of what you can do, not the only thing you can do.14:24
fluxthe https-link I would give, you would follow it, I would attach the client from the server, I would possibly retrieve some random data, ie. passwords from the client memory14:25
ggabrielflux: In your client, open https://localhost:4433/14:25
ggabrielfrom the README14:25
ggabrielso, question again: do you listen https on your jolla?14:25
kornevertheless, this seems like going back to the time when symbian updates weren't released to everybody14:25
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fluxggabriel, of course a server needs to be involved14:26
CoderCandyHow do I make my Jolla make sounds?14:26
CoderCandyI lost it14:26
CoderCandyBut I have SSH14:26
fluxggabriel, a client cannot connect to client14:26
ggabrielflux: i get your point tho14:26
ggabrielbut there are other more interesting attacks from a malicious website14:26
fluxsuch as?14:26
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ggabrielIE/m$/chrome exploits and so on14:27
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ggabrielflux: your attack suggests 2 weakneses: heartbleed and user going to a malicious website14:27
fluxthose can retrieve client memory from a jolla device?-)14:27
ggabrielso the client is less vulnerable14:27
ggabrielflux: memory, HD, depends o the attack, yeah14:27
fluxggabriel, yeah, there are NEVER malicious ads put into advertisement networks etc..14:27
ggabrielflux: never, ever14:27
ggabrielespecially in google ;-)14:28
fluxand no jolla user would surf a torrent webiste :)14:28
ggabrieli see your point14:28
ggabrielbut i still think that it's a bit of a edge case, if that makes sense14:28
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fluxwith some bad luck it could even be able to download all the passwords from the browser password storage14:28
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fluxI haven't heard of such a chrome exploit for a while14:29
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coderusKabouik: i have no more ieas, sorry :(14:29
Kabouikcoderus, thanks anyway :[14:29
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KabouikI wonder if I may try deleting /opt/alien/system now, then uninstall Dalvik, and reinstall14:30
KabouikSee how it goes14:30
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Kabouik(With a save of /opt/alien/system/app to save .apk files)14:30
KabouikI don't know if it would mess up every apk installation, or just reset their settings14:31
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clau2the android dialer works now, and Jolla asks for confirmation before dialing. nice.14:32
Stskeepsdid anybody have real problems with this?14:33
Stskeepser, the update14:33
clau2Stskeeps: very nice job, and I appreciate the list of bugs at the end of the release notes.14:33
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KabouikNot me. My Google Play issue is a long lasting one14:33
KabouikAnd Google Play is not officially supported anyway :] Great job for this update guys14:34
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matrixxanyone seen: /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.gDtxOS: line 34: : command not found14:44
matrixxwhen running qmake (sdk on win8)14:45
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flanagStskeeps: The bright green screen saying the android apps will be updated is unresponsive (touching the OK doesn't do anything).. has been like this for a couple of minutes14:45
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flanagif that's "normal", how long should I wait?14:45
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ppcloser to 10 mins for the android stuffs for me14:47
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ggabrielno update for me just yet, but haven't been on a wlan14:47
ggabrieland when i get home, i'll be too drunk14:47
flanagpp: but was your screen unresponsive? I thought they were supposed to update in the background (showing something on the icons in the app drawer)14:48
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ppnope, phone completely usable (apart from android apps)14:48
flanagso yeah.. there's a problem that I can report, Stskeeps14:49
flanagthe phone just shut off the screen but double tap brought it back to the green screen which is still unresponsive14:49
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flanagat least I can still SHH in, so it's not completely unresponsive14:52
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artemmaIs here somebody with Google Services installed? Could you, please, try running and signing up for EasyPark Android app? It crashes on login attempt for me. I'd like to know if it's because of google services missing14:58
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artemmaor maybe I could check it myself if I could see an Android logcat.. Is there a way to see Android's logcat on Jolla?14:59
