#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2017-06-21

*** CrKit <CrKit!~nekit@95-83-60-246.saransk.ru> has joined #sfdroid07:06
*** nh1402 <nh1402!~nh1402@host81-133-137-69.in-addr.btopenworld.com> has joined #sfdroid07:19
Mister_MagisterGuys if i want to use standard sfdroid i have to have cyanogen sources iirc right? Or can i help somehow with anbox?07:35
nh1402Mister_Magister: yes07:36
Mister_Magisternh1402: yes to both?07:37
nh1402well, both will require some programming, so might as well help with anbox07:38
Mister_Magisterare you guys still working at standard sfdroid or anbox only now?07:40
nh1402anbox only07:41
nh1402when we're free that is, everyone has been busy with stuff past few weeks, I should be free-er from next week, so will jump back on development07:42
Mister_Magisternh1402: sure i'm just wondering which one i should choose. sfdroid is working but nobody is working on it or anbox which is not working but better and everybody is working on it07:43
nh1402anbox - Android Nougat 7.1.107:44
Mister_Magisterbut it's totally not working07:44
nh1402latest working sfdroid Android Lollipop 5.007:44
nh1402Mister_Magister: you can help make it work07:44
nh1402Mister_Magister: which device + kernel version?07:44
nh1402kernel patches will be required for anbox07:45
Mister_Magistertitan + 3.407:46
Mister_Magisteri know programming a bit :V07:46
Mister_Magisterwell when saidinesh5 saw my code i throw it to trash D:07:46
nh1402it currently boots on 3.10 kernel I think, those with 3.4 kernel are having problems atm. saidinesh5 and I with our respective phones07:47
nh14023 heads should be able to figure out why anbox refuses to boot on 3.4 kernel, maybe more patches required, maybe something else.07:48
Mister_Magisternh1402: so what should i do07:53
nh1402Mister_Magister: https://github.com/CancroSailors/android_kernel_xiaomi_cancro/commits/anbox07:55
nh1402march 19th commit and above07:55
nh1402apply those kernel patches07:56
Mister_Magisternh1402: so anbox you say :D07:58
Mister_Magisternh1402: anbox doesn't need android sources right?08:03
nh1402Mister_Magister: well for the time being you can just install the rpm that saidinesh has built on obs08:04
nh1402most things if not all, should be device independent so all devices should (more or less) use the same android rom for anbox08:04
Mister_Magisteri've learned kernel modifying a bit when i was adding HCISMD so adding overlayfs will be no problem (and other patches)08:06
nh1402once the 3 of us (saidnesh5, yourself and I) can get anbox booting, then we'll move on to making anbox usable.08:10
Mister_Magisteroh wait overlayfs is already there08:11
Mister_Magisternh1402: i have nexus 7 2013 too and will have moto x force so we can play with different kernels :D08:12
nh1402it is?, is it enabled08:12
Mister_Magisternah just enbled it08:12
Mister_Magistermoving on08:13
nh1402which kernel version dose the x force have?08:13
nh1402Mister_Magister: iirc people managed to get the nexus 7 2013 to work with a mainline kernel, is the Sailfish port using that?08:15
Mister_Magisterx force has 3.10 iirc08:16
Mister_Magisterit's 64bit so i think it has to me 3.1008:18
nh1402Mister_Magister: I think you'll have less hassle with that08:19
nh1402the X force that is08:19
Mister_Magisterstill i want to make sfdroid for both :D08:19
Mister_Magisteri don't care about nexus 7 since aliendalvik from nexus 4/5 is working on it08:19
nh1402yes, but maybe you'll have a better idea how to get it working on your titan, if you already have it working on x force08:20
Mister_Magisternh1402: i'll get x force in ~2 months so i will stick with titan for now08:23
nh1402fair enough08:24
Mister_Magisternh1402: look at this https://github.com/CancroSailors/android_kernel_xiaomi_cancro/commit/6c55ec9eca59e83fcfce6f1770bf497fae76f7de i don't have binder_state_show08:42
nh1402sure you do08:43
Mister_Magisternope i don't08:43
nh1402well I couldn't even apply the kernel patches myself, the cm13 porter for nexus 5 guy helped me out by doing all the kernel patching work, after I struggled for a month failing to do it.08:45
nh1402so I'm afraid I can't help with that.08:45
