#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2013-12-18

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SpeedEvilI don't see any clearly obvious differences.00:00
specialSpeedEvil: there was a post on the mailing list. The update is a hotfix for store, nothing else.00:00
KabouikYou dropped it SpeedEvil? You might be the first one, finally.00:00
SpeedEvilKabouik: I am contemplating dropping it.00:00
KabouikTell us if it blends, too;00:01
SpeedEvilI do not wish to drop it - but it does happen.00:01
Kabouik(I sure agree)00:01
KabouikAnd actually its form factor makes it REALLY easy to drop: it's larger than N9 or N900... Swiping down to close app involves really dangerous gestures sometimes00:01
KabouikAnd the plastics slips easily00:02
KabouikThe same with pinch-to-zoom/dezoom gestures (true for all recent devices). Anything requiring two fingers for a one-hand-device is risky (hence the beauty of the swirl gesture on N9's MicroB)00:02
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phlixin9 had swirl?00:03
phlixin9 had good working double tap00:03
KabouikDouble tap is a different use00:03
phlixihas :D00:03
KabouikSwirl must be seen as a analogic lever, you trully chose the zoom level00:03
KabouikDouble taps are somewhat binary00:04
phlixiactually i think the doubletap on n900 was also pretty good00:04
MilhouseHow can you tell if the MicroSD card has mounted in a Jolla?00:04
Milhouse(Without enabling developer mode)00:04
KabouikSwirl allows forcing the zoom level you want, not chosing between zoomed versus dezoomed (though it can be convenient too sometimes)00:04
KabouikFor Maps or Browser, swirl would be terrific00:04
* SpeedEvil grrs.00:05
nanderWe really need sdl to work in the store ;)00:05
SpeedEvilI cannot find the 'submit an idea for will it blend'00:05
nanderGetting things like gemRB in store should be #1 priority ;)00:05
SpeedEvilI'm sure it was there in the past.00:05
KabouikA will it blend on Jolla between November 27th and December 10th would have resulted in several people killing themselves.00:05
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Kabouik(Which would have pushed others in queue up! Good thing!)00:06
SpeedEvilhttp://www.willitblend.com/videos/iphone-5s rather00:06
w00tnander: SDL I'd anticipate to not be too far away00:07
nanderIt' s pretty vital00:07
KabouikDoes anyone know if the commandlines for formating SDXC to proper Jolla-friendly ExFormat have been posted on TMO?00:10
KabouikI'd do it, but need a how to to avoid formating the wrong block. :P00:10
MilhouseWhat file system needs to be on the MicroSD, I assumed it would be FAT (FAT32 in my case - 16GB)00:11
KabouikWell, for 64 GB sorry. I think it's only Ext3 or 4 for that00:12
KabouikAnd I can't format on my computer, my card reader doesn't like SDXC apparently00:12
MilhouseWhat's the ssh user for Jolla - still user as it was for N9?00:18
Milhouseah, thanks00:18
KabouikAsked the same yesterday myself :p00:18
MilhouseI'm sure I won't be the last - doesn't seem to be much "developer mode" documentation about. Tried enabling "Allow developer updates" but no idea how I'm supposed to register00:19
MilhouseCouldn't :)00:19
special"Allow developer updates" is for internal credentials00:19
KabouikIt's been said it is really not recommended, and by that I mean, not like the usual warning for N900 extras00:20
KabouikHere it can really mess everything up for no reasons00:20
MilhouseYeah, finally found a forum post that mentioned it was a bad idea - trouble is it's there, in the UI, asking for trouble...00:20
KabouikYes :P00:21
specialwhat happens when you try to enable it, anyway? it's been awhile00:21
specialdoes it just ask for credentials?00:21
special(note: I am not telling you to try)00:21
KabouikNo, he's just standing here, agitating arms, and asking for trouble too. :P00:22
restless_beingspecial: i tried it yesterday and... not sure if there was any message - I suppose no.. but then I had to reset the device because I was no longer able to access the store00:23
specialah, right.00:23
restless_beingwhat's more I didn't have devmode enabled and.. was not able to enable it00:23
restless_beingit was not able to download a required package00:24
specialyeah.. that really needs to be more hidden / require credentials first / something00:24
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Kabouikhttps://github.com/gpodder/gpodder-sailfish Is it working?00:28
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KabouikLast update: 2 months ago, I guess I have my answer :p00:30
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KabouikWhen you "Delete transfers" in Settings/Transfers, you delete history of syncs/failed syncs, but also the temporary download folder of Sailfish Browser? I clicked on a file, it downloaded without asking location. Don't know where to find it/launch it/copy it from/clear it00:37
Dima^aren't they saved in memo/Download folder?00:37
KabouikSeems logical!00:39
KabouikThey do00:39
KabouikDeleteing transfers from Setting apps do not delite files00:39
Dima^Settings/Transfer is just kind of notification list to quick access to downloaded files00:41
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KabouikFinally got it after you indicated that files are in Download, dumb me not checking00:42
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CoderCandyHmm, is there a way to see how far back the queue of shipments I'm in?05:38
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atlazGood morning06:41
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AntiHawkyep, morning :)06:58
atlazOnly six days to christmas!06:58
AntiHawkyep, it comes too quickly. I haven't bought any presents yet :S06:59
AntiHawkwell 2 jollas, but nothing else yet07:00
atlazIm torturing my employees by playing christmas songs at 100% volume07:00
atlazGet in the christmas spirit, or else!07:01
phinaliumzI'm torturing my christmas-loving neightbours by playing Norwegian black metal at 100% volume :p07:02
atlazOne of my employees found some kind of Lemmy christmas album from Spotify and suggested i'd play that07:02
atlazI responded by looping Crazy frog - Last christmas07:02
atlazI think i've broken their spirits07:03
nahkissGetting tortured by "Paid." status :l07:04
tobiskichristams was yesterday :)07:04
AntiHawkyou got your phone or something else?07:05
tobiskiAntiHawk: phone yes07:05
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AntiHawkI almost broke on yesterday in my stupidy :) I was saved by this channel07:06
AntiHawk*broke one07:06
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tobiskihow so?07:07
AntiHawkdeveloper mode -> mistype of my rsync backup copy command07:08
ShadowJKnahkiss; me too :)07:08
nadrielAntiHawk, You'er not the only one who mistype something07:08
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nadrielIt's exams weeks atm in my University, I kind of put the right date on wrong day in my calendar (paper one). The test is tomorrow. : )07:09
nadrielWell, my mate appreciates me waking him up. "wtf where's the test"07:10
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AntiHawkso my guess is that you haven't prepared for the test yet07:11
nadrielI have. Darn too well actually, now I have time to forget everything..07:12
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nadrielI called him from the school this very morning.07:13
nadrielactually something like 20 minutes ago.07:14
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mikhasI dislike getting presents only for the sake of getting presents. It's hard to come up with unique and meaningful stuff.07:51
crysazsell that idea to my sister's kids.07:53
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atlazMe and my SO have been together for 11 years, been living together for 8 years, own a house together. You can't buy us anything we need that we don't already have.07:56
tachikom1I knew some people who insisted on presents07:56
tachikom1so my present for them was a toilet brush07:56
atlazI guess when and if we get children, things change. But as for now, we don't kinda need presents07:56
tachikom1after 3 years and 3 toilet brushes they stopped insisting on getting presents ...07:57
atlazA couple of christmases ago i stole some stuff from my parents and grandparents houses, packaged them and gave them their stuff back07:57
atlazI reasoned, that it had to be the perfect gift since they chosen them themself07:57
tachikom1atlaz: lol07:57
tachikom1i got children, with them it is different, but i myself, don;t need presents07:58
atlazYeah kids change the equation. I got a couple of "godchildren" i need to get presents for07:59
atlazbut they are so young, that the package is more interesting than the actual gift07:59
atlazActually i could prolly steal their stuff and give it back to them as presents also07:59
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Stskeepsgood morning08:13
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Tofeit's quiet around here in the morning :)08:24
Stskeepspeople are too busy reading their news on their jolla08:25
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Tofehas Jolla made contact with some screen protection manufacturer ?08:28
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Tofelike in Germany, I think there's one that can cut protections out of a sketch description, if I read well on tmo08:28
stephgTofe: I just left the plastic cover on mine and will do so until it falls off :)08:29
Stskeepsoh stephg got one too08:30
stephgvery happy :)08:30
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metallistois your jolla also charging so slowly? I connected the charger 2 hours ago with 30% charge.. now it has 70%.08:31
ln-i've used my N9 for over two years without any kind of screen protection, and there's no single scratch on it. so is screen protection even necessary?08:32
tobiskiI think my jolla charged pretty quickly with the charger that was deployed with the phone. Although I started the charging when I went to sleep, but I think I heard the sound notification of full battery at some point :D08:34
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* Stskeeps isn't terribly fond of the 'oh my battery is full' notifications08:34
metallistoln-: if you don't use your keys on the screen i guess you don't need the screen protection.. but avoid to drop the phone08:35
crysazStskeeps: how about "Ouh, your USB cable is plugged, but I'm still going to drain the battery anyway." ?08:36
tobiskias for usage, i've used it for 3,5 hours with 3G data connection on and current precentage is 84%08:36
metallistoso could it be a device issue?08:36
leinirStskeeps: well... that bit is a bit silly, yes... i always did like the "You unplugged me from the charger. Good, now unplug the charger from the wall as well, it saves energy, you silly person" type notifications on some devices ;)08:36
mikhasln-, yeah never understood why people treated their N9 like that08:36
Tofestephg: I did the same, but it already has bubbles going in, and looks messy after only two days08:37
mikhasit was *made* to endure every-day situations08:37
mikhasand the materials were chosen wisely ;-)08:37
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stephgmikhas: when I can easily go and buy a second one I'll take the protector off, until then I'm being very careful with this one!08:38
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mikhasleinir, I haven't yet luck to convince my family of that …08:38
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mikhasstephg, are you as careful with other things too?08:38
tobiskiI peeled the cover plastic off straight away when I took the phone out of box08:38
stephgmikhas: well I did manage to scratch both of my N9s, and destroyed the screen of my N90008:39
tobiskiit was like this, but alone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrjwBvB7APY08:39
mikhasstephg, pariah dog!08:39
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stephgso random questions from me today: does anyone know if a hack/workaround to stop sound notifications stopping the media player?08:41
stephgn9 behaviour was to notify over the media play, but currently here it stops the player, plays whatever notification sound, starts the player again08:41
Nicd-does it restart your song?08:42
Nicd-from the beginning08:42
stephgno, just pauses08:42
Nicd-oh, good08:42
ShadowJKmetallisto; some people reported bad chargers and got better results with other chargers08:42
stephgbut is quite irritating say if you're in conversations on jabber, say08:42
ShadowJKI thought it was kinda cool feature on n900, with mediaplayer pausing. Listening to streaming radio to car stereo, while navigation app running, music fades out and voice tells me where to turn, music fades back in :D08:45
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AL13N_workit would be better for notifications to put the rest in background (decreasing master, but increasing notification volume)08:49
AL13N_workand if a call is accepted, only then to pause the other stuff08:49
smokexthat makes far too much too much sense08:51
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piglettometallisto: in my case first charging took a lot of time but subsequent ones were much faster09:00
piglettobut anyway it seems that my jolla eats battery very quickly09:00
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Stskeepswe have a lot of stuff ongoing to help that09:01
metallistofor me it is the second time now. first time was from 65% - 100% and second now from 30 to 75%(current) but it took already 3 hours09:01
crysazStskeeps: i think you could get alot of bug information, if you had a tracker set up09:03
Stskeepscrysaz: we're working on something for that09:03
Stskeepsjust got pushed a bit forward09:03
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ggabrielmorning everyone09:05
MMorimetallisto: The charger that comes with the phone seems to charge a lot slower than e.g. samsung galaxy sIII charger. I charged with the jolla charger yesterday from 46% to 80% in 3.5 hours. Then I switched to samsung charger and it took ~40 minutes from 80%-100%09:09
Jopedid you look at the chargers09:09
Jopewhat is written on the type label09:09
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Jopeours is rated at 5VDC 1A09:09
ggabrielMMori: i'd be very careful with more powerful chargers than what jolla ships (that's measured in amperes)09:09
MMoriggabriel: Yes I know09:10
ggabrielMMori: i'd be even more careful with anything that samsung produces ;-)09:10
ggabrielthen again it's just a battery09:10
MMoriggabriel: That I can't agree on.09:10
Jopethe micro usb connector is rated for 1.25A as far as I remember from the USB spec .. I may be mistaken though, it's been a looong time since I read it09:10
ggabrielyou can get a new one09:10
Jopeand it is a very big spec..09:10
Nicd-ggabriel: the phone will take as much power as it needs, the charger can't "push" more amps09:10
metallistoI have problems with contact import. After I made a device reset and restored my backup, all existing contacts where not synced anymore with facebook. So I had to delete these people, delete my fb account and setup again09:10
MMoriI just can't wait for more than 7 hour to get the phone to 100%09:10
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MMoriI just can't do that09:10
ggabrielMMori: 7 hours sounds like a stretch indeed - but it does also sound like battery "training"09:11
MMoribattery "training"?09:11
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ggabrielyeah, batteries never charge/last as long as they are designed for the first few times09:12
MMoriYes, I'm hoping for it to improve and stabilize soon. I've only used it for a week now..09:12
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ggabrieli'd personally avoid using other chargers for that reason09:13
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ggabrielalso, my n9 performs better when i charge it with a 1A charger rather than with the usb one09:13
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ggabrieli bet the battery doesn't get fully charged but the phone detects otherwise09:13
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mcfriskjolla Documents: when deleting a doc, and 'tap to cancel' is on, deleting additional docs brings up another 'tap to cancel' dialog but the doc isn't actually deleted.09:14
MMoriBut I hope there will be a longer lasting battery with better charger available for purchase later on.09:14
ggabrielMMori: i hear they are working on the power consumption09:14
ggabrielif you use android and/or location services, then your battery is likely to go flat quicker09:15
ggabriel(for now)09:15
MMoriYes, I hope they can do something about it09:15
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MMorino I'm not using gps, only wifi and 3g (I could as well switch to 2g)09:15
ggabrielsomebody mentioned something about wifi09:16
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ggabrielas in... switching it off improved battery life09:16
MMoriThat's a no option for me. I'd rather use wifi that I pay for than buy a data packet for mobile also.09:17
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MMoriBut that's my fault I suppose ;)09:17
ggabrielMMori: totally understand, just saying what i read out there09:17
MMori^^ I know09:17
ggabrieli'll also want another battery, possibly an external charger09:17
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MMoriggabriel: that would solve a lot09:17
ggabrielALSO i never trust myself re battery life the first week or so i get a phone09:17
ggabrielbecause i'm constatly fiddling with it09:17
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MMoriIt's a beautiful phone09:18
ggabrieli bet it is ;-)09:19
MMoriYou haven't got yours yet?09:19
ggabrieli'll be lucky if i get it before xmas09:19
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MMoriAww, I feel for you09:19
ggabrielbut i'm reading a lot about it09:19
ggabrielas other people like yourself experience with it09:19
MMoriI just hate how Finnish media is going about the phone09:19
MMoriFor a few weeks now I haven't seen a single one positive article about it09:20
MMoriAnd I just hate it09:20
Quuthats how finnish media works09:20
tobiskiMMori: they're just slicing atoms with those articles and reviews. Nothing really important that a software update wouldn't fix09:20
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MMoriThat's true09:20
Tofefaenil, cybette: what place and time to you prefer for tomorrow, in Tampere ? I think most of the constraints are on your side :)09:21
ggabrieli don't mind if jolla remains small but self sustaining for a few more months, perhaps a copule more years09:21
MMoriBut I'm surprised they don't encourage a starting Finnish company09:21
ggabrielMMori: hate sells better than joy09:21
MMoriggabriel: that's true, that will give us the best possible product09:21
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MMoriI know09:21
ggabrielalso, it lowers expectations, which is positive09:21
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MMoriI'd just love to see some support especially after all that's happened with Nokia lately.09:22
tobiskiit's a conspiracy, jolla has told the media to give bad picture of the procut so that when people buy they'll be like "wow, this is awesome and nothing like in the reviews"09:23
pp_Of course they're negative about finnish products, it's our nature :-)09:23
pp_we're not good enough for anyone in anything ;_;09:23
pp_and it's national news if we get noticed anywhere09:23
MMoriWell it's in our nature so it must remain that way for all eternity.09:23
ggabrieli think whatever the media has to say is irrelevant anyway09:23
restless_beingreally? I always though that Finlandia vodka is one of the best09:23
ggabrielthere will be plenty of people to make jolla successful09:23
MMoriggabriel: it's not09:23
pp_restless_being: no longer finnish09:24
ggabrieljolla is the _only_ mobile company thta is so small09:24
pp_well, produced here, yes.09:24
* ggabriel never knew that finland made good vodka09:24
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zuttorestless_being: it has been voted to be the best vodka in the world, so.. yeah09:24
Jopeunixverstas olutensin, finlandia vodka09:24
MMoriggabriel: and yet they've managed to make so much in such little time, they really deserve a bit of praising09:24
pp_actually you can buy the same industrial ethanol in a less fancy bottle for a lot less :-)09:25
ggabrielMMori: that goes without saying. they made an open phone with a terminal09:25
ggabrielno other has that09:25
tobiskione more example from finnish media Iltalehti, someone made an article about Oculus Rift and claimed it to be finnish product :D09:25
MMoritobiski: Really? :D09:25
MMoriOh dear, they're so lost.09:26
pp_Can't really say the "message" has been strong enough either09:26
zuttotobiski: iltalehti is a comedy magazine09:26
pp_"We have a great touch-only UX, and native applications are awesome. Until we get enough, there's also Android compat"09:26
MMorizutto: That's what Finns read....09:26
zuttosame thing with tietokone magazine09:26
zuttothey're both just a big jokes09:27
zuttoMMori: i do too, for the laughs09:27
tobiskizutto: ye I'm staring to realize that too. 80% of the articles are made without any background check09:27
pp_Mutated into "Buggy thing that's confusing to use, and badly runs some android apps. Go get a Samsung"09:27
zuttothe people writing them have no clue what they are writing about09:27
zuttotietokone magazine writers think that android doesnt run on linux09:27
