#sfdroid log for Wednesday, 2017-05-10

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saidinesh5okay that patch seems to have applied fine.. and the thing started compiling locally..16:42
saidinesh5lets see if it goes to completion..16:42
krnlyng__saidinesh5, how is it going?16:44
saidinesh5krnlyng__: so the boost log i compiled the other day was... too outdated for our anbox16:44
saidinesh5so updated the boost log and had to revert some patches .. so it compiles with our boost version16:44
saidinesh5uploading the thing to OBS now.. so it gives us a new package16:45
saidinesh5your end?16:45
saidinesh5Also will have to start compiling the anbox system image locally now with your new patches16:47
saidinesh5so could you send me those patches?16:47
saidinesh5Also I think those android-side changes are better pushed to some repo too now16:47
krnlyng__i have played with libhybris :)16:48
krnlyng__i will clean up the android side changes maybe tomorrow16:48
krnlyng__e.g make them a define option16:49
saidinesh5oh played with libhybris for?16:49
saidinesh5krnlyng__: btw. figured out how to compile your adb?16:52
krnlyng__not yet16:52
nh1402[m]maybe he did it for entertainment16:52
saidinesh5lol. i meant played how? like what new changes there?16:53
saidinesh5krnlyng__: Also dont bother polluting the android side with #defines16:54
krnlyng__rather manifest?16:54
saidinesh5i think the best way to do deal with that part is just an sfdroid-localmanifest.xml16:54
krnlyng__i tried to fix ghosalmartins browser issue16:54
saidinesh5what's the issue?16:55
saidinesh5Also did you compile the browser too manually?16:55
saidinesh5I may need some input from you on that for my droplet browser.. i was trying to compile QtWebEngine and so far it is frustrating.. dependencies pulling in so many more dependencies..16:56
saidinesh5https://build.merproject.org/package/live_build_log/home:saidinesh5:anbox/boost/sailfish_latest_armv7hl/armv8el moment of truth again btw.16:57
krnlyng__it's a libhybris issue so no need to compile browser :)17:00
*** Mister_Magister <Mister_Magister!~foidbgen@user-94-254-167-173.play-internet.pl> has joined #sfdroid17:11
nh1402[m]saidinesh5: looks like it built successfully17:54
saidinesh5nh1402[m]: yup. fixing other things so i can finally make an anbox rpm tonight17:55
saidinesh5krnlyng__: could you package the anbox system image into an rpm?17:55
saidinesh5btw. boost log finally seems to compile locally too17:56
saidinesh5krnlyng__: did you anbox work with multiwindow for you?18:15
krnlyng__saidinesh5, not really there were some issues but nothing unfixable i believe18:17
krnlyng__it was working half of the time18:17
saidinesh5compile time issues?18:17
krnlyng__no run time18:17
saidinesh5Ahh odd..18:17
krnlyng__due to rendering approach18:17
saidinesh5error: 'const class Renderable' has no member named 'screen_position'18:17
saidinesh5and so on..18:17
krnlyng__thats why i removed them :P18:17
krnlyng__in the original build18:17
krnlyng__because we don't really have screen positions18:18
krnlyng__only (0,0)18:18
saidinesh5Ahh .. we still need those methods ..18:18
saidinesh5for the thing to compile18:18
saidinesh5we can do nothing in them...18:18
saidinesh5so how did you compile anbox?18:18
krnlyng__the tar i sent you when i started was fully compilable :)18:19
krnlyng__i believe you added some things back18:19
saidinesh5I see18:19
* saidinesh5 checks18:19
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krnlyng__i will package it on the weekend probably18:22
krnlyng__if thats fine18:22
krnlyng__kind of busy right now18:22
saidinesh5Ah aye18:24
saidinesh5will hopefully fix all the build errors and get anbox into an rpm by then18:24
saidinesh5will still prolly bug you with compile time errors and other little things though18:25
saidinesh5krnlyng__: could you resend the original tarball ? i think i lost it in my hard disk crash18:27
saidinesh5Ahh now i see what's bringing those errors18:29
saidinesh5hmm.. /anbox/src/anbox/application/manager.h:28:27: fatal error: core/property.h: No such file or directory18:35
saidinesh5now this...18:35
krnlyng__this one i haven't seen18:37
krnlyng__uploading the tarball18:38
saidinesh5maybe some missing library?18:43
saidinesh5 Ahh.. /usr/include/core/property.h is owned by properties-cpp 0.0.1-118:44
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piggzMister_Magister: do you have vibration/haptics working on titan?20:50
piggzsorry, continue in porters..20:50
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