#sfdroid log for Thursday, 2018-05-24

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steeevemal: hey i watched channel logs about that symbol, and i didnt found anything. I also tried to flash a september lineage-14.1 and i didnt find that symbol in any lib. Do you have an idea on what does contain that symbol? Maybe im missing a lib from dependencies or something?12:26
malprobably something went wrong in the overlay stuff, pastebin output of ls -lR /var/lib/anbox/overlay12:30
steeevemal: https://pastebin.com/LZ4ycrpp12:34
malsteeeve: I think you should remove the whole overlay folder and then reinstall the anbox-sailfishos package again12:35
steeeveOnly overlay?12:35
steeeveBut doesnt overlay contains device libs?12:36
steeeveI mean my lineage 14.1 libs12:36
malsteeeve: do not confuse your host libs and anbox libs12:39
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steeevemal: stll crashin12:58
malnow you pastebin output of ls -lR /var/lib/anbox/overlay again12:59
maland check logs13:00
steeevemal: https://pastebin.com/q1qnWYvs13:05
steeevemal: i get new errors now: https://pastebin.com/nubVkyEy13:46
malwhich specifically look serious?13:48
steeeveThe libGLES_emulation.so missing one i think13:48
malnot an error14:01
malthat log doesn't show the crash14:01
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steeeveGot ittt14:25
steeeveI just had not  to kill the process and wait14:25
steeeveIs there a way to add navbar?14:26
malI haven't yet added it, I'll add it at some point14:28
steeeveAh ok, so...i cant change app?14:28
malyou can go back to the launcher by pressing the empty window14:28
malthere should be two windows of anbox14:29
steeeveAh lemme check14:29
steeevemal: no other windows14:43
malwell pressing some cover worked for me14:45
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steeevemal: at the begin i see the window, but then it disappears15:03
malI don't have my test phone with me right now, need to check once I get back home15:03
steeeveOh kk15:04
steeeveWhat about a store? Are there gapps or i install a store via apk?15:34
malno idea, I don't use google apps or such, you can try to install apks by copying those to /var/lib/anbox/data/app/15:37
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steeeveWifi isnt working, is that normal?17:00
malI think I broke networking on anbox at some point, I haven't debugged it yet17:01
steeeveAh, ok17:07
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