nh1402Mister_Magister: you could ask on sailfishos-porters channel, although not porting related, they should know about kernels enough to help, I think.08:58
Mister_Magisternow i'm stuck. If i don't have binder_state_show and binder_status_show then i think i don't have to carry about them or add them08:58
Mister_Magisternh1402: i'm not even sure what should i ask09:00
nh1402Mister_Magister: heck you could ask on anbox channel09:00
Mister_Magisterbut what09:01
Mister_Magisterwelp nexus 7 have it and even htc from 2010 have it. Weird motorola is weird09:03
Mister_Magisterif those functions are not even used in kernel why should i care about them or why shouldn't i just add them09:03
Mister_Magisteryeah i'll skip 'em09:06
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Mister_Magisternh1402: Hah i know! I don't have binder_stats_show but i have binder_stats_find10:54
Mister_Magisternh1402: i have kernel now what10:59
nh1402Mister_Magister: devel-su ssu ar anbox-obs http://repo.merproject.org/obs/home:/saidinesh5:/anbox/sailfish_latest_armv7hl/11:03
nh1402actually not sure if that should be as root11:03
nh1402think these are though "zypper ref anbox-obs && zypper in anbox-sailfishos"11:03
Mister_Magisternh1402: no difference11:04
nh1402HOLD wrong stuf11:04
nh1402the first one is right though11:04
nh1402devel-su zypper ref anbox-obs && devel-su zypper dup --from anbox-obs11:04
Mister_Magisterwrong package?11:04
nh1402devel-su zypper in --force anbox-sailfishos-image anbox-sailfishos11:05
nh1402zypper in coreutils binutils11:05
nh1402zypper in --force anbox-sailfishos-image anbox-sailfishos11:05
Mister_Magisterbut anbox-sailfishos-image is already above11:06
Mister_Magister200MB omfg11:06
nh1402it's the android image for anbox, compressed most likely11:11
Mister_Magisternh1402: yep very very much compressed 198.5 MiB (199.1 MiB unpacked)11:14
Mister_Magisterwhy every new phone looks like samsung or iphone -_-11:14
nh1402everything installed now11:14
nh1402is everything installed now, have you ran the commands?11:17
Mister_Magister200MB is downloading11:17
Mister_Magisteryep it's done11:22
Mister_Magisternh1402: what now?11:25
nh1402any errors?11:27
Mister_Magisteryou mean that https://pastebin.com/ZBB7FnSW?11:28
nh1402I can't even refer to my errors since the bpaste has gone11:33
nh1402F it, try running it11:34
nh1402although I can't tell if the rpm failed to install or not11:35
Mister_Magisternh1402: zypper says it's installed11:35
Mister_Magisterhow to run it?11:35
Mister_Magisteroh there is an icon11:35
nh1402devel-su anbox container-manager --privileged &11:35
nh1402forget the icon11:36
nh1402anbox session-manager11:36
Mister_Magister[EE 2017-06-21 11:37:20] [daemon.cpp:58@Run] Failed to connect to socket /run/anbox-container.socket: No such file or directory11:37
Mister_Magisterah wait11:37
Mister_MagisterFailed to mount Android rootfs11:38
nh1402the container as root, the session-manager should not be as root11:38
nh1402you're missing a kernel patch I think11:38
Mister_Magisteri didn't reboot sorry i forgort11:39
nh1402mkdir -p /var/lib/anbox/rootfs11:39
nh1402actually, run that command first, if the error doesn't go away maybe you're missing a patch11:40
Mister_Magisterwelp i have all those paches (Almost some kernel flags were missing) and it still cannot mount android rootfs11:43
nh1402mkdir -p /var/lib/anbox/rootfs11:45
nh1402did you run that command?11:46
nh1402Mister_Magister: ^11:50
Mister_Magisternh1402: didn't helped11:53
nh1402prove it11:53
nh1402that it didn't help...11:54
Mister_Magisterit still fails with Failed to mount Android rootfs?11:54
Mister_Magistermount("/dev/loop7", "/var/lib/anbox/rootfs", "squashfs", MS_MGC_VAL|MS_RDONLY, NULL) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)11:55
*** m01 <m01!~quassel@2a00:1a48:7808:102:be76:4eff:fe08:b79c> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)11:56
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nh1402so it's squashfs related11:57
Mister_Magistermaybe can i try mounting it manually?11:58
nh1402you can try, but I don't know how to do that11:59
Mister_Magisterme neither11:59
Mister_Magisternh1402: oh i know what is wrong12:02