FryeProblem with the printed magazines is really that they need to entertain09:28
smokexits mostly copy paste09:28
FryeBecause real news are more and more read on internet09:28
Pnuuthat oculus "news" was because the tabloid people read "finish" as "Finnish"..09:28
ggabrielaren't printed magazines there for the pictures?09:28
zuttosmokex: actually mostly its just translating from english to finnish09:29
zuttoso not direct copypasta09:29
Frye-> There is no real need to write what is right. Just write something that is entertaining to read and then sell papers09:29
Stskeepsthey should just go into the fiction business and sell books09:29
Quuthey do that too..09:29
FryeAgreed :-)09:29
Pnuuwonder why I don't read tabloid papers..09:29
narchieFinnish media is a joke09:29
narchienews at 1109:29
MMoriI hope it would be a joke for everybody.09:30
Quumost of the old peoples believe everything they hear on the news09:31
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zuttodepends what kind of old people09:31
zuttoi wouldnt say most09:32
zuttoout of the old people i know, most dont believe what news say09:32
metallistoRepost: I have problems with contact import. After I made a device reset and restored my backup, all existing contacts where not synced anymore with facebook. So I had to delete these people, delete my fb account and setup again09:34
mcfriskjolla email: maybe this was already mentioned here, but it's weird that clicking on downloaded pdf attachments on emails doesn't open them up, instead they need to be opened separately from documents. Well at least they are there.09:34
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metallistoIt seems people existing in contacts are not added with separate entry again but also not merged09:35
ggabrielmetallisto: are you on the latest os update?09:35
ggabrielis that the latest and greatest? if yes, and you can reproduce, i'd tell care@j.c09:36
ggabrielthere are plenty of issues with contact importing09:37
MMoriit is the latest09:37
MMoriAlso the cover action buttons doesn't seem to work. I don't know if those have ever worked09:38
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ggabrielMMori: at least one person reported that they not only work, they are very cool09:38
ggabrielMMori: but i guess it depends on the application09:38
MMoriActually now they work09:39
MMoriWell it's good those work, don't know what was with it yesterday.09:39
chem|stStskeeps: for your 6 month plan - one of the outstanding things is unified*, eyecandy-ambience is nice but without profilematic just that, for jumping the bandwagon userfriendly encryption (FS,mail,xmpp) will draw some attention; 12month -> the next device could have a dedicated AES chip too and get you customers like Daimler/Siemens (they buy batches of +10k and use Nokia and BB) if the other business relevant things are compatible with lotusN09:40
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mcfriskCover action buttons don't work for me either, or at least they don't do anything with browser, phone, email or clock apps. Or maybe I maybe I'm poking them wrong.09:42
Quumcfrisk: press and swipe to left/right09:43
Nicd-mcfrisk: they're not buttons, you swipe them09:43
chem|stmcfrisk: you do not poke em you need to slide what you want to the center of the cover (for 2)09:43
chem|stmcfrisk: watch a video!09:43
mcfriskheh, yep, just discovered them :) They do work!09:44
chem|stjust like the guy tapping everything in the very first hands-on video09:44
mcfriskUsers are stupid. MOT.09:45
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chem|stfriday with a lot of beer I was talking about the ideas behind harmattan and sailfish and asked a guy "here that breadcrump, you want it gone what do you do?"... I placed my N9 at the same spot opened the calendar and said "do the same again now"09:46
chem|stmcfrisk: sry but having preordered the device somehow I think you are a geek and you are even in irc and I assume you know that the UI wants to be swiped09:47
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mcfriskchem|st: heh, I was happy to find bash, ssh and git on the device but don't know how to use GUI09:48
chem|stmcfrisk: sorry if I was rude09:48
chem|stmcfrisk: exactly^^09:49
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MMoriPeople coming from the "terminal" world definately aren't the best ones with guis :P09:49
chem|stmcfrisk: backups are a git repo in .vault in your home it seems, as you mention git09:49
chem|stMMori: I need to work with windows at work and people are looking at me very strange when I do like ten tasks in a row without lifting my hands of the keyboard... when they would drop one arm below the desk and do everything by mouse....09:51
MMorichem|st: I know :)09:51
smokexthats pretty cool.. git used as a settings back up mecahnism :D09:51
chem|stI facepalm every time when someone copy/pastes with rightclicking09:52
ggabrielchem|st: is there any other way? :-D09:52
MMoriAnd no doubt you have configurations that prevents "normal" people using the computer without feeling confused09:52
MMoriggabriel: not sure if trolling09:52
* chem|st slaps ggabriel with a slippery trout09:52
ggabrielyou can tell a proper engineer with the way they unlock a pc09:52
ggabrielshift/control/alt = proper09:52
ggabrielmouse = well....09:53
ggabriels/unlock/bring the password window up or whatever to wake up the screen09:53
FryeMouse = Work brake09:53
ggabrielmouse is useful for browsing though09:53
FryeAnd cordless mouse was useful for movie controls09:54
Fryebut now I have wireless kb too ...09:54
ggabrielFrye: you mean bluemaemo?09:54
chem|stMMori: my netbook is unusable by another person, its ION3 with 3 layers of keyboard shortcuts, for people knowing ion I left some of the basic commands where they are...09:54
ggabrielchem|st: once a client asked for my laptop to configure my wifi (they wanted to put a static ip and whatnot)09:54
MMorichem|st: I'm not surprised ^^09:54
ggabrieli use openbox, no menus, only shortcuts, obviously linux09:54
faenilTofe, let's see what cybette says :)09:54
ggabrielmy laptop was returned to me after 5 seconds09:54
smokexggabriel: you think that the use of a mouse for menial tasks defines how good an engineer is?09:54
ggabriel"you do it"09:54
ggabrielsmokex: of course not09:55
ggabrielbut observe the poeple that you know, and the pattern is there09:55
mcfriskabout not discovering swipe, it was strange that alt + left/right arrows didn't work with the virtual keyboard, but the swiping thing does (again noticied by accident)09:55
chem|stMMori: my desktop is gnome3 for the sake of my sister and my girlfriend - but they are still scared...09:55
mcfrisk^in the console app09:55
Pnuumapping double tap to alt+a would rock, like in irssi connectbot09:56
fluxmy mother's XP is feeling a bit expired, I'm seriously considering that I could just as easily switch to some modern ubuntu desktop as I could switch to windows 809:56
chem|stmcfrisk: you had no fingerterm yet... that is pretty strange to adapt to if you know other mobile terminals09:56
ggabrielflux: be warned, ubuntu will run faster09:56
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ggabrielmcfrisk: you mean swipe to do what exactly? (not sure what alt+left/right is for)09:57
* ggabriel also doesn't know fingerterm, maybe another thing to play with09:58
Pnuuggabriel: changing between irssi screens09:58
ggabrielaaahh, that's pretty cool09:58
Pnuualt+left to lower numbers09:58
Pnuualt+a would be even better09:58
ggabrielyes, i use it on my desktop09:59
ggabrieli read terminal, not irssi09:59
Pnuuwell, yeah, irssi in terminal :-D09:59
ggabrielyes of course09:59
metallistois there any easy way for tethering or nat?09:59
ggabrielbut presumably it's irssi running on the phone, right?09:59
ggabrielso it won't work if i ssh somewhere and use irssi running on a server09:59
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Pnuuggabriel: no, on a server10:00
chem|stggabriel: in a screen on a server, just fine10:00
ggabrielPnuu: kewl, i like it10:00
MMorichem|st: agreed, works just fine.10:00
ggabrielmetallisto: there is a post in tmo (in the user experience thread under sailfish)10:00
ggabrielnot "easy" though10:01
chem|stfrom left to right, irssi-centerIM-mutt (yeah I know...)10:01
ggabrielit should be fairly easy if you use windows or something or other10:01
chem|stggabriel: you need to tweak fingerterm a bit to make it $nice10:02
ggabrielchem|st: yeah, i guess i'll read about it10:02
cvpHello :D10:02
chem|stcvp: o/10:03
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cvpo/ ? what ist thismeaning ? :D10:03
ggabrielcvp: coffee in one hand, hi with the other10:03
ggabrielit's obvious :P10:04
MMoriit's a dude with his hand raised up, he's waving at you10:04
chem|sthas anyone an idea where to look for disabling mediaindexing for ringtones?10:04
cvpaaahhh :D10:04
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cvpok like \o/ ...10:04
MMorichem|st: also for navigator voice commands? :P10:04
chem|stcvp: good morning to you too10:04
cvpthanks :D10:04
chem|stMMori: really?10:04
MMorichem|st: if you're talking about the media app?10:05
chem|sthave a wmv in mp3player...10:05
chem|stand ringtones too10:05
chem|stand coverart in gallery10:05
chem|stI do not have all my coverart embedded into mp3s....10:06
chem|ston N9 I started to delete it...10:07
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chem|stgallery sorts by name what is pretty anoying...10:07
chem|stlockscreen has a button... wtf - get that UI consistant!10:08
cvpis it possible to mark all emails as viewed10:09
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cvpover 900 mails... dont want to open all and mark as read10:10
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Quuits over 900010:11
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tobiskicvp: raising your arm to wave "Hello"10:13
tobiskioh :D10:13
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tobiskimy window was scrolled up and your question was the latest row :D10:13
tobiskiwhile we're at it: \o(/ <- a ballet dancer10:14
cvpok :D10:14
ggabrieltobiski: so then \)o(/ is falling from the sky?10:15
tobiskiggabriel: nope, giving birth10:15
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ggabrieltobiski: lol, ok applies to women only10:16
cvp(  .  )  .  )10:16
cvpeyes from garfield :P ..... i dont know what you have think10:16
ggabrieli just saw eyes10:17
tobiskiwheels of a monster truck10:17
cvpso, there is also no ways to mark all emails as read ?10:17
Quui cant figure way to do it10:19
ggabriellong press somewhere?10:20
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Quuyou can do it one by one with long press10:20
* ggabriel doesn't own a jolla yet but knows that long press sometimes yields hidden functionality10:20
Quubut with over 9000 emails..10:20
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ggabrielso you can't delete multiple emails either, right?10:20
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Quuyou can do that10:21
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Quupulley -> choose multiple (or whatever its in english) -> tap on mails -> trashcan icon10:21
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cvpQuu, you say, with emails, is it possible to mark all as read, ???10:22
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cvpwihth 9000 emails10:22
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bjornStskeeps, Aard: Download finally worked this morning and installing went fine. :)10:23
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Stskeepsbjorn: good10:24
chem|stcvp: way way to go...10:24
nanderstill waiting :(10:24
tachikom1so, my phone is in in picking now, i assume it has already arrived and i get a trackingid in two weeks? ;)10:25
ggabrieltachikom1: sometimes you receive it and it's still in picking10:25
Stskeepstachikom1: it has to pass through a wormhole first to ensure timely delivery in the past10:25
leinir*giggles* :)10:26
bjornStskeeps: The store is still very slow though. I never see screenshots and comments and icons/app lists take very long as well.10:26
Quubjorn: works for me on wlan10:26
bjornQuu: I'm on WLAN too. Maybe I should try restarting my router again...10:28
Quureboot all the things!10:28
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tachikom1i like the timetravel enabled delivery, it's kinda awesome10:29
tachikom1reminds me of the interesting question taht came up when someone had a  sparc with a broken clock - it went forward but occassionaly jumped back more tan it counted forward, => running backwards10:30
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Stskeepsbjorn: it sounds like your connectivity is a bit moody10:30
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bjornStskeeps: Well, if it is indeed related to my own WLAN this would be good news. :)10:32
Quubjorn: is  your wlan named as some woman-like name? :p10:32
Quumaybe its "that time of month"?10:33
tobiski"Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?"10:33
Milhousejournalctl log rotation is occurring every couple of hours, is it possible to look at older logs or are they not kept?10:33
MilhouseI need to see something that happened about 3 hours ago..10:33
ggabrielmildly related (never gets old): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8_Kfjo3VjU10:33
StskeepsMilhouse: you can force journal to be persistent with mkdir -p /var/log/journal10:33
Milhouseand it will rotate but keep older version, won't run out of space?10:34
tobiskiggabriel: oh yea that's a great vid :D10:34
bjornQuu: I have no idea what's up with my WLAN. The router is right in front of me, but indeed other devices are on the laggy side as well.10:34
StskeepsMilhouse: http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/journald.conf.html for full contro10:34
nanderwireless on jola plain sucks stm10:34
nanderNo certificate support on wpa enterprise10:35
Milhouseok wasn't sure if Jolla were using some unusual version due to the lack of /var/log/journal!10:35
Milhousemany thanks - last thing, is a reboot required after creating the directory?10:35
Milhouseok cheers10:37
StskeepsMilhouse: you're upgraded to btw?10:37
Stskeeps or .110:37
MilhouseI'm on .1210:38
Milhousehave rebooted, should I expect to see anything in the /var/log/journal directory immediately (like the current log) or only once a rotate has occurred?10:39
Milhousecurrently the directory is empty10:40
MMoriggabriel: not related, still funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2rGTXHvPCQ10:40
ggabrielMMori: thanks, i'll watch it after the server is down10:40
ggabrieli'm laughing btw10:40
ggabrielnever gets old10:40
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Milhouselooks like it's still writing to /run/log/journal10:41
Stskeepsit'll write to both, afai10:41
Milhousedo i need to edit /etc/systemd/journal.conf and set persitent?10:41
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Stskeepsshould have same effect10:42
Milhousehmm ok will wait a bit longer and see if any logs turn up10:43
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MMoriggabriel:  that's even more hilarious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkDD03yeLnU10:44
ggabrielMMori: yeah, seen it before, very funny. i use the "imagine..." metaphore with my gf sometimes10:45
ggabrielsorry, not imagine, but "think of..."10:45
ggabrielcsi is awesome10:45
MMorioh yes10:46
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tachikom1csi this crime tv series?\10:52
tachikom1i never managed to finish a single episode :(10:53
tachikom1just got so boring always10:53
Milhousegrew impatient. set persistent in /etc/systemd/journal.conf, rebooted, now have journals in /var/log/journal :)10:53
tachikom1but i guess there a abunch of different ones if i understood it right, maybe i just watched the wrong ones10:53
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ggabrieltachikom1: just for the lulz really10:54
tachikom1yeah, i know the jokes about zooming into something being mirrored on the edge of a pen and so on, i think that was fromcsi, wasn't it?10:55
ggabrielsomething like that10:55
ggabrielmiami was the best tho10:56
ggabrielhoratio was awesome10:56
tachikom1mh, i'll have to try that again :)10:56
ggabrieli mean, it's all bs, but it's funny10:56
tachikom1currently awaiting dr who christmas epoisode :)10:56
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tachikom1just can't get around the new doctor, know the actor from "the thick of it" and it will be weird if he is not ranting all the time10:57
ggabrielmy gf is wastching dr who10:57
ggabrieli didn't get tempted yet10:57
ggabrieli ought to finish playing super mario galaxy 2 tho10:57
ggabrielthat takes higher priority10:57
ggabriel(until i get my jolla)10:58
tachikom1i watch it since i was a small kid, have nearly all still exiting episodes of the old doctors10:58
ggabrieli think they are all (or most of them) in lovefilm10:58
tachikom1the new ones are nice, but i actually still prefer the old ones, they are cheesy as hell but also have awesome stories10:58
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tachikom1"the pirate planet" by douglas adams is brilliant10:58
ggabrielwhy didn't i read that?10:59
tachikom1knights with headmounted displays having a hollowed out planet that materialized around other planets - mining them empty and then moving on10:59
ggabrieland here i was thinking i read most of adams10:59
tachikom1that is a dr who episode adams wrote10:59
tachikom1mh, have to leave for lunch, c ya11:00
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Tofefaenil: cybette said at some time after work, maybe dinner time -- but we should take into account that my last train back will leave at 21:1011:11
faenilTofe, mm not sure I'll be available for dinner11:13
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matt_1979Hi, while deploying an application to my Jolla device, I get the following error "error while loading shared libraries: libsailfishapp.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", this works fine on the emulator... I've run a find over the whole device and that library does indeed not exist. Is there something additional I need to do when setting up the project in QT Creator? Many thanks in a11:14
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atlazmatt_1979: try #sailfishos for dev. problems11:15
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Tofefaenil: ok, but then let's meet sooner for a simple beer, no problem11:16
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Tofefaenil: I just don't know at what kind of hour you and cybette leave work -- if you ever leave it these days ;)11:17
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faenilTofe, eheheh :)11:18
faenilwell I can leave at 1711:19
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Jonnimatt_1979: Requires: libsailfishapp    -line needs to be added to your yaml/spec file :)11:26
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matt_1979Many thanks, I'll give it a try11:32
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ShadowJKin picking 2*34xx / 71xx :)11:37
ggabrielShadowJK: woohoo11:40
ggabrielPnuu: thanks, fought the laziness and installed fingerterm in harmattan11:40
ggabrielthat makes me a happy panda11:40
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chem|stas written in tmo there is a problem with importing contacts from a vcf, I als had the problem that a sync from N9 despite saying complete/successful I was missing contacts this morning... notes and calendarentries do not get transfered11:50
bjornWhen I put on the Other Half it asked me whether I wanted to install the ambience, however I managed to somehow quit this question without it doing anything.11:50
bjornIs there any way to get it back, short of taking the Other Half off and putting it back on again?11:50
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ln-afaik no, but taking it off is not such a big task11:52
bjornln-: True, though each time I do that it says the SIM card was removed.11:54
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piglettoAnyone experiences problem while trying to send e-mail? I get information about login problems on Jolla device and SMTP server logs that: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: Invalid authentication mechanism11:55
piglettosame settings on Android device just work :/11:55
bjornOk, it's installing now.11:55
ln-bjorn: I had some trouble with the SIM socket as well, but it wasn't related to removing or reattaching TOH.11:58
bjornln-: Ok. I already shifted the card back and forth a little in an attempt to resolve contact issues. I hope it'll go away.12:00
bjornln-: Though it's still installing this Other Half stuff. This seems to take forever. :S12:00
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simbrownpigletto: I can't send mail either, I haven't been able to get an error message yet apart from sync failed.12:03
piglettosimbrown: I have 'Problem with logging' shown12:04
piglettohm, might be because my smtp server uses untrusted certificate12:04
piglettoand seems there is no way to mark it as trusted :|12:04
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simbrownI use fastmail.fm12:05
piglettosimbrown: so, even more strange, in my case it's internal company smtp server12:06
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bjornOk, I'm not convinced it's not going to finish installing that.12:07
bjornI'm now*12:07
simbrownpigletto: With out a better error message I've no idea what's wrong. It could be something very simple. I'll have to enable dev mode and dig around12:07
