#sfdroid log for Tuesday, 2018-06-05

*** birdzhang is now known as birdzhang_pc01:56
malit seems upstream anbox has got a huge amount of change during the last 3 weeks, need to investigate how those affect our version14:53
nh1402[m]maybe a diff is in order14:54
maldamn, they changed to c++14 by default14:55
steeeveIs it bad for sailfish?14:57
nh1402[m]well Sailfish doesn't support it natively14:58
malafaik our compiler doesn't support that, hopefully they don't use too much c++14 features14:58
nh1402[m]it would mean adding another package if we use that opt-gcc thing14:58
steeeveAhh, seems bad14:58
nh1402[m]do they still use boost?15:00
steeeveWe can always revert :D15:00
malnh1402[m]: they use even more boost now15:00
nh1402[m]maybe a fork is in order with the ubports, plasma mobile etc. guys15:02
saidinesh5mal: upstream anbox has been C++14 all along. i had to patch it so it compiled with our ancient C++11 compilers15:04
saidinesh5nh1402[m]: nah.. tbh no point fighting "newer more stable versions" ... backporting boost log itself was a hell of a nightmare for me back then15:05
malbut they did drop some of the other dependencies like dbus-cpp15:06
nh1402[m]the more boost they use the more boost packages we would need to install15:06
saidinesh5Ahh interesting..15:06
saidinesh5nh1402[m]: half of the boost packages usually are header only... so it wouldonly be a compile time thing15:07
saidinesh5not a fan of boost myself ... but we can't fight upgrading our compilers / toolchain15:07
malI'll probably just have to try to rebase my changes and see if I can still build it15:09
nh1402[m]if they've dropped dbus how are they planning to add notification support?15:09
nh1402[m]clearly I know very little about sending notifications in Linux15:09
malnh1402[m]: libsystemd15:09
* saidinesh5 never heard of libsystemd15:09
* saidinesh5 googles15:09
maldoh, we have too old sdl now, need to patch those part out as we don't need those15:56
saidinesh5mal: wasn't there a proposal in one of the mer meetings to use fedora/some upstream repos directly?16:20
saidinesh5any news on that?16:20
* saidinesh5 isn't sure why Jolla/mer decided to fork entire repos with older packages instead of just maintaining a repo with patched upstream libraries and pulling in the rest straight from some fedora arm etc..16:22
malwas it forked from fedora or opensuse?16:23
saidinesh5not sure.. probably the latter?16:30
saidinesh5iirc they had to fork things because of their custom patches to Qt and some major system libraries..16:31
malI got rebased anbox to build again16:31
malneeded some ugly changes because of the c++14 requirement16:32
saidinesh5mal: why not compile with clang? there was a newer clang compiler on mer repos right?16:33
maltoo lazy to check what I need to do16:35
malI don't like figuring out compiler things16:37

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