#sfdroid log for Sunday, 2017-05-14

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locusfcool pushes to anbox fork!17:57
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mallooks like still some build issues on OBS18:04
locusfit just needs to have debuginfo disabled18:06
locusfsaidinesh5: ^18:06
saidinesh5locusf: Ahh thanks a ton for that!18:07
saidinesh5i was actually wondering what's causing that..18:07
saidinesh5maybe a long filename or something?18:07
locusfbeats me18:07
locusfit sometimes doesn't work for me either18:07
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saidinesh5%define debug_package %{nil} ?18:09
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locusfin the repositiories page18:10
locusfits already off18:11
saidinesh5just disabled it.. rebuilding it now18:12
saidinesh5i think it may have to do something with the long long version number / filename though18:12
locusfits hard to know with obs at times18:13
saidinesh5yeah.. it can be weird with filenames containing + too18:14
saidinesh5btw. right now the version number is coming up as: 1.0+anbox.20170514173227.628b895/18:14
saidinesh5btw. right now the version number is coming up as: 1.0+anbox.20170514173227.628b89518:14
saidinesh5so how do i make it just timestamp or date?18:14
saidinesh5or revision*18:15
malsaidinesh5: tag the last commit?18:16
malotherwise it will generate the version from git history18:17
saidinesh5odd.. still getting the error18:17
locusfbuilding of logger exhausts memory ...18:20
* locusf wonders if his desktop has any viable targets18:20
locusf{standard input}: Assembler messages:18:20
locusf{standard input}:32472: Warning: partial line at end of file ignored18:20
locusf{standard input}: Error: open CFI at the end of file; missing .cfi_endproc directive18:20
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malI found this https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=30412118:32
merbotbugzilla.redhat.com bug 304121 in rpm "debugedit prints: canonicalization unexpectedly shrank by one character" [Medium,Post]18:32
locusfI suggest tagging too18:35
saidinesh5heh was in the same page18:35
saidinesh5yeah lost my access to the repo , so waiting for krnlyng to get me access :p18:36
saidinesh5meanwhile working on a hopefully final cleanup.. that lets us rid all the ugly hacks we put in there..18:37
saidinesh5and hopefully anbox dependency :P18:38
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saidinesh5hmm.. tagging didnt help20:00
locusfyou might want to ping lbt at #mer20:03
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saidinesh5krnlyng__: https://build.merproject.org/package/show/home:saidinesh5:anbox/anbox tada...22:33
saidinesh5 https://pydelion.com/2015/08/18/workaround-for-usrlibrpmdebugedit-canonicalization-unexpectedly-shrank-by-one-character/  disabling the debug build seems to have fixed the issue though..22:33

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