sremeshow do you set the email address to be used for a plain imap/smtp account?12:08
simbrownsremes: I haven't tried to do that yet. I hadn't realised that it hadn't been set12:09
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sremesI configured an account and tried to send email, from-field had address like "username@domain.invalid"12:10
piglettosremes: yeah, seems not possible to set that12:12
piglettosremes: I have just 'username' shown in from field12:12
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sremesthat makes it kind of inconvenient to use, since people could not reply to you :)12:13
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piglettosremes: not a big deal as I can't even send e-mail to them ;)12:16
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chem|sthas anyone tried to ln -s the sdcard to one of the userdirs for mtp export?!12:24
JopeI saw someone tried that and it worked12:24
Jopeymmv :-D12:24
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chem|stsremes: I have 2 accounts setup both are imap/smtp and both show correctly in jolla-mail12:31
piglettochem|st: and can you send e-mail using these? what authorization method do you use?12:32
chem|stpigletto: one is ssl the other tls12:36
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chem|stit does show an empty cc line in header though12:37
chem|stthe rest is fine12:37
piglettochem|st: I have SSL with 'use password', and I can't send e-mail using this12:37
chem|styeah that too.. both have password auth12:38
piglettoAs said before, I suppose not trusted certificate problems  :|12:38
cybettefaenil: what time are you available tomorrow then?12:39
restless_beingguys, is the web browser based on opera? webkit?12:39
Stskeepsrestless_being: gecko12:40
cybetteTofe: i think i left work around 11pm yesterday, managed to catch last bus before midnight12:40
faenilcybette, don't know, 17?12:41
restless_beingStskeeps: tx12:41
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cybettefaenil: 17 till? (since you mention you can't make it to dinner)12:42
faenilcybette, yeah talking to phdeswer, we should be going to have fun with rifles tomorrow :D12:43
faenilbut don't know the time12:43
chem|stthat might be one thing...12:43
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phdeswerfaenil: for tomorrow if you want to join that would be leaving around 17h12:47
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artemmaWooHoo, my order is in picking!12:48
faenilphdeswer, ah12:48
artemmaGuys, what about your experience? For how long does order stay in "in picking"? A day?12:49
Quuartemma: mine was about 4 days (because of independence day and all those holidays)12:50
ggabrielartemma: woohoo (re in picking)12:51
Quuartemma: but with luck, it ships today/tomorrow12:52
cybetteTofe: how about joining us for lunch tomorow? place not confirmed, will text you12:52
atlazAfter a picking list is printed, one would think that the picking would not take that long12:52
atlazSince it's only one item12:52
ggabrielatlaz: unless you pick 100 at a time ;-)12:52
ggabrielor 500 :P12:52
atlazits still only one item12:53
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ggabriel500 >> 112:53
ggabriel(point being that they up date every batch, not by item)12:53
Quuand you cant know how big those are12:53
atlazYeah, but you don't have to run around the warehouse like a "normal" pick, where you have 3-5 different items in different places of the warehouse12:54
ggabrielunless you have a spy fly12:54
Tofecybette: lunch ? my my, why not; what time would that be ?12:55
cybetteTofe: noon-ish?12:55
cybetteTofe: we can discuss beer possibility for evening later (i sure as hell need one)12:56
Tofenoon-ish sound good12:56
cybetteatlaz: some will have 2 items - Jolla + LE TOH (or a note saying the TOH will be shipped later as we ran out)12:57
MFaro-Tusinocybette: Got tracking info on the review unit - says it will be here day before Christmas - PERFECTLY timed :D12:57
cybetteMFaro-Tusino: \o/12:57
atlazcybette: yeah, well anyway. One large container containing phones, next to it one larg container containing TOH:s. Look at picking list, take on item or two items, put in bag, click button, paste shipping documents, repeat 500 times :P12:58
atlaz~10secs / shipment. Unless it's a dumb system with lots of manual steps12:59
KabouikAnyone could help me with fdisk on Jolla? I'd like to use my #%&$ µSDXC, but can only use my Jolla to format it because I have no other card reader12:59
TofeKabouik: fdisk is so user friendly, I don't understand what difficulty you could have :)13:01
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TofeKabouik: I guess the first thing to do is to be sure you use fdisk on the correct disk13:02
KabouikWell, I'm have no basics Tofe, and I'm not sure how to find the unformatted SDCARD, or how to format it. And I want to avoid formatting something that shouldn't be formatted :p13:02
KabouikDon't know why I used caps for writting sdcard.13:02
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atlazIsn't internal storage shown as an sdcard in Jolla also?13:03
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TofeI don't know yet the naming used by Jolla for its storages13:04
KabouikI have no idea, but anyway I don't even know what to put after "fdisk" in terminal. I seem to remember the names of the blocks are mmcblkXXX in N900, but I am not going to put something here without being sure it is the SD card :p13:05
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Tofecould be "fdisk /dev/sdb" for instance13:05
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Tofeon n900, it would be fdisk /dev/mmcblk113:06
Kabouik"for instance" :p13:06
Tofeyes, I don't know the naming, so I'm being careful with what I say :)13:06
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KabouikI really have no basics, I need help. I know I should go into terminal if I have no basics, but I should be able to use my sdcard too so that's the way to do it13:06
Kabouikshouldn't go*13:07
ggabrielKabouik: if you are using your phone, i suggest that you first play with fdisk on a computer with linux13:07
ggabrielif you break your phone (which you can with fdisk), they'll charge you to reflash it13:07
KabouikI don't have any Linux install available at the moment13:07
ggabrielget virtualbox and install something13:07
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sremesand fdisk won't do any harm until you write your changes13:07
* ggabriel just saying... and remembers the time when he broke his first pc xt with it :P13:08
KabouikI know ggabriel, that's I ask if there is somebody who knows how to use fdisk on Jolla to format the sdcard in the proper format who could help (I know there are people who know how to do it, not sure they have time to help however)13:08
ggabrielKabouik: sd cards normally come preformatted, or at least pre partitioned13:08
ggabrielso you shouldn't need fdisk to format it13:08
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KabouikYeah but the preformated for 64 GB is not supported by Sailfish/Jolla13:09
KabouikExt4 works though13:09
ggabrielyou need help of somebody with a device i'm afraid13:09
KabouikThere are a lot in here13:09
ggabrieli don't know where the sd card is13:09
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KabouikI asked on TMO too, but no help so far13:10
ggabrielyou may want to try mkfs before fdisk, just be careful ;-)13:10
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piglettoKabouik: fdisk -l will show you the names13:10
KabouikI could do it if I could read the SD card on my computer and format it here, but no card reader13:10
KabouikTried that pigletto, it returned nothing13:10
piglettoKabouik: you need sudo first13:10
KabouikDo I have to be root?13:11
TofeKabouik: are you sure it is a software issue ? If the sdcard reader only supports up to 32Gb, it may well be a hardware issue then13:11
KabouikI don't know Tofe, honestly I don't have 32 GB cards, max I had was 1613:12
piglettoKabouik: my microSD can be found in /run/user/100000/media13:12
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Kabouik/dev/mmcblk1p1 -> 63.4 GB, System: HPFS/NTFS/exFAT13:12
Tofepigletto: that's the mount point, but do you have the device ?13:12
KabouikMust be that13:12
piglettoTofe: yes13:13
KabouikI have the mount point but no device in here pigletto13:13
Tofeah ok, it's same naming scheme as on N900, good !13:13
KiranosThe 64GB micro SDXC cards work fine in the Jolla when formatted as standard FAT (i.e. FAT32). T13:13
KabouikYes Kiranos, that's why I want to format it in something non-exFAT13:13
KabouikExt4 or Fat3213:13
KabouikBut can only use my Jolla to do so because no card reader working13:13
Tofeok, then you only need mkfs.vfat or mkfs.ext413:14
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Tofeah, well, no, you need to change the partition type maybe13:14
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zbenjaminanyone has Whatsapp running on his Jolla?13:14
Quuyes, "running"13:15
TofeKabouik: you need to start fdisk with "fdisk /dev/mmcblk1", as root. Then, ask fdisk for help  (m)13:15
Tofe"l" (low L) will list the partition table13:16
zbenjaminQuu: Bysmyyr: where did you get it from and how good does it work?13:16
Tofeah, no, the list of partition types, sorry. "p" is for the partition table.13:17
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Quuzbenjamin: google play, kinda doesnt even work at all.13:17
zbenjaminmeeeh, thats really the only android app i NEED!13:17
TofeKabouik: but, really, it would be best if you first try it on some virtual device13:17
zbenjaminno calendar, no whatsapp.... i want to use my new phone :(13:18
zbenjaminQuu: wasn't there a opensource alternative that runs on the N9?13:18
zbenjaminwhat about that one?13:18
Bysmyyrzbenjamin: from their website. Works but sounds are almost silet13:18
Bysmyyrit it coming13:18
Quuzbenjamin: havent tried, people says its bit too buggy13:18
zbenjaminBysmyyr: ok at least i get the messages13:19
QuuBysmyyr: does that work like native app or more like shitty android app?13:19
Bysmyyrbetween those ;)13:20
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Bysmyyrnot good as native but working.13:20
zbenjaminBysmyyr: you downloaded the android version right?13:20
Quugood enough13:20
Bysmyyrsome problems maybe in importing contacts13:20
zbenjaminor openwhatsapp13:20
Bysmyyrzbenjamin: android yes13:21
zbenjaminwill the N9 version run on sailfish?13:22
zbenjaminis there any Jolla <> N9 compatibility? I guess not, linked to wrong libraries should block that13:24
faenilzbenjamin, I think coderus has ported Persecute to sailfish already, but he doesn't have a phone so he hasn't published/tested it13:25
faenilyou can try asking13:25
zbenjaminfaenil: persecute?13:26
faenilzbenjamin, look for it, harmattan whatsapp client, I think it was born after the split in openwhatsapp, somthing like that13:26
minimeczbenjamin: faenil is right. https://openrepos.net/content/coderus/persecute-sailfish13:26
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zbenjaminminimec: did you try it?13:27
minimeczbenjamin: My jolla phone is 'in picking' for a week now, because I living in a non EU country... :(13:28
zbenjamineww :(13:28
zbenjaminwhy the split from openwhatsapp?13:28
minimeczbenjamin: The famous N9 wazzapp app has not been ported to sailfish OS 'imho' due to python incompatibilities.13:29
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zbenjaminminimec: lol whut13:29
faenilminimec, I think persecute also uses python13:29
faenilzbenjamin, python not official allowed in Harbour, *yet*13:30
faenilso if you want it, you have to package it with your app13:30
zbenjaminfaenil: ah i see13:30
Raimzbenjamin: we already had three WhatsApp clients for N9: Wazapp, WhatsUp, Persecute13:30
faenilnothing worrying13:30
zbenjaminRaim: non complete i guess13:30
zbenjamini hope there will be a native official WhatsApp client13:30
faenilzbenjamin, from what I heard those unofficial ones had even more features13:31
zbenjaminfaenil: yeah maybe but they can break every other day13:31
zbenjamini wonder why mail is not the common messaging way these days. You can have conversation views too, and its supported everywhere13:32
minimecfaenil: Looks like Persecute is 'pure QT/QML' according this thread
* ShadowJK lols at digitoday's "jolla battery sucks"13:34
QuuShadowJK: most accurate battery test to this date.13:34
zbenjaminfaenil: is there a api to create own account types?13:34
faenilzbenjamin, don't think so atm, but I could be wrong13:34
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ShadowJKI can make a battery meter that shows 100% for an hour of voice call13:35
ShadowJKI win \o/13:35
ShadowJKor the phone with my meter would win their "test" :)13:36
Quudo it13:36
zbenjaminhuh,  a new system image?13:36
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zbenjaminwhat does the new update change?13:37
Raimthe Maps app measures distance in yards, probably because I selected "English (UK)" as language. Is there any way to switch to the metric system without changing language?13:37
KabouikSorry, back, had to leave temporarily13:37
ggabrielRaim: maybe this will help, may require terminal and whatnot: http://www.jollatides.com/2013/12/16/how-to-tweak-jolla-system-locale/13:38
dist_Has anyone found a way to interface with the NFC reader? (as in get any communication going with it)13:38
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KabouikSo basically Tofe, the command line would be "mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcblk1p1"? With special caution I don't mistype "mmcblk1p1", but at least, at 63.4 GB, I am sure it's the card13:40
KabouikI just tried Nokia BH-505 with the Jolla dist_, no NFC detection. Seems consistent with the fact that the Jolla's NFC antenna is only for smart OH, but not powerful enough for other NFC devices13:43
KabouikUnless a special OH is made with a bigger antenna I guess13:43
dist_Kabouik: How did you test?13:43
zbenjaminfaenil: do you know if there is a changelog for the currently delivered update?13:43
zbenjaminerm ;)13:44
zbenjaminwait its installing atm13:44
KabouikJust turned the BH-505 on, and touched the Jolla OH on every location possible (assuming NFC is on since the Jolla has recognized the OH for installing the ambience)13:44
KabouikShould try wiithout the cover13:44
dist_I managed to read NFC tag that's on the cover, mifare ultralight.13:44
KabouikBut I guess with BH-505, I'd have to connect to the NFC on Jolla itself, not the chip inside the OH13:45
dist_Yeah I think the reader might be active for just a moment when the OH is installed. (around the time when the little clip on the side pushes in the switch)13:45
dist_Dunno though. Haven't measured yet. Maybe this weekend I will.13:46
Quuzbenjamin: shop fixes13:46
zbenjaminQuu: i hoped for cal sync ;)13:46
ggabrieli think they said next year for new features13:46
faenilzbenjamin, https://lists.sailfishos.org/pipermail/devel/2013-December/001818.html13:47
zbenjaminggabriel: ew13:47
ggabrieland bugfixes this year13:47
ggabrielmaybe another update and everything13:47
zbenjaminggabriel: imho calendar not syncing is a bugfix ;)13:47
* zbenjamin hopes13:47
ggabrielnot sure what you mean, you can argue that lack of caldav is "calendar not sync'ing"13:48
zbenjaminggabriel: exactly ;)13:48
ggabrielyeah, well, i had to fight those fights before and that is a feature request13:48
ggabrielit isn't long until jan/201413:48
Raimggabriel: thanks for the link, that looks good. I'll try that later.13:49
ggabrielRaim: let me know how it goes (i don't have a jolla)13:49
zbenjaminggabriel: yeah we'll have to wait i know13:49
* ggabriel wants metric system as well13:49
zbenjaminggabriel: but a open accounts API would help, we could implement stuff ourselves. Like a owncloud account would be really cool13:50
ggabrielzbenjamin: i can't agree more13:50
ggabrielso let's give them time, i reckon they are packing phones at the moment13:50
zbenjaminpfft i have mine ;) now i want APIs ;)13:51
ggabrielzbenjamin: typical....13:51
faenilzbenjamin, changelog, https://github.com/nemomobile/ssu/commit/205984f73a81d16f542ff7f12e7833f926044f5013:51
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zbenjaminlots of free time on xmas ;)13:51
zbenjaminfaenil: lol ;)13:51
faenilzbenjamin, that's it13:51
faenilhotfix for store stuff13:52
KabouikDaln, Tofe isn't here anymore!13:52
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nadrieluh oh sometimes fingerterm crashes. to be specific url-grabber freezes when coming back from browser.13:52
zbenjaminfaenil: does nemo have a account API?13:52
faenilzbenjamin, don't know13:53
faenilzbenjamin, there's something in the middleware for sure13:53
zbenjaminfaenil: ehehe lol ;) shouldn't we know? ;)13:53
faenilzbenjamin, not if we don't work on that13:53
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Stskeepsfaenil: there's an accounts and sso middleware in mer, as an example13:53
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v2pxI should be able to set ambiance by swiping from the right on my home screen, right?13:55
ggabrielv2px: if you have favourite ambiances, yes13:55
ggabriel(according to the guide)13:55
KabouikExactly v2px, you need to have set favorite ambiences first13:56
KabouikThen it works13:56
faenilStskeeps, yeah13:56
v2pxoh, the guide. I should have a look at that13:56
ggabrielv2px: more than 2 favourites btw13:56
ggabrielor so somebody said13:56
ggabrielv2px: you mean you didn't read every single detail of it the minute it came out? :-)13:56
KabouikI think there was an Abience menu in the lockscreen pulley menu at some point in the videos13:56
KabouikDon't see it on my device though13:56
zbenjaminStskeeps: and in Sailfish? ;)13:57
zbenjaminStskeeps: lets say i want to implement a account that can sync my contacts and calendars to owncloud. Where do i start?13:57
Stskeepsnot sure, accounts-SSO is reaaly not my area13:58
zbenjaminStskeeps: sso means?13:58
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atlazOh no. The newest apple-spoof is gonna do some serious damage among dumb users13:58
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Quuatlaz: the what13:58
atlazLets just hope, that we don't get those kind of "tutorials" for Jolla13:58
atlazQuu: http://termite.apcdn.com/full/111629.png (SFW)13:59
Raimnadriel: I've seen the same crash of FingerTerm when closing the URL grabber. never experienced it on N9 before, where I also used FingerTerm a lot, so something must have changed.13:59
ggabrielzbenjamin: sso=single sign on13:59
ggabriel(I think)13:59
zbenjaminggabriel: ah!13:59
Fryeatlaz, :D13:59
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Stskeepszbenjamin: single sign on14:00
KabouikFingerterm crashed after several hours of "top" too14:00
zbenjaminStskeeps: who would be the right person to ask then?14:00
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ggabrielatlaz: lol14:01
ggabrieli tried it on my mac and i lost everything!14:01
nadrielRaim: not sure if alignment has something to do with it. vertical vs horizontal14:01
zbenjaminthe SDK is still a Alpha?14:01
ggabrielzbenjamin: yes14:01
nadrieland changing it in the middle14:02
Azogi carried my new jolla around yesterday evening. it seems, that the contact to the sim card breaks from time to time. i had to re-enter the pin in this case. is this a hardware issue or could it be software?14:02
zbenjamindownloading it now14:02
Raimnadriel: hm, I recently switched to forced landscape mode, because it annoyed me :-)14:02
yanooDoes sharing photo to twitter works for anybody? Any attempts finishes with fail for me.14:03
atlazAzog: i've been using mine now for a week, haven't had that problem14:03
ggabrielAzog: clean the contacts just in case14:03
atlazAzog: are you using a factory made microsim or have you "made it yourself" from a normal sim?14:04
nadrielRaim: still freezes?14:04
Azogi cleaned the contacts with a cloth, still have problems14:04
Azogatlaz: it is factory made14:04
Raimnadriel: can't remember whether it was before or after I changed the setting...14:04
atlazAllright. Have you used the sim in another phone? I mean, it's more easy to test the SIM-card than the phone :)14:05
nadrielwell i'll try it out meself14:05
pp_mine didn't like a home-cut sim that worked in my n914:06
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Azogatlaz: i had the sim card in my n900 for ~2 years14:06
pp_worked only if I aligned it perfectly, and stopped working with a TOH14:07
pp_got a new one and no problems14:07
joecoolis it possible to setup sip on this?14:07
Azogis there a logfile to check, when this disconnects occur?14:07
atlazAzog: Allright. I'd maybe try with a new sim-card, if that doesn't work then i'd guess there's some kind of a hardware problem. You've updated your phone to Laadunjärvi, right?14:08
KabouikSo guys, if I happen to run "devel-su", "mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcblk1p1" (/dev/mmcblk1p1 being 63.4 GB according to "fdisk -l"), do I rish dividing the Earth by zero end ending up with a bricked Jolla ? :o14:08
KabouikReally need to use that damn SD card :o14:08
jussiKabouik: just walk into any electronics store and "borrow" one of their devices that are on display. most have sdcard readers nowadays :P14:09
Azogatlaz: yes, i have "SailfishOS (Laadunjärvi)"14:09
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nadrieli thought sd's were supported up to 32gb?14:09
Kabouikjussi But why would I do it if I can do it on the Jolla directly? :'(14:10
jussiKabouik:  risk free?14:10
KabouikMine is 64 GB nadriel, which is supported too, but not in the filestystem it came with14:10
