#sfdroid log for Tuesday, 2019-01-15

taixzoIs there a way to run sfdroid under sailfishos 3.0.0? (cm13 base?)19:44
piggzsfdroid is not developped ... anbox is the way to go, and to some extent works, but not much is progressing with that either19:50
taixzoah. Does it work well enough to run gapps?19:53
piggzi dont know, ive never got it to work!20:06
taixzooh, it's at that stage. :/20:09
taixzo(I wish there was still some way to use google talk via a web browser)20:09
kimmolixmpp works20:43
taixzodoes it? I thought they killed off xmpp support in 2015?20:45
kimmolialso the jolla integrated gtalk works (on, before they removed support for it)21:04
taixzoyeah but not in sfos 321:06
kimmoliisnt there xmpp still?21:45

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