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ppsee  /opt/alien/system/bin15:00
ppor whatnot15:00
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flanagAard, Stskeeps, anyone else: How could I safely reset the UI (lipstick?) through SSH to get rid of this unresponsive green screen? (I don't want to force a reboot if the Android updates are still in process)15:02
locusfflanag: systemctl-user restart lipstick.service15:04
flanagthanks, locusf15:05
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flanagand thanks again, locusf, it restarted now and the phone is usable15:06
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Tofeflanag: isn't it a bit optimistic to restart lipstick when something is running ? I mean, it's the compositor, a bit like if you kill X in the middle of an apt update...15:07
TofeJust to say, personnally I would have waited.15:08
flanagTofe: well, it had been running for probably 20-30 minutes already, so it was finished15:08
Tofeah ok15:08
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flanagTofe: waiting more wouldn't have helped because the green notice shouldn't have gotten stuck there15:08
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Turskiinteresting, i'm having some kind of loop of complete UI freezes15:09
Jonnimatrixx: yes, I've seen that, for me it was becuse for git checkout as windows linefeeds vs unix linefeeds. Started to work when I checked project out as unix. Dont know if your having same problem.15:09
Turskidevice responds to ssh but opening the screen lock causes immediate freeze and leads to red led blinking15:10
Turskinothing gets logged to journal15:10
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flanaghmm, the accelerometer doesn't seem to be working in android apps anymore15:12
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flanaghmm, even native apps are not rotating, maybe it needs a restart15:14
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Turskiis there something useful information i can get from my device for developers about this?15:16
Turskihmm, maybe developers are not interested in this time at friday15:18
Stskeepsw00t: ^^^15:18
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Turskifreeze happens now every time when i swipe to multitasking view15:19
Stskeepsthat doesn't sound good..15:20
Stskeepsanything interesting in journal?15:20
TurskiStskeeps: nothing15:20
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TurskiStskeeps: but i guess reboot will fix this15:20
* Stskeeps waits for w00t to show up15:21
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StskeepsTurski: if it happens again, very interested to gdb it15:21
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TurskiStskeeps: well, it's happening now15:21
Stskeepsokay, got ssh in and root?15:21
w00tTurski: nothing in journal at all?15:22
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Turskiw00t: at least nothing is printed when it freezes15:22
w00tTurski: can you check dbus-monitor (both session and system busses)?15:22
Stskeepsw00t: i'm pondering about crash-reporter..15:23
TurskiApr 11 18:22:25 jolla-th dbus-daemon[550]: dbus[550]: [system] Rejected send message, 5 matched rules; type="method_return", sender=":1.10" (uid=0 pid=884 comm="/usr/sbin/ofonod -n --noplugin=dun_gw,hfp,hfp_ag ") interface="(unset)" member="(unset)" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" .../usr/bin/fastdormancyd "15:23
Stskeeps[18:39:24]<Stskeeps> pkcon install crash-reporter15:23
Stskeeps[18:39:54]<Stskeeps> systemctl --user enable crash-reporter.service15:23
Stskeepsnot sure if that's enough, but check [root@Jolla nemo]# sysctl -a| grep rich15:24
Stskeepskernel.core_pattern = |/usr/sbin/rich-core-dumper --pid=%p --signal=%s --name=%e15:24
Stskeepsalso, pkcon install gdb15:25
Stskeepsand gcore lipstick `pidof lipstick`15:26
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Stskeepsif it's looking like lipstick isn't factually crashing15:26
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w00tTurski: can you check journalctl -a | grep ofono15:26
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Turskii can actually give ssh access to either of you if that makes it easier15:29
Stskeepsit might15:30
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Turskijust give my a public key15:32
Stskeepsok, sec..15:32
sharpneliStskeeps: I finally bothered to do it. Thanks to the dispatch symbol it's oh so clean looking http://pastebin.com/mJ0max9t15:34
sharpneliI'll just have to merge the idload together with the glesv2, add OpenCL extensions and commit it for first version of the support15:34
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sharpneliI wonder why I took so long to actually do something this trivial :E15:36
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artemmaIs there somebody who has Google Play Services for a while (by now)? Are there noticeable negative effects?15:45
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Skorpyhaven't had any negative effects.15:49
