#sfdroid log for Monday, 2017-05-01

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entilkrnlyng: cool!11:21
entilanything on fp2+sfdroid?11:21
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saidinesh5entil: will hopefully soon be11:25
nh1402entil: not that I'm aware of11:25
saidinesh5entil: make sure you compiler your kernel with overlayfs, lxc2 related stuff, and binder namespaces: https://lkml.org/lkml/diff/2013/12/22/16/1 https://lkml.org/lkml/diff/2013/12/22/15/111:26
saidinesh5overlayfs patches: https://github.com/adilinden/overlayfs-patches11:29
saidinesh5and lxc2 - i m sure you already know11:29
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locusfkrnlyng: wohoo!11:35
locusfmeans pure ports get android supports!11:35
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nh1402it should be even easier with vulkan, once anbox and sailfish support it on newer devices11:39
entilsaidinesh5: wut, what kernel?11:45
entilsaidinesh5: I don't think I ever compiled a kernel when trying to get the thing to work11:45
nh1402you would for Sailfish11:45
entilI just meant the sfdroid patches11:46
nh1402anbox requires certain kernel modules for lxc stuff11:47
entillast when I built anything, the screen went android black and I understood the repos might be out of whack11:47
saidinesh5entil: this needs support from kernel.. overlayfs, binder namespaces etc..11:47
entilI wonder if we're talking about the same thing even11:47
nh1402entil: sfdroid was ROM level modifications, anbox requires certain kernel modules to work for lxc, binder and stuff.11:48
saidinesh5well anbox is basically android running inside LXC containers. anbox itself provides an android image.. that can run on your device11:49
nh1402sfdroid uses the cm base that sailfish was flashed on top of.11:49
nh1402anbox runs its own android image inside a container11:49
entilok, guess I didn't formulate the question clearly enough that I mean "anything on fp2+sfdroid", like, any news on having that setup work, sorry11:49
nh1402it's the container that requires the kernel stuff11:49
locusfI'll join forces about fp2+anbox/sfdroid soon11:50
locusfonce mr. wizard shows his tricks11:50
entilis anbox a replacement for sfdroid then, if it runs android?11:50
nh1402I would say it's more of a progression than an outright replacement11:51
entilon the other hand, the reason I haven't bothered to look at the patches is that I don't really need android support for anything now that most people have learned I'm not on whatsapp because of this :D11:51
locusfits probably so that sfdroid acts as renderer for anbox android11:52
locusfprobably as I'm not 100% sure11:52
saidinesh5Ahhh .. none as of now entil. was trying to get sfdroid running inside a chroot, and this is more or less that. so no point looking into that any further11:52
saidinesh5entil: anbox itself uses some rendering code from sfdroid as of now.11:53
saidinesh5anbox by default uses an emugl renderer. now krnlying added an sfdroid renderer11:53
saidinesh5cleaning up those patches to make it easily buildable11:53
nh1402anbox was converting egl to gl for rendering, no need for that on mobile devices, so using the sfdroid way11:55
locusfmrghmhmh matrix lag11:56
malentil: once that anbox+sfdroid sources are available I can add the patches to fp2 kernel11:57
locusfmal: nice!11:58
locusfmal: thanks for that11:58
saidinesh5mal: could you build boost-log library?12:00
saidinesh5right now that library is missing and that code is neutered in anbox..12:00
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saidinesh5it is already in the spec apparently: https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/boost/blob/master/rpm/boost.spec12:39
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krnlyng|mobile_anbox is the future of android compatibility on sfos :)14:48
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kimmolikrnlyng|mobile_: we do not need new channel? :P16:55
krnlyng|mobile_kimmoli: ?16:56
krnlyng|mobile_kimmoli: anbox already has a channel :) this channel can be used for questions about the render method/kernel configs to get it to boot on sfos16:58
kimmolii'll sit tight and wait something to make17:04
kimmoliwhen you have cleaned things up a bit17:04
saidinesh5kimmoli: could you package boost logging for 2.1?17:36
saidinesh5needed for "cleaning up' sfdroid patches for anbox :p17:36
