#sfdroid log for Thursday, 2017-05-25

*** Libre___ <Libre___!elrond@2a02:1610:1000:b::abcd> has joined #sfdroid03:15
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*** nh1402 <nh1402!~nh1402@host81-133-137-69.in-addr.btopenworld.com> has joined #sfdroid07:25
*** Mister_Magister <Mister_Magister!~foidbgen@user-94-254-225-162.play-internet.pl> has joined #sfdroid09:41
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*** Mister_Magister_ is now known as Mister_Magister10:02
Mister_Magisterwhere i can check current status of sfdroid/anbox what is working or not?11:12
nh1402Mister_Magister: break into krnlyng's place, boot up and login to his machine and find out.11:19
Mister_Magisternh1402: good idea11:19
nh1402Mister_Magister: get the sources, build it and see what has been commited11:20
* Mister_Magister is wondering if sim is working with anbox11:22
nh1402don't think so11:23
nh1402touch input works, don't think much else does at this point, at least what's been commited currently11:23
nh1402Mister_Magister: feel free to add sim support to anbox11:24
Mister_Magisternh1402: https://github.com/sfdroid/anbox/projects/111:24
Mister_Magisternh1402: hahahaha... hahaha… haha… haaa…11:25
nh1402Mister_Magister: what11:31
Mister_Magisteri can't11:32
nh1402Mister_Magister: nonsense, do it now11:34
Mister_Magisternot funny11:34
nh1402Mister_Magister: why can't you11:38
Mister_Magisteri don't know how11:38
nh1402Mister_Magister: then learn11:39
*** mp107 <mp107!~mp107___@PC-109-125-232-42.wegrow.domtel.com.pl> has joined #sfdroid13:20
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*** mp107 <mp107!~mp107___@PC-109-125-232-42.wegrow.domtel.com.pl> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)14:32
*** Acou_Bass is now known as eddie15:28
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*** Guest74342 is now known as Acou_Bass15:29
*** nh1402 <nh1402!~nh1402@host81-133-137-69.in-addr.btopenworld.com> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)15:44
krnlyng_nh1402[m], touch input doesn't work xD15:57
krnlyng_nh1402[m], at least in the new approach it doesn't yet15:57
nh1402[m]krnlyng_: Fair enough16:13
*** Mister_Magister <Mister_Magister!~foidbgen@user-94-254-144-53.play-internet.pl> has joined #sfdroid16:29
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*** piggz_ <piggz_!~piggz@> has joined #sfdroid20:43
*** Mister_Magister_ <Mister_Magister_!~foidbgen@user-94-254-144-53.play-internet.pl> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)21:05
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*** TheKit <TheKit!~nekit@> has joined #sfdroid22:41
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