Skorpyatleast haven't noticed any. :P15:50
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TriztAwayjust before I start to apply the latest sailfish update, any reports about things that would break the update? repositories that should be disabled?16:02
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StskeepsTrizt: only if you're not on 1.0.4.*16:03
Waiteei didnt disable anything and it woked well16:03
Waiteeworked even16:03
Triztokey, that is good news then, really hate the slowness of enabling/disabling things in warehouse16:03
Waiteeand there is no button to "disable everything"16:04
artemmaSkorpy: thanks. Will go try find instructions for google play installation then. Should be stable by now I guess16:04
* Trizt nods16:04
Skorpyartemma: https://together.jolla.com/question/30926/howto-install-google-play/16:04
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artemmaoh! They are even straight on together now! Thanks, Skorpy !16:05
Skorpynp :)16:05
* Trizt holds his fingers crossed16:05
kimmoli_sailingonly thing i have seen, if you download update, then before installing it, install something else.. bad things might happen. luckily did it with pkcon so had chance to cancel....16:06
Aardkimmoli_sailing: won't be able to do that after update5 anymore16:07
TriztAard: update or pkcon?16:07
Aardinstall something else16:08
* Trizt nods again16:08
Triztby the way, anyone working on a native kdeconnect ?16:09
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* Aard has no idea what that is16:10
Triztcontrol your KDE desktop from your cellphone16:10
* Aard does not have a kde desktop16:10
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* Trizt uses kde or ctwm16:14
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Triztlet see if it gets up after reboot16:16
Triztchange of order which code to enter first, this time lock code and then pin code16:18
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* Trizt still hates the none functional lock when turning of the screen with a swipe16:20
Triztthis alien dalvik update, will I have all the settings left intact? and does it understand from where to dowload the apps again?16:22
Triztfeels like it fucked up, don't seem to even manage to install yandex16:24
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mornfallso this time, how about brojen packages that come from jolla repos?16:24
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mornfallstill risky i reckon?16:24
Triztmornfall: according to some no, no risk and I didn't disable any extra repos and it worked16:25
Triztat least for me16:25
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Triztjust the android app reinstall may look like no progress16:25
mornfallnot openrepos, i know that is fixed16:26
mornfalli mean honest upstream jolla repo16:26
mornfallqt -dev packages are broken but i still use them16:26
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mornfallinstalled with zypper16:28
mornfallStskeeps: because of libgl/llvmpipe conflict16:28
mornfalllibhybris i mean16:28
Stskeepsah.. you want to build on device16:28
Stskeepsas a general recommendation you should probably just mic a rootfs with devel packages16:29
mornfallmaybe... it's a bother tho :)16:30
mornfallbut sailfish is a real linux, zo why not use it like one ;)16:31
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Stskeepsgenerally we don't build sailfish apps or components together with the hw adaptation cos of things like this16:34
Stskeepswe build against mesa16:34
artemmaAndroid is actually pretty fast after update!16:36
mornfalli understand that, but wouldn't it be nice to have actual build capability out of the box? sdk's are so 90s...16:36
artemmaAnd the whole phone feels a bit faster too16:36
Stskeepsartemma: yes, its' the 'finally somebody pays attention to what stskeeps says' release of dalvik16:36
Stskeepsbefore it was doing a GPU texture upload for every single android frame16:36
Stskeeps=> dead slow16:36
artemmain google maps you can pan fine and instagram scrolling seems to happen even when many apps are running (a little slowish still, but that's not sluggish slowness)16:36
artemmaoh :)16:36
Stskeepsbecause somebody didn't listen to me originally16:37
artemmathat's many bites to through between GPU and the rest16:37
Stskeepsmornfall: i don't disagree but it's tough to avoid things blowing up16:37
artemmaStskeeps: personal thanks to you then :)16:37
* artemma uses a couple of Android apps all the time. Instagram most notably16:38
Stskeepsmornfall: we tried to balance that in meego times but simply wasn't possible16:38
Stskeepsbesides that, sb2 isn't really hostile16:38
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mornfallseems to work pretty well now... modulo the deps problem16:38
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* artemma wonders why there wasn't a tweetian update for a while. People were showing nice fixes applied, but I'd like to install from harbour if possible16:39
