#sfdroid log for Tuesday, 2017-08-15

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nh1402saidinesh5: I had a look at how to get anbox to support touchscreen devices, on the sdl side of things it looks straight forward, android side would be merging the mouse and how touch support is done for mobiles.10:24
nh1402I could give it a thwack later, but won't actually be able to test it due to obvious reasons.10:25
nh1402saidinesh5: you free later today to help try and get it booting on my n5?10:25
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saidinesh5nh1402: lol. i couldn't get it to boot on my xiaomi mi3 :P10:30
saidinesh5i thought the best time to start it again is once the 3.18 kernel is out for my device10:31
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saidinesh5otherwise it seems like a pain to tinker with these things10:31
nh1402saidinesh5: maybe we can help each other then10:34
nh1402I can get sources and build a new image based on latest sources, you can build latest manager stuff on obs10:35
saidinesh5nh1402: Sure but I think the thing to do is really wait for the 3.18 kernel.. So far all the issues i had were mainly b/c of my kernel being ooold10:35
nh1402what the heck am I supposed to do, remotely fix image and anbox stuff, and hope it works on your device?10:36
saidinesh5lol. no. if my device is getting a 3.10+ kernel , your device will definitely get it..10:37
saidinesh5so look for that kernel and get sailfish up and running on it..10:37
nh1402development for n5 has really slowed down on xda, I doubt it's coming10:37
saidinesh5hmm.. same for my device.. all i have is a screenshot.. and that guy said he will release it along with Android O10:39
nh1402saidinesh5: the only guy that was working on the 3.10 kernel stopped over a year ago...10:39
saidinesh5i hope he isn't just faking it..10:39
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nh1402saidinesh5: I still think it's worth getting it working on 3.4 kernel10:40
saidinesh5will have to try harder i guess10:41
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piggzsaidinesh5: nh1402[m]: im willing to help out to get it up on the mido ... i already have the kernel parts in my build, just need to spend some time on image building.17:26
saidinesh5piggz: why not use the existing anbox image from the repo?17:27
piggzsaidinesh5: i need a 64bit image17:28
saidinesh5how come? the rest of your stack is 32 bit itself right?17:28
saidinesh5the image itself is self contained rootfs too..17:29
piggzim sure last time I tried to boot it, the advice was to build a 64bit image...17:29
malsaidinesh5: do you happen to know how to capture the stdout from the anbox-init.sh script, or does that go somewhere, I tried to pipe some data to some file but without success17:29
saidinesh5mal: could you check if you can even run an sh in chroot? for me that was the issue.. so before even anbox-init.sh starts.. sh was crashing inside the chroot17:30
saidinesh5thereby no ... logs17:30
saidinesh5piggz: Ah.. well you can try buiding the 64bit image but i think you have to ask krnlyng about the patches ...17:31
saidinesh5i am not entirely sure of what patches he put in to build the anbox-image compatible with sfdroid17:31
malsaidinesh5: could you explain how to test a chroot17:32
saidinesh5anbox itself mounts everything inside /var/lib/anbox/root iirc17:32
saidinesh5try chrooting into that..17:33
saidinesh5for me chroot <path> /sbin/sh was crashing17:33
saidinesh5"everything" = anbox-image + the files from your device as overlay17:34
malsaidinesh5: sh-3.2# chroot /var/lib/anbox/rootfs /system/bin/sh17:36
saidinesh5that's the bit where i am stuck too17:37
saidinesh5need to see why that process was getting killed17:37
malsaidinesh5: "Ensure that the /usr/sbin/execerror command is available on the new root file system so that descriptive error messages are returned in the event of a chroot failure. Otherwise, if there is an error, chroot returns Killed and nothing more."17:39
saidinesh5(also you may get a little further if you bind mount the dev, sys etc.. into that path before chrooting)17:39
saidinesh5Ohh. I will try that..17:39
malsaidinesh5: looks like at least issue with /dev, strace gave:17:40
malopenat(AT_FDCWD, "/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE|O_NOFOLLOW|O_CLOEXEC) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)17:40
maltgkill(18315, 18315, SIGKILL <unfinished ...>17:40
saidinesh5Yep..  after bind mounting that you will get a little further inside chroot17:40
saidinesh5but iirc there was some weird behavior inside chroot17:41
saidinesh5when trying to exec some files.17:41
malsaidinesh5: after bind mounting it doesn't get killed anymore17:43
saidinesh5mhm. but when you try to exec files inside chroot you may see that weird behavior of processes getting killed..17:44
malwhat do you mean?17:44
saidinesh5i will have to look at my logs, but inside chroot some commands like cd / ls were failing iirc17:45
malsaidinesh5: last thing in strace is "failed to resend signal during crash"17:46
