#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2017-06-28

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dr_gogeta86saidinesh5, ... how did you patched binder con cancro19:23
saidinesh5dr_gogeta86: there are basically 2 patches you need to apply for that19:25
Mister_Magisterkrnlyng: saidinesh5: any update with anbox?19:25
saidinesh5nada. zilch19:26
Mister_Magisterweird language you are using :D19:27
saidinesh5dr_gogeta86: looking for the patches.. i had to clean them up so they applied on my 3.4 kernel..19:27
saidinesh5cant remember where i posted the link..19:28
saidinesh5dr_gogeta86: https://github.com/CancroSailors/android_kernel_xiaomi_cancro/commits/anbox you can get them from here the 849c7b326df01f8d2105659e28c137b1096c1ea1 and 6c55ec9eca59e83fcfce6f1770bf497fae76f7de commits in that list are related to binder namespaces19:30
dr_gogeta86doens't work on onyx19:30
saidinesh5you mean doesnt compile? or you got anbox to boot but just binder namespace doesnt work?19:31
saidinesh5here are the actual upstream patches i used: https://lkml.org/lkml/2013/12/22/1419:32
dr_gogeta86binder.c is a bit different19:34
saidinesh5Yeah you have to clean up the patches for your kernel. That's why i pointed you to my kernel with the cleaned up patches.. for 3.4 kernel of msm897419:36
dr_gogeta86i've replaced the binder.c with the cancro one19:43
saidinesh5that may work too..19:43
saidinesh5not sure what the changes were in your binder.c though19:43
saidinesh5could you diff your binder.c with the cancro one and paste it so i can check?19:44
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dr_gogeta86ported all patches19:55
dr_gogeta86but now ...19:58
dr_gogeta86all the needed userspace side of anbox19:59
saidinesh5not sure dr_gogeta86.. i, nor anyone with 3.4 kernel were able to run anbox with these patches so far.. will have to sit down and fix things for it to work I think19:59
dr_gogeta86where i can find lxcd20:00
saidinesh5every dependency needed for anbox is in the same repo20:00
dr_gogeta86saidinesh5, once patched the kernel is a bit diverged since the original one20:03
saidinesh5i see20:04
dr_gogeta86and wifi doesn't work20:05
dr_gogeta86'cause i've touched namespaces20:05
dr_gogeta86and other network stuff20:05
dr_gogeta86i need to wait kimmoli to repack20:06
malsaidinesh5: have you tried debugging the android init in anbox?20:14
saidinesh5mal: that's the oddest thing.. even chroot crashes when i try to run that init inside a chroot20:14
saidinesh5So i think it could be some missing kernel option/patch..20:14
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