mornfallwhat is sb2?16:39
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Kiranoslol tele2 provider: send an empty sms to number and you will get mms settings16:40
Kiranosjolla cant send an empty sms :P16:40
StskeepsKiranos: hmmm.16:40
Kiranossend is greyed out16:40
Stskeepsspecial_: ^16:40
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Stskeepsmornfall: scratchbox2, we use it for sdk etc16:40
Stskeepsand platform sdk16:40
AcceKiranos: maybe (as a workaround) you could just put something there, maybe they don't care whether it's really empty16:40
Acceif you already didn't try that16:41
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mornfallsdk is binary only and a huge pain to install on my OS...16:41
Stskeepswell, not exactly16:41
Stskeepsyou can just grab mer platform sdk16:41
Stskeepsand use a sailfishos target16:42
Stskeepsanyhow, i think work day is over, time for a cold one16:42
mornfalli could try to work that out, yeah16:42
Stskeepsas update seems quite successful16:42
mornfallstill ;)16:42
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mornfallyep, heading for one already :D16:42
KiranosAcce: I tried sending with some contend but didnt get the settings back16:42
Kiranosgot something else16:42
Acce:/ too bad then16:43
KiranosStskeeps: update worked great16:43
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Accemaybe using this https://together.jolla.com/question/17992/sending-an-sms-via-the-command-line/16:43
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Acceyou could send an empty one16:44
Acceif you have dev mode16:44
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Kiranosdont know if anyone understand swedish but I got the android settings for MMS and its not really the same:16:44
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Kiranospretty self explainatory even if you dont understand swedish16:44
Kiranosalot of settings that is missing on my jolla16:44
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Morpogartemma, you just need to poke veskuh a bit for a new release :)16:58
KabouikSfiet_Konstantin, is the pandora-box on Openrepos the "stable" version of the one on OBS? I see that the OBS version as more patches at the moment (http://reho.st/preview/self/2f4dd70567e7b52496eb03de53aaf913c27651b6.jpg) and it's appealing16:58
artemmaMorpog: I hope it somehow happens soonish anyway :) Don't like poking for just faster-faster-faster16:59
Morpogfeel free to add some patches ;)16:59
Sfiet_KonstantinKabouik: the one on OBS is not stable16:59
Sfiet_Konstantinsoon it will16:59
Morpogthe issues list is long and my knowledge isn't that advanced to fix most of that stuff.16:59
KabouikSo you recommand waiting update of the OpenRepos one? It will feature all patches being tested in the OBS version at some point I guess17:00
Morpogand I guess veskuh is busy with sailfishos stuff :)17:00
artemmamaybe I just switch to openrepos for tweetian (I guess it is there)17:01
Morpogit is17:01
Morpogbut not all patches17:01
Morpogjust build it for yourself17:01
Sfiet_KonstantinKabouik: indeed17:01
Sfiet_KonstantinKabouik: it might happen in a few minutes17:02
artemmaI only miss one particular fix: harbor version jumps to the top of a list when you reply to somebody17:02
Morpogthats not the prooblem of reply17:02
KabouikGreat Sfiet_Konstantin, thanks17:02
Morpogit's a refresh problem17:02
artemmayep, but it seems to be fixed in master17:02
Morpogreply just does a refresh automatically17:02
artemmamaybe fixed in openrepos version too. Or maybe not17:02
Morpogartemma, no I don't think it's fixed17:03
* artemma has seen a dev showing him that it doesn't happen anymore at #jollatre17:03
* Morpog fires up SDK17:03
artemmathere was somebody looking for what to fix in tweetian. I mentioned this problem at he showed that it's fixed17:03
artemmamaybe the refresh does happen, but the list is kept at the position17:04
MorpogI can't see it fixed from commits and issue is still open artemma17:04
artemmahmm, maybe that was a temporary glitch on that dev's build then :)17:04
* artemma figured parkman app works just fine with Jolla Android now. Easypark crashes when trying to access GPS17:05
artemmaso helsinki jolla folks can use parkman for paying for parking17:05
Morpogartemma, just tried woth latest build, still happens...17:06
artemmawell, some strange thing happened at jollatre then17:06
Morpogwhich dev was that?17:06
artemmadon't quite remember17:07
artemmaanyway not somebody who touches tweetian normally. His whole point was to learn coding for sailfish by trying to compile tweetian and fix something small there17:07
Morpoghmm, so hugovk or raimue then :)17:08
* artemma off for home17:09
artemmanot sure if he committed anything17:10
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carstenmroboro: i think this one qualifies, https://together.jolla.com/question/38420/how-would-a-sailfishos-wearable-look-to-you/#post-id-3849717:12