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Kabouikjussi: just confirm me there's no risk in running these commands :P14:10
nadrielformat it to ext4?14:10
KabouikThat's what I want to do nadriel, or FAT3214:11
KabouikHonestly I'm not an experienced user so I might miss the thing, but I fail to see what could go wrong if I mkfs.vfat on the /dev/mmcblk1p1, since it's reported as a 64GB device (and hence can only be the card)14:12
KabouikApart from mistyping the commande of course14:13
joecoolgo for it!14:13
nadrielheh, try it out.14:13
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nadrielsince it's the sd if it fails errormessages will be present14:16
laubblaeserhey there, received my jolla phone today and was trying to do a phone call. sadly the microphone isnt working. anyone here who could help me?14:16
Stskeepslaubblaeser: what country are you in?14:16
laubblaeser@Stskeeps germany14:17
Stskeepslaubblaeser: hang on a couple of seconds14:18
laubblaeserthank you very much.14:19
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Pnuuhow to recognize @twitter user in #irc14:21
Stskeepslaubblaeser: does handsfree work during the phone call?14:21
ggabriel#pnuu, lol ;-)14:21
laubblaeseryes, it does. tried it earlier when calling my home station. microphone worked then.14:21
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laubblaeser(not using twitter btw, just not used to irc as well ;-) )14:22
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Stskeepslaubblaeser: you need to contact jolla care@ and make it very clear those two things, that you'd like to return it for repair or replacement and that you're in germany14:24
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laubblaeseri've already filed a request at zendesk, hoping that they will see it there. but i will try and write an email to them at care@, thanks for the advice. just very disappointing to get a new phone with every working but the phone functionality... :-/14:26
Stskeepslaubblaeser: agreed, slipups does happen14:26
Azogatlaz: i now cleaned the sim again, this time with a bit cleaning solvent. i noticed, that a small movement of the sim down already disconnects the sim14:26
ggabriellaubblaeser: i wrote to care@j.c once, and a ticket appeared in zendesk14:27
atlazAzog: i'll try to nudge my sim, lets check14:27
Stskeepslaubblaeser: could you mention the zendesk request number?14:27
laubblaesersure thing: Request #446614:28
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atlazAzog: i was pretty violent with my sim-card. Tried moving it forward and backward (as much as i can, because the plastic mat-thingy doesn't really provide much movement), to the sides etc. Didn't disconnect14:29
atlazMy card moves about 2-3mm up and down, not at all to the side14:29
KabouikSorry again, had to left again: improvized mini-meeting at work14:32
atlazAzog:  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6746803/WP_20131218_001.jpg picture of my sim-card14:32
atlazLumia 520 quality photo :)14:32
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atlazMy card is brand new, a week old14:33
Kabouikjussi joecool nadriel: But as you all tell me I should try on Linux first, or in a VM, or go to a electronics store and format from the computer...14:33
Azogatlaz: i think i should get a new one14:33
KabouikWell, I'm gonna try it!14:33
Azogatlaz: thanks for the help14:33
joecoolKabouik: http://www.sysresccd.org this is a nice livecd if you're ok getting around linux14:34
joecoolshould do what you need14:34
KabouikYes joecool, I'm actually considering reinstalling again a dual boot Linux distro14:37
joecoolKabouik: you could do that, or you could just boot from livecd and run command without installing14:37
joecoolboth work14:37
KabouikBut for now I know the Jolla can reformat the SD so I'd like the simplest way to get the SD card working, Linux OS apart14:37
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KabouikExcept I have no card reader that accepts the SD, apart from the Jolla itself :p14:38
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FryeKabouik, pm me and I'll try to help you through it. You are definitely on track14:42
KabouikThanks a lot Frye14:42
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bjornHow do I use the Limited Edition Other Half ringtone/sounds?14:44
AJAX555sweet evil jesus14:44
bjornI noticed a comment on the store indicating the path, but I find no way to navigate there.14:44
AJAX555I am "in picking"!14:44
StskeepsAJAX555: country?14:44
ggabrielAJAX555: woohoo14:44
AJAX555I wonder how long this "in picking" state lasts..14:45
ggabrielAJAX555: time to refresh fedex14:45
Stskeepsprobably not long14:46
ggabrieloh, wait, not sure that works for .fi14:46
Wntbjorn: go to gallery -> ambiance, select the one with red vertical stripes14:46
bjornWnt: That changes the sounds?14:47
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Wntor if you didn't yet install the ambiance from the store re-connect the other half to get the istallation dialog again14:47
Wntbjorn: I think so14:47
bjornWnt: They sound the same to me.14:47
atlazIf you favorite the ambience, you can change the ambience sounds. I don't have a LE-version so i can't say14:48
Wntit seems that the sounds of the "The First One" ambiance cannot be changed14:49
bjornIf I favourite it all I see it an additional "ringtone volume" sttings.14:49
bjornAlso, then I have two of those red ambiences in the quick-ambience-selection menu.14:50
bjornIt seems I have one that I can't get rid of.14:50
Raimggabriel: setting LC_MEASUREMENT=de_DE.utf8 worked, Maps is now using the metric system while the language is still English14:51
ggabrielRaim: awesome, thanks14:51
QuuWnt: no, you cant edit that at all.14:54
piglettobjorn: ringtones from the first one just work if you enable this ambiance14:59
piglettobjorn: but you'll not see any difference in settings14:59
piglettojust wait for a call ;)14:59
piglettoor call yourself from another device15:00
sledgespigletto: do ringtones disappear when you change ambiance? (i don't like the wallpaper from the le other half ;))15:01
piglettosledges: I think yes, but you can do the following to have ringtones useable in system sound settings:15:02
piglettosledges: start terminal15:02
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piglettosledges: copy ringtones from /usr/share/ambiance/ambiance-the-first-one/sounds to /home/nemo/Music15:02
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sledgeslol just scared and made to laugh half of the office when i called myself the first time to hear the oth ringtone :D15:03
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sledgespigletto: thanks, now i will think twice before doing your steps :D (text/sms ringtone should probably be nice though, didn't try) but i like jolla default music sounds very much15:08
piglettosledges: hehe, I prefer default ones too15:09
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v2pxcan sailfish read ext3/4 or btrfs on a sd card?15:09
ggabrielv2px: it was reported that yes15:10
kori like how a "or"-question was answered with yes.15:10
v2pxso I don't have to use some kind of fat that destroys all of my filenames15:10
Wntwhant is the recomended filesystem type for sd card?15:10
korext4 i'd say15:10
ggabrielv2px: apparently anything non fat doesn't auto mount15:11
ggabriel(or something)15:11
v2pxoh okay15:11
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Wntif btrfs works I guess it would be a good option as it has some internal support for SSD devices?15:11
ggabrielloads of reports in tmo15:11
ggabrielWnt: exactly15:11
koryeah, there's that, but why would you be bothered about no automount15:11
ggabrielWnt: which basically means it wears the memory evenly15:11
v2pxas long as the indexer checks it for media files I'm fine with mounting it manually15:11
Wntbut btrfs filesystems won't be automounted?15:12
v2pxIt does that, right?15:12
Wntmaybe a manually added fstab entry will automount it? :)15:13
ggabrielWnt: when i get the device, i'll be trying that15:13
Wntor modified hotplug script15:13
ggabrielsudo mount my sd card && sudo make me a sandwitch15:14
ggabrielerm... sandwich even15:14
v2pxalso sudo turn all android apps into native sailfish apps15:14
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ggabrieli'm afraid i can't let you do that dave15:14
korsudo turn all android devices into sailfish devices15:15
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v2pxI like to keep an alias please=sudo15:16
v2pxso I can type please apt-get ... and things like that15:16
ggabrielv2px: you are too kind a person15:16
bjornpigletto: Oh, that would explain it, thanks!15:16
v2pxI have a very intimate relationship with my computer15:17
dTAor make it "pls", save 1 keystroke15:17
v2pxor "dude".15:18
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v2pxThe stoner version15:18
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bjornSo, I have a broken "First One" ambience in my ambience favourites that does not to do anything when I select it. How could I get rid of it?15:18
bjornI'll try restarting.15:19
dTAwith stoner version no need for alias for "man" either15:19
v2pxdude man what15:19
v2pxoh I like that15:20
Pnuuwhy use dude with man anyways?-D15:20
Quudude man pls15:20
v2pxfor teh lulz15:20
ggabrielalias cmon=sudo15:20
bjornRestarting got rid of it. :)15:21
v2pxyeah or alias cd=eject on a friends computer15:21
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* bjorn now finally understands "where" the progress indicator when installing Other Half ambience appears and why it can sometimes never finish (cause it's getting it from the store it is affected by network problems).15:23
AJAX555how long is the "in picking" part? 2 days?15:24
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pdanekSo I don't think Jolla will match the promise of 3-4 weeks delivery since order. :)15:26
QuuAJAX555: 4 days for me15:26
pdanekAt least for me.15:26
AJAX555oh snap15:26
ggabrielsometimes it never progresses15:26
ggabrieland the phone gets to your hands15:26
ggabrielthere's at least 1 person in .fi that it never progressed from paid :)15:26
v2pxyeah I only knew that is was shipping because I looked my order up on the fedex tracking system15:27
v2pxthe moment I got it I got a mail with my tracking number15:27
v2pxso.. another question. can the media player play flac?15:28
tobiskiAJAX555: my "in picking" lasted 12 hours15:28
ggabrielv2px: somebody said yes to that as well15:28
pdanekI'm not even looking on Jolla statuses... no point.15:29
AJAX555tobiski: I hope it lasts only 12 hours for me too15:29
pdanekJust check Fedex directly.... nothing in Fedex system for me yet.15:29
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Fryebtrfs: unrecognized mount option 'uid=100000'15:31
Fryewhen I insert sd card15:31
FryeSame with inserting ext4 formatted card15:32
ggabrielFrye: makes sense15:32
FryeAny ideas15:32
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ggabrielbtrfs/ext4 have their own uid's per file :P15:32
FryeOk, that seems to prevent the sd card from automatically mounting though15:32
Fryemanual mount works fine15:33
ggabrielbut you can mount manually15:33
FryeOk, so no workaround for that?15:33
ggabrielwhat's in /etc/fstab? do you see the uid there?15:33
FryeNo it's not there15:33
ggabrielthen i dunno15:34
bjornI'm unable to access my Jolla files from my PC on Xubuntu. Anybody else had problems here?15:34
ggabrieli'd try adding it there15:34
ggabriel(if you check the n9, there is a uid option for MyDocs, and MyDocs is FAT)15:34
nadrielisn't that more like mtabs thing?15:35
ggabrielnadriel: not sure about mtabs, /etc/mtab is the current mounted volumes iirc, so i don't touch that15:36
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ggabrielbut don't take my word for it... i have a fair knowledge of linux, but meego/mer/sailfish differ ever so slightly ;-)15:36
piglettobjorn: I've not tried it yet but some people asked about this here, AFAIR you'll have to install MTP package on your ubuntu15:37
nadrielgoogle is friend15:37
ggabrielnadriel: not mine ;-)15:37
bjornpigletto: Hrm, never had much luck with MTP...15:37
ggabrielthey tried to sell me "JSP" one day instead of giving me information and i ceased15:37
v2pxgoogle just recently bought a company that builds military robots15:38
nadrielbut shouldn't differ too much, been a long time i've prodded anything with a stick. everything just works (tm)15:38
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piglettobjorn: but you can ssh/scp via wifi also15:40
Fryewith fat FS the card is automatically mounted15:40
RaimFrye: udev launches /usr/sbin/mount-sd.sh to mount the SD card15:40
bjornpigletto: Only if I enable developer mode, which might void my warranty it says. :P15:40
bjornpigletto: Though, I guess I need developer mode anyway when I want to develop apps for it, which I certain will...15:41
Turskiyuck, why would anyone format anything to FAT :|15:41
ggabrielRaim: cool, well spotted15:41
FryeTurski, because it seems to work =)15:41
piglettobjorn: no fun without developer mode15:41
FryeI'm just playing around with the sd15:41
bjornpigletto: Ok, enabling the fun!15:41
Fryeext4 and btrfs formatted in device do not work15:41
RaimFrye: you could edit that script and remove the uid=,gid= options for mount15:41
ggabrielRaim: i'd create a new script ;-)15:42
FryeRaim, Ok I'll try that15:42
ggabrielyou know, rpm checksums and all that15:42
Raimor extend it to do different things by fstype15:42
Turskiand there's also mount-sd-on-startup.service or something like that for systemd15:42
FryeBut not now.15:42
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ggabrielso /etc/fstab doesn't work?15:42
FryeNeed to go for today15:42
Turskiwhich iirc also calls /usr/bin/mount-sd.sh15:42
Turskiggabriel: what's in fstab?15:43
Turskiggabriel: for sd card15:43
ggabrielapparently nothing, Turski15:43
ggabrielso i'd add a line there15:43
Raimggabriel: hm, but there's no thing like aegis on N9 that would lock down your device, is there?15:43
ggabrieland maybe just stop that service15:43
ggabrieli have no clue, haven't got a device15:43
ggabrieljust saying what i would do15:43
Turskiggabriel: thet would help with automount15:43
Turskiggabriel: fstab is only read on boot15:44
ggabrielTurski: you're correct15:44
RaimI don't think that fstab would work. the udev rule matches mmcblk1*15:44
Turskiyes, there's already stuff to make mount work15:44
Fryeyeah I think working with the udev is the best approach15:44
ggabrielbut i'd make a new script15:44
FryeI try to take a look at it later today15:44
Turskiggabriel: why?15:45
ggabrielbecause if the current script is part of an rpm and is checksummed15:45
ggabrielyou may have issues upgrading15:45
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ggabrieli'd also check that the file in /etc/udev (or similar) isn't part of a package15:45
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ggabrielTurski: that doesn't necessarily mean that is controlled :D15:46
ggabrieli'll need to review jolla's packaging systme15:46
Turskiggabriel: ?15:46
ggabrielwell, as a rule i don't touch files that "belong" to a package15:47
ggabrielin gentoo, "equery b path/to/file" tells you that15:47
ggabrielthen it's easy: you copy it and change it and do whatever15:47
Turskiwell, sure15:47
ggabrielthere must be an equivalent in sailfish15:47
v2px.oO( or qfile )15:47
Turskisure if you want to edit udev a udev rule that's provided by a package, you should copy it to /etc/udev/rules.d and edit there15:48
ggabrielso i have yet another plan for when i get my jolla ;-)15:48
Turskirules in /etc/udev/rules.d override rules in /usr/lib/udev/rules.d15:48
Frye        mount $SDCARD $MNT -o uid=$DEF_UID,gid=$DEF_GID15:49
ggabrielto have it simple, i'd make a rule by label or uuid15:49
FryeThat's the bit that needs some more ifs around it =)15:49
ggabrielso that i can stick any fat formatted sd in my jolla15:49
ggabrielat the end of the day, an ext4/btrfs formatted sd doesn't work on _every_ computer15:49
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SpeedEvilA SDXC card that is not formatted to EXfat is not an SDXC card - by definition.15:53
SpeedEvilWhich is regrettably retarded - but true.15:53
dunpcan it be named to some other?15:54
SpeedEvilIf you don't do exfat - you're not even allowed to put SDXC on the compatibility list.15:54
ggabrielSpeedEvil: ? i think that's unrelated15:54
ggabrielSpeedEvil: sdxc has to do with speed iirc15:54
SpeedEvilI was commenting on the 'not on every computer'15:54
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ggabrieli didn't mean like htat15:54
SpeedEvilThe hardware is broadly the same as SD, yes.15:54
ggabrielno, you missed the point15:54
* SpeedEvil is annoyed at the whole stupid situation.15:55
SpeedEvilSorry - I should read backscroll more carefgully.15:55
ggabrielthe point is that if you have a fat formatted card, you can pop it anywhere and it "works"15:55
FiSHBoYSDXC  as a standard requires exFAT in order to be called SDXC is what he means15:55
ggabrielif you format btrfs or whatever, you plan to use it in computers that you know it works15:55
ggabrielnamely computers that you somehow control15:55
Turskiggabriel: i would check the filesystem type and have different options for different filesystems15:55
ggabrieli think you are saying something else (which i agree with)15:55
ggabrielTurski: fair enough15:56
* ggabriel wonders how do you check the file system15:56
ggabrielFiSHBoY: i see, it's retarded15:57
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FiSHBoYit is nonsense15:57
ggabrielbut it's free, so everybody's happy15:57
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Turskiggabriel: blkid16:00
Turskioutput will be something like '/dev/sda1: LABEL="root" UUID="daa588b6-efc2-47fe-8a33-6aa6b4ad6a03" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="006c20d8-01"'16:01
ggabrielTurski: yeah, thanks16:02
ggabrielTurski: hehe, it says that a luks partition is vfat16:02
Turskitarmo@kannettava:~$ sudo blkid -s TYPE -o value /dev/sda116:03
Turskiggabriel: O_o16:03
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stephghey guys, missed the beginning of this convo but am curious about the microsd:- is there a format that would be automounted or do I need to do that myself16:06
merlin1991stephg: I have a fat32 partition on my microsd (4g size) that gets automounted by the jolla16:07
Raimstephg: FAT32/vfat is mounted automatically16:07
stephgoh yes16:08
stephgok ignore me, I'm stupid :)16:08
merlin1991the rumors about btrfs are wrong since the aoutomount tries to mount with uid and gid of the nemo user but mount.btrfs doesn't understand that, at least that is what I found in dmesg / journalctl16:08
Raimstephg: with a different filesystem (btrfs above) the automounter fails as it passes arguments not supported by the btrfs filesystem module16:08
Turskiand ofcourse that is hackable16:09
pdanekDoes Jolla have to pay Microsoft for any FAT32 licensing?16:09
merlin1991Turski: you could iie place a wrapper around mount that strips the arguments based on blkid output16:09
Turskipdanek: if they paid, they would pay for exFAT i think...16:10
nanderHow long does it typically take from in picking to the next stage?16:10
Turskimerlin1991: nah, just modify the mount-sd.sh16:10
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Raimthe safest way to fix it without modifying existing files would probably be to place a new rule into something like 89-mount-sd.rules with OPTIONS+="last_rule" and reference a modified script from a different location16:13
pp_pdanek: it's a murky field :-)16:16
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laubblaeseranyone else here already received his phone?16:20
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laubblaeseris your microphone working at calls?16:21
fluxworks for me(TM)16:21
ggabriellaubblaeser: i'm sorry to tell you that a few folks in tmo report that the microphone works really well for calls16:21
FryeHave not tried tbh16:21
ssirkiaI got mine this morning.16:21
metallistolaubblaeser: yes16:21
Pnuuyep, works16:22
sremesi've had a few calls with my phone, and nobody has complained about microphone quality16:22
fluxworked also for taking video16:22
ssirkiaI haven't called anyone yet :-)16:22
laubblaesermeh, alright, so its just my phone again. have to send it back for a repair then, i guess. support couldn't help me either.16:22
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fluxthere the quality sort of sucked, but I suppose that's to be expected16:23
ssirkialaubblaeser: have you tried with headset?16:23
metallistoi got a lot of advices that my sound quality is much better than with my n90016:24
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ssirkiabtw: it was very hard to get the sim out :-)16:24
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fluxssirkia, indeed, as mine was self-cut16:25
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fluxafter some filing it worked out fine16:25
fluxin fact, it didn't work at all without filing16:25
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ssirkiaflux: same here (filing), although I don't think the original micto sims are significantly different - haven't seen one.16:26
fluxwell, I imagine their edges are smoother16:27
fluxas smooth as the original sim card's edges16:27
v2pxwhere should I mount the sd?16:27
cvpjo v2px alles klar ?16:28
v2pxahoi :)16:28
cvpfileman installiert ?16:28
tobiskibattery usage check: 12 hours with 3G data connection on, remaining: 45%16:28
