#sfdroid log for Tuesday, 2017-07-18

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*** danPixl <danPixl!sjroijvcoi@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-mkcjxpcuqnfuswht> has joined #sfdroid06:53
danPixlso, I flashed sailfish on my oneplus one using this guide: https://sailfish-for-opo.tchncs.de/home, and sfdroid hangs on the Cyanogenmod boot splash06:54
danPixlevery once in a while, sfos asks me if I want to close the app - it's been stuck for about a minute or two06:55
danPixlhere's the first few entries in top: https://hastebin.com/yevahupiyi.pl06:56
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Libre___danPixl: my OnePlus X has the same issue08:24
nh1402danPixl: Libre___ what do you guys know about kernel development?08:30
danPixli wonder if i could install alien dalvik on my oneplus one08:32
danPixlnh1402: read above08:45
nh1402danPixl: legally speaking, you can't.08:48
danPixlkey word08:49
nh1402danPixl: how about general software development, any experience?08:51
Libre___More ontopic, why did you ask nh1402?08:51
danPixlyes, mostly javascript08:52
nh1402Libre___: we have moved on from sfdroid to anbox, which requires kernel patches to work08:52
nh1402but all will use the same android image08:52
nh1402if you can patch your respective kernels, then you could help us get anbox working08:53
nh1402which would be better than sfdroid and alien dalvik in my opinion08:53
danPixlteach me pls08:54
danPixlcm 12.1, sfos
nh1402danPixl: you have the Oneplus One, right? is that using the 3.4 kernel or 3.10, I understand on android at least the phone supports both.08:55
danPixlI'm on kernel 3.4.67-sfos+08:56
danPixlthis'll be babby's first patch08:57
nh1402atm saidinesh5 and I haven't managed to get it working for phones with 3.4 kernel yet. Not sure which phone he's been testing with, but I've been testing with nexus 5.08:58
nh1402it works on kernels newer than that krnlyng/liar has managed to get it working on his Jolla C (which has a newer kernel) and by working I mean it boots.08:59
nh1402I'm sure we can get it working on the 3.4 kernel, we just need more info on what doesn't work and fix it.09:00
danPixlhow high of a chance do i have that i'm gonna end up with this brick09:00
danPixlhow high of a chance do i have that i'm gonna end up with a brick09:00
danPixlI just got this phone today09:00
nh1402that's not likely, it'll either boot to Sailfish with the patched kernel, or it won't. if it doesn't, flash the original kernel back on and you'll be fine.09:02
danPixl~i have no clue how to do that~09:02
danPixl]>no markdown09:02
danPixl>no markdown09:02
nh1402danPixl: find the sailfish kernel source for your device09:04
Libre___nh1402: I've done some kernel hacking before, but iirc the CM under kimmolis onyx port uses a newer kernel than 3.409:04
Libre___not at home atm, just noted the question09:04
Libre___didn't know about anbox, nice09:05
Libre___I've been lurking here for a while so I'll read some backlog09:06
nh1402Libre___: the backlog will help considerably09:06
danPixloperation alien dalvik on 1+1 did not work10:23
Libre___isn't that environment special for each hw platform?10:23
Libre___anyways, not very viable10:23
danPixli tried the n5 version10:23
nh1402danPixl: there might be rpm's for anbox, but you need kernel patches for it to work10:27
danPixli just installed it, what do10:27
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nh1402danPixl: apply kernel patches...10:40
danPixli'm braindead okay10:40
nh1402read the logs10:58
nh1402a basic search of "how to apply kernel patch" would explain what to do10:58
nh1402if that points to "git" search into what git is and how to use it.10:59
danPixlI can into git10:59
danPixli read a month and a half of logs11:07
nh1402if that sentence is short for "nothing in the logs is not useful to me" then you'd be right.11:09
Libre___stop shitposting on irc...12:27
Libre___Get a Jolla C if you don't want to get your hands dirty12:27
Libre___for android supporting sfos12:28
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kimmolionyx is 3.4.15:49
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nh1402kimmoli: that's what I thought17:30
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