saidinesh5that sounds familiar...17:47
saidinesh5which command was it you were trying to strace btw?17:47
malsaidinesh5: even just sh gives that, also ls17:47
saidinesh5i think something was wrong with our  kernel configs/lxc flags or something. i am not exactly sure but this is where i paused the work17:48
saidinesh5also ls wasn't even ls'ing all files in one attempt17:49
malsaidinesh5: I cannot get any output from any command17:50
saidinesh5but cd should work iirc...17:50
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saidinesh5i remember something like cd working but ls not working..17:50
malsaidinesh5: actually for example ls --help gives the help info correctly17:50
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saidinesh5yup. ls not listing basically17:51
malsaidinesh5: like this chroot /var/lib/anbox/rootfs /system/bin/ls --help17:51
saidinesh5i tried it inside the chroot actually17:51
saidinesh5i could start a chrooted /sbin/sh17:51
saidinesh5but everything inside that shell was similar to your ls issues17:51
saidinesh5i was able to cd up and down directories etc.. but not able to ls them17:51
saidinesh5seemed like some namespace/permissions issue then17:52
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malsaidinesh5: this works chroot /var/lib/anbox/rootfs /system/bin/ls -l /vendor/18:04
malsaidinesh5: ls of root does not because missing permissions probably18:05
malsaidinesh5: so it's not completely broken18:07
saidinesh5yep. similar experience even for me18:08
saidinesh5so that's how i thought that was an issue with namespaces...18:08
saidinesh5mal: could you disable every non required namespace related kernel config and try?18:09
saidinesh5thats one thing i wanted to do..18:09
saidinesh5in the lxc-checkconfig18:09
saidinesh5basically everything that is not required, disable it..18:09
saidinesh5i have been told that lxc was very broken on 3.4 kernels.. but some OSes.. (ubports, webos etc..) run their android hal inside an lxc18:10
saidinesh5even for devices with 3.4 kernel18:10
malsaidinesh5: yep, so it has to be possible18:11
saidinesh5also disabling dev pts namespace fixed lxc from crashing for me iirc....18:11
saidinesh5yep, but iirc they wanted something like usernamespace to implement the input etc.. properly inside the container.. and they got stuck there for 3.4 kernel devices18:12
malsaidinesh5: I'm having a look at ubports fp2 kernel config18:16
saidinesh5lucky you .. lol. i am supposed to create a kernel config for cancro for ubports too....18:16
malsaidinesh5: at least they have a lot of namespaces enabled18:17
saidinesh5actually i can do that too18:18
saidinesh5compare the lxc checkconfig flags ... .18:18
malalso they use backported bt drivers18:18
saidinesh5with the ones from fp218:18
saidinesh5oh? backported from?18:18
saidinesh5oh wow.. any specific reason for that extra work?18:19
malit's actually not much work, those exist readily18:19
malyou get bt le with those backported drivers and bluez518:20
saidinesh5Ahh.. even for cancro a lot of the HAL is lately opensourced iirc.. gps hal, camera hal . should be worth it to take a look at them too..18:21
malsaidinesh5: bt is usually just in kernel18:25
malsaidinesh5: quite many differences in ubports config vs my current config18:25
saidinesh5mal:  yup but look at just the flags related to lxc-checkconfig18:26
malsaidinesh5: I was talking about those18:26
saidinesh5also ubports => a whole lot of other things needed by Mir, apparmour snapd, and what not18:26
saidinesh5so you have a point of attack then!18:26
malsaidinesh5: many things I have enabled are not enabled in ubports18:27
malmostly cgroups18:27
saidinesh5disable them all!18:28
mal+some network related18:28
saidinesh5devpts is definitely broken on 3.4 kernel18:28
saidinesh5dev pts namespace that is18:28
malsaidinesh5: yep, dev, memctrl and cpuset are disabled18:29
saidinesh5maybe i should give this a shot too before waiting for 3.10 kernel18:30
malsaidinesh5: I'm now building18:38
saidinesh5Aye. I will stay up.. keep me in the loop mal18:39
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malsaidinesh5: now it fails to start to container18:53
saidinesh5Ahh what does thelog say the reason as?18:53
malsaidinesh5: it seems to require the devices cgroup18:53
malsaidinesh5: but if ubports uses lxc how do they do that18:54
saidinesh5they run a very stripped down hal..18:54
saidinesh5plus you can actually use lxc and manually do the same.. with the namespaces that you need18:54
saidinesh5anbox is mostly a thin wrapper around lxc + some changes to android bits to accept input/showUI / share audio18:55
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malsaidinesh5: where does the lxc configuration come from for anbox19:07
malit doesn't have the values I see in /var/lib/anbox/containers/default/config, maybe it gets the defaults from somewhere else19:11
malsome are set elsewhere19:13
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malsaidinesh5: it's still interesting that there are no errors in lxc log about anything relevant if everything is enabled, container claims to start ok19:19