* carstenm ponders to write a blog post of even why not to invest 100% in product-only work, and to remember to look into research and experimental ideas..17:14
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Nicd-there are two carstens now? :o17:21
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Pnuuthreaded munk17:21
Nicd-two slave masters now, hopefully they don't run into a deadlock while commanding the boat :P17:22
carstenmprivate munk17:23
Tofeah ok, so this is how we can tell you're not at work anymore :)17:25
carstenmit's all about sensory deprivation :P17:26
Nicd-for some reason my google calendar sync is not getting all the calendars17:26
thargorone stupid question, not all waves are done yet?17:27
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carstenmthargor: if you haven't received it, check update in about product17:28
carstenmit should be17:28
thargorI checked and not yet received17:28
thargormy phone says up to date :-(17:29
carstenm1.0.4.* ?17:29
thargor1.0.4.20 correct17:29
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Bawali think they are releasing the update in waves17:30
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Bawaljust wait, you'll get it17:30
thargorthat was my question if all waves are already pushed or some still are missing ;-)17:30
Bawalah yes, my b17:31
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Bawaltl;dr mode :P17:31
sharpneliStskeeps: What's the package libhybris-sbj-libOpenCL- on repo? It seems to be empty17:32
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carstenmSailor8122_: headers17:33
carstenmprolly has -devel too17:34
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sharpneliIt seems to available only on the device. Not on the SDK17:34
HtheBugh, major bug on jolla now :(17:34
HtheBit has issues with the screen on android apps17:34
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HtheBlike Drastic (nintendo DS emulator)17:35
carstenmsharpneli: yeah, that's what i mentioned?17:35
Nicd-HtheB: what kind of issues?17:35
HtheBit resizez the screen17:35
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HtheBbut the onscren buttons works (you don't see them, but the buttons works )17:36
HtheBbut the video is VERY small17:36
Nicd-in every android app?17:36
HtheBit worked perfect on the previous version17:36
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HtheBNicd-: I encountered this on Drastic17:36
HtheBthe first app that I tried :p17:36
sharpnelicarstenm: Ah ok.17:37
HtheBStskeeps: do you know who works on the android compatibility?17:38
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pprpm -qi --changelog17:43
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HtheBSfietKonstantin: you there?17:52
SfietKonstantinHtheB: yep17:52
SfietKonstantinnot for long but here17:52
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HtheBhmmm... re-installing the app fixed my problem18:02
HtheBweird ... :p18:03
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Scelthey someone with awesome karma (over 75)18:18
Scelt"Since Sailfish OS possibly: Installation of untrusted software being enabled. Set |- Settings | System | Untrusted software | "Allow untrusted software" = active -|. (I could not test this, installation may also work while this option is left inactive.)"18:18
Sceltno need to do that at least in newest os version18:18
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thargorstill waiting for the update18:49
crazy_impare there known limitations to installing apks that require bluetooth access?18:50
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Jef91If I bought a jolla from a 3rd party would it work with a tmobile sim chip in the US?18:50
Nicd-Jef91: there is no guarantee18:53
Nicd-at least for 3G I think18:54
keithzgJef91: It certainly wouldn't work on AWS, which is the majority of T-Mobile's 3G infrastructure18:54
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AardJef91: compare the frequencies on the spec site with what your carrier offers in your area. the phone is not sim locked, so if the frequencies match it should work, if not, not18:59
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Jef91Aard, where are the bands for the Jolla listed?19:20
Nicd-Jef91: jolla.com, scroll down and select tech specs19:21
Jef91thanks cool19:24
Jef91looks like it is the same as the Nokia N919:24
Jef91Looks promising.19:24
keithzgJef91: Same as Nokia N9? Hardly, the N9 has pentaband WCDMA, the Jolla only officially supports 2 frequencies on 3G, not 5. Of course it has quad-band 2G because that's pretty much pennies these days, comes for free with any SoC you can buy, heh.19:26
Jef91they both say "GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900"19:27
keithzgYeah . . . which is 2G.19:27
Jef91So I'd likely be missing 3g then19:27
Jef91that would be awful19:27
keithzgGSM == 2G, WCDMA == 3G19:27