ggabrieltobiski: interesting article re battery life: http://wpsailors.com/2013/12/18/jollas-battery-life-not-all-that-great-result-of-a-last-minute-soc-change/16:29
atlaztobiski: 12 hours with 3g data, four phone calls and random chatting on facebook and browsing imgur while on the shitter. Remaining 63%16:30
atlazI disabled auto brightness and went for low brightness (which is way more than it should)16:30
atlaz*which is still more*16:30
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tobiskiatlaz: basically the same but with 45% and I haven't touch the screen brightness16:30
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nanderIt gets through the day.. So that's decent16:31
v2pxcvp: I can't find my music in the media app if I mount it there16:31
tobiskiyup, that's good enough for me, nights are meant for charging the battery16:31
atlaztobiski: Yeah, try lowering it to minimum, i think thats still way too bright16:31
Pnuuatlaz: during 8 hours of inactivity (night) I've lost ~ 20 %16:31
atlazHopefully they can sort out the battery life still. I'd like to get 2 days worth of usage atleast16:32
atlazI'm out on 2 day bootcamps MUCH every year16:32
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v2pxany way to re-scan the sd for media?16:32
PnuuI asked about it, and there are several adjustments coming16:32
atlazand you can't get your phone charged in the woods :P16:32
tobiskiatlaz: that's little too dimm for my tase, 1/4 seems ok16:32
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cvpaha, ok ... noch nicht getestet, abr stimmt bei mir auch nicht angezeigt, vielleicht muss man den Ordner richtig benennen, wobei bilder auch gefunden werden ohne etwas zu machen16:32
atlaztobiski: i wonder if my brightness adjustment is broken. I mean on minimum its more bright than my Galaxy S2 was on 3/416:33
sledgesEnglisch bitte, oder im Privat. Viel Dank16:33
sremesI was surprised that the battery had emptied over night, when in the evening it had around 30% or something, which would have been ok for my previous phones to get to the next day16:33
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sremesI used to have my previous phone often close to bed without charging it over night16:34
tobiskiggabriel: some article said that in that test lumia didn't even have sim-card in place16:34
ggabrieltobiski: i guess the point is that jolla is working on battery life16:34
ggabrielnevertheless, it actually works ok16:34
tobiskiye, works good enough for me atm and if/when it improves it's only bonus in my opinion16:35
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SpeedEvilThe most important question is - are there hardware bugs that will prevent lower power states that can't be tested at the moment due to the software not supporting the lower power states.16:36
Turskiyesterday i had a bug with receiving a call... i couldn't answer it because UI didn't respond to my touch16:36
SpeedEvilThis may mean that it's not possible to get much better.16:36
Turskii tried locking the screen and opening in again but no...16:36
SpeedEvilIf there are no hardware bugs - then powersaving can improve.16:36
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Turskithen i swiped the caller away and opened it again from multitasking wiev and then i was able to open the pulley menu16:36
ggabrielSpeedEvil: that's a lengthy topic i think16:37
SpeedEvilggabriel: quite.16:37
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cvphttp://www.sailfishmods.de - but work in progess16:37
ggabrielTurski: if reproducible, i'd report ;-)16:37
v2pxcvp: gebookmarkt. aber ich muss mal los16:37
v2pxdem jolla mal berlin zeige16:38
cvpjup hauste ;)16:38
cvpo7 ? :D16:38
Turskiggabriel: i need to try that...16:38
DottiTurski: i have had same many times16:38
v2pxc-base grusz16:38
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Turskialso it's frustrating that screen doesn't turn on after taking the phone off from ear16:39
ssirkiaSpeedEvil: they have probably been able to verify the hardware (power states) with android, even if sailfish wasn't as optimized.16:39
SpeedEvilGood point.16:39
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sremessince many people are trying to get other phones to run sailfish, do you think a jolla could run android then? :)16:40
v2pxbut why bother16:40
ggabrielreminds me of nitdroid on the n916:40
ggabriel"yeah, works, but why downgrade?"16:40
ggabrielthen it got forgotten16:41
sremesyep, just curious :)16:41
SpeedEvilhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7xVrI-tUIQ - what the hell.16:41
SpeedEvilNokia Lumia 2520: For Work. For Play.16:41
pdanekfor work?16:42
cvplol really wtf16:43
ggabrielSpeedEvil: lol, i liked it16:43
SpeedEvilI am unsure what demographic that is aimed at.16:43
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ggabrielcheaper than a surface16:44
ggabrielmaybe lower spec'ed to16:44
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nanderThat nokia is aimed at retards16:48
nanderArguing from the ad16:48
ggabrieli wouldn't be so harsh ;-)16:48
ggabrieli'd happily swap my work ithing for a nokia or a bb [with lte/4g16:48
nanderI thought I was quite reasonable..16:48
ggabrielreasonable != harsh16:48
nanderThe ad seems to be aimed at retards16:48
nanderThe phone may not be16:49
ggabrielit's a tablet16:49
nanderI don't dislike lumia's16:49
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nanderI don't dislike WP16:49
ggabrieli think it's a common xmas british ad tbh16:49
ggabrielnot that i watch a lot of tv16:49
nanderIt's just I know in my heart meego was better ;)16:49
ggabrielmind you, i wouldn't pay for it16:49
ggabrieli'd play with it16:49
ggabrielbut i liked the ad16:50
ggabriela bit better than the ipad one that claimed that "you already know how to use it"16:50
ggabrielat least this one i watched until the end :P16:50
nanderDamm.. Give the asymptotical order of log (n^2), compared to sqrt(n)16:51
nanderlog(n^2) = 2*log(n), right?16:51
ggabrielnander: iirc, yeah16:52
rauzno fucking way my phone was since yesterday at my neighboors he forgot to bring it by, but it is here yess :)16:54
mordgenerally log(x^n) = n * log(x), so yes16:54
ggabrielrauz: woohoo16:55
ggabrielrauz: so they left no slip?!16:55
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nanderWhat was the character used for mass multiplication?16:56
rauzsry i don't know what slip means ?16:56
nander(like the sigma is for summation)16:56
ggabrielyou know, when they leave something with your neighbour they often put a paper through your letter box saying "you have something with your neighbour"16:56
SpeedEvilrauz: :)16:56
ggabrielnander: ! ?16:56
Pnuunander: capital pi16:56
mordcapital pi16:56
mordah, slow16:56
nanderThat was it ;)16:56
ggabrieloh, you mean that16:56
rauzggabriel: ah nope found nothing like that16:57
ggabriel"mass multiplication" was factorial (or however in english) for me16:57
ggabrielrauz: you have a good neighbour16:57
ggabrielrauz: were you in paid or shipping?16:57
ggabriel(or picking)16:58
rauzggabriel: ordernr 20000165416:58
rauzstatus still in picking :)16:58
ggabrielyou'll get a tracking number soon ;-)16:59
ggabrielgo play with your phone now16:59
rauzbut only box with the phone no toh :(16:59
ggabrielok, send it to me and wait for your complete bundle17:00
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ggabrielno problem ;-)17:00
nandernot even the white one?17:00
rauzthe standard white one ofc but the poppy red le is not in the box17:01
mordbah. can't get a sd to automount. latest attempts are with a 16gb card with a single vfat, ext2, ext3, ext4, btrfs partition; no luck17:01
FryeHmm, vfat should work. However rest need a change in the mount script17:04
mordhmm. trying that again then17:04
FryeThere is info how to change the script if you want to use some other filesystem17:05
Frye( I have not tested that myself yet )17:05
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mordFrye: works, thanks again17:15
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chem|stso some other issues or observations: you cannot setup facebook if both internet connections are activated and it starts to ask which to use...17:18
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chem|ston home screen using email panel gesture for update showed something reloading in settings panel, happened only once though17:19
chem|stand lockscreen should show the time of a running timer somewhere...17:20
rauzok, i love it i love this smartphone !!17:20
chem|stcybette: would you mind to use a logging bot of some kind to highlight bugreports and stuff?17:21
chem|strauz: wait till you find out it is no phone....17:21
ggabrielchem|st: ssshhh, don't spoil the honeymoon period17:22
ggabrielalso, i heard it was an excellent phone17:22
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ggabriel(which isn't hard in comparison to what's out there anyway)17:22
tillanybode here who can tell me how to import a *.ics file into the sailfish calendar?17:22
Stskeepschem|st: there's one17:23
Stskeepsbut not nice formatted yet17:23
Tofeoh, good17:23
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ggabrieloh, no, the nsa will read all that!!!17:23
merlin1991wtf does that sync to disc on every line?17:23
* ggabriel quickly looks for his emergency cash and passports17:24
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Morpog_PCaaah, finally setup SSH on my Jolla :D17:26
anonfriese_humm, Stskeeps: remember we talked about some web-interface for jolla to transfer files, read messages etc.? i know you wanted to wait with that, but i started work today on something closely related: ever thought about MDM-solutions for jolla? Basically a webserver (on-premise or on-cloud) where the jolla cann pull commands from/to or interact thorugh sms-gateway etc. for e.g. remote lock, app installation etc.17:26
anonfriese_Morpog_PC: first thing i did with mine ;)17:26
Stskeepsanonfriese_: sounds good17:27
anonfriese_would be my first app for sailfish, so kinda new land for me ;) could i build a rpm-package and put there my systemd-unitfiles, binarys, qml-stuff etc. and then just upload that to jolla harbour?17:28
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chem|stStskeeps: I mean a bug logger where you need cmd for and such17:30
chem|stor meeting bot17:30
Stskeepsanonfriese_: we're sadly a bit more restrictive currently, because if a package screws up upgrades or the system, it's a potential full grade care case with system flashing17:31
chem|stanonfriese_: no flasher yet17:31
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ggabrieljolla has to come up with the flasher other half17:32
merlin1991anonfriese_: atm you can only do 1 binary + desktop file and data/lib in dedicated dir, nothing fancy like dbus services ....17:32
Stskeepsthere sadly won't be flashable images, there's bits that we cannot redistribute in such a fashion, but we're working on a very good recovery system17:32
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chem|stcybette: can you shout upstream that the community would appreciate a public roadmap - especially to not double efforts17:32
chem|stStskeeps: and there goes the FOSS idea17:34
AcceAny idea when the i2c documentation will be released? I was just thinking about what to do with these FM receiver chips.. putting one in my THO might be nice17:34
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merlin1991chem|st: not necessarily if they provide a recovery system, sources and a way to flash your own kernel it still is nice and foss17:34
merlin1991you just can't flash full public relase images then17:35
chem|stAcce: receiver? 200mW FMtx...17:35
chem|stmerlin1991: depends on the recovery system17:36
chem|stmerlin1991: as of now factory reset is no factory reset...17:36
merlin1991didn't try it, what does it not reset? Because I heared somewhere that it rolls back to a btrfs snapshot17:37
chem|stI was able to sync contacts from my N9 without even touching the Jolla17:37
Stskeepschem|st: actually factory reset is pretty much a real factory reset, same step happens in factory :P17:38
merlin1991did you check the pairing list if your n9 was still in there?17:38
chem|stStskeeps: ok :) abd factory!17:38
chem|stmerlin1991: well if not it should ask right?17:38
chem|stso the pairing survived a reset17:38
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merlin1991heh it would be even more intresting if the pairing is not visible in the ui but it still works :D17:39
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chem|stdid not check that, will do that next time17:39
merlin1991I can try17:39
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chem|stah what I had was that it poped in whe I was searching for my BTaudio - that I remember, list was empty at first17:41
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merlin1991it would be cool if the recovery system has a roll back to sailfishos verison x option17:41
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merlin1991or even better if you can declare some snapshots to roll back to17:42
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merlin1991and then ofc the option to only restore filesytem / kernel17:42
Morpog_PCchem|st, seen your question from yesterday about where to put ringtones17:44
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fluxwhere are the backup stored? apparently not on the sd card.17:44
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fluxoh, it's the .vault, I looked at it but it looked like something else17:45
Morpog_PCI just coped the sounds from the first one ambiance to this folder (/usr/share/sounds/jolla-ringtones/stereo) and they show up now as ringtones, but don't show up in media player17:45
merlin1991chem|st: you're right17:45
merlin1991I've did a factory reset, went to settings bluetooth, started a search and suddenly my n9 showed up in the paired list17:46
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chem|stMorpog_PC: merlin1991 I know about the stereo folder buth it is the same pain as with other systems...I paid for UNLIKE!17:47
ggabriel#define UNLIKE not_always_what_you_expect17:48
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chem|stand will pay again!;)17:48
chem|stthe device is to big btw...5mm17:49
Morpog_PCnext mission: get browser to change orientation17:49
chem|stI am 190cm and even on my pants the device is too long and it does not fit my triangular carmount... why do I need to buy that with every phone even if I buy a generic one?17:50
ggabrielchem|st: you're 1.9m and you claim that it's too big, ok, i'm in trouble unless you have particularly small hands17:50
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chem|stnot my hands... pants and generic carmounts....17:51
Stskeepschem|st: cybette's currently banging drums, btw17:51
ggabrielchem|st: fair enough17:51
Stskeepsin the literal sense17:51
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AL13N_lizzybtw: that .vault ... what does it store? rsync-like backup? or btrfs snapshot send/receive diff?17:51
chem|stAL13N_lizzy: backup17:51
ggabrielAL13N_lizzy: git backup17:51
AL13N_lizzyi know it was a git, but a git of what?17:51
AL13N_lizzyall files?17:51
chem|stwhat you highlight17:51
AL13N_lizzyoh, there's a UI for the backup?17:52
chem|stexcept online stuff17:52
chem|stsettings -> system settings -> backup17:52
* AL13N_lizzy has no jolla17:52
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chem|stat least it seems like doing "everything"17:53
AL13N_lizzywhy do you say, except online stuff?17:53
chem|stI hope it is doing incremental git stuff... hav not checked yet17:53
chem|stAL13N_lizzy: there is an item gallery - hitting pictures but not facebookpictures...17:54
AL13N_lizzydoes it store only documents and stuff? or also all the installed system components and the likes?17:54
AL13N_lizzychem|st: ah17:54
AL13N_lizzyso, not the os itself17:55
chem|stno, but I guess your jolla account will hold previously installed apps at some point17:56
chem|standroid stores have that17:56
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AL13N_lizzychem|st: ok, but definately not any custom stuff17:57
AL13N_lizzyhmm, netsplit17:58
Quusplit happens.17:58
AL13N_lizzyalot of devs are splitting17:58
chem|ststill on your side17:58
AL13N_lizzyQuu: yes, on some networks more than others :-)17:58
chem|stso I got to grab dinner now17:58
AL13N_lizzyi just ate17:58
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Morpog_PChmm, interesting gconf keys to explore18:02
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: got your phone?18:05
Morpog_PCsure, yesterday ;)18:05
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: did you install WhatsApp?18:05
Morpog_PCyep, as no working alternative exists yet18:06
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zbenjaminMorpog_PC: did you restore messages from your old phone?18:07
zbenjaminwhere do i have to put the WhatsApp folder18:07
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sledgesMorpog_PC: congrats buddy! \o/18:10
Morpog_PCzbenjamin, nope I didn't, as I used wazapp before ;)18:12
Morpog_PCsledges, thx18:12
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: ah :/18:12
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zbenjaminbtw if i enable the developer repositories, does that mean i get features that are not enabled yet? ;)18:13
Morpog_PCbut I guess you would need to look for the alien dalvik folder18:13
Quuzbenjamin: that means you dont get updates as you fucked up your repo sources18:13
Morpog_PCnope, it just screws up ypur store access18:13
zbenjaminQuu: ok won't do it then ;)18:13
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zbenjaminMorpog_PC: i guess i cannot access the alien folder with just usb?18:15
Morpog_PCshould work18:15
Morpog_PCvia ssh18:15
zbenjaminah ;) ssh18:15
Morpog_PCbut I use wifi for SSH18:16
Morpog_PCeasier to setup on windows :)18:16
Pnuuand no cables!18:17
zbenjaminhm i cannot connect over wifi, Connection reset by peer18:18
Quutoo many beers is bad thing18:18
Morpog_PCI miss all my favourite Quality apps from harmattan, android apps just suck :D18:18
Morpog_PCyou tried the right ip?18:19
zbenjaminyes :)18:19
Morpog_PCssh enabled on device?18:19
Morpog_PCin dev settings18:19
Morpog_PCpassword set?18:19
zbenjaminyes and yes18:20
Morpog_PCwhich user you try?18:20
zbenjaminwhat do i do? ssh nemo@192.168.x.x?18:20
zbenjaminhmpf, no not working18:20
Morpog_PCworks fine here18:21
Morpog_PCtried to ping the ip?18:21
nanderDamm, Hoenig is a fine artist ;)18:21
zbenjaminping works18:21
* zbenjamin tries to reboot phone18:22
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: btw https://openrepos.net/content/coderus/persecute-sailfish18:23
fluxis there a changelog for .12?18:23
Morpog_PCzbenjamin, only i58618:23
Morpog_PCflux, just a store fix18:24
Jonniflux: .12 only fixed store credentials probem, nothing else.18:24
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: well you should be able to build it with the sdk right?18:24
Morpog_PCclosed source18:24
fluxmeh, I wasn't hit by it as far as I know :)18:24
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: seriously? meh18:25
Morpog_PCyep :(18:25
Morpog_PCyay for connect18:25
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Morpog_PCsomeone (hint: Jolla) should send coderus a Jolla device, so he develops persecute for sailfishos.18:26
zbenjaminok i found /opt/alien18:26
chem|stflux: 5 out of 10 times I reset the device I had issues18:26
chem|stno idea what it was though18:26
fluxchem|st, serves you right rebooting so often!18:26
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: could you check where your WhatsApp folder is?18:26
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zbenjaminMorpog_PC: check /sdcard/Android/data first18:27
chem|stwhat is persecute?18:27
Morpog_PCa whatsapp client18:27
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chem|stdo you guys ever think of useful stuff?18:27
Morpog_PCchem|st, well, it's the app all my friends communicate with18:28
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chem|stMorpog_PC: mine too and I tell each and everyone of them that they are dumb18:28
zbenjaminchem|st: useful like?18:28
zbenjaminchem|st: what do you use for communication?18:29
chem|stzbenjamin: columbus for example...18:29
chem|stzbenjamin: xmpp18:29
Morpog_PCchem|st, well, that gives me a good feeling, but doesn't make them switch to anything else18:29
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Morpog_PCfound it zbenjamin18:31
chem|stMorpog_PC: yeah and I don't care... if they are not on a smsflat I do care even less... each and every phone has an xmpp client but no we need to invent the wheel at least the third time the last decade....18:31
chem|stand from I know by now... whatsapp groups is something I want to live without!18:32
Morpog_PCchem|st, non tech people just doesn't understand18:32
Morpog_PCzbenjamin, /data/sdcard18:32
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Quuchem|st: lol :)18:33
Quui just want basic messaging18:33
Quui do most of my shit trough irc, but working whatsapp would be "nice"18:33
chem|stMorpog_PC: it is a chat client, you install you register you call... wtf? right! but you want whatsapp...18:33
chem|stsimple as that18:33
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zbenjaminMorpog_PC: directly in /data/sdcard?18:34
Morpog_PCsure chem|st I dumb whatsapp hapily as soon as you got all my friends to dumb it too :)18:34
zbenjaminlike /data/sdcard/WhatsApp18:34
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Turskichem|st: problem is that everyone uses whatsapp18:35
Morpog_PCzbenjamin, /data/sdcard/WhatsApp18:35