Mister_Magisteri'm missing this https://github.com/CancroSailors/android_kernel_xiaomi_cancro/commit/336afe684ef41d6063613056bcf3f07aefd4c385#diff-9f3af329815ab6205196cd2c9a770540R351412:02
Mister_Magisterneed to add it to my kernel12:02
nh1402[m]Told you12:05
Mister_Magisternh1402[m]: now anbox session-manager is running and nothing is happening12:13
nh1402[m]I believe that's as far as I've gotten12:14
nh1402[m]No errors?12:14
Mister_Magisternope (maybe in dmesg or somewhere)12:16
malI assume none of the android processes are running inside the container?12:17
Mister_Magisterwait actually i got something12:18
Mister_Magisterhow can i know12:18
Mister_Magisterand at the end of that binder: undelivered death notification, b7dc389812:19
Mister_Magisteractually that don't have to be anbox problem12:21
nh1402Mister_Magister: but it could be related to the patch you skipped over12:33
Mister_Magisternh1402: after reboot it's all good12:33
nh1402it boots?12:34
Mister_Magisterhow can i know i just ran anbox session-manager12:35
Mister_Magisterand nothing special is happening12:36
Mister_Magisternothing in dmesg nothing in ps -aux12:37
nh1402have you run the container-manager?12:39
nh1402devel-su anbox container-manager --privileged &12:39
Mister_Magisterboth are running12:40
Mister_Magisterps devel-su anbox container-manager --privileged & will not allow you to type password12:41
nh1402[m]devel-su anbox container-manager --privileged12:45
nh1402Mister_Magister: that would be because of the ampersand12:45
Mister_Magisternh1402: that's why you have to enter devel-su first12:46
Mister_Magisterand then you can run it12:46
nh1402yes, or that12:46
nh1402does it not print anything then?12:47
nh1402Mister_Magister: I'll take that as a no12:58
Mister_Magisternh1402: ah sorry, no it print's nothing12:58
Mister_Magisteronly some warning12:59
nh1402what's the warning?12:59
Mister_Magister"You are running the container manager manually which is most likely not" blablabla13:00
Mister_Magisterit freezes13:00
nh1402Mister_Magister: maybe the guys at #anbox can help you13:01
Mister_Magisterand while running strace i saw Resource temporarily unavailable13:01
Mister_Magisterwell it freezes at poll([{fd=9, events=POLLIN}, {fd=3, events=POLLIN}], 2, -1 so maybe it's waiting for something13:09
nh1402Mister_Magister: maybe the guys at #anbox can help you13:13
Mister_Magisteryeah yeah...13:13
nh1402Mister_Magister: how's it going?14:04
Mister_Magisterdidn't ask14:04
nh1402Mister_Magister: I know, I was wondering if you sorted the problem out yourself14:07
Mister_Magisternh1402: wondering where is sfdroid part14:08
Mister_Magisternh1402: you mean that app?14:12
Mister_Magisterasked on anbox waiting for answer14:17
*** nh1402 <nh1402!~nh1402@host81-133-137-69.in-addr.btopenworld.com> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)15:35
*** NeKit <NeKit!~nekit@178-45-10-64.saransk.ru> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)16:08
*** Sailor9516 <Sailor9516!~sailfish@059149201093.ctinets.com> has joined #sfdroid16:34
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Mister_Magisternh1402[m]: what is the status of normal sfdroid?17:54
nh1402[m]It still hasn't changed from this morning17:55
Mister_Magisternh1402[m]: haha i mean on what status development stopped. What was working and what was not?18:03
nh1402[m]Sfdroid cm10 stopped past proof of concept, cm11 stopped after cm12 rebase, cm12 sensors and touchscreen work, and choice between single window and multi window via icons in app drawer but still hack-y I think, Sfdroid cm13 doesn't work, or even exist18:06
*** srohmen <srohmen!~srohmen@x5ce4922a.dyn.telefonica.de> has joined #sfdroid18:25
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Mister_Magisternh1402[m]: i've got an idea. since it will be hard getting anbox on 3.4 kernel and sfdroid is usable with cm12.1 then on titan i can stick with sfdroid (it will be usable to use some apps) and on moto x force i'll try to fix anbox with you and saidinesh5. What do you think?20:23
nh1402[m]Its not necessarily hard, we just don't know why it doesn't work.20:24
Mister_Magisteroh okay forget it then20:24
Mister_Magisterpeople on #anbox are not answering20:24

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