#sfdroid log for Tuesday, 2017-04-11

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nh1402saidinesh5: how's it going07:59
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saidinesh5looking at app  images for a different project08:02
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nh1402saidinesh5: the droplet browser?08:14
saidinesh5for the droplet browser, I have to compile QtWebengine though now08:14
saidinesh5its about time the C++ committee standardized the build system08:15
nh1402saidinesh5: VSXu? what the heck is that?08:22
nh1402saidinesh5: how's the app image thing going?10:45
saidinesh5makes me hate my life. mostly. lol10:45
saidinesh5what about you?10:45
nh1402working on the android app at work for the nth month...10:49
saidinesh5what does the app do?10:49
nh1402what the main software does, with a more phone friendly interface10:51
nh1402have had bug after bug, and some "UX" changes, more features. Which has made it drag on10:51
nh1402said this, this time last year, but should be close now10:57
nh1402then to finish off the even more painful iOS app10:58
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nh1402saidinesh5: how's it going now12:34
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NotKithave you seen http://anbox.io/?16:37
saidinesh5NotKit: interesting.. but "The Android inside the container has no direct access to any hardware. All hardware access is going through the anbox daemon on the host. We're reusing what Android implemented within the QEMU based emulator for Open GL ES accelerated rendering. The Android system inside the container uses different pipes to communicate with the host system and sends all hardware access commands through these."17:13
saidinesh5so this is more like shashlik right?17:14
saidinesh5oh nevermind.. "Projects like Shashlik or Genimobile use an emulator to run the Android environment. The emulator creates an entire emulated system which has its own kernel etc whereas Anbox runs the Android system under the same kernel as the host operating system does. There is no emulation layer like QEMU necessary. Everything runs directly on the hardware. This approach also allows a much better integration with the host operating system."17:21
NotKitit still can be useful though17:31
dr_gogeta86nice project17:31
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nh1402[m]Very interesting17:57
nh1402[m]So all we need is snap support to test it?17:58
nh1402[m]I suppose we could repackage it to an rpm and then try?17:58
nh1402[m]WARNING: Before you go ahead an install Anbox on your system, please keep in mind that Anbox currently is ALPHA level software.18:01
nh1402[m]Hmm they have their own irc channel18:02
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nh1402[m]It even seems to work on 7.1.118:40
malnh1402[m]: does it need any kernel flags enabled for the container18:45
nh1402mal: "it does, if you take a kernel which is already enabled for Ubuntu Touch you should have most bits working"18:49
nh1402"there are also patches necessary for binder"18:53
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oleidHey there! I was wondering if there is any documentation on what to do to port sfdroid to a new device - nexus 5x (bullhead) in particular.18:59
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nh1402oleid: it's funny you say that we just discovered anbox19:23
oleidYep, I noticed that a few secs later too, after starting to dig the archives xD19:24
nh1402well for the cm13 base I was thinking of doing something very similar to that19:24
nh1402might be easier to get anbox working on Sailfish19:24
oleidInteresting project. I guess kernel wise only virtualization support is needed. AFAIR sf doesn't provide any X11 support, does it? So anbox would need to be ported to wayland.19:27
nh1402oleid: it seems to use sdl for rendering so in theory it should still work19:51
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