chem|stTurski: there was a time everyone used icq...18:35
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: great thx18:35
Turskichem|st: and there was a time when everyone used MSN messenger18:35
chem|stTurski: not in my country...18:35
Turskichem|st: in my country was18:36
Turskichem|st: that was probably same time when in your country everyone had icq18:36
Turskior then it was divided by age...18:36
chem|stwell not my domain have fun coding an app for a company earning enough to maintain any 10 mobileOSs extra...18:37
chem|stplease charge people some euros for it at least!18:37
chem|stTurski: nope that was more like when icq became a dating site...18:38
Morpog_PCwell, I donated several times for wazapp developers back then18:38
chem|stI will wait for heml.is and I know some whatsapp folks already waiting too...18:39
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chem|stas it seems noone ever cares about a gnupg capable xmpp client18:39
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ZogG_laptopso apperantly those who got jolla just days before it would be available to all, dont get LE TOH18:47
ZogG_laptopprobably they want "i waited not enuf" version of it :P18:48
AL13N_lizzyi heard something about that it would be shipped at a later date18:49
AL13N_lizzymaybe their stock ran out, and their delivery wasn't on time18:50
ggabrieltbh i'll be happy with the phone :)18:50
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ZogG_laptopggabriel: if everything is not right i want at least something18:53
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ZogG_laptopit's getting funny at some point18:54
rcgggabriel, well, this more teasing, but i really like the ui concept18:55
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: i cannot create anything in /data/sdcard18:55
Morpog_PCsame as SSH18:56
zbenjaminwhat are the creds on your whatsapp folder?18:56
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Morpog_PCgroup 101518:58
Morpog_PCowner 1000918:58
merlin1991I would love it if there were a convinent way todo usb networking pc <> jolla where the pc is the gateway to the internet, n900 has a really nice package that enables a "usb networking" option in the connection dialog18:58
rcgggabriel, just want to say that you will likely like it ;)18:58
pp_merlin1991: I'm doing my first app that does it the other way around, but I expect progress to be very slow :-)18:59
ZogG_laptopmerlin1991: it can come with a time, or you can port maemo's one :P19:00
merlin1991ZogG_laptop: maemo has nokias very own closed source connection manager, that won't be compatible in any way :D19:00
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: thx19:01
ggabrielyeah ill get it eventually19:01
pp_suppose other way around would just need to tell connman to do dhcp (and the pc to serve it to the rndis port)19:01
tigelimerlin1991: it takes 2 commands on the pc, one on the jolla.. how much convinient it can be :D19:02
ggabrielmerlin1991: interesting use case19:03
merlin1991tigeli: well the command on the jolla is the one that isn't convenient19:03
merlin1991I'd like to just choose usb networking from the ui that normally asks which wlan I want to use when something needs internet access19:03
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: after i downloaded the sdk how do i get to it?19:03
zbenjaminapk i mean19:03
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Morpog_PCin settings19:04
Morpog_PCor in events view19:04
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KabouikOr with jolla-filemand in /home/nemo/Downloads19:04
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: ah found it thx19:04
Morpog_PCbtw if you use twitter, get tweetian19:05
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: did it automagically find the sms?19:05
KabouikHas everyone came to the conclusion that the Settings app has to be open all the time (for managing transfers, connections, bluetooth, and so on), and hence basically acts as the drop-down menu of the N9?19:06
KabouikOr am I missing something?19:06
Morpog_PCzbenjamin, no19:06
Morpog_PCyou need to wait the long time and enter it manually19:06
zbenjaminMorpog_PC: of course not ;)19:06
zbenjaminok i can live with that19:06
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nanderno dropdown menu.. That's a pity19:06
nanderI liked that menu in the n919:06
nanderon the other half (pun intended), you get more screen estate for applications19:06
Morpog_PCKabouik, yeah I got it open alot of times19:06
KabouikLiked it too, it was like a toolbox that could be used from everywhere, very useful in a multitasking OS. We have the pulleys here, which are app-specific and useful too though19:07
Morpog_PCI always try to swioe left/right on multitask view :D19:07
KabouikBut using the Settings app and keeping it open all the time seems cumbersome compared to a general drop down menu19:07
Morpog_PCdamn harmattan gesures in my head ;)19:07
KabouikI do too Morpog_PC19:07
Morpog_PCbut I get used to it it more and more19:08
KabouikPlus getting back to the Settings app requires more gesture, not to mention that the cover of Settings is fixed (does not change depending on the Setting page open inside the app)19:08
KabouikBut I see no way of implementing that drop down menu, because I like the no-status-bar-choice too19:09
Morpog_PCzbenjamin, https://www.dropbox.com/s/jf8c56fpjdm90x9/tweetian-1.8.2-1.armv7hl.rpm19:09
chem|stKabouik: were already talking on tmo about that ridiculous four (4) gestures to change ambience... one could be at least a menu of some kind19:09
KabouikI've proposed some things about horizontal swipes from multitask view too on TMO, but perhaps not in the right place19:09
AardKabouik: I always hated the dropdown on the n9 a bit, as I often triggered it accidentally19:09
chem|stKabouik: having one swipe direction replaced with settings would be nice19:10
chem|stAard: +119:10
KabouikCould be fore > 9 covers, for Favorite apps (which are not useful because you have to go in Settings app to get them), for a special menu... And lateral swipes from the lockscreen could be imagined too19:10
chem|stAard: but I happen to trigger the pulley too19:10
KabouikI have to admit I did trigger it by mistake quite often too Aard19:10
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Aardchem|st: mainly happens to me on lockscreen when using thumb, not in other apps19:11
KabouikI'm not saying the way to trigger it was convenient, but the fact that it can be displayed from anywhere, as opposed to the settings apps that have to be maximized from its cover each time19:11
chem|stAard: but missing panel gestures on settings is stupid19:11
Morpog_PComg coderus new name for persecute on sailfishos is finish - Mitäkuuluu, how should i ever remeber that one? :D19:11
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attahBrowsing the repo.. this looks interesing.. usb-moded-mass-storage-mode-0.76.3-1.3.1.armv7hl anyone tried?19:12
Morpog_PCbe brave attah :D19:13
KabouikPlus I'm sure it is weird in a lot of people's minds to keep the settings app open, we're all used to set settings, and then close it to never open them again19:13
attahi'd rather not brick it within the first day :P19:13
KabouikI know, we should start to be unlike :o19:13
attahthere is at command support too! :O19:14
chem|stKabouik: always open... what bugs me is that I do not have a way to go back to the app which was open when the screenlock hit in19:14
KabouikYes, me too chem|st. On Harmattan I installed something that allow returning to previous state with a double press of the power key. It was very conveniennt19:14
chem|stinstalled? I just edited files to do that...19:15
chem|stdoublepress to unlock directly19:15
KabouikWell I don't remember what I did, the thing I installed was to use patterns on the hardware side buttons to trigger special actions19:15
chem|sthmm should have a look for that here...19:16
KabouikAnd for double power, I returned to previous view from locked device19:16
KabouikI could find the name of the app if you want when I get home19:16
chem|stKabouik: no that is nothing I need an app for... it is changing one line in mce.ini19:17
Kabouikhttp://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=82538 must be it chem|st19:17
KabouikWell sure if you know how to do it! I just mean that the good thing is that you had the choice: with regular way of unlocking, Harmattan behaved as default, and with the hardware key combination, it behaved as scripted19:18
AL13N_lizzyafter unlock, you get to home screen? and maybe side-swiping will go back to the running app?19:18
AL13N_lizzyah wait, it doesn't matter, does it?19:19
KabouikEvery time the Jolla locks, I have to double tapp, swipe down, tap the cover I was in. There are moves wasted here19:19
AL13N_lizzyyou can just from home screen go to ALL the apps running19:19
chem|stAL13N_lizzy: lockscreen sideswipe maybe19:19
chem|stwhen on homescreen you can just tap the app19:19
KabouikYeah, was thinking of that too just right now chem|st, but could be confusing19:20
AL13N_lizzylockscreen sideswipe would bring you to ambience iinm19:20
Raimno, side-swipe only gives you the ambience selection19:20
Morpog_PCi need music player controls on lockscreen19:20
KabouikLockscreen sideswipe does not bring anything at the moment19:20
AL13N_lizzythere is no "1 running app", it makes sense to show home screen19:20
RaimKabouik: it only appears if you selected at least one ambience as favorite19:20
chem|stAL13N_lizzy: yes any sideswipe apart of launcher brings you to ambience... that is my point!19:20
KabouikI did Raim, but it only works from multitask view, not lockscreen. Am I wrong?19:20
KabouikI am wrong.19:21
chem|st4 ways to launch ambience selector... which you actually only need on lockscreen19:21
AL13N_lizzylockscreen would have a code for me anyway19:21
KabouikWaste of very useful gestures :p19:21
AL13N_lizzyperhaps 5seconds remorse timer for locking?19:21
AL13N_lizzyso that when you lock after "unuse" you can get back to what you were doing without unlock after 5 sec.?19:21
KabouikI think double tap sideswipe would be perfect, albeit a bit confusing when you're not used to it because the animations clearly suggest that the covers are "below" the lockscreen, not on right or left19:22
AL13N_lizzychem|st: why do you need ambience on lockscreen?19:22
AL13N_lizzyi would be fine if ambience were in the pulley menu19:22
Raimor just on one side and the other goes to the app19:22
KabouikBut favorite ambiances should really only be in a pulley menu from Lockscreen, that would free up 4 gestures19:22
AL13N_lizzyi would like the pulley menu app (on lock) and the 4 sideswipes to be configurable19:23
ShadowJKduring my 5-10 minute test of a Jolla, I was pretty puzzled too why there seemed to be 4 gestures as shortcut to ambiences19:23
attahokay.. i tried.. nothing happened19:24
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KabouikHomescreen sideswipes: show more pages of apps (1-9, 10-18, and so on).19:24
KabouikLockscreen sideswipes: return to app used before lockscreen19:24
KabouikLauncher sideswipes: favorite apps (those selected from the Settings app currently)19:24
chem|stAL13N_lizzy: ambience is a nice name for profile+colours-picture19:24
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ZogG_laptopmerlin1991: but you can use network manager examples on ubuntu or fedora/suse19:25
merlin1991does it map to connman apis?19:26
merlin1991the pc side I have totally covered the jolla side is my "problem"19:26
chem|stKabouik: way too complicated19:26
KabouikWhich part? You could just use what you want19:27
Raimmerlin1991: don't you just have to add a new default route?19:27
KabouikAs these doesn't exist at all currently19:27
chem|stmore app pages? not really needed but people cry if they do not see their apps...19:28
merlin1991Raim: well I can either have a matching ip setup and add a default route, or run dhcp server on pc side and start dhcpclient on jolla, which is what I would like todo19:28
AcceBetter would be if there was a setting to choose what the home & lockscreen swipes do19:28
Accethen, "regular" user wouldn't have to care19:28
KabouikWhat do you mean by app pages? Covers? Seriously if so, 9 is not enough I always have 9, plus Settings has to be open all the time19:29
merlin1991and whichever solution I use I want todo it in the "which conenction to choose" ui and not in fingerterm19:29
Acceand "advanced" user could customize19:29
chem|stlauncher is sortable so no need for favourites...19:29
chem|styou do not need more homescreens19:29
KabouikActually launcher and favorites are not needed yes, sortable, you have to say it quick! It will be sortable when we'll have folders19:29
KabouikBut yes. It's just that the "favorite" option currently is pointless. It adds shortcuts in Settings :/19:30
KabouikI do need more than  covers19:30
Kabouikmore than 919:30
AL13N_lizzythis represents running apps19:30
AL13N_lizzywhat you want is more like widgets on android19:30
AL13N_lizzythat's a whole different thing19:30
AL13N_lizzyi do would like pinnable covers19:31
AL13N_lizzybut other than that, there's apps below19:31
chem|stI don't know why they need to be display shaped... could be squares... so you fit another line but 12 apps is fine - this is not android, anyone who does not integrate his messanger or phone app with jolla's unified system needs to be punished!19:31
KabouikJust look at the video reviews we have had so far: it's not rare to see the homescreen filled with 9 apps. And I do it too on a daily basis. i don't need more arguments for believing that I *would* use more than 9 covers if I could19:31
AL13N_lizzytheyare meant to be display shaped... it should give a preview of what is running19:32
ZogG_laptopmerlin1991: https://github.com/connectivity/connman-release19:32
AL13N_lizzythat's the whole point19:32
AL13N_lizzyif you want squares, go tothe apps screen19:32
KabouikNo AL13N_lizzy, what I want is not widget. :/19:32
chem|stKabouik: covers without coveraction and without other usefulness can go somewhere else offscreen19:32
KabouikSay that to Settings cover chem|st19:32
chem|stKabouik: gallery has nothing for example...19:32
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AL13N_lizzywell, possibly if there's pinning covers, there's also apps that never appear as cover? and have this userconfigurable?19:33
ZogG_laptopmerlin1991: even better https://gitorious.org/meego-device-adaptation/n900_nokia-usb-networking/source/fce02fbc4d2fb80a55a90844eaac6acaf67d1abe:nokia-usb-net-confd19:33
KabouikBut I disagree that they need actions chem|st. To be honest, the "interactive thumbnails" feature is a good selling point, but it's mostly fancy. Every time I need to interact with a cover, I want more info that what I'll get from the cover, so I end up maximizing it19:33
KabouikI'm not saying it's useless19:33
chem|stthe bottom line should be another line of covers but pinnable...19:34
KabouikI'm saying it is largely fancy, and that it should not be that that decide if an app deserves a cover or not19:34
chem|stand not favourites19:34
chem|stKabouik: gallery isn't interactive19:34
chem|stit shows the last 8 pics or something... thats it.19:35
KabouikFavourites are useless as they are (can only access them from inside another app, that's a huge paradox). They would be useful if accessed from an easy gesture19:35
KabouikYes chem|st19:35
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KabouikAnd yet showing the cover is useful: it says your app is running, and where you left it (those 8 pictures)19:36
ZogG_laptopcybette: so what's going on with missing TOH's ?19:36
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KabouikThe same applies to your Linux or Windows OS: it shows a taskbar19:36
attahthere appears to be dome usb-moded documentation installed.. but not in the form of a manpage, anyone know where to look?19:36
KabouikDoesn't matter if you can interact with the taskbar without maximizing. Its main purpose is to tell your what is running19:36
chem|sthow would you make multipage homescreen, sideswipe? well I would use sideswipers for more fidel stuff19:36
chem|stas you cannot turn pages with swipe from middle...19:37
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KabouikThat, or a scrolling button, or a page button to be tapped, or smaller covers (but it would conflict with interactions)19:37
chem|stKabouik: my linux has no taskbar19:37
chem|stI have a statusbar I can make slide in but thats about it19:38
KabouikSo you're unlike and I won't try to say it's better with a taskbar chem|st, it's not. But the fact is a LOT of people find it useful, and are actually totally lost if they do not know what is running (me included)19:38
chem|stKabouik: you misunderstood the idea of that UI if you want to make people use buttons19:38
Kabouikchem|st you're misunderstanding my point here, I'm not arguing that I want buttons :(19:39
KabouikI'm just saying that those thinking a multitasking OS limited to 9 shown covers is missing something too19:39
Kabouik-is +are19:39
chem|stKabouik: alot of people close apps by pushing a back button or a X tope right... that is trained over decades!19:39
chem|stKabouik: the apps are not gone... wait a sec let me try something19:40
KabouikThat's the whole point chem|st: you can run more than 9 apps, but not show them. That is where it gets confusing, and misleading19:40
attahBINGO: [nemo@localhost usb-moded]$ cat dyn-modes/mass-storage.ini19:40
attahname = mass_storage19:40
attahmodule = g_file_storage19:40
KabouikFor instance, I would be pleased if we could just use the long press view on homescreen (the view that shows closing crosses) to rearrange or maximize the covers, because in this view, it's possible to scroll. I'd be ok if I had to long press to show more than 9 apps and use that view for something else than just closing19:41
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chem|stKabouik: I have an idea... how about longpress home to lockin on the screen let the favourits vanish... and make it scrollable up down19:43
KabouikSo I'm not saying I want a page button, or a scrolling bar, or sideswipes. I'm saying I 90% of the time have 9 apps running, and would benefit from possibility to show more, because I would launch more. I have no perfect design in mind, just proposing some ideas to get the result19:43
chem|stonly a pulley to close apps|all19:43
KabouikYes chem|st, that's basically what we currently have with longpress on homescreen, except it can only be used for closing apps. Add rearrange and restore (when cover is taped, not its X) functions, and I sign19:44
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KabouikBut let the X where they are, only pulley would be weird19:45
chem|stKabouik: I actually have exactly 9 running - all others get closed... without even thinking about needing another line of covers19:45
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msknightHi Folks, new Jolla user in need of help. Anyone able to assist please?19:45
KabouikThere your needs diverge from mine. Of course "needs" is a big word, I can live with 9, it's already great19:45
KabouikBut a N9 with a better CPU would be a better multitask beast than the Jolla then19:46
chem|stKabouik: well if there are only 9 apps you can have the X directly...19:46
Pnuumsknight: ask, someone might be able to help then ;-)19:46
msknightOK - some ground work - Myy wireless was hacked some time back, so my settings are strong. I am having an issue with getting the Jolla to connect to it.19:46
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chem|stmsknight: EAP with custom certs wont happen19:47
msknightI get half way through typing the password and it fails the connection. Also, as there is no "notepad" I start a browser and type the password in the search, and then copy and paste it in to the wi-fi password, but it rejects it.19:47
chem|stmsknight: what wifi is it19:48
msknightWhen I re-select the wi-fi, it immediately refuses to connect "problem with connection" where I would expect it to ask me for the password again.19:48
chem|stmsknight: it is nothing wrong with the password prompt...19:48
KabouikTo sum up chem|st: I would be pleased if all was as it currently is, EXCEPT there's a way to SHOW more than 9 covers, relatively easy19:48
KabouikFor instance: keep all as it is, except you add "rearrange" and "restore" features to covers in the long-pressed homescreen (when you can scroll)19:48
KabouikOr add sideswipes, or add a page button, I don't care what they decide is the most convenient19:48
KabouikI just think the choice to limit to 9 shown is not convenient for me19:49
msknightIt is a Netgear DGND4000 running dual band. They are both set to WPA2-PSK (AES) with a long password19:49
msknightThe Jolla wi-fi mac address is already in the security settings for the router.19:49
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KabouikI heard there are issues with WPA2-PSK msknight. Can someone confirm?19:50
chem|stmsknight: how long is long... I run wpa2 psk aes with 15chars19:50
tigelimsknight: what softwawre version are you running on your jolla?19:50
msknight62 characters19:50
tigelimsknight: that does not happen for me.. and running over 40 chars19:50
chem|stmsknight: lol19:50
Pnuu62 chars?19:50
Pnuushould be enough :-)19:50
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tigelienough for few years19:51
KabouikSeems outdated19:51
tigelimsknight: ok, you should consider updating to
Pnuumsknight: try if updating to .12 helps19:51
tigeliit should help19:51
chem|sttigeli: he has no wifi...19:51
msknightOK - how do I do that if I can't connect to wi-fi :-)19:51
