#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2017-12-06

*** merbot <merbot!~supybot@phost1.merproject.org> has joined #sfdroid01:08
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nh1402[m]saidinesh5: did you get it done in time?12:20
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saidinesh5fortunatley yep12:33
saidinesh5cleaning up after yesterday's hurry up today though12:33
nh1402[m]well I had a day off on Monday, and was emailed twice about the same thing, which I had to do first thing today.12:42
nh1402[m]nothing big though, took a couple of minutes.12:42
nh1402[m]if that12:42
nh1402[m]saidinesh5: I see you noticed the Android Go thing came in12:55
nh1402[m]it sounds like it's just a flag12:56
saidinesh5need to dig deeper into the sources though13:00
nh1402[m]saidinesh5: I haven't touched Sailfish or Anbox in months14:05
nh1402[m]well it certainly feels like months anyway14:05
piggzdead project?14:53
nh1402[m]piggz: what's dead?15:35
nh1402[m]I'll get back to it at some point15:35
piggznh1402[m]: whats the status?16:33
nh1402[m]Same as before17:45
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Mister_Magisterso dead17:46
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