malsaidinesh5: container claims to start fine19:20
saidinesh5Mal what about ps auxf ?19:21
saidinesh5Does it show the container tree?19:21
malsaidinesh5: but the container shuts down because the init exits or something like that19:24
saidinesh5Ah try stracing the init ..19:26
saidinesh5But before that make sure chroot works like it should?19:26
malsaidinesh5: log even says "Started "/anbox-init.sh"19:26
malsaidinesh5: and then Container "default" is in "RUNNING" state.19:27
saidinesh5Yeah but it could crash at the first command in anbox -init.sh right?19:27
malsaidinesh5: then Container init process 2440 exited19:27
saidinesh5Yep. Just like normal anbox log...19:27
malsaidinesh5: "Failed to initialize property area"19:30
malsaidinesh5: that is where init fails in chroot19:31
saidinesh5Ah that's bound to happen inside a chroot if you bind mount dev19:31
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malsaidinesh5: ok, how to try it then?19:32
saidinesh5Your droid hal outside the chroot has a device node inside related to property service.. (Android init owns that bit)19:32
malsaidinesh5: so now what?19:33
saidinesh5I am not entirely sure. What happens if you normal mount Dev?19:34
saidinesh5(before trying to look into name space for this)19:34
malnot sure if I understand19:34
saidinesh51 sec looking19:36
saidinesh5mal:  how about just mounting a tmpfs for dev inside the chroot19:38
saidinesh5and bind mounting just the needed files?19:39
saidinesh5like maybe urandom etc...19:39
malok, I'll try19:39
nh1402[m]how do you guys even know what you're talking about19:39
saidinesh5this one? https://github.com/sfdroid/anbox/blob/anbox/src/anbox/container/lxc_container.cpp#L16119:41
malsaidinesh5: now it went further19:51
saidinesh5define further :P19:51
saidinesh5does ps auxf show the tree?19:51
malsaidinesh5: it tried to start some services but those failed for some reason19:53
saidinesh5Ah but init survives now right?19:54
saidinesh5ah that's a lot of progress19:54
saidinesh5chances are .. the reason some of those processes failed because of some missing kernel configs for android usually19:54
saidinesh5or bad permissions19:54
saidinesh5when trying things with chroot i had surfaceflinger failing causing some other dependent processes failing19:56
saidinesh5so chances are if you are able to fix one of the failing processes ,  others would start just fine19:56
malsaidinesh5: after some changes to the mounts it went even further, I can it continuously trying to start the services20:02
saidinesh5out of curiosity, which services?20:04
saidinesh5also mal  you need to bind mmount dev/ion or something like that ...20:04
saidinesh5afaik you find find this list in extra_bind_mounts20:05
saidinesh5 in /var/lib/anbox/soemwhere iirc20:06
malsaidinesh5: servicemanager fails for some reason but it just gives Service 'servicemanager' (pid 3980) exited with status 020:07
saidinesh5Ahh now this is bringing back the memories from my chroot experiements...20:08
malsaidinesh5: pretty much all services20:08
saidinesh5yeah they prolly depend on service manager for something or the other20:08
malsaidinesh5: yes, all others are killed it servicemanager stops20:09
saidinesh5i think its failing because of some missing dev node..20:09
saidinesh5look at the extra_bind_mounts file..20:09
saidinesh5that should give us some idea..20:09
saidinesh5Also iirc the crazy thing about android's init was if some critical service fails like 3-4 times it rebooted the device.. so that was  a pain too..20:10
malsaidinesh5: I do get some memory violations from debuggerd and healthd20:10
saidinesh5from service manager?20:10
malsaidinesh5: probably I have done something wrong with the mounts20:15
saidinesh5Maybe some mounts are missing too20:16
saidinesh5Plus it could be the linker going kaput when mixing Android 7.1 rootfs with your vendor from Android 5.x?20:17
saidinesh5(for the libEGL etc..)20:17
nh1402[m]nonsense it booted on krnlyng's Jolla C, right?20:19
nh1402[m]that has the same Android 5 vendor iirc20:19
nh1402[m]well not same same, same version of Android20:19
krnlyngthe script that copies the data to the overlay is very cautious20:19
krnlyngthe blobs20:19
krnlyngbut it is maybe also broken20:19
malneed to continue tomorrow20:21
saidinesh5nh1402[m]: iirc even krnlyng had to put in some linker hacks.  And recompile some libraries20:21
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mallike what?20:24
krnlyngmal, there were missing symbols that i redirected to abort because they were referenced but not really used20:26
krnlyngand iirc then there were some which were acutally called20:27
krnlyngwhich i reimplemented20:27
krnlyngfirst is linker hack20:27
krnlyngsecond is recompile some libraries20:27
malkrnlyng: ok, how did it behave before that?20:30
malkrnlyng: I mean because I cannot see anything anywhere from init20:30
krnlyngonly surfaceflinger crashed20:34
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