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tigelichem|st: I live in a world with unlimited lte ;)19:52
chem|st*facepalm* if your phone doesn't work give us a call!19:52
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msknightFunny you should say that ... I work in cloud telephony :-)19:52
tigelimsknight: setup a shorter pw temporarily?19:52
chem|sttigeli: I live in a world where LTE is pretty much 40eur extra/m19:52
Morpog_PCmsknight, set your router to a less secure wifi mode, update, change wifi router to secure again, retry19:52
msknightOK- I'll do that. give me a while.19:52
chem|stmsknight: 15chars wpa2 is fair enough...19:53
KabouikWell, time to get home, 20:53 already! See you later guys19:53
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msknightOh - how do I make a suggestion - that on initial set up of the Jolla, that it tells the user what is mac address is, to make the users initial set up a little easier?19:53
ln-why does the user care what a mac address is?19:54
chem|stmsknight: macs are in settings:about19:55
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Turskiat least i don't care what my MAC is19:55
msknightTo initially put the mac in the wi-fi access control list19:55
phliximsknight: just for the case you use macfilters for security reasons (surely not, but just for the case) its no security feature at all19:55
tigelimac filters.. no security at all19:56
chem|stmsknight: you do preset DHCP? only reason I use macs...19:56
msknightUse it for logging.19:56
msknightlong story, but whoever hacked me, is local, and they know what I'm doing ... so I'm not paranoid, I know they're out to get me :-D19:56
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chem|stmsknight: you can log without mac... every client sends its mac!19:57
chem|stdeactivate mac filtering for now please19:57
phlixi...unless you spoof it, which is not hard19:57
phlixiand besides that, in settings about (iirc) the mac is displayed19:58
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* msknight slaps forehead20:01
msknightI mis-read and put part of the bluetooth mac in for the wi-fi mac.20:01
phliximsknight: besides that, in order to not have to type a long WPA key, you can send a VCF (with the wpa key as name) via bluetooth to the jolla, then you can edit the contact on the jolla and while editing you are able to copy the key20:01
chem|stor wps20:02
phlixi...if available...20:02
chem|stor just something like "ACowissittingonaTree" easy to remember and not to guess20:03
phlixiyeah, and then ever other device does not work any longer...20:03
Raimor use a shorter WLAN password, there is no added value from using overly long passwords.20:03
msknightIs Jolla dual band or just 2.4 please? I thought it was dual.20:03
chem|stmsknight: bgn20:04
phlixiRaim: typing 20 or 06 chars does not make a difference, but 5chars is not secure20:04
chem|stno a afaik20:04
phlixiRaim: typing 20 or 60 chars does not make a difference, but 5chars is not secure20:04
msknightThanks! n is in use on 2.4 and 5. Shame the unit is only 2.4, but such is life.20:04
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chem|stphlixi: there is a shorter pw to the 62 where the hash is the same (at least one)20:05
Raimphlixi: but 60 characters does not make it more secure. the actual key is derived from that password and is always 128/256 bits.20:05
phlixithe point i wanted to make, is, that a good password should have 20 chars (dont argue about 16, 20 or 12, whatever...) and that 5chars is clearly not a good password20:06
chem|stor the chances are high to have at least one (slept over that class)20:06
phlixiand is NOT easy to remember20:06
chem|stphlixi: easy to remeber can make a good pw that is bare BS20:06
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phlixibut typing something like that wZ62umGeUQJ48vey9qny is not easy20:07
chem|stand eqivalently guessable as a sentence of at least 5 words...20:07
PnuuI'm that there would be a password safe app ported20:08
chem|stin terms of a machine it does not make a difference20:08
PnuuI'm waiting, that ...20:08
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isto_n9 app safe is being ported, needs paid app support in the jolla store though20:09
PnuuI saw that there was a keepassx variant or two in progress20:10
AL13N_lizzyhopefully, we'll be able to get NFC for that too20:11
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phlixichem|st: just a side note, i am pretty sure, that not for every hash of a 62chars passphrase exists a shorter collision. that a has has only 2^64 possible values, does not mean that all of them are able to be generated by 0-2^6420:13
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phlixibut actually i did not wanted to start nitpicking, i just can not let iut uncommented to recomment weak passwords...20:14
phlixiin fact i wanted to ask if someone can help me configuring email on my jolla20:14
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chem|stsure (email)20:17
chem|styou enter your account details as requested and please write your password right...20:18
phlixiany idea if there is some kind of logging or anything? it just says "Updating..."20:18
rauzso long i'm realy happy with my jolla everthing that i want to do works perfectly20:18
phlixii pasted the password (you migt have guessed that^^) into the imap and into the smpt setting, sending works, but to me it seems as if it would not connect to the imap server20:19
phlixichem|st if you like to test, i create an account20:19
phlixi...for you20:20
petantikwhen i set the alarm the time seems tto be set for time+1 hours20:20
phlixi(unfortunately i have no privilioges to see logs on the serverside)20:20
phlixipetantik: i noticed something similar when seeting the time and choosing between automatic and manual setting, maybe thats conected?20:21
petantikphlixi: i dont know20:23
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chem|stphlixi: I guesse port or method wrong20:27
phlixiport is definitly not wrong, server address is definitly not wrong, and while i use "SSL/TLS" in thunderbird, i tried "SSL" and i tried "TLS" an the jolla, both the same outcome20:28
phlixithere are no more settings (yes, username, also double checked that)20:28
chem|stthere is not much else20:29
phlixithats why i am asking if there is some loggin or such, where i could digg, because the UI only tells me "Upadting..." (and there is not even an inbox folder)20:29
phlixiand in "sync" i found that there is a error message for every try, but it simply sais "failed" or somethign like that20:30
chem|stthere wont be heavy logging without activation, logrotate is pretty short20:31
chem|stthats all I know about logging20:31
phlixiany hints on how to activate it? and what is "logrotation"?20:32
phlixiits pretty easy to reproduce, since it never works ;-) therefore activating logging is fine, i do not need to know why it failed before20:33
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msknightOK - making progress here. I have the OS updated. I have also paired a few things and sent some VCF files over, but I don't seem to be able to find a "file browser" to get at them. Should I download an app, or is there something I'm missing?20:39
phliximsknight: the vcf should be imported automatically into your "people" app (contatcs)20:40
msknightNo, they weren't. I did do this before upgrading the OS, however.20:40
msknightI'll try again.20:40
phlixii tried this by sending a contact from my n9 via bluetooth before upgrading20:41
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msknightApparently I need to get at the "transfers" window20:42
phlixii had to go to settings systemsettings transfers, there the vcf appeard, when taped it got imported as contact20:42
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phdeswerMSameer: vcf files can be imported from settings->apps->people20:44
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phdeswermsknight: I meant ^^^20:44
msknightUrk. I'm trying the transfer and after I've imported the VCF, it says that the contact has been imported, but then I swipe, and I'm taken to "people" isntead of back to "transfers"20:45
msknightThis is getting to be a bit painful.20:46
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msknightCould do with a setting for "whenever you receive a vcf file, just import it in to the contacts."20:50
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AL13N_lizzyi donno20:52
AL13N_lizzyi wouldn't like that20:52
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AL13N_lizzyi don't want people to automatically insert themselves in my contacts20:52
AL13N_lizzysecurity risk20:52
msknightIt would make it easy for people transferring from one phone to another.20:53
AL13N_lizzyanyway, you probably get to an import app, which means that back page was the people settings20:53
AL13N_lizzyeasy is ok, but it still must be secure20:53
AL13N_lizzyi don't want any downloaded files to be activated by default20:54
mcfriskmsknight: sent VCF files were in the notifications, and there I was able to import them.20:56
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mcfriskIn my testing jolla power usage is good enough, 36% battery left after 15 hours, some wlan and 3g data usage during the day, bunch of music playback, some longer phone calls etc. Quite similar to N9 with my usage. This with crappy O2 connection in Germany.21:00
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msknightI've inserted a 32gig memory card, fat 32 with files on it, but I don't know how to browse it, or access media on it.  I have just installed the Jolla basic apps, but the music app isn't picking anything up. Any advice please?21:12
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Fryemsknight, if it is exfat it won't work out of the box21:14
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msknightOK - so I'll take it out and get the files off it ... but I don't see any tools to format a memory card or report on the status.21:14
FryeI think it's still a bit of work in progress21:15
FryeI cannot really tell you how it is supposed to work atm as I do not know myself21:15
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msknightFair enough.21:15
FryeI got my sd card to mount with vfat and now btrfs when I did a small tweak to the udev script21:15
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FryeBut I have not yet tried to put any music or so into it21:16
msknightI deliberately don't want to mess around with dev scripts, however, it does look like many of the apps I use, are not going to be readily available.  I have been pushing suppliers and even started pushing my phone company to recognise the Jolla, but it will be a long task.21:17
msknightHowever, there must be something to report on storage status?21:17
msknightEven if just for the phone itself?21:18
atlazWhoa, weird bug on my Jolla. Got a facebook message and the screen wouldn't turn on after that21:18
atlazBlue light just blinked. Doubletapping or pushing the power button did nothing21:18
FryeYeah, settings -> system settings -> about product21:18
Stskeepsatlaz: got ssh access by chance?21:19
atlazNah, i had to reboot it21:19
msknightAh! That circle thing was so fancy that I didn't "see" it!21:19
FryeThere is information about the internal memory if I read it right21:19
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atlazremoving TOH and reinserting it gave the soundeffect that TOH was inserted21:19
atlazSo the phone was awake, just didn't turn on the screen for me21:19
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Stskeepsatlaz: there's a bug along those lines, think it's getting fixed..21:20
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atlazallright. Tried to recreate it by sending a ton of messages from my wifes phone, but wasn't able to do it21:20
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rcgwell, guys, after using the jolla phone for a while i can say that i am really impressed :)21:24
FryeMy thoughts exactly21:25
FryeWaiting for the day to switch on using it as my primary phone21:25
FryeBut it is always with me. My secondary iPhone was not...21:26
FryeIt was lying in the drawer :D21:26
iairaHave all of you guys whitched the dev tool on? What have you guys done with them?21:26
rcgeven more so, when considering that this is pretty much bleeding edge, i.e., wayland, qt5, btrfs, and i don't know what else ;)21:26
Stskeepsconsidering we moved entire stack from x11 to wayland, new SoC, qt4 to qt5 back in spring, the result is quite nice, especially knowing how fast we can implement new features/fix bugs..21:26
FryeStskeeps, yeah, the hw change so late on is what impresses me the most.21:27
FryeAnd you still managed to pull it together21:27
rcgyeah, i think this is really cool work21:27
Stskeepswhich makes you wonder how big turnaround we have on product making21:27
Stskeepsmoo Venemo21:27
rcgi also like the ui very much21:27
Venemomoo Stskeeps :)21:27
rcghey Venemo21:27
FryeI'm really waiting for a bit of extra cash and then I'll buy three more after few more updates.21:28
FryeNeed to get my wife and kids Jollas too21:28
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rcgjust spent a couple of ours to integrate more native sailfish goodness into meepasswords ;)21:28
Fryercg :-)21:28
FryeI'm trying to be patient and only look in the jolla store every 10 minutes if my app is visible there already :D21:28
Venemostill haven't got my jolla21:29
StskeepsVenemo: what # are you oN?21:29
VenemoStskeeps: #of what?21:29
Stskeepsorder number21:29
Stskeepsi'm at 2xxxx35xx21:29
rcgFrye, hehe ;)21:29
Stskeepsnot shipped yet21:29
Quui was 2x146 and got phone week ago21:29
VenemoStskeeps: 100€ or 40€ preorder?21:29
StskeepsVenemo: 0 eur21:29
VenemoStskeeps: well then; I preordered the 100€ version so I'm supposed to get it sooner21:30
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Venemoorder ID is 2000041xx21:30
lpottermine's not shipped yet either21:30
VenemoI guess they won't ship 40€ or 0€ preorders until they haven't finished with the 100€ preorders21:31
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winfrieddnor is mine, order ID 2xxx2027, 100 euro pre-order21:31
Stskeepswinfriedd: not in picking or anything like that?21:31
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winfrieddYes, in picking since Monday somewhere21:32
Venemoit'd be just AWESOME if jolla could ship it by christmas21:32
StskeepsVenemo: i'm fairly confident we'll get it before xmas, personally21:32
Stskeepswithout having big insight, tendancy looks good21:33
rcgwinfriedd, don't worry, i got the shipping details e-mail the day it was delivered here21:33
VenemoStskeeps: great :)21:33
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Stskeepswinfriedd: you might want to try out the fedex order number lookup trick21:33
VenemoStskeeps: does that mean that you will have sent all of them by christmas or that we will have received all of them by christmas? ;)21:33
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winfrieddI'm not worried  ;)21:33
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StskeepsVenemo: mine is for my wife, so i really hope by xmas21:33
winfrieddBut Fedex can't find it yet21:33
VenemoStskeeps :)21:34
VenemoStskeeps: which option by christmas?21:34
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rcghehe Stskeeps i also wanted to buy a jolla for my fiancee, instead she went with the alcatel onetouch firefoxos thing21:35
StskeepsVenemo: any21:35
rcgand that seems to crash quite often21:35
VenemoStskeeps: I would prefer to have received it by xmas21:35
faenilVenemo, how did you get 41xx? :P21:36
Venemofaenil: what do you mean?21:36
faenilVenemo, did you purchase late?21:36
Venemofaenil: yes, but it was within the deadline21:36
faenilVenemo, of course21:36
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Stskeepsrcg: one touch fire is a .. funny device21:37
Venemofaenil: so by all means I expect to get it before anyone who only made a 40€ or 0€ preorder21:37
Stskeepsin other news: http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~tromer/acoustic/ - damn scary21:37
faenilVenemo, don't know if there's any order :) but I'd say so21:37
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Stskeepsalso, the talk.maemo.org tracking numbers thread is interesting night reading21:38
rcgStskeeps, yay, talking about side channel attacks21:40
rcgStskeeps, could you elaborate a bit more on the one touch fire being "funny" or would that take too long?21:41
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Stskeepsrcg: as in nicely hackable but very limited21:42
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rcgStskeeps, ic21:42
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iairaCan I ask a stupid question?21:47
chem|stiaira: no21:47
iairaCool, I'll ask it anyway21:47
merlin1991that's the spirit :D21:47
chem|stwell you obviously just did X)21:47
chem|stmerlin1991: any fancy stuff found yet21:48
iairaHas anyone encoutnered a problem that the Android-apps doesn't support notification and sounds?21:48
merlin1991chem|st: nah didn't find anything else21:48
chem|stI was looking for led and buttons but didn't find them yet21:49
Stskeepsiaira: define notifications - a lot of them show up in jolla feed21:49
chem|stwell wasn't looking that hard...21:49
iairaAnd how can I control the Android apps? e.g shut them down since they aren't available in the multitasking screen?21:49
chem|stiaira: then it is shutdown already21:49
iairaStskeeps I mean that for example if I get a FB message, I don't get any notifications21:50
AL13N_lizzyStskeeps: scary indeed!21:50
iairachem|st: are they? Cause when I am using another Android app and press the tile "button", other android programs seems to be running still21:50
chem|stiaira: fb android? there is fb messanger in accounts...21:50
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chem|stiaira: tile button shows latest and running in android21:51
chem|stit is not a taskmanager21:51
chem|stguess it is the same on jolla21:51
iairayeah, can I shut them down from thew Sailfish side or ´do I have shut them down from the latest view?21:52
iairahave to*21:52
chem|stthey are shut down21:52
* Bysmyyr got notifications to side of the screen21:52
chem|stiaira: lmc21:52
chem|stwhen I open yandex store and hit tile I see 3 applications but only yandex store is running21:53
iairaHmm OK, maybe I've gotten the wrong idea. Never used Android before.21:54
chem|strunning apps you see as cover on homescreen21:54
iairaI was under the impression that the tiel button was for the apps running21:55
chem|stno recent21:55
restless_beingiaira: i can confirm that for example whatsapp doesn't display any notifications21:55
chem|stso gtg!21:55
iairaOk, thnk chem|st21:55
iairarestless_being yeah so I've heard. I haven't inserted my sim-card yet so no need for whatsapp21:56
iairabut getting notifications from those kind of apps would be nice21:56
FryeOk, there is an app that was approved later than mine in store so I guess it'll be in store some time tomorrow. Bedtime soon.21:56
FryeMaybe few more refreshes :D21:57
iairasome people have managed to get notifications but I guess they've done magics21:57
FryeIf I have the facebook android application running in the grid I will get notifications from it21:59
FryeBut not when the android layer is closed21:59
phlixiFrye: just out of curiosity, what did you submit?21:59
Fryehehe just a small puzzle game. Samegame22:00
phlixigames :/22:00
Fryewas learning the ui stuff and thought that why not.22:00
FryeMy kids like to play it :D22:00
AL13N_lizzy3D printed TOH: https://twitter.com/unpixels22:00
iairaFrye: how do you control whether the android layer is on or off??22:01
msknightI'm setting up an e-mail account, but if I change the user name for the incoming mail server, it seems to take it, but it then challenges me for a user name and password, but I don't know what user name and password Jolla wants me to provide; as it already has the e-mail username and password in the set up. And no matter what I provide, it reverts the e-mail settings.22:01
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AL13N_lizzy3D model: https://github.com/skvark/TheOtherHalf/blob/master/theotherhalf.stl22:01
Fryewel when you close the android app from top down swipe so that it's not visible on grid I think it's off22:01
AL13N_lizzyFrye: SameGame? and it's accepted?22:02
Quuiirc it kills the emulator22:02
msknightMy situation is ... each device has its own e-mail address, so I can route critical e-mails to each device using rules. But when I send e-mails, they always appear to the recipient as if they came from me.22:02
iairaOK so basically if you don't have any android apps running, the android layer is off?22:02
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FryeIt was approved22:02
Fryethis morning22:02
msknightHowever, as Jolla is refusing to take different credentials, I've got problems.22:02
FryeI'm sure it'll end up there some time tomorrow22:02
FryeIt's not the example in the qt creator though :D22:03
AL13N_lizzyFrye: i added it here: http://elinux.org/Jolla (if you have any other apps that you're in the works of making, please add)22:03
AL13N_lizzythis is primarily so that other devs don't spend time on the same stuff, that might be wasted22:04
FryeYeah, I have nothing else atm22:04
AL13N_lizzyFrye: are you a person that can port stuff?22:05
FryeThanks for adding. I tried to edit that page few weeks back but it requires a registration I think.22:05
FryeNot really22:05
FryeI might be able to, but I don't have time.22:05
AL13N_lizzyFrye: yes, and the captcha question is very difficult22:05
