#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2017-06-14

*** Mister_Magister_ <Mister_Magister_!~foidbgen@user-94-254-163-107.play-internet.pl> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)00:10
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saidinesh5nh1402: checkthe anbox  room btw.14:25
nh1402saidinesh5: IRC or discourse?, if it's the latter, I've seen it.14:27
* saidinesh5 didnt know the discourse rooms were called rooms..14:28
nh1402saidinesh5: maybe you were14:30
nh1402whoops, maybe your didn't mean to type rooms14:30
saidinesh5nh1402: basically morphis  wants a pull request of our older implementation.. especially the touch support..14:30
saidinesh5other than that he proposed that we send a patch upstream to SDL before dig deeper into our sf + wayland implementation14:31
nh1402saidinesh5: krnlyng wanted to reduce the dependencies though, that's why he didn't want to use SDL14:36
saidinesh5nh1402: well that too.. but the main reason was SDL didnt have some API..14:36
saidinesh5to get wayland surface iirc14:37
saidinesh5so we couldnt upstream our anbox patches with such ugly hacks14:37
saidinesh5that's why i suggested moving to surfaceflinger + wayland directly...14:37
nh1402saidinesh5: btw I installed everything on the phone, but I couldn't get Anbox booting.14:39
saidinesh5welcome to the club :p14:39
saidinesh5the club of folks with 3.4 kernel that's driving them crazy14:39
nh1402saidinesh5: Failed to connect to socket /run/anbox-container.socket: Connection refused14:39
saidinesh5Ah yeah. i have seen that message from you. was travelling so couldnt reply yet14:40
saidinesh5will have to dig deeper though14:40
saidinesh5it probably means anbox session manager isnt running or soething like that14:40
nh1402checked permissions and stuff, shouldn't be complaining14:40
nh1402saidinesh5: on a side note, the OP5 is being announced next week, might end up buying it.14:43
saidinesh5nh1402: it probably has to do with some kernel config usually14:48
saidinesh5that's where the issues are for me14:48
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