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keithzgYou think it's bad, my carrier doesn't even support 2G apart from roaming, and the Jolla can't see the N9's adhoc hotspot, so I keep an Android device on me too as a wifi hotspot, haha19:28
* keithzg is admittedly a bit of a crazy person, carrying around 3 phones every day19:28
Jef91I carried my n900 and n9 for awhile19:29
Jef91till I got used to the n919:29
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keithzgYeah it's a big leap to go from a physical keyboard to a touchscreen, and Harmattan rather heavily leans on the fact that it's a touchscreen for the UI/UX flow. I dunno though, I got used to it pretty fast once I enabled swipe-to-close.19:33
keithzgThat kindof 'clicked' it all for me. Although I still carried my N900 around for ages, if mostly for aircrack-ng, heh19:37
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clau2Autocorrect seems to be broken for android apps, at least. when you delete letters from a word it duplicates the first letter.20:08
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clau2Only for words that were selected from suggestions bar, that is.20:18
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artemmaclau2: that seems to be happening with previous update. It would be cool if you could report it to TJC. I never was able to find time to figure out when exactly this duplication happens20:27
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clau2ok, I will.20:27
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clau2any idea if android apps updates work now?20:34
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artemmaclau2: I updated several apps today in 1Mobile, Aptoide and Google Play Store, worked20:38
artemmabut I don't think I ever tried updating before today's update20:38
clau2good to know. I always had troubles. only rarely did updates work and I had to uninstall / reinstall.20:39
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ottuloindeed, seems to work now, while it didn't work just a couple days ago20:44
ottulodownloading the updates did work, but they wouldn't be installed20:44
ottulothat was in Yandex and Aptoide20:44
* artemma was just clicking Update button right in stores I think..20:45
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ottulothat's what I was doing, but it wouldn't do a thing most of the time.. or it would just download the apk again without installing20:45
Raimfree apps always worked for me, but paid apps failed from Play Store before (there is a workaround, though)20:45
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clau2play store refuses to start here. or rather crashes :(20:48
clau2do I need to do something special to get it running?20:48
TofeFor me all goes well, apart from the settings of the Mail app, which crashes the Settings app20:49
artemmaclau2: maybe I was just lucky20:50
clau2I'll try a reboot later, one may never know.20:51
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Tofeok, problem solved, thanks to https://together.jolla.com/question/35299/cant-access-settings-apps-email-anymore-since-ohijarvi-update/21:02
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Sailor8801Hi sailors! After updating to 1.0.5 I can no longer access the ambiance menu from open apps, only via gallery and thw white and first one ambience is gone. This is after a factory reset. Anyone experiencing this?21:28
Nicd-Sailor8801: add some of the ambiences as favorite21:29
Nicd-the side menu will reappear then21:29
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Sailor8801ah, thanks :)21:29
Sailor8801what about stock ambiances. white and red21:30
Sailor8801it does not react if I change TOH21:30
Hartzithey must be favorited aswell21:31
Sailor8801Hartzi: i dont have them at all!21:32
Sailor8801i have looked in warehouse & jolla store but i cannot find them there. did the factory reset with the red TOH if that could somehow mess things up21:35
Nicd-Sailor8801: and you've removed and reconnected both TOH when the phone is on?21:36
Nicd-and nothing happens?21:37
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Sailor8801Nicd-: could it be that the switch does not work if the ambiance is not installed?21:41
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Sailor8801Nicd-: but i remember when i switched to the red TOH the download started..21:43
Nicd-yeah, it should prompt to install them the first time21:46
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junnuviSailor8801: maybe you could try to unintstall ambiences via store and then try to install toh again?21:55
Sailor8801the ambiences are not installed21:56
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sledgesSailor8801: do you use the jolla account you registered your other halves with?22:19
the_mgtyay, new update22:21
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raa70should i disable openrepos, or is it sorted?22:59
sledgesraa70: it's sorted22:59
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