kimmolisaidinesh5: device provides boost 1.51., latest mer-core, which has logging, is 1.6017:56
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kimmoli..tinkering with obs18:13
saidinesh5kimmoli: yup. thats' the problem . no clue why they skipped out boost logging for 1.5118:19
kimmoliit will be here https://build.merproject.org/package/show/home:kimmoli:onyx_test/boost18:21
* saidinesh5 patiently awaits18:22
* kimmoli uses this https://gist.github.com/kimmoli/4e35004bd4a13ae7fdc918d8101ce2fd18:25
kimmolito avoid F518:25
kimmolito wear out18:25
kimmolitakes ages, > 1000 secs18:31
saidinesh5c'est la boost18:44
kimmoli[ 1774s] error: File not found by glob: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/boost-1.51.0+git1-10.4.1.jolla.arm/usr/lib/libboost_log*.so.1.51.018:49
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kimmoliahaa. the 1.51 what is tarballed in that tag does not contain libs/log18:58
saidinesh5that's another weird thing actually ... when i git checkout 1.51 in https://github.com/boostorg/log/tree/master18:59
saidinesh5i get an empty repo which says it got merged into truk18:59
kimmoliyes, seems it has been retagged19:03
kimmolicreating new tarball19:06
kimmoliagain, takes ages19:10
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kimmoligithub is.. 28KiB/s or 7MiB/s19:14
locusfso much for the cloud19:15
kimmolithis boost is horrendous piece of c.. code19:15
locusfits a megablob of c++-wizard excrement19:16
kimmolilets see... building again19:26
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saidinesh5?why did it fail now?19:35
kimmoliin the original tar, there is folder "boost/" with alot of code19:37
kimmolithis is not in the boost repo where the upstream points.19:37
kimmoliit faild to apply patches19:38
kimmolii just copied them over19:39
saidinesh5I see19:40
kimmolii don't19:40
saidinesh5you can specify which modules to build using an option to the bootstrap btw.19:40
saidinesh5that way you can just build the boost-log module and be done19:40
kimmolii'm nuilding in obs now19:41
kimmoliit's just bootstrapping19:41
saidinesh5I see19:42
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kimmoliwe'll see in two thousand seconds19:43
kimmolithis was a bit trickier than i thought19:44
saidinesh5oh it very certainly is19:44
kimmolithe 1.60 seemed much nicer, tar.git service and all19:45
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kimmolistill building20:04
saidinesh5but can 1.60 coexist on the same machine as 1.51?20:06
saidinesh5i remember boost links with all sorts of system libraries20:06
kimmoliit reached ~1700 secs now20:06
kimmoliand failed20:07
saidinesh5oh boy...20:07
kimmolihttps://github.com/boostorg/log i think i need this in boost/log20:08
saidinesh5it is added as a submodule right?20:08
kimmolionly under libs/20:08
saidinesh5iirc when you git checkout the v1.51 branch on it, you get an empty repo20:09
kimmoliand eww that is empty20:09
kimmoliif i look boostorg/log.git it has only .gitattributes20:10
kimmoliaww.. loogin for tags https://github.com/boostorg/boost/releases?after=boost-1.54.0-beta120:13
kimmoliall are "Boost.log merged to trunk"20:14
kimmoliis this some svn sh*t?20:14
saidinesh5lol. i think so20:14
saidinesh5no clue. spent an hour or so today morning with the same20:14
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* kimmoli learning svn20:22
kimmolibuilding again20:36
kimmolipatch#4 failed20:39
saidinesh5could you delete all the other packages from the spec file and just build the log one?20:41
saidinesh5that should be faster, safer to install too20:41
kimmolii think the build is done some other way than by spec20:43
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kimmolinow the svn revision was not propably even correct20:44
kimmolithere is no log in 1.51 .. it is not here http://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_51_0.html20:50
kimmoliit is from 1.5420:52
saidinesh5so why did the git repo go blank even for 1.51 then!20:53
kimmoliit is just a svn synced20:54
kimmoliand its just messed up at some point20:54
kimmoliif you look the tag messages20:54
kimmolii'll leave 1.60 building and go to sleep. gn20:57
kimmolii think i tried to build 1.54 or like that, which failed to patch20:59
saidinesh5Ahh i dont thiknk the patch is needed if you just build the log one though21:05
saidinesh5nighters !21:05
saidinesh5will look into this more tomorrow21:05
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