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phlixiacually easy to google :D22:05
AL13N_lizzyFrye: i'm using the android MangaWhat app, but i'd like a native app22:05
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FryeBtw if you want to add the sources are here: https://bitbucket.org/FryeX/samegame/src22:06
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AL13N_lizzyFrye: btw: for harbour, for submision, do you enter the URL and License?22:10
AL13N_lizzyotoh, those should be set in the spec file22:10
* msknight sighs22:10
FryeNo license in the submission. But URL yes and optional open source project page22:10
msknightThe email application is sending mail with the "from" being the identity of the incomming POP3 server, rather than the identity of the sending SMTP server e-mail.22:11
AL13N_lizzyFrye: ah, so later they probably will be visible in public harbour22:11
msknightHow do I report these things I'm finding please? Is there a bug report page?22:11
AL13N_lizzyFrye: you did fill that in the spec file of the built rpm, right?22:11
AL13N_lizzymsknight: there is no bug tracker as of yet22:12
FryeIts on a separate license file inside the rpm package yes22:12
FryeYou can see it inside the repo on bitbucket too.22:12
AL13N_lizzybugs can be mentioned here, since alot of devs are present here, they'll pick it up22:12
AL13N_lizzyFrye: what i mean is that RPM itself has a URL and License Field in the spec file22:12
msknightAL13N_lizzy, How do I know whether someone has picked this up please?22:13
FryeAL13N_lizzy, yes the license is set in the .yaml file.22:13
FryeThere is a field for that22:13
FryeAnd the .spec is generated from that22:14
AL13N_lizzyFrye: oic22:14
* AL13N_lizzy is a Mageia contributor, so, i didn't know22:14
AL13N_lizzymsknight: you kind of don't know22:14
AL13N_lizzymsknight: chances are high, though22:14
FryeWell this is all new for me =)22:14
FryeSo I'm waiting like a child waits for xmas presents to see it in the store :D22:15
AL13N_lizzymsknight: some of the community are trying to push for some kind of buglist, we'll see what happens22:15
KabouikFrye: I think my SD card we mounted this afternoon is not accessible. I'm trying to copy files to the mounting point over ssh, but now I get errors for every file writing attempt22:16
KabouikProbably filled the device22:16
Morpog_PCmsknight, when it's reproducible, write steps howto, then ping a jolla employe in here22:16
AL13N_lizzyFrye: is there some kind of menu option to sync storelist? update?22:16
Kabouik(and couldn't have filled the 64 GB)22:16
msknightAL13N_lizzy, Well, the Jolla's just going to have to sit in a drawer until some form of bug list is up and running. I know I wasn't expecting a fully featured phone, but this isn't usable.22:16
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FryeAL13N_lizzy, not that I know22:17
AL13N_lizzyFrye: anyway, i've heard people say similar things, so i expect it'll be there tomorrow22:17
phdeswermsknight: the from thing in email is known22:17
FryeYeah, I'm not worried yet22:17
msknightphako_, Thanks. It's good to know that someone knows ... if you know what I mean.22:18
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: are they gonna allow having multiple identities? that would be nice22:18
phdeswerCan't speak for the email devs22:18
phdeswerBut I am sure it will be considered if it can be done and UI guys find a way to integrate it nicely22:19
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msknightphdeswer, It was also asking for a username/password after changing e-mail settings, but there was no clue as to which e-mail or password that it actually wanted.22:19
phdeswermsknight: ok. Will pass it on.22:20
* phdeswer has moved fully to webmail for years22:20
phdeswerSo I never ever use any email app on my phone. And don't need to wory about losing mail or sensitive data when I lose it.22:20
msknightphdeswer, In the absence of a bug reporting system, I'm probably going to keep a blog page somewhere, where i can easily post screen shots and things, and able to blank things out ... and I'll come back here with links to what I find.22:21
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: i have my own domain, and i use IMAP for everything22:21
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: though i do have a webmail too22:21
phdeswermsknight: that sure is a good way to give me something to reference22:21
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AL13N_lizzymsknight: good thinking22:22
phdeswerAL13N_lizzy: different people, different use cases. For me the Jolla is the best phone I ever had. Only thing I miss is a HW keyboard.22:22
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: sure22:22
msknightphdeswer, Will do. In the mean time, if there is any advice on how to get Micro SD cards running without having to be an ace dev, I'd be grateful :-D22:22
* lpotter hates webmail22:23
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: i have to admit to have rarely used the imap stuff on the android phone, because it wasn't easy to see the other folders22:23
AL13N_lizzylpotter: i don't like it either22:23
lpotterI only use it if I have to and to configure things sometimes22:23
Morpog_PCimap idle support would be great, worked like a charm on harmattan22:24
piglettomsknight: there is: http://www.jollatides.com/forums/discussion/94/bugzilla-report-all-observed-sailfish-bugs-here but I'm not sure if it really works22:25
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piglettomsknight: anyway I've reported some email issues there22:26
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msknightpigletto, It seems to be there, but it is "unofficial".22:26
* AL13N_lizzy sighs22:27
AL13N_lizzyit's already started22:27
piglettomsknight: yup, but there is no official tracker :(22:28
AL13N_lizzypigletto: msknight: probably no dev will ever look there22:28
AL13N_lizzypigletto: msknight: at least devs are here (and on devel@ ML)22:28
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piglettoAL13N_lizzy: but I think this way of reporting bugs can't work well22:31
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msknightOK - here's another one. I've been watching the pre-loaded videos, but I can't find a way to go back to the gallery.  I've got to push the videos off, then kill the gallery app and re-start it.22:31
piglettoAL13N_lizzy: I've already written here about problems with email application and I don't even know if it was noticed22:31
piglettoso official tracker is a must IMO22:32
Fryemsknight, tap on the video22:32
Fryeon top of it comes detail screen22:32
Fryeand then you can swipe left to go back22:32
MarkusA_hi everyone, i'm wondering is it a good time to get Jolla phone, i have n9 and i'm perfectly happy with that, but would like to get a even better phone, any advice on that would be greatly appreciated.22:33
msknightFrye, Ah!22:33
MarkusA_so is Jolla better, should i wait for some bug fixes etc?22:33
FryeSame with the photos.22:33
FryeMarkusA_, that depends =)22:34
FryeI tossed my N9 to my wife22:34
MarkusA_on what?22:34
MarkusA_my wife got nexus 422:34
FryeThere are some bits and pieces missing still.22:34
MarkusA_but not bad?22:34
FryeI like it very much22:34
msknightOK - you know what ... to hell with it. When I get my new SIM, I'll make the Jolla my main phone and live with it. Be prepared for loads of bug reports and newbie questions ... because I have a reputation!22:35
FryeThat's the spirit22:35
FryeI need to get my companys zimbra emails and calendar synced and I'll change too.22:35
MarkusA_does exhange sync work?22:35
msknightFrye: You're going to regret saying that :-)22:35
tillgood point Frye, how to sync calendar?22:36
FryeWell zimbra _should_ sync with MfE22:36
FryeAnd I got calendar synced once22:36
Fryebut no mails yet22:36
VenemoStskeeps: wow, very scary indeed22:36
* till is currently downloading microsoft exchange server evluation edition...22:37
Venemotill: what for?22:37
msknightOK - USB connected and phone put in to PC mode. However, no extra drives are showing in Linux file manager.22:37
tillto get my nokia belle calendar synced to the jolla phone22:38
phdeswermsknight: PC mode? PC connection?22:39
phdeswerWell MTP devices might not show up in your file manager like that on Linux.22:40
phdeswerIt depends a bit on the distro, your settings etc...22:40
phdeswerIt does for me automagically luckily22:40
MarkusA_dmesg shows if any file device is connected.22:40
msknightOK - well, crunch bang isn't seeing it. I'll try Mint (although Nemo is driving me nuts in Mint, it's sort is all wrong!)22:41
phdeswerTry gphoto or shotwell, amarok or so, they usually see this kind of devices22:41
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phdeswermsknight: works in debian based Mint for me22:41
msknightI usually just access the drive and shift files off it that way. I prefer minimalist things rather than firing up apps all the time to do simple tasks.22:41
FryeOk, time for one more check on the jolla store and off to bed22:42
msknight"Failed to get folder list - error -1"22:42
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msknightDo all Jolla shipped to the UK only come with a European plug, by the way?22:43
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phdeswermsknight: you're not alone. But unfortunately mass-storage is a pain to get right and limits things on the device side really badly22:43
phdeswermsknight: Some laptops and PC's have sucky USB3 ports, so it seems to fail sometimes on those ports. USB2 ports work 100% usually22:44
phdeswerAnd if you want to copy files, scp/sftp is waaaay faster. Less overhead than MTP22:44
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msknightOK, what's the best way to talk with the device for that kind of transfer then? Put it on the wlan, I take it?  Is there a default username/password to use?22:45
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piglettomsknight: enable 'Developer mode' in settings22:46
phdeswermsknight: enable developer mode.22:46
piglettomsknight: and username is 'nemo'22:46
phdeswerYou can then ssh/scp/sftp over USB and wifi22:46
phdeswerpassword and ip etc can be viewed/set in the developer mode UI22:46
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msknightUrgh. I was hoping to get away without enabling developer mode; I'm a techy that morphed in to a user champion!22:46
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Morpog_PCdeveloper mode is a must :D22:48
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MarkusA_what, ssh over USB?, how does that work, is there some network created on usb device?22:48
MarkusA_face modem, with ppp?22:49
petantikmsknight: my jolla came with european plug only.22:50
phdeswerMarkusA_: no fake modem or ppp. RNDIS is supported by default on Linux and Windows Vista and up out of the box22:50
MarkusA_i figured that it really only worked for windows.22:50
phdeswerA small inf file is needed for Win XP and Mac OS X needs the Horndis driver22:51
MarkusA_not bad.22:52
phdeswermsknight: it is just that some power user features are hidden behind developer mode ;)22:52
msknight"ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".22:53
msknightUser name?22:53
msknightOh - nemo - sorry22:53
msknightOK - I seem to have SSH, but not SFTP.22:54
AL13N_lizzypetantik: that would be expected, wouldn't it? since it only ships to EU atm?22:55
MarkusA_damm, i'm running old patched slackware, most likely that rndis would require some dammed new module to my kernel (rndis_host seems to be best bet atm).22:55
phdeswermsknight: scp is almost similar. And I find it handier to use usually22:55
phdeswerMarkusA_: oh rndis has been supported in linux for ages. I believe any 2.6 should have it22:55
msknightI'm not immediatley familiar with it ... but I can learn :-)22:55
phdeswerIt's like cp, except there is some stuff in front22:56
MarkusA_00:50 < MarkusA_> i figured that it really only worked for windows.22:56
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: i like rsync though22:56
phdeswerfor example. scp ~/weird-file-I want-to-copy nemo@<usb-ip>:~/Documents/22:57
msknightYup, reading up on it now. Just like telnet in the old days.22:57
phdeswerAL13N_lizzy: true we have that on the device too22:57
msknightOK - Um ... maybe it isn't.22:57
piglettomsknight: you can use Filezilla to connect22:57
msknightpigletto, Please do tell me how... I only have FTP and SFTP listed.22:58
piglettomsknight: use sftp22:58
AL13N_lizzyyou probably can select protocol scp in the sftp thing22:58
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piglettomsknight: enter IP, username 'nemo' and your password22:58
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: rsync is very powerful22:59
msknightOh  ... damn ... I was still on FTP default.22:59
* msknight slaps forehead22:59
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: i had to teach it to my wife, due to preserving of time stamps22:59
phdeswerAL13N_lizzy: it is indeed.23:00
msknightI need another job ... this one is turning me in to a vegetable!23:00
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: too bad the Jolla kernel is too old... i'm not certain i can used btrfs snapshot send/receive for remote replication :-)23:00
phdeswerAL13N_lizzy: well we would like it newer too. But we're a 2 man kernel team and we only had so much time...23:01
msknightAh heck ... my auto-wlan time out just shut me down :-(  ... that means time to go to bed.23:03
phlixigod knight then msknight :)23:03
msknightNight night!  Sheesh ... it is just like being a teenager again ... only I'm having to put myself to bed.23:04
Kabouikchriadam|away: just in case, two occurrences of the .vcf issue: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1398431&postcount=182, and http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1398466&postcount=19723:04
phdeswerKabouik: if you have the same username on TMO I answered your USB ssh stuff. Feel free to ask if you are not understanding something23:05
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: the btrfs people told me that an upgrade to higher btrfs version would be preferable... :-)23:05
KabouikMight be useful if you share the temporary workaround you gave to me, even though it did not solve 100% of the issue, it was a big progress23:06
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Kabouikphdeswer are you Philippe? Currently answering on TMO :p23:06
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: in any case, there's the 3rd party hardware adaptations, the open source qcom that doesn't work, but the new ltsi kernel would still be nice :-)23:06
msknightIN case anyone wants - this is me - http://www.linkedin.com/pub/michelle-knight/2b/709/25823:06
msknightSee you all tomorrow, no doubt.23:06
phdeswerKabouik: yep that's me23:06
KabouikI'm gonna answer so that the discussion on the forum stays23:06
KabouikBut I did enable the dev mode23:07
phdeswerAL13N_lizzy: Sure things like that would be nice :)23:07
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AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: i can hope, can't i? :-)23:07
phdeswerKabouik: but you need to connect the USB in developer mode too. If you have MTP you're in the wrong mode.23:07
KabouikAnd I know tethering is something different, but I was advised here to search with these terms because if you can tether, then you can conect to the device through IP, and there might be more occurrences23:07
phdeswerAL13N_lizzy: well pay us another 6-8 kernel devs and I will glady push the effort ahead ;)23:08
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KabouikYes I know, my post was confusing! I was just trying to make clear that basic MTP mode works in case my USB issue was fuzzy23:08
KabouikBut I did try with Developper USB mode23:08
phdeswerKabouik: I am quickly going to read your answer23:08
phdeswerCan't see it. Anyway23:09
phdeswerSo developer mode selected when you connect.23:09
phdeswerThen you need to set up the USB network ip on your pc/laptop23:09
KabouikYes, there's the issue23:09
phdeswerIf you are unlucky enough to be on a Mac you need to install an extra driver first23:09
KabouikI'm on W8.1, think it's worse23:09
phdeswerKabouik: nope W8.1 supports rndis out of the bix23:10
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: how much Jolla sales are those?23:10
phdeswerAL13N_lizzy: a lot I am afraid.23:10
KabouikWell so I don't understand how to do it phdeswer23:10
KabouikTried "New network/To the internet/blablabla/NDIS connection"23:11
AL13N_lizzybut 6-8 extra devs for a newer kernel version... you're exagerrating, i know it's not high on the priority list, but still23:11
KabouikThen it asks me a phone number for the modem, a username and a password23:11
phdeswerKabouik: that is why it is not USB tethering at all. It tries to do the old style modem crap.23:11
phdeswerAnd not USB network23:11
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: anyway, still waiting on the chance to actually buy one23:11
AL13N_lizzyJolla on ebay: 2 phones left: $790 and 550£ both are less than a day23:12
phdeswerKabouik: I will try to help but since I have not worked with windows 8 yet I do not know how well the network settings are hidden these days23:12
KabouikVery well hidden.23:13
KabouikIt was OK in XP, but their new crap since Vista is awful23:13
phdeswerBut it comes down to plug in the USB in developer mode, find the rndis/usb interface and set an ip.23:13
KabouikTends to get slightly better with 8, but still a long way to something good.23:13
phdeswerKabouik: indeed. I always spend ages trying to find them23:13
phdeswerAL13N_lizzy: if you're nice we might work something out for you. Or if we get desperate for clients ;)23:14
phdeswerSanta is from Finland after all ;)23:15
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phdeswerKabouik: otoh the ip thing is fixed internally already. So with one of the coming updates it will just work without you needing to find the network settings23:16
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: i assume since you're a dev, that Stskeeps has already pushed you to see "Riot-On!" ? i just saw it last night... it's ... insane!23:16
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phdeswerAL13N_lizzy: I heard about it yes :) But been too busy coding ;)23:17
phdeswerAnd giving support23:17
AL13N_lizzyhmm, maybe it's for the best that you haven't seen it then :-)23:18
KabouikI can wait phdeswer if it is going to work properly, but apparently it's just me doing something wrong with 8.1 so it's frustrating not to get better and make it work as it should :p23:18
AL13N_lizzygtg sleep, bye all23:18
KabouikAnd by the way, about tethering, if possible someday, it would surely be good too!23:18
AL13N_lizzyKabouik: manually, it should be possible23:18
AL13N_lizzy(if you mean wifi AP mode)23:18
phdeswerKabouik: I am working on that for USB. Have it working already, actually trying to sort the UI.23:19
KabouikWifi might be, I actually expect that someday (from community or Jolla, doesn't matter)23:19
phdeswerAnd then it needs testing, bug fixing and polishing23:19
AL13N_lizzyKabouik: if not, it's no more than just ip_forward and iptables and default routing23:19
phdeswerAL13N_lizzy: and to automate that it is pretty damn difficult actually23:19
KabouikBut USB would be good too. Just got saving energy, at least, or for I'm home with my desktop with no WiFi receiver, and a broken internet connection (quite often)23:19
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: hahaha yes23:20
KabouikGreat phdeswer23:20
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: also what if multiple internet connections are set?23:20
AL13N_lizzydo i prefer one type, or try advanced routing to use them all?23:20
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AL13N_lizzythough choices the end user doesn't want to make23:21
KabouikMy English is so broken... Sorry. I sleped 5 hours since sunday :/23:21
KabouikLast sentence was horrid.23:21
Kabouikslept :/23:21
Kabouik"sleped"... -_-23:21
AL13N_lizzyphdeswer: the real trick is getting back to something operational when turning it off :-)23:22
phdeswerAL13N_lizzy: well all those cases are bloody hard to cover. I mostly focused on the "I am with my laptop in train/airport/in my holiday villa in a sunny place, I plug in the USB cable, choose the right mode and I have internet through my phone"23:22
petantikAL13N_lizzy: UK plug is different.23:23
KabouikWould be good already phdeswer23:23
AL13N_lizzypetantik: really? UK doesn't have same plugs?23:23
AL13N_lizzyhow odd23:23
petantikAL13N_lizzy: three rectangular prongs23:25
KabouikAnd they are quite bulky by the way, compared to US23:25
KabouikOr EU (two pins version)23:25
SpeedEvilKabouik: On the plus side, they are great for security.23:27
SpeedEvilKabouik: you can use them to kill intruders.23:27
KabouikThat's indeed some relevant design here.23:28
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KabouikBrits always have terrific ideas.23:28
Kabouikhttp://www.blogcdn.com/green.autoblog.com/media/2009/11/ithrust.png Like that, too.23:29
petantikharder to pull out accidentally23:29
petantikor deliberately...23:29
Kabouikhttp://db2.stb.s-msn.com/i/4C/7D8D24D8CFAC3BBBEAC5953CD2B24.jpg :')23:29
KabouikWell, the Skylon is actually an interesting concept :p23:30
nanderWow, jolla, if the stats in our google docs sheet are even remotely accurate, good job!23:32
nanderThat'd mean 32% of preorders have arrived, 14% are shipped and 27% in picking23:32
nanderA mere 25% not started yet23:32
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